Today's Weather She Wml TAXI 32 southea! Dlgby, inland barometer, Cloudy, 29.62; light Mm Prompt tempers S" choppy sea. 24 Hour Service NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXII. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1931 PRICE: FIVE CENTS IBIAN WOMAN IS SHOT TO DEATH PREMIER SCATHINGLY 10ENOWCEWDUTAGWAfbRS Prime Minister Made Heated Statement At Lossiemouth Home Disorders Do Not Represent dia" But "Mischievous In Its Own LOSSLEMOUTH, Scotland, Dec. 29: Premier J. Ramsay MacDonald, using scathing terms, last night denounced agitators in India. Recent disorders, he said, did not represent "a baffled and oppressed India struggling to be made free" but "a mischievous movement trampling in its own self-will upon India's progress." Premier MacDonald made his de- I claratlon while paying a visit to his I-Jll n TATrn P I A i I home here- 11 followed the declar- ilVljl 11aLj atlon of Mahatma Oandh) that he Ait Tmnrrnff l n would willingly sacrifice a million I 1-4 K I V I V J A V Various Feslirities Ertjoyed at Institution Over Yulelide Season Christmas wu observed in the cuaUmry m th Prmc Rupert General Hospital nurses U well as oultde friends doing their part to make the occasion as merry a one as poattble for the patients. On Christmas E the nurses' Christmas tree too place In the Nurses' Home, gifts being distributed for all. Later Christmas Eve a choir led by John E. Davey sang carols In the hospital. On Christmas morning the nurses sang Christmas carol and there was the usual Christmas dinner. There were Christmas tres in all the wards and Santa Claus paid a visit to the Institution. 8unday afternoon the Ladles' Music Club gave a Christmas program In the hospital after which tea was served In the Nurses' Home. SERVICES COMBINED W. I). Neil is New General Manacer of Canadian Pacific Dept of Communications MONTREAL. Dec. :-The Canadian Pacific Railway yesterday announced the appointment of W. D. Nell as general manager of the deoartment of communications, embracing all the railway's telegraph, teiepnone aim . radio services, eliecuve janury The retirement of John McMillan, former manager of Canadian Pacific Telegraphs, Is also announced. MARTIAL LAW IS DECLARED Steps Arc Taken lo Check Com-munlsm in Chili ! . LIMA. Dec. 20:-Martlal law has: been declared In Chill for tho pur-1 pose of checking the spread of communism. Stern measures are to , be taken to prevent commune disturbances. SCHOOL SECRETARY CEDARVALE. Dec. 29-J. Thompson has been elected secretary of the local school board, succeeding A. S. Tordiff, iv.nt'd "Baffled and Oppressed In Movement Trampling Self-Will" HvM to win freedom for India. AVEKAGE OP 125 MEN BEING KEPT AT CAMP - ,An average of 125 men are being maintained at the pro- vtnetel government's "unem- ployment relief camp at Cloy- ah Bay, it was learned this morning at offices of the pub- 11c works department. No in- formation Is available as to when road work out of the camp may be expected to re- sume. KILLING AT CHICAGOFF llirtan C Davis is Dead and Walter Gamble Under Arrest as Re-' suit of Stabbing JUNEAU. Dec. 29: Hortan C. Davis, salmon operator of Southeast Alaska, died Sunday as a result of a stab wound aboard his boat at Chicagoff Thursday night. Walter Gamble, who said that the stabbing occurred during a quarrel between himself and Davis, was arrested and held on an open charge. Terrace District Pioneer Succumbs Albert Herton of Vanarsdol Passed Away Last Week at Age of Elght-One TERRACE. Dec. 29: Albert Bcr-ton of Phillips Creek, Vanarsdol, aged 81 and a pioneer of the district, was brought here for medical treatment last Tuesday and died the same evening. The funeral was conducted by Rev. H. T. Allen of the local United Church. iU.S.CAPiTAL REMAINS DRY Liquor Designed for New Year Celebrations Taken in musical Instruments WASHINGTON, Dec. 29-An Ingenious attempt at smuggling was Intercepted by dry agents here yesterday t when 790 bottles of liquor designed for the New Year celebrations were discovered hidden away In musical Instruments. REDUCTION PROTESTED Board of Conciliation on Cut in Railway Clerks' Pay to Be Conducted MONTREAL. Dec. 29: Protest of men wh comprise the International Brotherhood of Rallwaj ; Clerks