“Tena “ Rexall Remedies” established because o made. **Pexall’’ does not “‘Cure-all.’’ preparation for ev Remedies’’ or habit forming dru ** Rexall Remedies’’ A name that all America has learnt to know and_rely upon are successful because of the high standard of quality that is rigidly maintained in compounding formulas based on proven principles. Instead there is a nature-aiding do not contain harmful stimulants .~ Ormes, Two Phones 82 & 200 At Y our Service Fomedios Confidence has been f the conservative claims in any sense stand for ry human ill. ‘ ‘Rexall gs. are sold in this city by Limited Only 14 Shopping Days Before ‘Xmas Now is the time to buy your "Xmas Candies Varsity Jellies, per Ib., ... 50c Wrapped Lady Caramels, per ‘Wb. 40c¢ Yukon Nuggets, per Ib., .. 40¢ Seotch Mints, per Ib., ware Purity Mints per ID. ......... Licorice Gum Drops, per Ib., . 30¢ OG s+ ceeowccet Oe Savoy Mixed, per Ib., es .- S35¢ Walnut Caramels, per Ib., .... 40¢ - 40¢ 40c . Sc Rupert Table Supply Co. Phones 211, 212 . 40¢ 35¢ Jelly Beans, Rob Roy Mixed, per Ib., Butterscotch, per Ib. Royal Mixed, per Ib., ‘“‘A Baby was born today---its father died yesterday” Tragic? Yes—but that isn’t all, The young husband left his wife almost penniless. He had been so healthy and vigorous, he thought- lessly put off securing life insurance until too late. Men: Life Insurance is something more than a duty Fail to avail yourself of its advantages and your hart will fll with remorse when you realize that you are no ager insurable and are passing on, leav- ing wife and little ones unprovided for. Is your estate protected against the contingency of your sudden death? If not, let us send you particulars of a Mutual Life of Can- ada Protective Policy, so that you can secure one while you are ip food health, You'll say it’s the wisest thing you ever did. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Limited, Agents Phone 11 ° 38rd Avenue WEDNESDAY'S SPECIALS = For plate and sheet glass, see |A. W. Edge Co. tf | For the home fireside; the com- fort of an easy chair and rocker. | Tite's store for holiday dis- le ounts. tf | “Why Smith left Home.” West- holme, December 9 and 10. ti | i Cursetiere, Pucas iaACK 2 57. eteepaana a great historical picture, at the Westhoime, Fri- day and Saturday. 289 TIMBER SALE X1659. Victoria, B.C., Nov. 4th, 19) Sealed tenders will be received by th Minister of Lands not later than noon «wu the 9tk day of December, 1919, for the purchase of Licence X1659, to cut 2 744,000 feet of Spruce and Cedar and 1270 cords Pulpwood on an area siti ated on Link Lake, R.3, Coast Distriet three years will be allowed for the ri moval of timber. ' Further particulars of the Chief Fore ter, Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, ar B.C, TIMBER SALE X1909. Victoria, B.C., Nov. 4th, 191 Sealed tenders will be received by thé Minister of Lands not later than noon on the 7th day of January, 1920, for the yurehase of Licence X1909, to cut 10, 16,000 feet of Spruce, Hemlock and Ce- dar om an area adjoining S.T.1L. 11525 Sedgwick Bay, Lyell Island, Queen Char lotte District, Two vears will be moval of timber. Purther particulars allowed for the re t of the Chief Fores ter, Vieteria, B.C... or District Forester, Prinee Rupert, B.C. TIMBER SALE X1114. Victoria, Nov. 4th, 19 Sealed tenders will be received by | ‘pister of Lands not later than noon on the 9th day of December, 1919 for tty purchase of Licence X1114, to eut 2,635 100 feet of Spruce, Cedar, Balsam anc Hemlock on an area situated on Infrar teke R38. Coast District, + Three (3) vears will be allowed for re moval of timber Porther particulars of the Chief Fores ter, Victoria, B.C.. or District Forester Prince