Men! Men! Minty's Shaving Cream Lilac Lotion and Lather Brush Hcgtilar Value $1.35 The Three for 90c Ormes Lid. ZTfiQ Pioneer Drtig&isls Phones 81 & 82 FIRST PLANE IS RECALLED Jvt Ten Yrir Ao Yesterday Since rilot Prrst Made First Ascent Over Trinre Rupert Local aviation enthusiasts recall Via tf was Jittt ten years ago yes-tfrrinv since the first, airplane flight was made over Prince Rupert. Vbe plan was an antiquated wartime Curtis biplane and the pilot ij c O. Prcst. Nevada stunt flyer. In order to provide a landing Held ht hr plane's stunt flights during IihlblUon week, a roujh' runway wa-- put In between Acropolis Hill grounds and the Prince Rupert Tennis Club's courts. Spectators vtre charged admission to see the plane take off and land from the trounds. and this was one of the tig entertainment features of the The plane was later wrecked In a ' file on the Acropolis Hill grounds, j Pilot Prcst and L. M. Dach. who! is? hi:, mechanic at that time, have ! tone ahead since then In the flying fame, both being today Important plane manufacturers In Callfprnta. Fir testing the resistance of steel rrlmders a water pressure machine has been invented that can develop i pressure of a million pounds to the square Inch. j aaaaMMBBM Depression Prices Rule i at Montreal Importers Before Filllnjj Vour Needs for Out-Door Work, Sec Us! WE ARE SELLING MASTER MECHANIC AND GREAT WEST GARMENT CO. GARMENTS, together with MINERS' IILACK DIAMOND AND GOODRICH RUHHER GOODS at from 25 to 35 per cent less than anywhere else BUY HERE AND SAVE Every Copper Counts These Days. MONTREAL IMPORTERS UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Strainers Imre Prince llupert t or Vancouver: T.M.r4T.I.A BVERV TUESDAY. 1.30 lM. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursday Morning. T.I.8. CAIIDENA EVEKY FRIDAY MIDNKIIIT Arriving Vancouver Bunday midnight appro.. Weekly ftUlngi to Port 8lnpon, Allc Arm, Anyox, Stewart and Naaa River loinu. Bunday, 8:00 p.m. Further Information regarding all sailings and ticket at rRINrr Rt'PERT AOENCY: Hee mill Avrpiif. Phone B(iB Because it doesn't pay to It does pay to buy Third Ave, & Fulton St. LOCAL ITEMS J. A. Douglas formerly of tho ! staff oi the Oeorg'i Pharmasy In Vancouvc- has arrived In the city f-.m t' uth to Join the dls-pea-tng sXVt of Orme-s Drug Store rrrr. He is accompanied to the city v his wifi, and child. '''"m Ilodman. the veteran llRht keeper of Holland Rock, is in the city today for a brief visit. He says he has been nine years at the lighthouse. He gets up every morn-tax at half-past fix and keeps buv all the time. Ho reads considerably The Weather Triple Island: Overcast, light northwest wind; sea slight. Langara Island : Clear, light westerly wind; sea calm. Dead Tree Point: Clear, light. southeast wind; barometer, 30.00; temperature. 58; light chop. , Eastern Stocks CJPJl., 17. . Consolidated M. itS. ---! Imperial Oil. 12. International Nickel, 10. Noranada, 18. Oct Quick results with a want ad advertise poor products, those advertised. So Nertvus She Could Scream I These Hysterica Womenfolk . . . fobbing . . . laugh-in. CRYING Nerves strung to the breaking point. What a state to be inl Constant headache, bearing down pains, dizzy spells are rob bint; her of health and beauty. If she would only give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a chance to hel p her. 98 out of every 1 00 report benefit. Watch your own ' , troubles yield to its tonic action. Try a bottle of either the liquid or the convenient new tablets. Let it help you as it has helped so many thousands of suffering women. VEGETABLE COMPOUND LOCAL ITEMS CIinscs rilled t registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. . . . ' ' . I John Thomas will leave Ocean Falls 'h(s week for Vancouver whence he will proceed to Montreal and the Old Country. Jlaro'.d Sostad, son of Andrew Sostad, manager of the Engineer mine, arrived In the city on the Princes Louise yesterday afternoon from AUln. Written applications will, be received until Sept. 25th for position of bandmaster for Prince Rupert Boys' Band. W. IL.Tobey Secretary-Treasurer, P. It. Boys' Band. tf J. O. Blanch-ard, general pass enger agent for the White Pass and Yukon Route at Skagway, was a pasnnger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon bound tor Seattle where he will spend the