Tuesday. June 30, 1931 THE DAILY NEWS PAOE FTV2 Not Let People Know Of Your Needs Today? Rent That Room, Secure Help, Sell Furniture, Real Estate, Etc., Through a Classified Ad. CLASSIFIED ADVER MMENTS l or rent, -for Kale and all other tmall advertisement! In this section charged at the rate of 2 cent a word per Insertion lth tlx Insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge Is 25c a word. N advertisement taken for less than 50c FOIt RENT CHOICE Apartments for rent, Wc stenhaver Bros. tf I' rt RENT Four-roomed flat Apply Smith & MalletL U ruR RENT two flat, 5-room, and room. Sixth Ave. West. Phone 54:1 ' tf . F R RENT Furrilsiied apartment by day, week or month. Phone K( d 007. tf FOR RENT Five-roomed furn ished apartment; Apply Mussal Irm's Phone 18. tf loR RENT central 3-roomed furnished apartment for July at4 August. Phone Blue 707. f iuH RENT--Clean, well furnished modern apartment. Palner Apartments. Phone Red 444. FOR RENT Modern 5-roometl house with cement basement on Uii?tar Place. Phone Oreen 378. tf" FoR RENT -Pianos, phonographi, sewing - machines and can. Walker's,' cor. Second Avenue and Fourth Street. tf oR RENT cottage with good Ized living room, small dining 1 'Kim, kitchen, iwo bedrooms and bathroom. Third Ave. next door to Dally News. Apply Pullen, l.ally News. tf FOR SALE f or sale wicker baby buggy, aW ui new. AuDly Dally News. tf KoR SALE Player piano In good ndljlon Wonderful bargain Box 88. Dally News, U FoR SALE--Flrst class dry Jack-pine f.o.b. Terrace. Make an offer. if .Dyer Apartments. 1W FOR SALE Child's targe slje simmond s Cot, like new, $9.00. brlck-llned heater $8; Slngei sewing machine $20; 111 Barred Plymouth Rock hens and roosters Phone 112 or apply 338 Blg- t-ar Place. 1W HOARD AND ROOM R k M AND BOARD. Phone Red 12i tf WANTED WANTED Baby buggy. Phone iftuc 409. 1W " offered for quick loan on from 1 10 5 thousand dollars. Al se-ouitv. Apply Box 88. Dally News tf ilionc 678 Besner News Agency sights tor Edmonton DaUy BuUe-'in. delivered to your home dally, 20c per week. Wanted-41 !)' V: boyg. 153 MINtKAl. ACT Ortlflratr f improvement NOT1CS ' 'uivmni Fractional Mluersi Claim. lt-"'. n the Atlln Mining DltUlon l lar District. ; . Wj .ro loctj: About One mlw .riv trout th EegJuwr Hn nd d !,,, thc 8peeuUHon 8cpU lion Muk Mlmrt CMimt. AK.K NOTICE tht I. Jofcn Duahwn Mintft CtlflctB No. SM44 D. 1 ixty dayi fron lh dU hrreol -M-i'iy to th Mlnlnf lewrdf for !ii at of ImorovriaenU. tor the r:"-r of ohtalnln a Crown Onnl th imv. claim. ' ( 1 flirthar I.V. nllr. that iMI'MI '"' tiioh 85, muJit b commnoo '7' " 'iw iwunc of such CerllflwiU '' lniliipinnt ""d tliu '..I daj or May. A.O. I3t. H. McR PKASBH. Awn A Real Vacation dimming. Fishing, Hutting '"mrnrtable Restmore Beds r'od la home cooked par excellence. Till: HOME FARM R;'''k: $2.50 per day, children under 12, half price. w 1 ; ' r Write for Reservations MADAME RAJAUT ELL. Queen Charlotte Is. HELP WANTED WANTED Real live go-getters to ' sell a fine selection of tailored- i to-nleasure Clothes foj imen. der raincoats for men and wo , " men. Commission only. Refer i ences required. Archie Nlmroo' Limited, Calgary, Alberta. 152 ' PALMISTRY R. MR 8. JAMES CLARK, Palmistry and Crystal Reading. Wallace Block. Telephone Black C37. TAXI SERVICE TAXI SERVICE PHONE C7E. Promptness and security. Bert St Mac. tf r TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Dry Birch. Cedar and Jack Pine. tf B, it R. TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. tr AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART ; We buy. sell or excharge any kind ol furniture or household goods, musical Instruments, ma ehlnery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phono Blacs: 120 and we will call. G. 3. DAWES, Auctioneer. Federal Block. tf SALVAGE ANI TOWING "If ifi on or under the water we do It." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. FuUy Equipped lor Diving and General Salvage Work Agents for EASTHOFK ENGINES Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains in Gas Engines Northern B.C Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Oravel in any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or flight 564 P.O. Bos 1564 BCIXA. PIUR KOSE. COPPSJl CLIFF. KEY. LAST CHANCE Or THE PINK ROBE OROUP OP MINERAL CLAIUd. 6ltutUd tn tba Owu 8k Ulnlil DiTlaha at hd of KUkaae bit. TAKE NOTTC1 we W. JL Maaon. frj oilnrr'a certificate 77. Praneaa NIcolL frte mlntfa certlfksal S5S1SD. Alexander McLeod. fre mtnefa oertlfloaU S-770D. R A. Honeyman frw miner' cer-t.ncU S47S4D.. Intend, alxty dayi fron Uatr hereof to apply to the mining recorder tor certificate! ot IMproremonU Ibr the purpoae of obuining erowu granM for the above cUlnu. And further Uk netlce that actioo under tlon 85 of the Mineral Act matt t oaBUBWM-d before th iMuant-of uch certificate of ImproYemenu Dated thl nth dr of April. 1031. A DUy Neva want-ad wll hrlntf rerolU. "TILLIE THE "FTT ic MAC , SIC A. . BBOOV,. il II! CIHHOrUACTIC Sunshine and Ked Ray Treatment Nervous, remale and Chlldrens Disease Specially Treated ' C ASPINAIX (Chiropractor) Phone Green Z41 & 7 Bin. iQpp; Crme's) "" ! ! - - CARPENTRY GREENFIELD, Carpenter. Altei- " atlorw, repairs, first class practical experience. Phone Black 4141 385 2nd Avenue. i SHOE REPAIRS MAC Shoe Hospital. Shoe repairs of all kinds, Second Avenue West. it un rinesi wors iry louis snimg. 331 Second Avenue West, Box 30, Prince Rupert. B.C. tt 1 ------ " Your Figure Studied Lines Symmetrical Arranged , MRS. TII0MASS0N 1 Dressmaker Si Ladles' Tailor I 415 Green St, Phone Blue 901 I ; Typewriters for Rent 1 ' ' by day week fit month Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 Mail Schedule For the Easv Monday. Wednesday and Saturday 10.31 am from tht.East Sunday, Tuesday and Thuiaiay 33u pjn. For Vancouver-Sunday 9 pjn. Tuesday . 12:30 noon Thursday 9 p.m. Friday 11 pjn June 3. 13, 20, 24, and 27 pjn.- From Vancouver Saturday 10:30 a.m. Friday P-ra Sunday 4 pjn Wednesday 10 JO pjn June 8, 15, 19, 22, 20 and 29 ....ajn. For Stewart and Anyo Thursdays 8 pjn. Sunday 7 p.m. Wednesday 3 p.m Saturday 3 pjn. From Stewart ad Premier Sunday - - 8 p.m. Tuesday - 11:30 a.m. Thursday 8 pan. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday 7 pjn From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday V. 1U0 a.m. For Queen Charlottes-May 2. 10 and 30. From Quce.n Charlottes June 13 and 27. June 11 and 23, For Alaska June 8. IS, 19, 22. 28 and 29 ... a.m. TOILER" AJiw-a "THAT AVJTT (JtT A . GuaViA n' lit Lib VOOtti T i eoius TO BU M VMT rv wim . OF H-a T-w" AOTO 5V 1 tv - VJ u THE MARKET Market prices current today are: as follows: Vegetables California New Potatoes, lb 7 Potatoes, netted jems, 10 bs... .25 sack 2.23 i Parsley, bunch 10 California Celery, head.30and .35 Spinach, B.C. 3 lbs. 23 Garlic, imported, per lb 4ty Leeks, bunch 07 Carrots, 5 lbs .25 Cabbage, green 0? Onions, 4 lbs 55 B.C. head lettuce, head 10 Victoria hothouse tomatoes, lb .3) Oreen peas, lb it Rhubarb, outdoor lb. or Bulk Turnips lb 05 Bunch Turnips, 2 bunches ... 15 Cauliflower, Wash, hd. 25c to .33 .Victoria hothouse cucumbers each W and .20 California bunch carrots 10 Apples California bunch beets, bunch .10 Oreen Onions, 2 bunches 05 Radishes, 3 bunches 10 Terrace Asparagus, lb JO Yellow Newton, fancy box JJ3.50 Wlnesap, extra fancy 3.50 Frulii Valencia Oranges 50c to .60 Lemons. Sunklst, doz. 40 Florida Grapefruit 2Vtd to .w California Grapefruit ... 7 Ac to .10 'Bananas. 2 lbs. jal 'Australian Almelra Grapes, lb. .40! ,B. C. Strawberries, 2 boxes .... .35 : Canteloupes. Cal 20c. and .i: Byng Cherries 55 Dried fruits Extracted honey, per Jar ...25 Comb honey .35! 'Oatej. bulk. lb. ..: .12l Raisins, bulk, lb . .15; Lemon and orange peel Black cooking figs. lb. .15i Currants, lb. . .15! Citron peel . .35 White figs, lb . .15 Apples, dried . .20; Peaches, peeled . .20 Apricots, lb. . 20 I Prunes. 6Q.-70. lb. . JO I Prunes. 