in Canada against a ten per cent cut in pay will shortly go before a Board of Conciliation. Prof. John T. Culllton of McOlll; University will represent the men and Errol MacDougall K. C. of Montreal, the railroads. The chairman is not yet selected. FISHERMEN ATPOLLS Voting Today For Agents at Seattle, Ketchikan and Prince Rupert; Four Referendums Members of the Deep Sea Fish ermen's Union at various halibut ports on the coast are voting today , for 1932 business agents at Seattle. Prince RUDert and Ketchikan as weUjmiocerjndurnf jhj matters-aiffctlrffrWe?lriternal af-j fairs of the UntorT- v ! The referendums are as follows i Shall the Prince Rupert branch be closed? Shall monthly dues, be increased to $1.50? Shall salaries of agents be reduced to $40 per week? Shall regular weekly meetings convene at 2 p.m.? The candidates for business agents are as follows: SeatUe Harold OrotUe. Thor-vald Klpperberg. John Sather. Prince Rupert Elnar Larscn, J. M. Morrison. Ketchikan Melvln KJorsvlk. Ove Myrland. Gust Olsen. P. B. Hill, being the only nominee, is re-elected secretary-treasurer by acclamation. PILCHARD INQUIRY Nootka Packing Co. of Vancouver Island Desires to Find Out Possibilities on Queen Charlottes SKIDEGATE, Dec. 29: A telc-jram has been received here from the Nootka Packing Co. of Vancouver Island Inquiring about pilchard possibilities on the Queen Charlotte Islands. PeoDle of the Islands feel that it Is high time that the Fisheries Deoartment made some effort to find out Just what commercial fish there are In Island waters. Gordon Resigns " As Commissioner Member of Terrace Municipal Body to Spend Winter In South So Quits Hoard TERRACE. Dec. 29:-J. K. Gor don has resigned as a member of the board of village commissioners' here owing to the fact that he la going to California for the winter. No successor will be elected until the annual election next month. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER. Dec. 29: Wheat was quoted at 81Hc on the local exchange this afternoon. Flays Agitators Premier J Ramsay MacDonald makes scathing statement following declaration o: Mahatma Oandhi Rains Drench AH California Nevada Cut Off As Result of the ; Washouts in the Mountains SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 29 Rains continued to drench tnc' whole State of California, a few eases doing damage although hi most cases the moisture will be a distinct advantage to the country. Washouts -have taken place at many points. Long Beach report j tremendous rains. Reno has been cut off from California as a result of washouts in the mountains North and south, east and west,; rains are reported, even from the! desert regions of the south. Two Million Dollars Ahead V I Milwaukee is Itrttcr Oft Than Other American Cities MILWAUKEE. Dec. 29 Thl city closes its year in better ft nanclal condition than any other city on the continent. It Is an-j nounced that the balance on the j right side of the ledger is over; two million dollars CARD OF THANKS Sons of Norway wish to thank all who. took part In the program at the Christmas Tree and dance. Saturday, December 26. STERLING PACIFIC! . STARTS PRODUCING CALGARY. Dee. 20: It Is announced that. Sterling Pacific's No. 2 well has come into production with SCO barrels of high grade naphtha In twenty- four hours. Moving Forward Toward Chinchow Japanese Troops Continue Move- ment upon Manchurian Hail-way Centre TOKIO. Dec. 29-Word has been received here that the Japanese forces are continuing their drive toward Chinchow. Careful preparations have been made prior to th ? advance which is being made! with deliberation. IS FOUND , ON TRAIL Remains of Francis Pilot. With Two Dogs Still Alive. Discovered In Northern Alaska NULOTA. Alaska, Dec. 29: With only two of his dogs still alive, the body of Francis Pilot, who had apparently perished from hunger and exposure, was foutld several days ago one hundred miles northeast of hew, word receive! here Monday said. Christmas iTree At Alice Arm .School Children Presented Splendid Pro-ram Following Which Santa Paid Visit . ALICE ARM. Dee. 39 The school children, of. Alice ., Arm, presented their annual Ohrfcttmas Tree entertainment n T. W. FalconWa Hall on Tuesdav evening last week and