Page 2 PRINCE RUPERT - Published Every Afternoon, rHE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS BRITISH COLUMBIA The News except Sunday, by Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. ) 4H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING Eprror. *SUBSCRIPT City Delivery, by carrier or mail, JON RATES: per month 75c. By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00, ? To United States and 0 ther countries, in advance, $7.50 TELEPHONE 98. TRANSIENT ‘DISPLAY A’ VERTISING — 85 cents per inch. Contract Rates on application. DAILY EDITION. CAN CITY BREAK MILL CONTRACT is Question City Council Discussed at Meeting Last Night. This The power clause to the Kmer- mill the in for considerable discus- sion at the council meeting last night. Ald. Perry had asked that the correspondence on the matter be tabled for the information of the council. It is suggested that the contract Was been broken with son contract with city vame the transferring of the privilege’ to another than the vriginal one. The contract was an extremely bad one, city not only receives nothing for its power but also loses hundreds of dollars a year cash on interest} and redemption. The plant uses half of the power produced by tlie city and only $2,000 is paid for it. Ald. McRae felt that even if tlie company had broken its contract, still the city was in duty bound to stand by its end. Ald. Perry and Ald. Casey felt that if there was a way out, the city sheuld break the contract. Ald. Casey drew attention to the fact that when E. F. Duby had first asked for the power concession he had stated solemnly that no Asiatics would be employed. This had not been lived up to. . Acting Mayor Rochester felt that if the contract had been abrogated the city had the right to break it. Legal advice is to be obtained as to what procedure is open f the city to take. TAKING ORE FROM THE LA ROSE MINE Miles Donald, of Alice Arm, leaves tonight for Trail where he’ is taking 20 tons of high-grade silver ore from the La Rose mine for smelting. This ore was mined during the past season and was packed by horse down the side of McGraw mountain to the Dolly Varden Railway about six and one half miles from the dock. It expected that the ore will run between $400 and $500 eee or *ton. D'ANNUNZIO PLANS TO VISIT AMERIC ‘ via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) FIUME, December 8.—-Gabrielle D’Annunzio plans to visit America after the Fiume situation has been adjusted. He will make the trip by aeroplane by way of Japan. company is “pecial ibe said Ald. McRae, and the: = uesday, Dec. 9, AMATEUR PLAY AT WESTHOLME Loca! Dramatic Ciub to Give “Why Smith Left Home” Tonight and Wednesday. Theatre goers will remember with pleasure the previous effort of the Amateur Dramatic Club of this cify when they gave “What Happened to Jones’. under the direction of J. 8. Pudney. Under the same direction the club will give “Why Smith Left Home, roaring farce with plenty of ac- tion and full of humorous situa- a tions. The title role of Smith is to be played by Geo. M. Durham, who gave such a splendid portrayal of the Bishop in “What Happened to Jones A new artist to Prince Rupert will be Miss E. MeCann who has the leading lady role, {Lavinia Daley, and who will prob- jably be the surprise of the show. The public is promised a good entertainment which, they are as- sured, will meet with their ap- proval. The play will be repeated tomorrow night. MARINE WAYS WILL GET POWER FROM CITY City Will Share Cost of Conveying Power to Plant. In a letted to the City Council last. night the Seal Cove Marine Ways Co. asked for city power connection with their plant. They asked that as the company was a local one and was financed here the city bear the cost of connect- ing. A report was received from the utilities committee recommend- ing that the company pay the cost of labor, #125, while the city pay for material, $140. This report was adopted by the council. HUNGARIAN JUDGE COMMITTED SUICIDE (Special by G.T.P. J elegrapns.) BUDAPEST, Dec. 9.—M. Kovaos the judge wh6 was investigating the facets concerning the murde! of Count Tisza, ex-premier of Hungary, committed suicide. TROOPS ADVANCE 3.2 (Spectal via 6 SALONIKA, De 9.