winter. A C. Mattingly. formerly in the service of the Consolidated Min ing it Smelting Co. here and for the past several months stationed at Stewart, returned to the city from the north on the Catala this morning. You're the Cream in My Cof-1 lee," was a request number played by radio station KJR of Seattle last night for Miss Amelia Gurvlch of Prince Rupert. During the evening this station also played a request number for Miss Violet Mo-Cutcheon of Prince Rupert. The report of Fire Chief D. II McDonald for the month of August presented fib the city council last night, showed that there had been three alarms during that month' with no loss. Expenses of the department for the month totalled $1232.42 including $1217 In salaries. The usual Inspections had been made of equipment and public buildings which were found to be In good order. The program of the annual con ventions in Vancouver this week of the G,ood .Roads League of British Columbia Municipalities and the Municipal Officers' Association of British Columbia was presented to the city council last night. As the conventions are already In progress, it was too late for any action to be taken. The secretary ot the Union of B. C. Municipalises will be communicated with with a view to having, if possible In future, advance copies of the resolutions to come before that body. Announcements Eagles' Carnival dance September 18, Ladles refreshments; Gents 50c. Hill 60 I.O.D.E. Bridge and dance October 30. Moose Carnival and Dance No. V2 unci 13. THE DAILY NEWS Local Items Red Salmvn 12c. lb. The Fish Market. Dinnrrwarc. cTiTna, crockery,' glaaiwarr. Ilfllbr'nner' Store. L O.B A. Tea and Home cooking at the home ot Mrs. Krikevsky 733 iTatlow St. Wednesday, Sept. 1C. 3 to 6. 215 Mrs. Annette Stone returned to the city onhe Catala this morning from, a business trip to Stewart. The Dollar Store has been ap pointed Aaents at Pictorial Tat-j terns, and hii Just received a shipment of the new Fall Styles. 21d It will pay you to visit The Cut Rate Shoe Store. Mocker Block.; Men- Ladjis', and Children's! Shoes at unheard of low prices 1 214 Dr. J. A. Macdoriald and son. A j p. Maedinalrt. wr passengers on board thi Catala this morning t'ound from KjncoUth to Vansou-, ver. . I ;t George Harris, manager of th" r. C. Packers cannen at Mill Bay. was a pa wnser aboard th:; CaUia h'i morning bound from the N:ias River to Vancouver where he will spend the winter. i On motion of Aid. Black and Ad P-jlln. the dty council last night, named F. V. Vlekcrs, city cashier. to be acting city treasurer during hhe abence 0, q, Treasurer D. J. Matheson on vacation. There will be a mcotlne in Toe l Rooms Fulton SL, tonight at 7:30 for the purpose of organizing a Rover Crew for boys of 16 years end over for the purpose of carrying on the ideals' tif scouting. riu. There were 105 passengers o- board the steamer Princess Louise. which was In port yesterday aft ernoon bound fron .Skagway to Vancouver, rour passengers a is embarked from the vessel here while nvs"leffce aboard heri;,tPly Ca There was an Informal discussion at last night's council meeting as to the possibilities for wolk to be carried on by the city with the new governmental assistance that has been announced. As there Is 'no official lformatlon yet 'as to the allocation to be made this city and on other points, nothing definite was decided upon. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, who have been spending the summer at North Island where Mr. Smith; was in charge of the Union Oil Co.'s fuel barge, are in the city on their way to Vancouver where they will spend the winter. Mrs. Smith was formerly Miss Anne Ku- delka, R.N., a member of the nursing staff of the Prince Rupert Genera lHospltal. The special committee appointed to consider any changes in the Street Traffic Bylaw will convene at 8 o'clock pjn. on Friday, the 18th Instant. All persons. Interested are Invited to be present. E. F. JONES City Cleik ' WEDNESDAY SPECIAL CRAB APPLE JELLY SPONGE SANDWICH 20c The Electric IJakcry We Deliver Phone GG7 TAXIDERMY 5 Furs igy Made Up 18 Years' Experience All Kinds of Mounting J. A. LESTIN Prince George rrogrcsslvo mcrcnanta advertise Try this delightful Next time you're entertaining try this delightful Tea Menu, suggested by Mia McFarlane, Dietitian of St Michael's Hospital, Toronto. T&MENU Tomatoes stuffed with pineapple Graham Gems Nut Cookies Chase & Sanborn's Tea Miss McFarlane says "My successful eepertence with Magic Baking Powder dates back many years. Consequently, I always use and recommend It because I know It will give dependable baking results. Even a beginner can use It confidently." Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, returned to port 9:30 this morning from Anyox. Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 1:30 this afternoon ! for Vancouver and wayports. Philpott & Evitt, whose tender jjj was $233.60, was given an order for; jjj water pipe by the city council last i night. The only other tender, $247, 1 5 hps from the Prince Rupert Sup - Accounts totalling; $G8,sio3 were si passed at last night's meeting: nf the city council. The budsret in-eluded repayment of $50,000 owing .the bank. Another $50,000 is still owed by the city to the bank. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING Ladies' & Gentlemen's Tailoring Reasonable Trice M. T. LEE COMPANY 323 3rd Ave. V. Phone CC3 HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms. A. J. ritUIUIOMMK. Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth 8ts New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot & Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelli Trlrihniif tSI ROYAL N. Champoux, AUln; Mona Law-Son, city. FOR SALE AUDITORIUM Fine Hall, 50x100 Maple Floor, equipped for both skating and dancing; 200 pairs skates; organ and piano; ideal place for bowling alleys; none here. Make me an offer. SNAP roil CASH Apply Auditorium. 215 6th Av. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Tuesday, September 15, 1931 AsMUamnUBI J jg ; 2 m 1 5 1 cup flour 4 tablespoons brown Sugar li teaspoon Salt A teaspoons Magic Baking Powder melted greased muffin 1 45F. about Guy aaHaiiflBiVBiBiBiHv -aiVaiVTaKaVipH Ta laV- HHV M AJJwMarSlwTrn THURSDAY Is the Last Day of The Annual Sale Sale Prices Will be Discontinued When We Close on Thursday I FAMILY SHOE STORE I Third Ave. W. A. J. Webber, Mgr. Telephone 357 g hiitiri mi ra m &a i:i zs zu zuzu swrvt smm rum mi New Carrier Collection System In view of the depression and to make it as easy as possible for people to pay, the Daily News is to be sold on a weekly basis, payable In advance. Starting Monday next, several of the routes In the west end of the city will be turned over to the carrier boys as independent merchants. The boy will collect each Friday evening for the week following. He buys the papers and sells them to the customers, so there will be no credit given. The boy cannot afford it. Please do not ask him to return for the weekly payment. Have It ready for him. Customers now In arrears will pay the amount owing at the office, but this will have nothing to do with the regular collections made by the boy. He will be doing business on his own, and if lie does not make his own collections wilt not deliver the paper. Those paid In advance will continue to receive the paper until the subscription expires. Any wishing to continue the yearly payments may do so, and we pay the boy. The price of the paper will be 10c a week, payable strictly in advance. That means six papers for ten cents. It will take, a 'few weeks to get the new system running smoothly, and in the meantime we ask for the co-operation of the readers of the paper. The routes not going on the new system this week will do so just as soon as the lists are made up and the boys properly instructed. Help the boys to set up In business for themselves! NATURAL PURE Fresh Milk Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered dally from our own cows. Four successive years Government Orad'e A certificate Health and Sanitation. A trial solicited. Satis-f actloa guaranteed. PRINCE RUPERT DAIRY nox 895 Phone 287 look for this marie on every tin. ft Is a guarantee that Magic Baking Powder does not coo-tain alum or any harmful Here is Miss McFarlane's Recipe for GRAHAM GEMS 1 cup Graham flour . 1 cup milk legg 4 tablespoons butter, melted Sift together white Rour, sugar, salt and baking powder. Add Graham flour, add milk, egg shortening and beat well. Half tins and bake in hot oven SO minutes. Made In Canada, goods Car Owners Our repair service Is prompt, efficient and courteous. RUPERT MOTORS Distributors of DODGE & PLYMOUTH CARS Phone 566 Night Calls 1C1 m