gave a splendid program, having been ably trained by A. C. Ironside. Following the program. Santa Claus nald a visit and gave presents t" the children. The evening's proceedings closed with u dance for which music was furnished by the Alice Arm Orchestra. Teresa Frances Dennis Dies At Moricetown as Result of Gun Wounds Sergeant Andrew Fairbairn, Smithers Police Chief, Investigating Circumstances Details Lacking In Report Received Here Teresa Frances Dennis, Indian woman, died yesterday afternoon on the Indian Reservation at Moricetown, between Hazelton and Smithers, as a result of gunshot wounds, divisional headquarters of the provincial police here have been advised. Circumstances of the fatality arc i being investigated by Sergeant Andrew Fairbairn, chief jf the Smithers district detach- CIVIL WAR IN BRIDGE Jacoby Quits Lenx Team But Peace Overtures Expected to Brine Him Back NEW YORK, Dec. 29: Oswald Jacoby resigned as ' partner of Sidney Lent in the contract Lridge marathon early today after much mutual criticism in a session during which they cut 250 points oft the lead of Mr. and Mrs. Ely Culbertson, leaving them with a net advantage so far in the competition of lfi.SIO points. After peace discussion, it was said that Jacoby would re-enter the contest later. WATER MAIN LAID DOWN Queen Charlotte Volunteers, None Too Wllllnr, Do Work QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, Dec. 9: It was decided some months tgo to renew a private, antiquated .vater system that fed several louses and shacks in the vicinity of the Queen Charlotte Hotel. After much talking, calculating and arranging It was decided to ! start work on the system bright and early one morning. Lots of out-of-date Implements in the form of man-handled shovels and mattocks were resurrected from a shed behind the Ranger Station and were distributed among '.he none too eager volunteers. One portly gentleman came along with his hands In his pockets and volunteered to be "Straw Boss.' As he could not be persuaded to do anything else, this position was allotted to him. This particular gentleman his the reputation of being the best judge of a pick and. shovel m the northern country. "He has not yet been able to find one that would suit him.',' The work continued merrily all momlng. with pasersby offering iipa-lrutruetlve andjQKerwtse c ihit fceocj fcrogrlsil vfos made with the digging. Toward mid-af ternoon several of the now repentant volunteers put on their thinking caps and recollected that they had office work to finish or a store to attend or a car to try out, etc until but a skeleton crew remained. Nothing daunted, this crew worked with a will with the result, ere dusk the following day. the work was done. The water flowed and Queen Charlotte sinks once more to rest. nent of the provincial police. Details were not given in the report received here and it was not known definitely up to this afternoon whether the gunshot wounds were self-inflicted or otherwise. PROPERTY OPTIONED F. Vann of Toronto Interested In Placer Showing on Queen Charlotte Islands SKIDEGATE, Dec. 29: F. Vann of Toronto has taken an option on the Lawn Hill placer showing, it Is reported here. Several holes have been put down to bedrock and tho results are reported to have proven very satisfactory. Sister of Ocean Falls Woman Is Dead in South Nellie May Doust. aged 20, daughter of the late J. H. Doust of Ocean Falls and sister of Mrs. Doust of Ocean Falls, died recently In Vancouver. Joseph Smith of Ocean Falls Is an uncle of deceased. The funeral took place In Vancouver. Premier Tolmie Is Still Hopeful For Road North VICTORIA, Dec. 29 Premier 8. F. Tolmle. while Immediate prospects of embarking upon the project may have dlMpDearcd, is still hopeful the road which leads from the Cariboo and connects Prince George and Haselton may eventually be extended Into th Yukon and Alaska. WEATHER REPORT i Triple Island Part cloudy, strong southeast wind moderate sea. Langara Cloudy moderate easterly wind, sea choppy. Dead Tree Point Clear, light southeast wind: barometer, 29,54; temperature, 41; light swell. Tomorrow's Tides "' Wednesday, December 30, 1931 High 5:11 aon. 19:2 ft. 17:05 p.m. 18:9 It. Low ll:l5 a.m. 7:8 ft. 23:10 p.m. 4J ft.