—Greek troops” in Asia Minor have ad- vanced to the line fixed by the Peace Conference zone of occupa- tion, which is now completely oc- cupied. Telegraphs vl PAPAS GONNA BUY WALLIE Twe Nicé UL WHOSSIES ¢ A FIRE ENGINE wert AN - P - ) Be an Early Buyer! Make mind order away at once mas requirements swing and some of the most favored nes of Christmas gifts are diminish ing rapidly ° up your to get for those Christ- Buying te in full your Get~ the best possible choice and by ordering now. Birks C ancouver, B.C. service LAND REGISTRY ACT Sections 36 and 134. Re Application No. 11318-1. File 6,259. TAKE NOTICE that application bas been made to register oe Dominato of Prince Rupert, B.C UO. box 68, as owner in fee under a Tax Sale Deed from the Collector of the City of Prince Rupert, bearing date the 23rd day of October, 191% of ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel vr tract of land and preinises situat ing, and being in the city of -Prince Rupert t, more particularly known and described as Lot twenty (20), Block thirty-seven (37 section Five (5), (Map 923 You are required to contest the claim wf the tax purchaser within 85 days from the date of the service of this not which may be effected by publication in the Daily News, Prince Rupert, B. C and your attention is called to section 36 of the ‘Land fiegistey Act’ with amendments, and to the following extract therefrom “and imo default. of @ caveat or cer tifcate of lis pendens being fied be fore the registration as owner of the person entitied under such tax sale, all persons so served With notice, . and those claiming throug! or under them, and all persons claim ing any tntere st in the land by virtue of any wunregistered mstrument, and ali persons claiming any interest li the land by deseent whose title Is not registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever es jopped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the land so sold for taxes, and the Regis trar shall register the person en titied under such tax sale a5 ownel of the land so sold for taxes.” AND WHEREAS application has beew made for a Certificate of Indefeasibie Tit to the above-mentioned iands, in the nam f Attilllo Dominato. AND WHEREAS on investigating § ti title it appears that prior to the 9th da) of October, 1918, (the date on which the said lands were sold for overdue taxes), vu were the assessed owner thereof FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at thn same time I shall effect registration in vursuance of such application and issue 8 ertificate of Indefeasible Title to the said lands in the name of Atillio Dominate, un jess you take and prosecute the prope proceedings to es lish your claim, ii any, to the said lands, or Ww prevent suc! proposed action on my part. DATED at the Land Registry Prince Rupert, B. C., this 24tb yetober, A. D. 1919. H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles To Prank B. Stainer, Esq., General Delivery, Seatile, Wash. a LAND REGISTRY ACT (Sections 36 and i34.) fe Application No. 10493-1. File 6072. TAKE NOTICE that qoneen has been nade to register John Hi, MceMullin, ofMficia administrator of the estate of &. E. Steb sins, deceased, intestate, as owner in fe under two Tax Sale Deeds from the Col lector of the City of Prince Rupert, bear ng date the 28th day of November, 1917 of ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parce w tract of land and premises situate, lyii+ and being in the City uf Prince Kupert more particularly known and described a: Lot ten (10), Block sixteen (16), Sectivi eight (8), ap 923, and Lot thirty-one $1), Block thirty-four (34 Section eight (8), Map 923. You are required & contes: the claim of the tax purchase! within 35 days from the date of th service of this notice (which may be ef fected by publication in a daily newspape: and your attention is called to section wf the “Land Kegistry Act” with amend ments, and to the following extract ther: ‘rom “and in default of @ caveat or certil- cate of lis pendens being fled before the registration as owner of the per son entitied under Buch tax sale, all persons 80 served with notice, . @nd those claiming through or under them, and all rsons claim- ing any interest in the land by virtue of any unregistered instrument, and all persons Claiming any interest in the land by descent whose title is not registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever estopped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the land so sold for taxes, and the lKegistrar shall register the person entitied un- der such tax sale as owner of the land so sold for taxes.” Qitice day ot AND WHEREAS application fas been made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Titt to the above-mentioned lands, in the ban the said Official Administrator AND WHEREAS on imvestieeuug the title it appears that prior to the 13th day f October, 1916 (the date on which the sald lands were sold for overdue taxes you were the er thereof registered and assessed own FURTHER “TAKE NOTICE that at the ame time I shall effect registration in pursuance of such application and issue 4 ertifcate of Indefeasible Tithe to the said ‘ands in the name of the seid Official Ad oinistrator unless you take and prosecul« the proper proceediugs to establish your ‘faim, if any, to the said lands, or to pre vent such proposed action on my part. DATED at the Land Registry Office Prince Rupert, B. C., this 21st day of No vember, A.D. 1018. H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles To Garfield 8. Sileox, as to Lot 10; __Archibaid MeKeehnie, as to Lot 31 NOTICE IN THE MATTER cf an application for the issue of a fresh certificate of tithe to part of Lot Eight hundred and