WILLING TO RACEAGAIN Gar Wwti Sj lit Muld Gladly Meet"Kaye I)on .in llace in England lONDON, -6ejjt. mw-o. tan nttii prevented picvclllCUl CHANGELESS CITY HONORS V v A W1YL bKAoS Council Makes Presentation Crack Local Marksman The city df Prince Rupert offlf clallv recosmiied the feat of Wliilafh ' W: Gar WdoH,!0 in wiping the Sfr Renty eek nion snieia, emoiematic el tne llhilk(rlAtlnnnl .Mil 11 1 - h'" presentee by Mayor Cyril H. Orhie with a handsome sterling ail yer clgarettp ease suitably engraved. Mr. Brass had been railed tn the jcqjtihcfl dhamber for the occasion. In making the presentation, Mavor Ormp twlat-Wt that Ur Wrote had covered himself with glory and had brought honor to the City. The . city was vefy pfttud of hint aha Sis Worship1 pFSIed the hope that next mfr. Mr. Brass riu!d he si looting at Bisley. Mr. Brass expressed deeo ahni-e- lekattdti fet the honor that had been paid him. If he Had helped to boost the cit. he was verv hannv Vpi year h Hoped to do even better. ih the Course of hlf remarks, Kir. Bf ass gate an fntereatlne descriDtloh of the events at the competition in Montreal in which a number of Bis-1 fty rnwj participated. The local marksman also voiced appreciation for the reception which had been accorded htm when he arrived on the train Sunday afternoon from the East. a . , a . . ietesrams wnicn nad been ex changed between Mayor "Orme and Mr. Brass, after the latter had won the shoot at Montreal, were pre sented to the council. Old Country Soccer MONDAY'S RESULTS English League first Division: West Bromwlch 1. Manchester City 1. English League Second Division: Bury 7, Barnaley 1. Millwall 2, Leeds United 3. Oldham 5. Notts County 2. Tottenham 5, Southampton 2. Wolverhampton 3, Bradford City 1 Scottish League First Division: Clyde l, FalStk 0. Archie Watt, divisional master mechanic. Canadian National Rail ways, Prince George, arrived in the city from the Interior on this afternoon's train and will tefurn to Prince Oeorge tomorrow morning. AS THE PYRAMIDS can't make fThlteSral leer any bettr Imt ve can and do keep it jut at good Each time you drink it you enjoy the aame lull, intllow flavor and Inrirnr. ' . .... . -o aunjr airengin mat turned on uic unii iimo you tanteil it. l,i. . i 2. 1 - I ' , . . i Uniformity only achieved by the mot rrunuloua care in .flection of intrrdienta inprd ienta the Ions nnerienrtt and nfin.i.V mon oi our expert Mali ol lirewera that erry brew of Whiir Sral llerr The many frirnda ITiite Seal making hintiCr all the care Ve and bv Buprn to are it identical peer la w m wh Order a Carton fod-tv on sals In Venrlots' Shops in the Convenient Container. The aval iwaiiii Kiewel Brewing Co. tt,l. St Boniface. Man. 1121-K 1 a iaye von, incraignsn speeaDoat iouj lauwuy auiau-uure suiau-uuic racer from winning the Harms-jshobtlhg championship 6f Cahada. worth Trophy at Detroit, in an- at Montreal recently- when, at last wer to a feeler fWfh the Sdndav i hhl' councl1 mating, Mr; Bra Chronicle. hU totfm t.nt wtrold glWly ftfeV Don in Ehir land If sttlsfacsesy arrangements cduld be made. HAMILTON OnWSepL15: Kaye Don, British speedboat race, told heie that Oar Wood, the American rater, had expressed his willingness td race htm in England, ta'ld Aiati he was willing to meet Wood any time anywhere. Big League Scores National Lea rue Philadelphia 5, 3; St. Lottls 13, 10. American League Chicago 8, Boston 12. Cleveland 6, 7; Philadelphia 2, 9. St. Louis 3, Washington 6. Detroit 1, New York 2. Baseball Standings National League Won Los t Pet. St. Louis 94 49 .657 New York . 84 59 .587 Chicago 76 68 328 Brooklyn 74 68 321 Pittsburgh e9 72 .489 Boaton 61 81 .430 Philadelphia 60 84 .417 Cincinnati 53. 