NOW OPEN! In Our New Store Ormes Itcl. ZtfiQ Pioneer Druggists . Phones 81 & 82 ANNOUNCEMENTS Ejs1' Dance, Friday, Aug. 14 Ladli refreshments. Gents. 50c. Savoy Hotel prln Rupert's leading fam-I v i- Hot .tnd cold water In a" roonu A. J. I'RUDIIOMME, Prop. Cor of Fruser tnd Fifth SU. HUGH L. DICKEY, M.D. ' SPECIALIST tt Ear. Nose and Throat r Tested Glasses Fitted No. 1 Royal Hold t g wuh Kuaranteed pure OLIVE OIL un your sick stomach r n51 will enjoy life. Direct l'i rn the Old Country. Only $213 a Gallon Phone Red 720 for information Catholic bazaar October 21 and 22. HOTEL ARRIVALS SAVOV Mi r r Pogson and daughter p 1 . intn; N. L. Jones, Lewi New Royal Hotel I Zarrlt). rrop TIIK IIOTKL MOUTH WHILE fl & , WiUr fttetm HMt 75c PER DAT AND UP Tflfphon tSI ROYAL 11 J- n' i ijs. Woodcock; AJp. Le- - Terrace; S. J. MikrBkeen R, Knox Hotel Arr Our MEALS Good? 0;;i Quests Say They Arc. Mind Your Health and Drink Daily Pure and Fresh Milk From DOMINION DAIRY Phone Red C08 P.O. IIox Hi Visitors Welcome S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers tars Trucks Tractors Tires Accessories Oas St OU Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Avenue Phone 83 raw Third Ave. & Fulton St. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION ItE- SILTS ARE ANNOUNCED TO DAY, ALL LOCAL PASSES BEING RECORDED HEREWITH. (Continued Irom Page One) las R. Sutherland, George R. Vler- eck, Edith M. Wilkinson, Ruth Ana Wood. Vivian O. M. Wrathall. Ilorden Street Dorothy L. Fraser, 526; Elizabeth F. Parlow, 499; George O. Dybhavn, 497; Leslie O. Wilson. 467; Orace II. Watklnson, 406. Promoted on Recommendation Louis V. Astoria. Minerva J. Drand, Elizabeth L. Cameron, Vera I. Cook, Edward Dongate, Harold D. E. Fish er, Ruby Green, Elizabeth Inglis, Kaztie Kasaya, Herbert Morgan. Tsuneji Nakamoto, Audrey D. Par kin, Spero Postulo. Mae L. Schubert, Isobel M. Sinclair, Elizabeth A Sturgeon, Peggy C. 8 teen, Jean W, Scott. William A. Wililscroft, Eileen E. Yates, Kanako M. Yamanaka, Noriko E. Yamanaka, Frances L. Yager,. Walter Zellsko. 0land Ella Elnarston. 360. Sunnjside Cannery Toshlyukl Sakamoto, 391. Annunciation, Private Fred J. Schaeffer, 419; Mary M Murray, 411; Arthur Murray, 394 Iiiex A. Pettenuno, 382; Michael D Montesano. 371; Walter J. SmtOi 349; Carl J. Reich, 380. Plan Large Beach ForWinnipeggers WINNIPEO. July 28: Plans for a huge bathing beach, accommodat ing 20,000 persons, are under eon sideration for Winnipeg by the Parks Board. The beach would be created on the shores of the Assini boine River, opposite City Park, in the west end of the city. Damming of the river and dredg lng would be done. Deep water for the expert swimmers and shallow water for children and novices would be provided besides facilities for boating, at a total cost of $30,- 000. I if the scheme is undertaken for ! unemployment relief purposes, one-third of the cost would be patd by I the Dominion government, one-I third by the province, and one-third by the city. Herbert Cottingham, chairman of the Parks Board, sponsored the idea which he declare is greatly favored by Mayor Ralph Webb. SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wrangell, Juneau and Skasway July 31. August 3, 7, 10. To Vantourer, Victoria and Seattle-- . . . - July 20, August 1, 5, S. For Rutrctiile, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Ray, Campbell River, Vancouver, Mctorla Friday. 10 pjn. Full Information from W. C. Orchard, General Agcitt Cor. 3rd Ave. & 4th St. phone 31 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED KtmmfM Irate ITlnrr Ituprrt f r Vanrouvrr: T H.h. IWT.M.A KVEIIV Tt'EMI.W. I JO I'M. Arriving Vancouver, Tbi rsday Morning. TB.fc lAKDt'.NA EVERY HtlllAY MIIINKIIIT ,, Arriving Vanrouvrr Bundy midnight appro. wrrkiy titling! to Port Slmpnou, All Arm. Anyo. SUwart Wd Nai River iomtn. Bundny. 8:00 P.M. fa-'iHv information regarding nil nailing and tn-ct at i"HIiiT nrpERT .VOINIY: Hrv.ind Avenue, Himir 5" Local Items Football tonight Regiment vs. Canadian Legion. Dinncrware, cTiina, crockery, glassware, Heilbroner's Store. N. L. Jones, of Lewis Island Is In the city iegistcred at the Savojr II. Franks of Wcedcock arrived in the city yesterday and Is regis tered at the Royal Hotel. Glasses fitted tw rcglitcred optometrist at Heilbroner's store. A. D. Lewellyn of Terrace was I'.i the city this morning with head quarters at the Royal Hotel. l',4 cords of wood, price $5.00. No. 1 shingles $325 per M. No. 2 shinties $2.75 per M. Albert & McCaffcry Ltd. Thone 116. tf. Mrs. J. J. Payne and family are leaving this afternoon for Vancouver on the Steamer Catala on a holiday. Rev. and Mrs. Holllngworth and Miss