paue rwo THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, limited. Third Avenu H. P. PULLEN Managing-Editor Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION k,"&!!"- Tuesday. July 28, 1931 EMPLOYMENT FOK WORKLESS At various times this paper has advocated that in considering any system of unemployment insurance to which the state contributes there should be as part of it a scheme for having those out of employment contribute work to something of a public nature such as roads or parks. Now. we find an English journal making a somewhat similar proposal. Here is what the writer says: ''Speaking quite dispassionately, one thing I have never been able to understand is why, instead of spending large sums of money lor which we get nothing in return, we could not employ the unemployed to do great national undertakings which require doing in return for the money we give them. Of course, the community has a duty to the unemployed, and it has got to see that they have a living wage. But why should not the community, or rather the government, say to the wprkless: 'Here is a list of some of the things that urgently require doing in Great Britain. In future we propose to 4sk all who draw the dole to do some work which will be useful to the community as a whole.' Such, for instance, as the building in Great Britain of up-to-date bath-houses, equal to the wonderful bathing establishments to be found in the leading Continental cities and which play such a part in improving the health of Continental people, especially of the dwellers in large cities. Why should not, say 5,000,000 pounds of the money at present given in the dole, for no return services, be earmarked as wages for the erection of great bath-houses? Then at least we would have something to show for our money." fc , AMY OFF FOR JAPAN' The course of Miss Amy Johnson from Britain to Japan will be watched with very great interest by Prince Rupert people. She is the outstanding figure in aviation today, rivalling Colonel Lindbergh as a spectacular flyer. Now she is bound for the same city and probably will reach there almost while the American is making his announcements. Hurrah for Amy! IN BTILEII 5 aruANn ' fiitinf Cpt The fan that McCillura'i T-trfectlOft" Ii distilled, bltnJfd, iged-in-the-wood and . . . BOTTLED ... in Scotland guarantees u nothing else can, hi uniform igh quality. You'll be proud to irre "Perffttion", world leader linos 1807. Imported in MA ox. and 40 oi. botdes only. Sealed with the tooTcoient meaiutinj cap. "Smeolb ti kitttit'i uriit" OTCallums Scots ttlhisky This advertisement Is not published or displayed by thj Uquoi Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. NATURAL ITItE Fresh Milk Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered dally from our own cows. Four successive years Government Grade A certificate Health and Sanlta-tlon. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PRINCE RUPERT DAIRY Itox 895 Phone 287 Suits Made To Your Measure Extra Pants Free! $24.50 M. T. LEE CO. 323 3rd Ave. W. Phone CG3 Next Uenson Studio WINNIPEG, July 28: The New Westminster Royals won the championship of Western Canada yesterday when they held the Winnipeg Irish from making enough goals to defeat on the series. They lost the game by two goals to one, but their score of five to two in the first game on Saturday was a lead that was difficult to overcome. The series went to the western team, six to four. The game completed the seml-Hnais for the Dominion soccer hampionshlp and the team will now travel east for the finals. SPORT CHAT various comments on Walker-Sharkey fight. Here is one: The official decision says that Jack Sharkey didn't lose, but on lion-hearted little Mickey Walker fight-dom showers all the glory, acclaim and golden promises that go to a newcomer scaling the heavyweight heights. In the very heart of the heavyweight picture is the rugged, grinning, battle-scarred face of the chunky Irishman from Rumson, N. Judges and a referee compromised on a draw after IS rounds of hurly burly battle in Ebbets Field. Cer morrow night's game will be: J, J Nelson, T. manage, u. uiDoara, r Tulloch. J. Horton. D. Morrison, A Stiles, w. Harold. L. Astoria, ooo W. Held says it is going to be to i bad for those would-be city base-:ailplayers; he says he has got his boiler-makers trained to so fine a point that they ean even stop a football. Big League Scores National eLague New York 6, Pittsburg 8. Philadelphia 7. Chicago 8. American League Chicago 8-3, New York 7-12. Detroit 4, Boston 13. 