90 371 American Leajue Philadelphia 96 43 .695 Washington 85 55 .607 New York 83 5T .593 Cleveland 71 67 314 St Louis 58 82 .414 Detroit 57 85 ,401 Chicago & 85 .393 Boston ..! S3 86 381 MIXED DOUBLES FINAL DEFERRED TO WEEK-END Playing of the f Inaf In the mixed doubles bf the city tennis champT6H-shlp tournament hat been deferred until the end of the week. The finalist In this event are: Mrs, S. P. McMordle and W. L. Stamford, v. Mia Betty Bdgcumbe and William B. Tobey. i Thit advertisement h notjmllished or displayed by the Manor Control Board or by the government of British Columbia. News and Views of the Sport World . ' .. , ... . ir - 1 1 rf m rtr-i - l i lit - r - t' ri n V m' ' Past Play to , Alatai first baseman of Chicago junior American Legion team about to e laggrd at home plat? by Higby, Columbia, S.C. pitcher, duting recent game at Houiton, Texas, in which Chicago won NATIONS LEAGUE. Terrace Boy Wins First Prize for Fair Paper fFirst prize paper at Terrace Fair submitted by John A. Smith. Grade XII., High - School Terrace.) . QnKi aav itriM H " 1 -i. it . wuti,. wajrs ui w 1 11c 11 me ; LMk'gdeiif Nations may be Strength- i The Essay 1 onocKea Dy tne irientiumesa nf the world War, the principal ha - lions 01 the world planned to form ' some societv for h nmtrmtinn nrl the repetition of this great disaster. ii was thus that the League of Na tions was formed The alms of the League are the preventlon of war, and it sponsors any oiner service mat wui benefit mankind, such as the suppression of the drug traffic, Investigation of labor Conditions, prevention of epl - aemlc aha many other objects. While the League has accom- plished many great services to mati- kind, there are some points that w uvinv wuiMl UWly are AID " undoubtedly weaknesses and several althr others which .VilK AVa are A at iaar least dlsDiltabie UnniitnUlA Possibly the greatest weakness la the eelf exclusion of the United State and Russia from the membership of the League. Without the co-operation of these countries the possibilities of advancement In MtiahnmAM ..v.. v. I uMMiiuBiiKiib aim uuici uiajur qun- ' .tons are destroyed as far as the League 1 concerned. It Is also a hindrance tn mrhhe inmtvk as" friendly relative between both these bodle (the League and ndn- m em hot-Hi hmiltn nf tka . ilaihln . l l ' v. . , . v. , . v . bwsimtK ii ujjiiuoiio are proniDitea. Many ioiuiia, numct, ioii-aiuiii-of of the the possible possible Improvements Improvements In In the the can can Bf'tteh BrlttohEmplre. Empire, Union union of of Bivlet Bivlet League may be assured only ty theee non-member Joining. One of the means of strengthen- lng the League is by the rather startling proposal forwarded by France for all nations to pool their armlmems Ihto ah IhterrlatlBhal army and naw. Anothpr ntm4. tton along this line 1, that the League of Nations form a -6rld- I wide police force. Another similar ,IrnproVfm5nl Is the UmlUttBh df I armaments lrt proportion to the ' -v IBANKERS TO MEET Harrison of New York and Norman of London to Have Serrpf i , . , , Conclave I HAY.tPAY .ont it- n..-. it 'Warrlson of the Federal p.r. IBank. Jew Vnrlr onrl nwAMM - ... a m a - Aioniagye norman 01 tne Dank o' Eneland are to mt In At-a mm. ... w uwviiia, tiaUCVTUlU to report here. !fj rr . nailflV rPmin tr.trJ O . u Enjoys Flight, Known Alice Arm Old Flies! . 4q Anyox Wedding j I ANYoX, Sept. 15. The seaplane "Pintail" of Canadian Western Air- 175 Co..' Ltd., arrived in Anyoxi Urftm Alice Attn early on Wednesday ; 'afternoon of Iat week. It was . piloted by A. Cheeseman and Bill Faulkner was mechanic. nu Ml(.vaiaitV They A IIC were WTiC accompanied by MU Alice Kergln of , Alice A1iA Arm, A rA who r experienced bU& J.i..U ft. her t first flight in the air. All three remained for the wedding oi Cllffftrd Cameron and Mlas Darts Carter, departing the next morning. lnfrJeetlnn nf nmMlnktiU Tttm i ' natural'y breed suspicion In inter- natlona' affair. It would be a! I decided Imnrovement if all aunt ment acts 'ere made knowh to all nations concerned. 