30-40. lb. Prunes, 40-50, lb. .12W Meats 1 Fow) No. 1, lb . .35 Roasting Chicken, lb. .45 Broilers .45 Ham. sliced, first grade 55 Ham, picnic, first grade .25 Cottage rolls, lb .32 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .50 Pork, shoulder 2t Pork, loin 31 Pork, dry salt .36 Pork, leg JO Ayrshire baeon, lb. 35c to t Veal, shoulder .2! Veal, loin. .35 Turkey Si Beef, pot roast 18c to 50 Beef, boiling 10c to .14 Beef, roast, prime rib 25c and JO Lamb, shoulder 1 2i Beef, steak JOc to .40 Lamb, leg J8 Lamb, chops ..35c to .40 Mutton, shoulder .20 Fish-Smoked klpners. lb. V Salmon, fresh, lb - .23 Halibut, fresh, lb .20 Eire B.C. fresh pullets, doi.,. 35 B.C. fresh first, doz .33 B.C. fresh extras, doz. Local, new laid .. 43 Rntter- Fancy cartooned, lb. .36 No. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs. J$ Flour- Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat 1.7t Pastry Flour, 10 lbs j. .50 Sucar Yellow, 100 lbs 5.10 White. 100; lbs. 5.C0 Ijird . Pure .20 Compound ... .20 Puttinff Him UOAt OF Tt THAT flACC AJTH A NO VI "THAT 1 1 . vajillreI GVCtTijas, V Take The DAILY NEWS with you When Going on Summer Holidays il for shorter horter 1 periods 11 M-Z&1 No time is too mm9 - the DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Monday ss. Pr. Rupert ....4 pjn Tuesday ss. Catala .". 1:30 pjn. Wednesday Pr. Henry,.... 9 rur.. Thursday -m. Pr. Charles. 2 p.m Friday . Princess Mary 10 pjn. Saturday a. Pr. George ... 7 pj SS. Cardena, midnight. June 20 ss. Pr. Charlotte 5 ftm. June 27 ss. Prln. Alice pjn. From Vancouver tl Sunday--ss. Catala 4 pjn. . Monday Pr. Charles 11:30 a.m Wed. s. Pr. George 1,1:30 ftjn. . Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pjn. Fit as. Pr. George, 11:30 run Friday ss. Cardena run. Satur ss. Pr. Henry, 11:30 tun June 23-ss. Prln. Allee a.m. June 20 ss. Prln. Charlotte ajn. June 19 ss. Prln. Louise a.m. June 29 ss. Prln. Louise a.m. in His Place Nearly everybody likes to keep in touch with Prince Rupert when away for their holidays. The best way to do this is to order the paper sent during that time. If it is only for two weeks, the News is a. welcome visitor and the mails during the summer months ar.e carried almost daily to most points. Recently a number of Scandinavians have given up the local fishing for thejnim-mer and gone on an extended visit to their former homes. In almost every case they order the Daily News sent them while they are away Several subscribed for a year, others For Naas Rtver and Port Simpson Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. Friday ss. Pr. George. 3 pjn. ' From Naas River & Tort Simpson- Tuesday-ss. Catala ...11:30 a.m. For Stewart and Anyox - - a. I M ouHuujr-M. uuuua ... a pia. Monday ss. Pr. Charles, 8 p.m From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Catala ....11:30 am t Thurs. Pr. Charles, 10:30 ajn. ss. , Pr. George 6 p.rn.j For Ocean Falls j Monday ss. Pr. Rupert, 4 p.rc Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 pjn, Satur.-s. Princess Mary 9 ajn. Sat.-ss. Prince George, 7 pzn ( From Ocean Falls ! Wed.-s. Pr. George. 10:30 a.n ! Friday ss. Pr. George. 11:30 ajn. Friday- ts. Cardena - pjn. ; sat. ss. nr. Henry, 11:30 a.m ; r outr Mueen unanoite Islands ' June 23 ss. Prince John 10 pxt. From South Queen Charlotte -AHir-pnr-BB tLIp--, fiEPuTuTv 'sJaB - I esa ToW, , k: short for us to look after Subscription Department Islands June 17 ss. Prince John a.rc. For North Queen Charlottes Mon;7P',nco Charle 0 Fr'm Norlh SueeB chrl"- Thurs. ss. Pr. Charles ll;3 a jn. por Alaska wed. ss. Pr nee Ueortrc. a pjn. hh. Pr. Henry 3 pjii. June 19 ss. Princess Alice a.m. June 26 ss. prln. Clijarlotte aja June 29 ss. Princess Louise ail. tM4Mtt4tf 4 U AltVCRTISINn COPY must BE IN KARLV . copy for display advertise- menu should be In the hands ot the printers not later than 3 njn. the day -.irlor to nubll- cation. This Is necessary to erv- able best positions to be se- f cured. By Westover.