YOUR SIGHT most valuable of the meet understood which, upon traced directly The senses the rom itis can be eyesight E* SIGHT the neglected and Many suffer nation, fective all is least etar : ‘e iE removal of the cause will : often restore the delicate and run-down sufferer to robust health. When glasses are properly prescrib- ed. they restore the viston to nor- mal and eliminate all eye strain Fred Joudry Practical Optome'rist Third Ave. - Prince Rupert Opposite Post Office oY TORK’ SELL TOVE Gurneys commenced mak- ing stoves in 1843. Still in the same line of business 1919, Hundreds in use in Prince Rupert. On SALE AT Fred Stork’s Hardware SECOND AVENUE Phone Black 114 s “ “Shamrock” 3 Brand Products &Q £2 Shamrock Lari The finest sold £2 Shamrock Hams end Bacon &Q Unequalled for sweetness in cure and flavor & SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. | ’ “ wat DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE i —— : . . ° ‘ ISLANDS MQ Has contributed the face value of this Bond to the ny TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of ; , , : . . kidegate, B. ( settler, intends to. apply WW k Q f i) a license to prospect for coal anc| a mY or era r Puce Ute ky petroleum on and ander the following f , ~ d ibed lands f 2 : —T : Ne . 90 . 7 Commencing ata post planted twenty | ~ And has thereby assisted in the “Fight for Liberiy” of | e chains east of the north-east corner of! . ey DL Sit, themee east 80 chains, thence ” . m0 } . ’ ; : north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, | oy 4 workers arrested for loyalty to the common cause of Labor ry thence south 80 chains, to point of com. | OF mn mencement ( ISSUED BY THE WORKERS’ DEFENCE FU oT AG Dated this 23rd day of October, 1919 | y 3 es URS N CE FUND, WINNIPRG, MAN (3 see WILLIAM J, LEARY, Applicant. | EM DATE, NOVEMBER I5rx, 1919 AS SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION : : ey DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE o Rost. Git., Chairman JAMES Law, S« 8 ISLANDS ~~ 4 ' ys TAKE NOTICE that William Jj. Leary « Skidegate, B. ¢ settler, intends t apply GDN SEBS ie eee ——— " for a leense to prospect for enal and wo af petroleum on and under |! be IDK? teseribed lands ° JES ra Commencing at a post planted sixty LI) bains east of the south-east corner of 7 262, thence east 80 chains, thence ith 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, ° : Pres 7 . en see “nce north 80 chains, to point of com Endorsed by Winnipeg Trades and Labor Council, Central Labor Cou: ' menecement 2 , . . . . ; Dated this gard day pt October, 1919 «| Big Union, Soldiers and Sailors Labor Party. W innipeg Branch of ‘the |) AAAS v. 4 ) can ' . —_ wine ee pee | Party, Labor Church. KRENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. | DISTRICT OF Tas CHARLOTTE rhe object im selling these bonds is to raise $120,000 for the Balenc. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary on trial in Winnipeg and elsewhere for their participation in the strike Ski degate, B.C., Settler, intends to apply slcow “e . . ; : a license to prospect for coal and el ewhere slated for deportation under Orde rs-in Council. Any surplus ove te ; ————<—! ee trials are concluded will form the nucleus of a Labor Defence Fund for « ommencing at a post pidhted sixty — . » ae aeee aie thie aula alee goede ae that may arise in the future. 262, thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thi nce south 80 chains, to point of com A ! mencement s ed this 23rd day of October, 1919 . si __WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant . . > EENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION B d f S | d nat f l 2 KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVisI¢ onds ror Jaie in denomi 10ns 0 ; an ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of skidegate, B. ¢ settler, intends to apply a license to roczoct for coal and ——— — - — 7 wireleum on and under the followin cred tends ag . ©) > (egate, B settler, intends to apply|fer a4 license to prospect for coal and For Hire by the H ne neement. i a license to prospect for coal andjpetroieum on and under the following Dated this 23rd day of October, 1919 p.roleum on and under the following | de-cribed lands Vay or Wee} WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicaut, |“ -cribed lands