'of If the wdrld were divided into flu A rfl!!,, HAMi.tM T1.U A ... Rcpiubllcs. Part-Asiatic Uhlon and tne United States of Europe, world feoverhmental affairs could be much '. more efficiently pidmlnutered. Each of tne9e ate would control in - , trnttl questlns, but UiternaMorml concerns would be attended to Tjy the League of Nillotos. i The rmnds of thousand, of pcohle "ave been bofeoned against the "f by attacks sueh a. those a cheu by L6rd Beavefbidok there should be m6 effl- i defehslve war ahd the problem of . 8.ntlng a hearing to a minority, these afe the main ouestlons. anH ome of stlggbstldhs offered to 'rnprdVfe the League In Its noble task, A,ready tlio Leafcue has done good woik. its- work Will be enhanced actual need. This hai been prac- ytem fbr the investigation tiaed more or less successfully dtir- o' these and elmllar attacks and thb ing the last few years. I suppression of stith untruths, the Important Requirement obJecU and work of the League One Important rbquiretneht of the hduia folm art of the education t League Is brtJad-htlnded men df oI the people and conscquenlly wide experience to serve In all It tneM attacks would have no effect rlepaltmenti. This shotild be""n tne League of Nations. especially true In regard t6 thej Among the problems causing composition bf the panel of the Krea difference of opinion are the Permanent Court of International Questions of international Currency, Juitlte, for It Is by the decision of 01 laH" redUctlois, League inter- this court that most nennin 4ilirt. fertn.e of war debts, koine Intri a the League. ' The bwposal that the Covenant of the League should be reviwrt th cdufdfm with the kelldjg Peacfe - Pact har recrjved conrlderablc at- tentlbn. As the Covenant now lies, war is optional, while Drnctiwiiiv at Home Plate I all the nations have renounced war Ifeatly if these improvements are I by the Peace, Pdct. .carried out. ) in following the present bonstltu-l " i tlon a unanimous decision is re- Wilfred BWhgtr, soh of Archi-I quired before any legislation Is 'bishop i. o Strlpger of Rupert's iprssed. There is considerable dlf- Land and Mrs. Stringer, was a ference of oprnion oh this point., passenger aboard the-ss PrlhPeh. ;many maintaining that a majority Louise yesterday afternoon aiin ' jnote is surflcieht through Vancouver o wh. nce he j At present there U no efficient will proceed to join hu parenu, LOCAL UNIT IS WINNER . i. i Defeated H..M.C.B. Skeena by Six teen Points in Rifle Shooting Last Night The local unit of 'the Royal Ce nadlan Naval Voluhteer Reserv.' won by sixteen points last night over H.M.CJ3. Skeena marksmen in a rifle shoot' at the mlnlatutv rang? in R.CN.VJt. headquarters . The team seon4sted of eight men the six high men to count. Th-total score was 540 points for R.C' N.V.R. and 524 points for H.M.C.S Bkeena. LOCALS WIN i BOAT RACE Outpulled 1IJM.C.S. Skrena Tester-I dar Final Race Next Month The local unit of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, which had the misfortune to lose the first race Sunday on account of an oar breaking when it was a length and a half ahead, took the measure of an H.M.C.S. Skeena crew yesterday afternnnn nhu It aimn tk. j i.w uic 'hler race by half a length, Th final race will be nulled IaU i'n October when II.M.OS. Skeena will be here again. On that occa- ion the fiken will sntar in.. v,i era, whUe the R.CN.VJL will iir. decend unon th Lhish . . ' " "w.a MtUtulau rr-i 1 . . . winner win noa for one year the Bum Cun. which henceforth Will he nillll fnr onnli. r - jally between visiting UM.CJB. ships and the'tocar onit of the Rowal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve. ... , , i LOCAL ITEMS Bishop E. M. Bunoz, O. M. I., re- turned to the city eg thl after- noon train rrom a trip to Haieltoh on ecclesiastical duties. j- H; Milr, CNJt.. baggagemaiter "ere. 111 leave on tomofrov morning's train for Vancouver whence he will proceed on a holiday ip to California. Pioneer Resident of Vanderhoof Is Dead in Interior VANDBRHOOF. Sent 15. The . death occurred last Thursday after - 1 noon .of Henry Calvin Ludwig. one I the pioneer reidents.Kf this ..v..vt. dlULlIM VI Villa U13 dls - 1 I met, Death occurred after an