PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS HOW TO PREPARB OVALTINH OOLDi Add 2 teaipoonfuli of Oraltin to cvp of coM milk. Whitk into a mooch, munjr eonitency with four egg (water, or uk a shaker. ... Oraltine it told at all good stores in 70c. 73c, fl.Zi and special f 4.50 family size tint) alto served at soda fountains. Scribblers-Exercise Books-Loose Leaf Books-Loose Leaf Sheets Drawing Books Drawing Portfolios PenciU and Erasers-Compasses and Rulers Piotractors and Squares-Ink, Paste and Mucilage . Crayons and Paints MacLean's Pads and Pens-Blotting Paper-Pencil Boxes- Supplement light Summer Meals with Ovaltine Served Cold IT ii a fact that in Summer, when people are extremely active and need to be nourished particularly well, most meals are lighter and leu nourishing than at other seasons. Supplement your meals with Ovaltine Cold (or hot, and your system will be supplied with every food element required for good health. Ovaltine is the concentrated goodness of eggs, malt and milk in correctly balanced and easily digested form. Let delicious Ovaltine rebuild your vitality after vigorous exercise. Give it to the children. Your doctor will thoroughly approve this course. Avoid to -called substitutes. 'OV4LTINE' Setved COLD "Builds-up 'Bviin...NAv and. "body A. WANDER LIMITED, London, England, and Peterborough, Canada. Oraltine is now mad at Elm wood Park, Peterborough, Ontario, under the same ideal conditions that prevail at the famous King's Lanilrr factory In England. 147 A First Class FOUNTAIN PEN With either clip or CAp ring. Special, each"" Ready-Rite Pencil ICn XOK' each Flour per 49-lb. sack $1.25 Oranulated Sugar (?C Of per 100-lb. sack $ Bet Creamery But- QQ Ct QV'O1 ter. 14-lb. box Milk-Any brand flC - A $S.U per case Empress Strawberry C A p Jam. 2Vi-lb. glass Jar"ul Telephone You? Order and Pay the Driver WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING WE SELL Q & S GROCERY Phones: 221 Si 228 600 Seventh Ave. East CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. P. 20.000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers. Machinists, Boilermakers, Hlarksmilhs, Pattern Makers, Founder, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Oar Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 383 WE ARE OFFERING: DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at the Kate of 50c Per Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $13.00 Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 NEW LOW PRICES Our prices on Good Tires arc the lowest In history. You'll be amazed when we quote prices on your size. Exclusive Goodrich Dealers Rupert Motors Phone: 566 Nitht Call: 1C1 JUDGING IN BEAUTEQUEST Winning Candidates Will Be Eliminated Each Evening But Will Appear on Platform The Beautequcst committee, at a I meeting yesterday afternoon, made flnalfdeclslon as to the method of selecting the young lady who Is to go to Los Angeles to represent Prince Rupert at the big celebration In that city. On the first night of the fair riree judges will make a choice of one candidate. Other nights all the candidates will appear on the platform but the choice will be made only from those not already chosen. The names of the Judges will not be announced until the last evening. There will be nine in all, three for each evening and for the final night all will confer and the majority will decide. During the judging the judges will be among the audience and will not be known. The announcement will not be made in any case-until the candidates have retired from the platform. This is out of consideration for those not winning. Local Marksmen Off to Montreal Long Trip For Local Representatives of Canadian National Recreation Association Having qualified from here, William Brass, Alex Wylie, Ben Valde and E. A. Smith will leave on tomorrow morning's train for Montreal where they will compete In the system rifle shoot of the Canadian National Recreation Association on September 4, 5, 6. The local marksmen expect to be away from the city about two weeks. Mussallem's Meat Market 1 i Spare