S.C. lc: LT ul al ry Tuesday, December 9, 1919 NERVES ALL GONE TO PIECES “Frult-a-tives” Conquered Nervous Prostration t. R. No.4, Giteeer PLains, Man, “Tn the year 1910, [T had Nervous Pr its worst form; dropping fiom 170 to 115 pounds The doctors had no hope of stration in my re ry, and every medicine I tried proved tseless an ila friend induced me to take ‘‘Fruit-a-tives”’ I} gan to | almast at once, and). ver hads xl health as I have onjoyed U post eight years, lam ncver w wt “I yruit-a-tives” ind JAS. 8, DELGATY, 5c. a box, 6 for $2.5), trial size Q5e. At ali degiers or sont p Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa uid by Why Pay More Than $13.00 LUMP COAL elivered in your bin? We screen every pound Phone Black 85 Terminal Coal Co., ee | Give Something j Useful For Xmas A pair of Shoes or Slippers | . makes a veryjac- ceptable Xmas Gitt. Family Shoe Store Geo. Hill E. R. Tabrum The Practical Shoemen — Phone 367. CHINESE CONSUL WRITES TO CITY His Letter Elicits Considerable Discussion at Council Meeting Last Wight. “POLICE COMMISSION is DEAD,” SAYS ALD. PERRY \ letter from Hon, Kobiang Yih, Chinese Gonsul for British Co. lumbia, brought forth much dis. cussion at last night's couneil meeting. The letter Objected very strongly to the discrimination that would be shown against the Chinese race” by taking an in dividual Chinese census with a view to finding out undesirables, The consul asked that the couneil reconsider it as it was most un- usual and probably not within municipal powers, This suggestion was made three contravention of the Drug The matter had been left with Mayor MecClymont to take up with the police commission. appears, no action has been taken. Sticks to Guns. “IT still stand behind by sug- gestion,” said Ald. Perry, “and I further suggest that when the census is taken that it be sent to Hon. Kobiang Yih to show him what class of countrymen he bas in Prince Rupert. I meant no dis- whether it please the Chinese or any other authorities. The Chinese in this town are a poor bunch and there are some that should be de- ported. I would be prepared to pick out some fit subjects for de- portation. To find out the law- breakers will not hurt the law- abiding ones,” Ald, McRae said that the police commission should be given time to act. They had not had a meet- ing since this had come up and really it was a matter for them to deal with, Dead Anyway. “There is too much dilly-dally- ing with matters like this,” re- plied Ald. Perry, “and our police commission is dead anyway.” Finally it was moved by Ald. Kirkpatrick, seeonded by Ald. Perry, that the matter be taken up with the immigration authori- ties and the city solicitor for in- formation of the council pending action being taken by commission. some police ERNEST VALPEY GETS 9 MONTHS eoete ne Hand Your Baggage Checks to JOE BROWN Motor Transfer and Passenger Service Stand, Empress Hote] Phones 176, Black 334 Quick Deliveries Found Guilty by Judge Young of Shooting With Intent. PECK SAID ACCUSED GOOD ARMY CHARACTER Yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock Ernest Valpey was found guilty of shooting with intent to do grievous bodily injury by Judge Young and was sentenced to nine months with hand labor at Okalla Farm. In summing up the evidence the worrooces judge said that he could not agree For Comfort, Courtesy~ and Service go to! The SAVOY HOTEL meen F. T. Powness MANAGER Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 Hotel Prince ot | EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day and up. PIRST-CLASS CAFE } A La Marte. “OPER OMORRDE. Pree ouaeee ——taenenaediiieemie ed 416 Sixth Avenue East Near Drydock Board by Month or Week. Phone Red 245 Mereceres Chili Con Carne * Hot Tomales NL aa "435 Saoond Avene elivery Service Extra Phone 657 * The “Gatland” Boarding House with L. W. Patmore, counsel for the accused, when he argued that he had shot merely to break the lock off the door. In the first place he had not shot the lock but had shot above it. It seems he had never attempted to open the door by force or otheravise before shooting. He did not be- lieve that it would have been neeessary for the accused to shoot to gain entrance, Provocation. It was very unfortunate for the boy that he should get tangled up in an affair like this but he doubt- less had had provocation, On the other hand he might consider himself fortunate that the girl, Roberts, and Andrews had left the for he might have killed someone. He was half drunk and had shot recklessly with a motive. This motive would be caused by finding the girl who had promised to marry him with another man. He could do nothing but find the accused guilly but asked Mr; Patmore if he knew anything as to his character. Mr. Patmore said that, under ordinary eireurmn- stances, Valpey would not kill @ lflea. He had only shot to give the inmates a scare, As to his character, Gol. Peck, under whom he had served at the front, would testify and also the local police, Oharaocter . W. E. Fisher, crown prosecutor, room So far, it crimination but [ maintain that this’ city has a right to take a census of conditions prevailing, | | | THE DAILY NEWS