forty-etght (848). Group One (1), Caasiar Diserict, satisfactory roof of loss of certificate heving been fled, notice is hereby given that it is my intention, at the expiration of one month from the first publication hereof, to issue a fresh certificate of title in the name of Thomas Richard Tomlinson, which Certificate of Tithe is dated &th February, 1913, and is No, 2067-1 Dated at the Land Registry OMce Reppert, B.C., this 16th day of 1919 W. EB. BURRITT, _Acting strict Hewistrar Prince Oetober, VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT -DISTRICT mW OF COAST, RANGE TAKE notice that Emma ©. Smaby, of Ocean Falls, B.C., occupation married wo man, intends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands Commencing at @ post planted on the north end of a small island on the west side of Cheked Passage, west of Hunter Island, thenee south 40 chains, thence west 49 chains, thenee north 40 chains. thence east 40 chains * By of commencement and containing acres. more or less, eMMa*c SMABY, ark Smab Dale September di, 1018. % Sones GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC TWO NEW DIRECTORS W. P. Hinton is One of the New Appointments to Board. Special via Oo. TP Telegrapns WINNIPEG, Dec. 9»—Advice was received at Winnipeg head- quarters this monmning that at the annual meeting of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway held in Montreal, W. P. Hinton, vice- president and general manager, and H. H. Hansard, solicitor, were appointed directors of the com- pany. CURRIE AT WINNIPEG. WINNIPEG, Dec, 8.—General Currie arrived on Saturday night on his way to Ottawa where he will assume the duties of In- spector General and Military Counsellor for Canada. At the council meeting last night a letter was read from Wm. Young, an electrical engineer, who had recently made an in- spection of the city power system and its possibilities. Mr. Young reported that the total load was not sufficient to make further de- velopment advisable at present. The letter was ordered filed. . > . It was moved by Ald. Mckee, seconded by Ald. MceMeekin at last night's council meeting that Ald. Rochester, be acting mayor during the absence of Mayor McCiymont at the fisheries conference at Ottawa. The motion was carried unanimously, so Ald. Rochester took the chair. > A burning mattress at 521 7th Ave. West gave the fire depart- ment a call last night but the fire was out before the brigade reach- ed the scene. Two-color window cards take the eye quickly. See them at th: News Jo. Department LAND AC T. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO PURCHASE LAND IN QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DISTRICT — RECORDING DIS rRICT OF SKEEMA, AND SITUATE O4 THE SHORE OF GRAY BAY MORESBY ISLAND. TAKE NOTICE that I, opper Bay, Moresby umbia, farmer, intend mission to purchase one hundred and sixty acres of land bounded as follows Com mencing at this post; thence west #0 hains; thence north 80 chains; thence east 20 chains, more om jess to the beach; thence following the beach southerly to point of commencement, and containing i60 acres more or less WALTER RUDGE, Locator November 22, 1919 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Lands In Skeena Land District, Kecording Dis trict of Cassiar, and situate ai Alice Arm Take notice that we, H. KR. Fowler and i. F. Kergiu, of Alice Arm, occupatiun nariners, intend to apply for permission w lease the following described foreshore ands :- Commencing at 4 post planted on east mank of Kitsault River; thence south 20 hains; thence east 80 chains more or less 0 Milance River; thence north 20 chains nore or less to lot 50, thence west follow mg shoreline tl point of commencement, snd containing 160 acres, more or less H. RK. FOWLER H. F. KENGIN, Uctober 11th, 1919 MINERAL ACT. CEKTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Walter Rudge, of island, British Co to apply for per Dated NOTICE. “Mohawk,” “Mohawk No. 1,” “Mohawk No. 2” Mineral Claims, situate in the Noeas Hiver Mining Division Where located founty Creeks on Art. TAKE NOTICE that I, Free Miner's Certificate tend, sixty days from ipply to the Mining Kecorder ate of Improvements, biaining a Crown above claims And further take notice that action, un- jer section 85, must be commenced before of Cassiar District Between south shore Lime ano of Alice George BR. Naden No. 25,555-C, dn the date hereof, t& for a Certin for the purpose ol Grant of each of the he issuance of such Certificate of Im provements. Dated this 23¢d day of August, A. D 1919. IN PROBATE— 'S THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA TION ACT N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE tf CHARLES W. SHAIRLIN, DECEASED INTESTATE NUTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM f MAY CONCERN of an Order by th lonorable Mr. Justice Clement, in the bove matter on the 30th day of Uctober, D. 1°19. as follows: IT 18 ORDERED that the said John H VeMuilin shall be