8t. Louis 4, Philadelphia 5. Cleveland 7. Washington 11. FOOTBALL July 28 Regiment vs. Canadian Legion. July 31 Merchants vs. Regiment. Aug. 4 Canadian Legion vs. Merchants. Hazelton Ball 1 Team Travels After Beating; Telkwa on Home Grounds Seeks More Laurels HAZELTON, .July barnstorming trip to Central B.C. tttlehoMer In hU time, now at last as good as Sharkey, because two; ' talnly Mickey turned in the most, - surprising upset of many a fistic , . . season as he harassed and harried ational League the big sailor man through the W. L. rough and tumble batUe that re- St. Louis 60 35 ! vealed Sharkey in another of his Chicago .. . 52 disappointing struggles and gave a Baseball Standings ! New York 49 surprisingly large crowd of 32,000 a Brooklyn 52 chance to boo and exult in his dls- Boston . ..45 comfiture. Pittsburg .42 ooo j Philadelphia 37 There was no questldning whom 'Cincinnati JM..XL..M' the crowd, that almost filled the1 National League ball yard, thought had won. but the arbiters arrived at the compromise decision by every 40 41 45 40 48 56 J59 American League w. possible route left open to them. Philadelphia 70 Referee Arthur Donovan, for in- Washington 59 nance, thought the bulldog cour-1 New York .54 ante, the eternal aggressiveness of 'Cleveland 43 the little fellow, who gave Sharkey jst. Louis 42 an advantage of 29 pounds, inches ! Boston 37 in height and reach. entlUed Mickey ; Chicago .35 to the decision. Judge George Kelly Detroit 35 voted Sharkey the award, appar-! entiy on the basis of his right-hand punching that gashed Walker's eye-'W in the fifth round and opened It wide In the closing session. Judge Charles F. called it a draw, while the j Associated Preas score sheet counted I up the same way. with seven rounds for Walker, seven for Sharkey and one even. But, regardless of the futility of the decision, as futile as the battling Itself, honors tor the evening swept into the lap of Walker, the 169Vfc-pounder. who dared tackle a Sharker weighing 1984, out-bulled and out-punched him for ten rounds, and slipped back only when the embattled sailor rallied fiercely to try and save the day in the last four rounds. ooo 1 The lineup for the CNJl. bawJ ball team against the City tor to L. 27 36 37 49 50 56 59 61 The Letter Box IN SUPl'OUT OF J. S. WILSON ' I Sporting Editor, Dally News; In reply to letter by "A SPEC TATOR" printed in your Issue ol July 21. We, the undersigned, wish to register a kick. In our opinio i T a it'll... u v. j , M...t. . o. a, nuwu una uuue n luucii .i. not more for football in this town than ally individual we can name He is In the game coaching the young boy and making a success of It and the criticism is very un Old Empress Pile Up Biff Lead Rut Need It as Canucks Pound Commons From Box SONS NOW IN CELLAR Two Double Plays By Winners With Eldrldse in Both Johnson Plays Classy Game In last night's regular baseball league fixture between Old Empress and Sons, of Canada, the former ran in II runs In the first three innings which were enough to cop the game, although the losers made it hot for them toward the finish, by pounding Commons from the box In the fourth and making Nelson, 28: Hazelton who went In to relieve him. work k. ,,... ,j was not greatly, extended to win his hardest to retire them i (Mo uccii iiivtrt to 11115 icau wit? 4 . ... , the first inning with one run. Nel jfon. first man up, was safe on fcsmiuvs error, iieaman ineo oui 10 Johnson. Arseneau singled down the U I - 1 , . - , i L. I I . 