Rovers left yesterday on the Prince Rupert for a month's holiday on Vancouver Island. Among the visitors In the city yesterday were Mrs. C. D. Pogso.i of Port Esslngton and daughter They are at the Savoy Hotel. Tax Payers please note lhat the last day to avoid additional penalty on General Taxes is Saturday, August 1. After that date 10 penalty will be added. Dr. W. T. Kergin last evcnln;; ook the nurses and their friend"-. to a picnic at Tugwell Island for a picnic in honor of Miss Winnie Dlbb, one of the nurses who is leaving soon for Philadelphia to be married. James Bryant, son of Mr. anl Mrs. George Bryant of this city returned yesterday from the Unl vcrstty of Washington, where he has Just completed most success folly bis first year course. He will spend the summer at home and re turn-to the university In the fall. Vancouver Stocks iCcurtotv S. D. rfoanttnu Co. Bis Missouri, 25c. 27c. Duthie Mines, nil. 4c. George Copper. 40c, 43c. Georgle River, 2c. 3c. Oolconda. 20c. 35c. Orandvlew. 4c, $c. Independence, nil. lc. Indian Mines, lc, nil. Kootenay King. nil. lc. Lucky Jim. nil 3c. Morton Woolsey. lVc. 2c. National 8Uver. nil. IVic. Noble Five 4sic 5c. Oregon Copper, nil, 5c. Pend Oreille. 80c, 00c. Porter-Idaho. 4c. 5c. Reeves Macdonald, 20c, nil. Rufus-Argenta, 3c, 3c. Ruth-Hope. 4ic, 5c. Sliver Crest. IVic, 2c. Snowflake, lc, 2c. Topley Richfield, lc, nil. Woodbine. Vic, lc. OILS Freehold, nil 5c. Consolidated. Go, 10c. Merland, 7c. 8c. Mercury. 11c. nil. Calmont, 7c, 8c. United, 10c. He. Fabyan Pete. T8c. nil. Home Oil, 40. 50c. EASTERN STOCKS CPU.. m, nil. Inter. Nickel. $13. nil. Imperial, $12H. nil. Con. M. is S.. $95Vc, nil. Pretty Garden On Railway Track Near Elevator (.Danny O'Ncil Has Fine Display at His Little Shark Which is Ad-! mired lly All Passers I one of the prettiest yet simplest bits of garden In the city Is that of Dannie O'Netl in front of his cabin ! on the railway track Just beyond the elevator. The shack is on a knoll abnvr the track and beside it are i,r, r v alder trees now covered with ; red berries. ! The ground facing the track Is t. rnx rd with rows of popples and n isiiiriium.s The splendid little po- THE DAILY NEWS I Lll I H I Tuesday, July 23, 1931 5 ANNETTE HAS GON TO VANCOUVER!! Her Orders are to sell as quickly as possible! New stock ordered this spring, is still arriving, and must be sold regardless of cost! STREET DRESSES 21 Only Voile and Cray-shene in pastel shades, short ana long sleeves. Regular price $4.95. Sacrifice CO IK Price 9.i You'd Never Guess Such HOUSE FROCKS Could Be Priced at Only While they QQq last Dresses Dresses ordered this spring just received These will be Sacrificed at $1.00 $3.95 A flattering and colorful collection of late summer modes in Prints, Crepos and.Celenese. These styles are new and the fabrics enchanting from every point of view. Late arrivals. Regular price $19.50 Sacrifice Price . , PANAMA HATS Just in, a delayed shipment of Panama Hats, Sacrific- 9 QC ing 1 Dozen only at . . . BERETS White Felt Berets 1 Dozen only at $3.95 CHILDREN'S COATS 5 Only.. 6 to 14 years. Sa- 5 SHOES Here are Shoos whose former price was up to $10. Sacrifice Prices $3.45& $4.45 All colors, sizes & styles. ANNETTE, LADIES' WEAR CO. LTD. Third Avenue & Fifth Street tato patch at the t t is hidden by ! a solid row of m' led monkshood about the height ni a man. Mr. O'Nell, who l. u fisherman by trade and has lived ulone there for ; years, says there Us no work in making the little garden. If he wasn't doing that he'd be doing nothing1 else. In about a week from now It i Will be a mass of color. It Is credit-' able work and Ls admired by all pas-' sers. I Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Monday-ss. Pr. George 4 p.m. Tuesday ss. Catala 1:30 p.m. Wednesday Pr. Henry, 9 Thursday, ss Pr. rhniles 2 p.m Friday as. Prince Mary 10 p.m. 88. Cardena, midnight. Saturday ss Pr Rupert 7 p.m. July 22 ss. Pi tn Charlotte July 25 ss. Prtn. Louise 5:30 pip July 29-ss. Prln. Alice 3:30 pn. From Vancouver-Sunday ss. Catala 4 pjn. Monday Pr. Charles 11:30 a.m Wed. ss. Pr. Ilupcft 11:30 a.m Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 pin. Frl s Pr. George, 11:30 a.m Friday Cardena pjn. Satur ss. Pr. Henry. 11:30 a.m July 2 ss. Prln Alice 8 ajn July 27 ss. Prln. Charlotte Telephone: Red 389 ft 0 am July 31- ss Prln. Louise 0 For Naas Kh-cr and Port Simpson-Sunday -ss Catala 8 p.m. From Naas Ulrrr & Port Simpson-Tuesday ss. Catala .. .11:30 a.m. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Catala 8 pjn. Monday ss. Pr cnurles 8 pjn Friday ss. Pr. Oeorge, 3 p.ra. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday--ss. Catala ll;30 a.m.