PAGB THREB JUST ARRIVED Swim Kaps Season's latest and original designs. JCeep the curl in-and the water out." Price: 15c to $1.25 ,, 'mm. Qrmes ltd. Pioneer Drt4QfZsis . Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St THREE GRADUATE PIIARMICISTS Cool! Clean! Certain! Pay Only $Ej.oo Down Dalance spread over two yean ELECTRICAL COOKING Shortens Kitchen Hours In the first place, you don't have to build and coax a fire. You cook with heat instead of flame . . . perfect even concentrated cooking heat . . . that is yours in an instant at the snap of a switch. Pots and pans cannot blacken. No watchful waiting in a sweltering kitchen. Electrical cooking is cool, clean, certain. It saves time and worry; ends spoilage and waste. Conserves all the nourishment in every food; reduces the cost of every meal. Choose your Electric Range without delay. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited TRY UKE fl-YOUU R YORK IIWIMM KTKAMKIIII'5 LIMITED s rrlncf Rupert f r tamouvrr. ;. Klmmrri r T.N.h.r.iT.w. r.vt:nv ttemuy. wo r.M. Arriving Vancouver. ThurdT Noon approi. T.N.N, t'AKDKNA EVIHY IKllV MIDMOIIT Arriving Vancouver Sunday rnidniKht M 8twrt rt ana d naa NllM Weekly Muing, t5 ron 8lmpon. Alick Arm. Anyox. River pointa Sunday. 8 00 p.m. Further mtormatlnn regordinR ajl wll,l'"L,d .Urnae. 'lckVon no" o" 8fi8 PIUNCT IUTKKT AOENCY: Hrr.mrt U arrive, telephone the office your paper does not Local Items ninnerware, china, crockery, flassware, Ilellbroner'i Store. Eagles Attention! All those en lng to Ketchfkan get their tickets oy mesaay night from Secretary 152 Proceeds of Dominion Day Sports to be given to Baseball, Football ana Boys' Band Associations. Ev erybody's help is requested. 152 Miss Phyllis Lamb of Booth Me morlal School teaching staff sails tomorrow morning on the Prlnca Henry for the south. She will spend xne summer vacation In Victoria and Seattle. Miss Mary Easthope of Bootn Memorial School teaching staff will sail tomorrow morninz on th Prince Henry for her home In Chllllwack where she will spend the summer vacation. Miss Margaret Lindsay, rm. who has been iDendlnz a varntinn uit. ing here and In Vancouver, sailed" last evening on the Prince Charles for Anyox where she will resume her. nursing duties in the smelter town hospital. Miss O. E. McArthur, who has resigned after several years service as principal of Seal Cove School, will sail tomorrow morning on the Prince Henry for Vancouver whence she will proceed to her home In Oxford, Nova Scotia. Canadian National Recreation annual picnic to Port SlmDson bv ss. Prince Charles leaving ajn. July I and returning before 10 n.m. same day. in time for the ble dance In Moose Hall. The net proceeds of this picnic will be donated to the Oym and Boys' Band Funds. (152) Tenders For Shingling Tenders will be received bv the undersigned up to 5 pjn. July 8th for shingling one side of Borden 8treet "School. The lowest or any other'tender not necessarily accen ted. Further particulars from the: Janitor or the Secretary. J. O. WILLIAMSON, Secretary, Board of School Trustees. (152) ANNOUNCEMENTS Big Dance in 1st. 9;30 pm. Moose Hall, July THE DAILY NEWS : , ' i '"I ' H i mi aagggi i in uiu j.wctw i i.iiii.i'll TT-ZI III . &Hendship&ub BitLlMotDrtCTtttoni(FKEE.)StnJotOnt I American rrtcndihip Mocicty Dp. CP. Detroit, MU-h. Glasses fitted b registered optometrist at Heilbroner't store. Ice cream, hot dogs. etc.. at 'The Bay" Just beyond Galloway unage, tomorrow. senior Football and baseball at Dominion Day Spcrts 1:30 pm. 152 Dominion Dance In Moose Hall. 9:30 p.m. Premier Orchestra. Ad mission 75c. 152 Don't forget the Eaeles' blj ex curslon to Ketchikan for the U.S. holiday, July 4. . (tf School Inspector II. C. Frasc sailed this afternoon on the Catai for Victoria where he will be en gaged In marking examination pa pers. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. C. O'Neill and family sailed this afternoon on tne catala for Vancouver where they will spend the summer vaca tlon. ramer AiDert riorian. who ar rived, at the end of last week from Alaska, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Rupert for Vancou ver. Charles Stewart left on today's train for New York where, on July 9, he will embark on the steamer Scythia for a trip to his native home In Glasgow, Scotland. Eric Oee, manual training In structor in the local schools, will will sail tomorrow morning on the Prince Henry for Vancouver where he will spend the summer vacation. Miss II. O. Wright of Borden Street School teaching staff will sail tomorrow morning on Ihe Prince Henry for her home in Vancouver where she will spend the summer vacation. the T-m rit t . l -, 1 Post Office general delivery, wicket will be open from '9 to 111 only and the Post Office lobby will be open only from 8 a.m. to 8 pjn. , . , Union steamer Catala. Capt E. Dickson, returned to port 1:10 this afternoon from Anyox. Stewart and other. northern nolnts and called later in the afternoon ' m . a. i 1 iur uie souin. Miss A. A. Pl.rce, .mmerciai A,riu' lcac"er lne m Mwara '8n Domlninn n.-v Rnn.t. j wfw- wt v.wfv.M p.k..i . mm ii. i . . , rni t..i.. ... .ouiuui stun, win sail v. jrrow i. morning on me irmce nenry Eagles' ExeurTion" by' steamer' Wnc"vhhinWnA Prince n. .... , . . . , . , - me summer vacauon. John to Ketchikan, July 3, I 5. I tr l i-i-ur-i 1 i . ' Z, . . , !W. H. Malkln Co. Ltd., returned to adle refrehments. Gents. 