Ribs 2 lbs Shoulder Pork 3 lbs. . Leg of Pork per lb Loin of Pork per lb Shoulder Lamb per lb Lamb Chops per lb Stewing Lamb 2 lbs Stewing Veal 2 lbs Shoulder Veal per lb Leg of Veal per lb. Veal Chops per lb. T-Bone Roast per lb Sirloin Tipper lb Round Steak 2 lbs Rump Roast Veal-per lb. Phones 18 & 81 35c 50c 25c 25c 15c 30c 25c 25c 15c 25c 25c 25c 25c LIST OF PRIZES IIAZELTON, Au. 27: List of prize-winners in the Hazelton Horticultural Society's eighth annual flower show were as follows: One single rose Mrs. Wrlnch, Mrs. Wrlnch, Mrs. Wrlnch. Three best Roses Mrs. Wrinch, Mrs. Ocw, Mrs. Campbell. One Single Carnation No entry. Three best Carnations Mrs. Sharpoi Mrs. Sharpc, Mrs. Newlck. Best Dahlia Mrs. Newlck, Mrs. NewickvMrs. Wrlnch. Three Dahlias Mrs. Sargent, Mrs. Newlck, Mrs. Sharpe. ' . Bunches Asters-one color Mm. Sargent, Mrs. Hindle, Mrs. Sargent. Asters mixed Mrs. Orant," Mrs. Hindle, Mrs. Sharpe. Sweet Peas, one color Mrs. Hindle. Mrs. Hindle. Mrs. Hindle. ' Sweet Peas, mixed Mrs. Hmdle, Mrs. .Campbell. Gladiolus, one variety Mrs. Wrlnch, Mrs. Wrinch. Mrs. Sargent. Gladiolus, mixed Mrs. Newlck, Mrs. Sargent, Mrs. Wrinch. Mixed Flowers Mrs. Newlck, Mrs. Wrlnch. Mrs. Sargent. Flowers of any one kind Mrs. Hindle, Mrs. Hindle. Mrs. Hindle. Baskets Sweet Peas Mra. Hindle, Mrs. Newlck. Qladlousr-Mrs. Sargent. Dahllas-t-Mrs. Sargent, Mrs. Sargent. Mixed Flowers Mrs. Hindle. Mrs. Hindle, Mrs. Wrlnch. Flowers of any one kind Mrs. Wrlnch. Mrs. Newlck, Mrs. Hindle. Entries For Fall Fair Numerous Seven Hundred So Far Up to Yesterday Afternoon and 700 Tickets For Beautequcst Up to yesterday afternoon, there were 700 entries to the fair which opens next Tuesday. Also 700 tickets have been issued for the beau-tequest contest but these are not yet all sold. It la not yet known how many are actually taken as so many are selling.. Several farm displays have been entered and several floral displays. Secretary Vance says everything points to a very large entry list, judging from the way they are coming in. There was a meeting yesterday afternoon of the beautequest com mittee to make final arrangements for the Judging. Progressive merchants advertly Week-End Specials Alberta Rose Bread Flour CI OC 40-lh Mrk Robin Hood China Oats per pkg Australian Seedless Raisins 2 lbs Swift's Pure Lard 3-lb. tin Malkln's Best Sliced Pine apple, 2Vi's, per tin- Malkln's Best Clams per tin Malkln's Best Custard Powder, per tin Campbell's Vegetable Soup OCp 2 tins J....:..;..: Woodland Creamery Butter gQp IV Sunnybrook Creamery Butter. 3-lb. brick .... Italian Prunes per crate Field Tomatoes per- basket Ripe Bartlctt Fears per basket . Remo Cabbage 6 lbs ........... Fresh Orecn Deans 3 lbs Nice Sweet Oranges 5 doz 30c 25c 45c 40c 15c 30c 80c 51.15 40c 50c 25c 25c 95c " 45c Alberta Market 20c V. GAMULA. Proprietor U7 Fifth Ave. E. Fifth Street Phone 208 PEOPLE OF INTERIOR FRIENDLY II. F. Tullcn Tells of Recent Visit to Central H. C. and Good Time Spent There Speaking to the Rotary Club yesterday and telling of a recent trip to the Interior, Aid. H. .F. Pullcn said he found the people everywhere most friendly to Prince Rupert. It was quite a different feeling from what seemed to exist years ago when everybody seemed rather Inclined to be critical. It was pleasant to meet people under such conditions. Incidentally he said he added a hundred new subscribers to the Daily News list. One of the evils of the interior as In other places was that of political patronage. It caused a good deal of ill-feeling among neighbors and was the cause of more bitterness than anything else in the lives of the people. The smaller the place, the worse the trouble seemed. It was not a osse of one party or the other but seemed to be a generally recognised condition. Mr. Pullen touched on the recent convention at Burns Lake under the wesfderfcy of Andy Ruddy of that dace. Of the ride to Ootsa Lake, of lis pilgrimage through Vanderhoof V Prince George and of the wonderful manner In which he was en-ertalned at each place he visited. It told of meeting former Prince lupert