1 i r, - 467 """"S- ivcdii;, udkuiiH ill ncuiuaii e 57 ! place, struck out. Moran booted Ar-j97 ' seneau's grounder and Commons nT1 1 and Smith scored. Nelson scored on at first. Styles making a nice catch. ' They added four more in the third and then stopped for the night. Hlbbard singled. Lamble took Com-jmom' grounder and tried for a double, but 'hit Hlbbard with the j throw to second, the runner going to third. Commons stole second. Smith struck out. Nelson singled both runners scoring. He stole second. Kenny singled. Nelson stopping at third. Arseneau went out to Styles, Nelson scoring. Wendle was hit by a pitched ball, and then Kenny scored on a passed ball. Eldridge struck out. Sons changed their players after this, Moran moving to first, Bury ialx. J. S, has forgotten more about ' coming in from centre to second and ,footbalttKan A Spectator will even Style going out to centre. Stalker know. "We think if A. Spectator Cil",c l" 'ra ca:n ana would b'dbllsh an apology he woutdlFrizzel1 went out lo that garden, hilfe he pleasure of paying hlsiThy seemed to work much better tf? iflts and speetate at a gool'lnal wav on,y " men facing Lam-game in comfort and let the fly j ble tn Uie last four innings. ttfek to the wall-ln other words NaUve. Sons got one run In the , , T ' ' &h foreet third. Stalker walked, but was fore- .f . . . ... IP1 II t SlnnH nn n ll pu'a nmn nrlm- A lnanxing you ror vaiuaoie space. " - .u Yours for good sport, COMMITTEE MERCHANTS F.C. SUGGESTED FOOTHALL TEAM 8porting Editor, Dally News: We will have the warship with us soon and football tans are looking forward to seeing a good game. I think the following team would give the navy boys a good game, I J. Smith, S. Currle, D. Jack, Edgecombe, A. Dickens, T. Hadden. J. S. Wilson. F. Russell. C. Babtle, J. Murray, N. Chenoski. The de- fence is good. A. Dickens at centre Yiienuie. ier gonnson naa sirucK out. Eldridge booted Smith groun der. Bury going to second. Moran singled and Bury scored. Lamble singled, filling the bases. Styles popped out to Wendle. Thetr big Inning came In the fourth. Comadlna walked. Frlzzell was hit by a pitched ball, stalker lined one out to Wendle who dropped It, but recovered the ball and forced Comadlna and third, Eldridge throwing to second to catch Frlzzell for a double. Stalker scored on Johnson's double to left. Burv I hit a triple to centre. Smith singled aim uury ecorea. Moran made a double to centre which Nelson mis Judged. Smith scoring. Lamble sing half Is a hard man to play against, led and Moran scored. Nelson came and won't let the local team down. :intn th hnv nnt .,i o..i.. . , . . i vvtuviv vuv ovira. Ai me same ume i nave u iut oi respect for Watson. Babtle will bring out the best there is in Chenoski. OLD TIMER. Nelson was. In trouble every In nlng after that, but managed to tighten up in the pinches, and no further runs scored. He walked two men In the last inning and then an Smith c Totals 8. O. C third base line and Stalker missed Buv cf, 2b. thf hall Nrlsnn sparine. Johnson Ed. Smith. 3b. threw out Wendle at first and Eld- Moran 2b., lb. 'ridge struck out. Lamble p. pct j Native Sons evened it up in their Style lb- f. M2 half. Wendle threw out Bury at J- Comadlna rf. ',. first E. Smith Hied out to Wendle. ' TriTiell Cm if. - - - -"jj . . . .545 Moran singled over second and 535 scored when Nelson missed the ball. .495 Lantble struck out jci The Hotelmen collected six In the 93, second. Menzle drove one to left 'O- E- 6 which Hfa!tr rnnlH nnt flnri In th S. O. C. 1 0 . r.w a... iciover and it went ror a home run Johnson sa. Totals 34 11 9 21 11 4 ABR H PO A E 4 2 1110 5 12 12 1 4 2 3 6 0 2 4 0 2 0 2 1 iHkfew Hills ia 32 7 4 0 1 5 Tuesday. July 2j. wr ZSlliWait! Watch! New Westminster Royals Soccer HOTELMEN GO Champions of West mi Will TO TOP; BEAT Play For Cham?ionship in East ' NATIVE SONS m Thursday Paper for the large "ad" of the Big Liquidation Sale now being made All prices reduced by Mr. William, Liquidator in charge. "My orders are to sell