allowed to swear to tin jeath of the said deceaSed as occurring nm the 25th day of October, 1018, after he expiravion of one month from the date f the first publication of notice of t rder, unless in the meantime proof ts furnished to the Registrar of this Court it Prince Rupert, B. C., that the said de voased, Charles W. Shairiin, was alive sub sequently to the said 25th day of October i918 AND 11 sald John IS FURTHEK ORDERED that thy H. MeMullin do publish notice of this order in the Prince Rupert Dally News, °. newspaper published at Prince mpers, B C., for a period of one month ATED at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 20th day of October, A.D. 1919 , OHN H. MeMULLIN, ce a OMetai Administrator VN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Y THE MATTER OF THE “ADMINISTRA TION ACT” and - Y THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE (OF aoe NELSON DECEASED, INTRS rATE TAKE NOTICE that by an Order of His Honour F. McB. Young made the 19th da) of November, a. 1). 1019, 1 was appointed Administrator of the estate of Aaron Ne! mm, deceased, and all parties having claime guinet the said estate are hereby re t>) furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the Sist day of December 1919, and al! parties indebted to the ettate are required to pay the amount of thetr indebtedness to me forthwith 7OHN WH. MeMULLIN OMecial Administrator hate thie @5th day of November, A or CURRANTS are in, 3¢ . oe ¢ Ih, JAP ORANGES Now #1. 10 10 & otemnneune isaaeineieeenn, ER Box, CASH SPECIALS Brooms, regular 81. 00,.0on sale for Condensed Reindeer Cocoa. Special T5e McLaren's Quick Custard Choc olate and Tay Per tin 16.6 Fresh ground Goffee, Special. 3 ib 1 2 pkgs 266 ryna Fish in pure olive oil. The genuins . a $1.35 . Btock .<.%, DS Gh'be bl Gee ts La Purity Tubes, 100 Tubes On sale a or tin To These age the ; regula de stock for 5c Corn Meal, Special eeeee 5 Clark's Catsup now selling fi T IOs. for 3 — = QUAKER PORK & BEANS § nee 25¢ per bottle, ae cease Regular 2 tins for, 25c, on sale for sreoiat SOUPS——Heinz, regular 20c, for ‘00 per doz, L ibby 8 2r 16e Hamsterly Cherry Preserves, 4-lb. tin Regular $1 =. = GE 64 his ckpeee RN i : Castile Soup, smal! bars. 7 a, Malkin's Best Coffee 1-tb. tin, 65¢ value fo) Sinan Malkin’s Best Yea, 1-1b. pkg. 70¢ value for me oar Pacific Milk, tall tins, Special. . 9 tins for A Quaker Plour, 49~-lb. sks, $3.25 value f $2.96 imo in One Shoe Black.... 2 tins for 25o Kidney’ Beans, Special......... 3 Ibs. for 26¢ Apple Butte Special, per tin... 30c Selected Fresh Eggs, per doz..... 85, Special Mixed Candy, per Ib. e Maple Leaf Milk, per case ...... $5.50 Pacific Milk, DOR CBSE, ...6...65. $5.35 Boiled Cide r, regular 35¢; Special 2 bottles for 55% BIG SARDINE SPECIAL. Saar Sailor Queen Best two-bit Sardine on t! Sale for a Few Days Only...... 3 for 506 Buy them by the Dozen. HAVE YOU MADE YOUR DEPOSIT? SAME . CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SERVICES B.C. Coast Steamship Services S. 8. PRINCESS MARY Skagway, Alaska, from Prince Gupert November 12, 22; | for Vancouver. Victoria and Geattie from Prince Rupert November 16, 25, and December ) 8. 6. PRINCESS BEATRICE From Prince Rupert for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Hardy Bay, Alert Bay, \ for Ketohikan, Juneau, Beaver Cove, Powell River, Vancouver and Victoria— Every Saturday at 9 p.m For rates, rerervations and sellings, spply to w. Cc. ORCHARD, General Agent. Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, B.C. PPI eB PID GRAND S.S. PRINCE KUPERT Lo S.S. PRINCE GEORGE away SAILING THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for SWANSON BAY, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX. 8. 6. PRINCE JOHN For Stewart, December 10th and 24th Massett and Port Clements, December Southern Queen Charlotte Island Points TRAIN SERVICE i Passenger Monday, W°dnesday and Saturday af 11:36 8 be for — Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipes, waking direct « anections | all points east and south OCEAN FALLS, fith and 25th December 1 13th a 2 AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES For information and reservations apply to Ticket Office, 620 Third Avenue. Phon® 290 city HETHER you want @ hot water pottie, Ww a bath-epray or anything else in tne rubber goods you can eclection here, knowing thet of the items purchased |s of the very pest that the price is as low a possible ie oe on the quality offered your selection make your the quality Now ie the time to make from our new stock of— per Gloves, lt ' Rud Hot Water Botties, ade Bags, Face Bottics, Bath Sprays, Fou Syringes, Etc. P| f The Prince Rupert Drug C0. MILY CHEMISTS Third — opposite Second Street. Mail Orders Given®Prompt Alvention pO, BOL 215 PHONE 134 r —— FRE INSURANCE 4 Room House and Lot 7th Avenue $1600--- Cash or Terms SEE DAVID H. HAYS General Real Estate Agent ox 1535 Cor. 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. PHONE 57