ommencing at 4 post planted at » | oe EE ASS ee omumencing at a post planted one mille |HOrth- West corner a pe 408 . = = north 80 chains, to point of otnmence Dated this sone lay of October, 1919 TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of | Ment WILLIAM 4. LEARY, Applicant i atl skhidegate, B. ¢ settler, intends to. apply| Dated this 25th day of October, 1919 i - a license to, prospect for coal and : __ WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant SKRR NA gn RECORDING iBIVISION j Picnic and Fishing Parties petroleum On af under the ollowin 7 Ss ( UF LEN CHARLOTTE aaa ee “KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION ISLANDS Trips round Harbor Commencing at a post planted twenty DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of | . op a * = oe —— corner of ISLANDS s or z ‘ a .. oo to PP | J. MYHILL-JONES , “6, we es 1s, whee om 0 cense } prospec or coa an 1orvth 80 chains, thence east 80 chains TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of|peircleum on and under the following thenee south 80 chains, to point of com- | 54'degate, B.C., settler, intends to apply | described lands - = me neement fh a license Ww prospect for coal and Commencing at @ post planted at the Dated this 23rd day of October, 1019. miroleum on and under the following|forth-west corner of DL 498, thence WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. [© aia as och pentites ‘00 Om 2 st 80 chete, ence perth 80 chains, oma no _— PF 4 ” an a hnce eas 80 chains, thene ul 8% =KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION wrth-east corner Of DL 2799, thence! chains, to point of ¢ he he , , SALE DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE * st 80 chains, pene south 80 chains,| Dated this 22nd day of Uctober, 10190 ‘ Ish, 5 of th nee east 80 chains, thence north #80 WILLIAM J. LEAHY, mplica Lava } : pret Gh ay FH RM. : 4 AY, Applicant Seven-roomed house with fAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of }Os'ed this 213t day of October, 1919. “KEEN AN r bath and finished basement \idegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply WILLIAM J. LEAKY, Applicant bisTiue t OF cyt ge ed ota . r @ license to prospect for coal and sium aiken TA suk aaah ke ' ISLANDS. _ : Newly painted. 8th Ave. W vtroleum on and under the following] “KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary ot scribed lands; DISTRICT oF QUEEN CHARLOTTE Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply 2875 00 Commoneine ey poss planted twenty SLANDS for a heense to prospect for coal and . ‘hains north of the south-west corner of eirvieum on and r olk la ; rn 1). 266, thence east 80 chains, thence TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of fe cribed lands 7. —, Sere Very Easy Terms ith 80 chains, {eence west 80 chains, = cose. B.C., settler, — to oo ommencing at & post planted at the — thence north 80 chains, to point of com or @ cense to prospect for coal and/ north-west. e¢ 4 mencement. ; ptroleum on and under the following coot 00 Cobian” themes ae ‘80 costae DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND bated this 23rd day of Uctober. 1919 de -ertbed lands: thence west 80 chains, thence north 86 623 Third Av: eo eet ee cast on + iy PDL pores. ‘ther chains, Ww int of commencement . , neorth-eas orner oO NCC Dated this D fo *KRENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION, |‘ s! 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, ? wit iA i LeanY. "applicant — DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE " [cee cast BO chains, thence south 80; a + gg : chains, to point of commencement. i! a : , . KEENA N i SIUN —-_ Dated this 21st day of October, 1919. | “bis Thue Oe RECORDING DIVISION eADISTRICT OF OLLES FAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of WILLIAM 4. LEARY, Applicant 1S akee. CHARLOTTS ISLAN skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to app! ae epee ie iatatt TA NOTIC ! eary o or a ligense to prospect fur coal ay | “KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. |suidegeien Bee sethen Mam 2: Leary ofl rage NOTICE thal W ary petroleum on and under the following DISTHICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE for a license to prospeer for coal 7, Skidega'e, B ap| es 8 > ces pros al ' cummeacteal's at & post planted