residents such as Earl Fuller and Alex Young at Prince George, Doc. Tomllnson and his wife at Smlthers, and others at Haselton and elsewhere. Everywhere he went he was treated splendidly, had a perfectly royul time and he suggested that other Prince Rupert people should more often visit the Bulkley and Nechaco Valleys and meet the peortle and still further increase the friendly feeling that existed. The "Question Box" feature of Richfield News' Flash on Paclfi-Coast stations of the National Broadcasting Co. last night answered a question from R. J. Walker of Smith's Inlet as to the origin of the three brass balls u-. the mark of a pawnshop. THE TRUTH WINS! Our prices are the lowest and our quality is the highest, consequently our business is increasing I B & K Pastry Flour 10'i Q per sack 1UV Empress Tea Fresh stock iOn per lb Swansdown Cake Flour 3 pkgs Malkln's Best Raisins per 15-oz. pkg Malkln's Best Peaches and Apricots, 2 8-02. tins Scribblers per doz Paints 3 and S colors per box S1.00 15c 25c Oolden Bantam Corn 2s 1 M.t Op per tin School Supplies 45c 38c All other supplies at reduced prices Fruits & Vegetables Fresh Mushroom from Massett per lb. Rhubarb Upriver 7 lbs Terrace Apples 6 lbs Crab Apples 5 lbs Hothouse Tomatoes per basket Cucumbers Large 4 for INGENUITY OF BRITISH JASPER PARK, Aug. 27: The In-1 genulty cf the British during thej early days of the Great War wasi recalled here yesterday by Miss Hilda Pocock, of London, Eng., whO was In charge of more than seven I wartime munitions factory, near London. Miss Pocock states that on one occasion when an expected supplv of percussion caps for use in high explosive shells was lost at sea, the engineer in charge of production at the factory, borrowed a pill manufacturing machine from a patent drug company and, with minor alterations, produced a machine capable of turning out a sufficient supply or percussion caps. i The responsibilities of her war work were so great and the strain so terrific that Miss Pocock suffered a : ovcre physical breakdown at the close of the war and was forced to irnd two year in absolute quiet. She is recovered now, however, and is at present in Canada gathering uat?rlal for a series of lectures, which she plans to deliver in England next winter. She is returning east from the Pacific Coast via the Canadian National Railways and Is enjoying a brief rest at Jasper Park Lodge. 1 Just arrived ' 55c 25c 30c 25c 40c 25c Mussallem's Cash and Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 3G0 319 3rd Ave. Phone 18 & 81 417-423 5th Ave. Friday August 28 1!? Friday and Saturd.iv TWO SHOWS - 7 & 9 p'u THE OLD WEST LIVES AGAIN BILL BOYD in "The Painted Desert" With Helen Twelvetrrn md William Farnum - Fightint Men Daring Women L0T, Lawlessness and the De. sen s Treacherous Dfiutj Comedy "PARADING PAJAMAS" Cartoon "BIMBO'S INITIATION" PA RAM Ol NT NEW Feature Starts at 7 10 f s u ADMISSION - .Oc fc SATURDAY MATINFE at J Feature Starts 3 10- l ie I U Monday and Tucda? "Tarnished Ladf Insist on "GRANTS BEST PROCURABLE" -The OrlQlnal For Sale at Vrndora or direct from "Mall Order Dept." Liquor Control Board, Victoria, B.C. I MksCOrC WHISKY j I j. RICHEST IN FINEST I AMPm HIGHLAND MALT Q I llltLU BmukI tw! rwrMlMi hv Wi'iitn iX&Ju Ort 4 Som limited OlrnMd " 1 m JTI v bimm-;ihiII iMMiiirriM, i)as- K Vjgjjpf wL " A Glaafnr, SnxUifci. R 1'hi- (.Thulium i, v.i, iullthci (.r li)l.iol Gnu ml or tin i iovcnuTii nt of lint i t TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD - Prepared Daily IJy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, RC. Boat and Car for Sale Car can he seen at Parker's Garage Roat, the Imalonc, at Yacht Club Floats Dr. Joseph Maguire, Alder Block TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIHY FOK SKEENA illtAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FKF.SII PASTF.tmiZF.l) MILK AND CREAM DAILY Earl Delivery Throughout the City COAL liny the real Coal-mous IClson and Cass' Wellintton In any qoanllt'"- AUo Hiilkley VM !UJ' Oraln and Hobln Hood Flr' Prince Rupert Feed Co IMIONES 58 AND 5"