regardless of cost." B. C. CLOTHIERS LTD. G16 Third Avenue West error filled the bag:; With two out and the call two and three on Smith Y, J1Z from Telkwa by the score of 7-2 in As a result of the game, the Sons he grooved one that found bmun me recent , . ,, , , , ,, , . in h. nnnino nn4 hi mm was over. uie uaseuau gine piayea ui icmwa vi wuwuo oic iw 'ius H""a - c on Sunday! York hurled well far the bottom position of the league for The Box Score winners, allowing only two blneles the second half, with Old Empress O. E. ABR H PO A E In the first seven innings. After perched on top for the second time. Nelson cf.. p 4 3 2 1 2 1 that he was touched up for four. Iwo double plays by the winners Rodman rf. 1 0 0 0 0 0 but the two runs they got didn't af- with Eldridge figuring in both. Kenny 2b. 3 113 2 1 feet the final outcome. Ingram and helped them out of a couple of holes. At enuu If . .411100 Cox, both of Hazelton, had a good Walter Johnson played his best Wendle ss 3 0 0 3 3 0 day with the willow, each of them game of the season at short for the Eldridge 3b. 4 0 I 3 3 1 clouting out a .750 average for the Sons, handling five chances without Menzle lb. 4 114 10 game. ,amtscue. Htbbard 2b, rf ., ef . 4 2 2 1 0 1 Hazelton leaves this week on a ' Old Emoress started right off in Common p.. cf , rf . 4 2 1 0 0 0 J a v o v v Football Teams For Game Tonight The Canadian Legit : r elected from h players: Smith. SLi Woods, IladdOD. Busmi; aide. T. Modgklnson. son. Ollker. B. Murray h Murray. Campbell. The following player- u sent the Regiment footle Laldler, Watson, Thw emnbe. DeJong. Win ;h i r. Lyons, Wilson iCaptan. ttnd Norrington. Rce: Doherty and Bond 3 112 3 0 aj I I ! 1 1 L l B 1 1 1 1 1 Rummarv 9.HaP hits. Ririrldee. ' htihimrrt iniii tn rwitr rom. Moran. Joniuon; 3-Wie nit, uury; imons singled to left. Elmer Smith nome n- Memie; base on balls off k.,,..i ik. u..t commons w . nemm o , out by Lamble fl. Commons 2K Style dropped Umble's throw and T2a left base. O. E 3. th. miph v.i,n mnH. Nelson (3; on .621 struck S. O. C. 410 ; double play. Eldridge to Kenny-to Menzle, Wendle to Eldridge to Kenny; wild pitch. Nelson Hi: passed ball, Frtxzel) 2. Smith !; hits off Commons 9 in 3 3-1 in.. Nelson 2 In 3 1-3 In.; winning ,au" " """'"' ball. Wendle out ;" 2ia passed grounded "; JWito Eddie Smith. Moran dropped a S??1?' i11! p,U!,r' fly from Eldridge and Arseneau 1 scored. Johnson threw out Menzle V1 Wendle, Ed. Smith, Stalker (2t, Johnson; time of game. 1:35; umpires, Drooks and Harold. Batting Averages Go Soaring Again Stan Moran, captain of the Sons of Canada, went into the Big Six standing last night, by getting three hits in four times at bat, bringing his average up to .333. Johnny Comadlna, who made one hit in two limes at bat. Increased his second place average to .379. but .014 behind Fred Stephens, the leader. Hlbbard also increased his average to .333 with two hits in four attempts. Skinner, Hlbbard and Moran are now tied for fourth place. Following U the standing: G. AB. R. II. Stephens E 8 28 J. Comadlna S. 10 29 Harold E 7 28 Skinner E 9 33 Hlbbard O.E 8 24 Moran S 11 39 W Old Empress 2 Elks 1 Sons of Canada 1 6 9 10 S 6 9 City League Second Half 11 11 10 11 8 13 Pct. .393 219 .357 .333 .333 J33 Pct. .607 .500 .333 Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station Tires, Parts, Accessories Phone 566 (Night Calls: Phone 101) Distributors of DODGE CARS and TRUCKS ICdner ht pr - For c-v-' premptlf guh r. :r ' nv and Bowc"' - ' ef ilia thst sriaei th' I ii i mm Hill wniTi PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Maii Collection and DcllvriT T' UNO THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone SUITS Made to Your Mcasirc $30.00 and Up Cleaning & Pressing f r Utiles & Gentlemen Sharman Co. Phone: Illack 78 Opposite Post Off!"' TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOK S KEEN A BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESn PASTEURIZED MIL AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City