twenty oo Sy S-ovieed tae oe oS’ Sees pet i =o _ 1 iow - de-eribe s etroleum An chains north of the south-west corner of FAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of rm Sauneaclll at @ post planted at the} “*sribed lands DL 266, thence east 80 chains, thence }S5)idegate, B. ¢ settler, intends to apply|north-west corner of DL 498. thence Commencing at 4 | north 80 chains, thence west 80 chains,}f« &@ license to prospect for coal and}ea.t 80 chains, theme porth &6 Chain, ROP of the port thence south 80 chains, to point of com-|» \roleum on and under the foliowing/the nce west 80 chains, thence south gu} 22. thence east >» ow neement de-eribed lands: ins, to point of c¢ heen" 80 chains, thence w ‘ Dated this 23rd day of Octobe. ; ommencing at & post planted at the = ed thie gad ‘or ar oo = south 80 chains t mente , a ale mer, 1919 i «LIAM 4d. _LEARY, - Applicant uorth-east corner of DL 2799, thence WILLIA J. LEARY, A leant. ment, — ce —— north 80 chains, thence east 86 chains, us nee So SANS, ADP Dated this 25th day , 1018 3 ? C thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 ‘, WILLIAM J : La omnes ee AONE. BECO PINS DVIsION chains, to point of COmnenCeMment. ao “ SKEE NA LAND REC ORDING DIV ISION aia tana ae aml ISLANDS. , Dited ils 2tst day of Getober, 1919 DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE SKEENA LAND Kt VISION fAKE NOTICE that William J, Leary o! ———_ WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant.| gage worce eee Bo ie i Lear, DISTRICT OF QUEEN t »kidegate, B.C., settler, intends two i 2. ; . ISLANI for a Meense o* prospect “Thr coal een *hEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. shia oe 5 settle intends to appl) [TARE NOTICE uw “ petroleum on and under the following DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE SIrOleun ee oO, Brcepect for coal Ona! axidegate, B. @, set nal jeseribed lands ISLANDS. peirojeum on and sader the followime|roe @ license t | ' al and Commencing at a post planted twenty TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary ot |" ta petroleum on and oe 10s north of the north-west corner of | >)\(esate, B.C., settior, intends to apply] ic, aonceng at 8 post planted one | Gescribed lands DL 255, thence east 80 chains, thence}'’" & license to prospect for coal and| Wie Cast of the north-west corner of Di Commencing at 4 ow south 80 chains, thence west 8&6 chains. |P¢'oleum on and under the following : thence east 80 chains, thence south miles north of the v thease Barth 86° Giieine, to point of ae deseribed lands 80 shames, thence west 80 chains, thence DL 593, thence east yence henecement. Commencing at @ post planted at the horth 80 chains, to point of commence north &0 chains, the ‘d vated this 23rd day of October, 1919 m S east este of Di. 2795, thence Deied this 22nd day of October, 1919 thence south § ; fILLIAM J »*plie West 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, "= a OS Ctlope pty ‘emment a Witt AR _LEARY, Applicant tie nee east 80 chains, thence north Ge ieee _ a LIAM J. LEARY, Applicant Dated. this 95th la SKEENA LAND RECORDING chains to point of commencement “ i WILLIAM J. LES DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE. Dated this 21st day of October, 1019. SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION eee es P WILLIAM J. LEARY, Appliteant, DISTRICT = nee CHARLOTTE SKEENA LAND Dist! et . TAKE NOTICE that Will: es ) , : SLAND' UEEN CHARLOT ’ shidbaten Be. teltiies tnd. Leary Ol] SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Ledby oi s <4 tor @ Meense to prospect for coal and DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends tw apply TAKE NOTICE tha burs petroleum on and under the followin ; ISLANDS for @ license to prospect for cual anafor Bay Point, California ae caat leseribed lands s TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of |/Petroleum on and under the followmg] tends to apply for 4 ! eo Commencing at a post planted twenty | ph itesate, B.C., settler, Intends to apply | :rribed lands; coal and petroleum ov ‘vor chains north of the north-west corne i for @ Heense to prospect for coal and ommencing at & post planted One} seriped lands on the Ws a DL 255, thence east 80 chains cia me \roteuss uA, and under the following me see of the north-west corner of DL ]isiand, British Columbia