50c, lng after havlng made the rounrJ Le7ion i trip to Anjrox and Stewart on com- Canadian Picnic July Presbyterian Bazaar Novjmbcr 5 154 HULBS FOR SALE Grower Leaving the Islands Daffodils, per dozen ..30c per 100 ....$2.40 per 1000 ....$22.00 .25c 25c Hani, per doaen per 100 . ..$2.00 per 1000 ....$18.00 Poetlcus, per dozen i 20c per 100 $1.75 per 1000 ....$16.50 Apply to CAIT. G1LLATT, SANDSFIT, IJ.C. SAILINGS FROM WINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skaitway July 3. 6, 10. 13 To Vancouver, Victoria and 4, 8, 11, 15 For nutrdale, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell Klvcr, Vancouver, Victoria-Friday, 10 p.m. Full Information from X. C. Orchard, General Aenl Cor. 3rd Ave. It 4th St. Phone 31 Harry Oilllland of the High School staff, who leaves for the south on the Prince Henry tomorrow morning, has arranged to take a summer course at the University of B.C. In connection with his high school work. W. M. Walsh, United States vlco-consul here, and Mrs. Walsh will sail tomorrow morning on the S3 Prince Henry for Vancouver whence they will proceed on a trip to California. Charges against Andrew Foxs and John Larsen of having .?totn a dory from the halibut boat Pro sperity A. at the local dry dock; were dismissed by Magistrate T.j McClymont In city. police court' yesterday afternoon. i Tom Hanson was fined $50, with option of thirty days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont In city police court yesterday afternoon for drunkenness, it belnn his tecond offence. Harry,.Johnson was fined $25, with thirty days' option, also on a drunkenness charge. C.N.R. steamer Prince John, Cap tain D. K. Birss. Is due in port at 9 o'clock tonight from Vancouver via the south end of the Queen Charlotte Islands. She will await the arrival from Stewart and Anyox of the steamer Pilnce Charles and will then sail for Massett Inlet points, returning here on Children's races, Junior football, free distribution of candy, etc, at Dominion Day sports," 10 ajm. 152 FOR RENT 3roomed modern, heated flat, marine view. Apply McCaffery, Gibbons & Collart. 133 Miss S. A. Mills, principal of Borden Street School will sail tomor row morning on the Prince Henry for Victoria where she will spend the .summer vacation with her mother. Miss Kate MacKay of' Borden Street School teaching staff sails tomorrow morning on the Prince Henry for her home in Calgary, where she will spend the summer vacation. Miss J. D.'Moffatt. teschor of Westvlew School, 'sails tomorrow morning on the Prince Henry for Vancouver en route to her home in Summerland where she will spend the summer vacation. Miss Lillian Halliwell of Borden Street -School teaching staff leaves on tomorrow's train for Terrace where she will spend the summer vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Halliwell. Bishop G. A. Rlx returned to the city on the Catala this morning from Alice Arm where he conducted confirmation services last Sun day as well as consecrating the new church building there. Vlllm Martenko and Ivan Kovac who have been in the employ of the Oranby Co. at Anyo. arrlvrt In the city on the Catala this af ternoon from the smelter town and proceeded by the train, which had been held for them, to Mont real where they will embark on board the steamer Ascanla for their homes In Zegreb. Jugosla via. Retiring Pastor and His Wife Are Guests of Honor The Ladies' Aid of Runert East Wnlt.prl Hhtiroh hilrt n fo row oil TomorrowberrTgl)omlfll6VrT)aVncJal In the church at the end of last I tiwnl k'nMMM I mm nviiw III uilliJl Ui VUV. UI1U JV1TS. Charles E. Motte. Arrangements fpr the affair were in the hands of Mrs. Robert Murray and Mrs. James Watt. The program Included vocal solos by Mrs. J. R. Murray and niano solos by Mrs. J. M. MacKay. The feature of the nroceedlncs was the presentation bv w. R. Mc Afee of a handsome leather hand bag to Mrs. Motte and a purse to Mr. Motte. Both replied suitably. There was a large attendance at the function to pay tribute to Mr and Mrs. Motte. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY PRICE reduced. The cottage next door to the Dally News is for rent at $25 a month, in advance. Dullen Dally News. DR. HUGH L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Eyes Tested For Glasses At St. Elmo Hotel Kaien Motors Limited General Garage and Service Station CHEVROLET and BUICK Open Day and Night Phone 5? Third Avenue REDUCTION On All Suits Till our present stock Is sold. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Prices $30 to $55 LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone 049 HM1 Tuesday, June 30, 1931 OPEN TILL 10 P.M. This Evening Closed All Day Wednesday, July 1st Open All Day Thursday W.0. GRANT Selling Out Jabour Bros. Bankrupt Stock The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. More Hours Entertainment CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON CO, LIMITED CUir V.ncouvtr TORONTO Wlnnlp.t EVEREADV LAYERWLTS leid L ... u .L. offer mar hour, of icrvicc, longer life, mora dependable power and more iatisfartory reception. There", no other battery like Layerbilt ... no other that it complrteljr packed, layer en layer, with power-producing materials. And there it no other Layerbilt, except that bearing the Everetdy name. Three itiei (22H volti, Mandard 4) volti, and heavy duty 4) volti) aatwer all needs. Sold at RJio Storei trttjhtrt. eVEREADy Radio Batteries Added Flavour and Richness for "Left-overs" OX CUBES In Tins of 4 and 10 Cubes no 3, 101 Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results Ji i B111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111