ill - ness of two,.years. T" The funeral iuneral took took place place from from the the I I local United Church on Sunday afternoon, with Rev. R. o. Dunbar officiating. DITDMC V A V V IJUlvlNiJ LjAl.Li . , . .. . ttlM lS idJ greVt wcie eludS hbrs? raclne The nr fffi L2l VJJJ0. " "' "1C eTe'"K- : A . v., r . , . . ! tSmk tbk V toteffihUrfflifhSS S." KmLledTi "P8"181 p- Mulvllle. ' ' Under government encourage menu the cultivation of cotton In Spain has bwm increased from 8175 acre In 1023 to more than 49,400 acre this year, ' : - -'- -' PRESERVING PEACHES We expect a large shipment bf Dt'esehlng peaches to arrive Wednesday. I'rkes Rlchl. Order Now The season Is about over. Watts Grotty Phones: 55, 58 Qrtttinuous ! -i ! nu ,11 - . fir ytvi m 5oi rHvvw ftlteiiw!i,ertl iimtfMiifiii INCOeoATio tr m H . i70- .... "js advertisement is hot liquor Control Board British TERRACE The Terrace Fair was held on Fflday of hut wtk. While the exhibits were not as numerous as in orevious Tears, the rcwtta ami fruit showed a most fiurtirlahl growth a well as teatlfvlnr te) the wonderful agrictrttorai pOstibHltle of this valley. J. K. Gordon has had his most successful year In apple raising. having Had an abundant crop. and't ' Tr im hlpr)ed teveral carloads of apples already. A number of residents of LbkeUc if" ! p inur nomes ior tne winter and are m thloylnt the beauties of tlfe Lake until the Inclement weather -ome. Mrs. John Mcllae, who was up 'I'tlgln e.'.-hl..Hi. In the FV Fair. . tturned to Hrt.fe Rupert on Friday Mr. Martin McPhersoh of Likclse Lake was the auett of Mrs Oeorm Little pnof to br leavln? for Pince Rupert on Sunday, Terrace . - in aB, enjoying a n littlr .It,.,. build WJ VI- lln8 boom and hammers and uw can be heard in almost even-dl'rec- t,on- ln- Among Among buildings brtildlngs goin golrwt Up Up lare a picture jhow building for jFrtd Bishop, a new blacksmith shop ifor Clair Oiggey. a new fr,i?tiy of- flee and a blacksmith shop and gr- THE MAN WITH THE "HAIR-TRIGGER" TEMPER He was Irritable at the office, and grouchy at home. His enemies increased, his friends becRm fewer. Then one day M ddctor told him the truth. He had been hatidicapped by constipation for years. It had brought headaches and constantly irritating ills to make him "touchy." It had stolen his energy and good nature. His doctor suggested eating kcllotfg's All-Bran regularly. And In k few days he was a chained man, cheery, ambitious and on the road to sue-coa and happiness. Constipation Is so unneces. wry. It can be overcome so easily, so pleasantly by eating delicious Kellogg's All-Biun: ?-J,.e.,l,tht,u, "y-to.eat cereal, taMespeonfuls bf Kellogg's All-Bran dally are guaranteed to prevent and If your puper Uocs not CURABLE dfldj HUDSON'S BAY RUM Highest Possible Quality- An eU mdlow Hltt. rntmOk&X UnJ Wbiikr . Rum in public Fin for two ctatarui ., er boughl with ib. elvt coBfidiict bf cui back of both j reputation 211 yeart old. Dubllihed or disniared i, iU or by the Government ColumbU. ge for Oeorgf lc' I to his large trurk -; under eover for t off fee la also tx in ' The Oeorge Lit).-has been In' cons' -m' summer, is closed ci ' for repair. Ben Agar rec:-pt! ' touring car to Mrs w i Vanarsdol. i k " . .youngsters mve .nop. . tn ibdX.t r .. PEACHES IN TOM0RR0I Will Be About Last f !1 for f serving Tunc There ha been ; "J of Okanagan pead idCL IllttllVC' Villi nuiiii;- oarloads havinu i Vat- couver. Thteexpir . thl thl year year of B i : TeachH and thr 1 Washlngtoi ton pit .:..) will arrive t tonion about the last of relieve both temporary " eurring constipation lllll- born cases, wrve An 1 with each meal. Use this natural nf'1' avoid the dangers of ' forming pills and dnit It RAN also supplies ir.'n. " builds Up the blood. Serve All-Diun or cream, With fruits ' ! added. Delicious ' bined with cannpd i" 1 IT. a In hrvnltlnirlno. Sul'l 1 grocers in the faminai and-green nackajre. packajre. Kellogg Ih lit IiOhdon, Omar fi6 All-Bran arrive, telephone Uic offW