m the north 80 > ae a forse ands % wenee Cast 80 chains, thence north 8 about ‘ les ean Ste cent ees ae puaine, Commencing at & post planted at the] 50 chains, thence west 80 "chains, | thence 102m : penne . of Cat (oe pence south 80 chains, to point of com-| north-east corner of DL 2795, thence}south 80 chains, to point of commence Sommmerly Shore Rover nee » ) ’ ’ co > , ) , 0 east 7, Dated this’ 23rd day of October, 1919 west $0 chains, thence north 80 chains, | ment ' heid's ‘oak and ‘petr Mest LLIAM J, LEARY, ppiteant chalen 6 4 chains, thence south 80} Dated this g2nd day of October, 1019 10460, thence north 80 cha thence ge > Rated’ shis vats Son of cen ebss. ___ WILLIAM J. LEAKY, Applicant [80 chains, thence a th 8 m A LAND RECORDING DIVISION ays al : west 80 ¢ehains to the | hICT OF QUREN CHARLOTTE ee WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. pis Yhulit Ok KECORDING DIVISION. | ment HARLES E. DURGESS 4 Hs ( ‘ ee ( 8 . TAKE NOTICR shat Wiliam J. Leary of onperA LAND RECORDING DIVISION, Is AND igeenensahh By Hans kK, Christenss ns Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply ne nis ANDS, esata Shiki a settles yr ead; feeey_o! —— for P . oe eas . : degate, ‘ sett ntend ~ ha — preagoet for al and CAKE NOTICE that William J Leary of{for @ license to “prose salt ‘lor eons tak Np pIsTRICT isTRICT Geseribod lends.” mer the following | Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply| petroleum on and’ under the following SKEENA A CHARLOTTE ANT Commencing ai 4 post planted five miles oe : license to prospect for coal and] deseribed lands \ role al cass of me north- east corner of DL. 1846. oe on, nae under the following cngmmencing, ona pout planted twenty TAKE NOTICE that Dat Wi iei-keeper, | chains, "hence, Seat ne ee eu 86 CNEREENS at & post planted at the/ DL 5if, ; thence west G0 chains, thence tends to apply for lirence 0 1 oe te horgh 80 chains, to point of eommenc: mane am eer of en ah Sones — se eee. thence east 30 ehains,|eocal and petroleum ve ne me Dated this 25th day of October, 1919 one wees 86 chains, thence north 86] mencement, Sh cate scribed lands, 0 ‘ slombie n 0 "ine di { ebains . naa ‘ ' ‘ WILLIAM J. LENK) Daigd thie Mott ye we WILLIAM enya Siheants ent, Pin ee eet can a EE - 5 BJ oo ean an oP shor Cater jobet SKPENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION acaecue __ WILLIAM J. LEAKY, Applicant a a ee — : — Fone " rtheart ; ace a DISTRICT OF OUREN CHARLOTTE ea SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION Reid's coal and petroleum iver ince west SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIV N ; : ance north 80 chains, Wilh one TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary DISTRICT OF et ARS cee CHARLOTTE ee ma MAND S ere ae shuea, “hence soul! i inne ° Skidewate, B.C. setter, intends | TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary offeast 80 chains w the Pp for @ license to prospect for coal en!) TAKE NOTICE “that Wiliam J. Leary of | Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply |ment rHERLAN petroleum on and under tt wl and | Skidegate, B, ( settler, intends to appiy|for @ license to prospect for coal and DANTEL LL. BU ee nsen, Aget deseribed lands wv following [for a Heense to prospect for coal and] petroleum on and under the following By Hans Ky Commencing at @ post pl : Detroloum on and under ihe follawinal described lands Locat d October 1h ! ennt of the nari ° Pe M planted ave mile described land» Commencing at @ post planted,one mile vet your thence east 80 chains. thence: orth B6ls Lqmenenclag al 4 post planted at the} north of the north-west corner of DI It just as cheap tu Be: chains, thence west BO chains, thence bees — corver of DL 2705, thenee|503, thence east 80 chains, thence south is ' and done al south 80 ehatns to) point of COmMence eneo opine, thenes north 80 chains, 80 chains, therice woat 80 chats thence printing done wel . ry ment , ce est 80 chains, thence south 80}north 80 chains, to point of commen ¢ snd it away Dated this 25th day of Getober, 1919 caine le botnt of commencement ment. rome as it is Lo 8 WILLIAM J. LEAR ; ated Ue Stas day of Dewher, 1019 Dated this 26th day of October, 1019. va Print Shop ; ARY, Applicant WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applican MLLIAM LEARY. Appticans [The News Prit