Rupert, B.C. A Good Place to Eat try the 1 westholme Lunch Now under New Management MAY. BILLINGS, Prop. late C.P.R. Dining Hail, broad- view, Sask. MM Stephens Conveya cer $7,060.00 on easy terms, buys two of the best lots on Third Ave., Lots 19 and 20, Block 148, Section 4, Do not overlook this snap in business property. : M. M. Stephens Rea! Estate insurance Financial Agent 50c Special Menu 50c Wednesday, Dec. 10th. Luncheon 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dinner 6:30 p.m. to 7:30. Soup. Vegetable Fish. Fried or Bolled Salmon Halibut jo A aaa Cod Mutton with Green Peas Beef with Vegetable Entries. Baked Beans, steamed brown bread Liver and Onions Sirloin of Beef, Brown Gravy Leg of Veal with Jelly es. Steamed and Mashed Potatoes Mashed Turnips Apple, Cranberry Pie, Chocolate *udding. Tea Coffee DENTISTRY Don't neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 187 Second Avenue PHONE 182 or 444 Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- / dy, 9 to 12 only. Evenin Tuesday, Wednesday and day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT ri- DR. BAYNE : POO OP OL i THE DAR N GOING TO BE COLDER TONIGHT WITH WiND Some Pipes Gone This Morning | and People Will Have to Watch Tonight. rho thermometer registered 15 above zero last night, the coldest this season. Mr. Dowling, Do- minion meteorologist, states that the cold spell will probably last a few days and with the prevail- ing north wind the next few nights will be colder still. Several broken pipes were no- ticed this morning, the one at the Ark forming a veritable ice foun- tain, where the water was gush- ing through the break Reports from up-river say that it is bitterly cold in the interior. LOW PRICE SENDS FISH TO SEATTLE There are a Few Cars in the Yards Today and More Expected. the Skandia and the arrived in this port this morning with 110,000 Ibs. and 45,000 lbs. of halibut nespec- tively. The men were not satis- fled with the price of 12c and 8c offered so have taken their catches to Seattle for sale. Today there is one refrigerator ear in the yards and foun more will be in tonight. FOOTBALL LEAGUE (Special via 6G. T.P. Telegraphs LONDON, Dec. 9.—The football league has decided that if the £25,000 which must be naised for ‘he support of the Huddersfield econd league club is not banked by December 31, the club’s trans- ‘er to Leeds in place of the Old Leeds City Club will be sanctioned. Two boats, Washington, TRADES AND LABOR COUNCIL Regular meeting of the Trades ind Labor Council tonight in the Carpenters’ Hall at 8 o'clock. Delegates take notice. ist, 2nd and 3rd Prizes—Amas Drawing—Wallace’s. tf Pianos Correctly tuned. G. C. Walker. Phone Blue 389. tf Westholme Cafe now open, un- ler new management. Proprietor, Mrs. Billings. 288 * >. ° Carpet squares, congoleum ‘ugs, floor civerings at specia! wices. Barrie’s Furniture Store. . . . Young man or smart boy want- “i to learn gentlemen's clothing ind furnishing business. Martin O'Reilly. tf Barrie's Christmas drawing. ‘very two dollars’ worth pur ‘hased entitles you .to a ticket free, Starting Wednesday, No- vember 19. First prize, Daven- port bed; second prize, fumed oak table; third prize, wicker rocker le luxe, at eastern prices, °t Tite's. tf Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. tf it will cost you $976 and seven veeks traveling to visit the Nile by steamer and two hours and fif- teen minutes and 55c on Satur- day at the Westholme. 289 Tite’s Christmas Drawing. Every $2.00 cash purchase en- titles you free to a ticket. First prize, brass bed, coi! springs felt mattress and pair of down pillows. Second .prize .ladies’ desk and chair, mahogany finish. Third prize 24-inch tenpte ¢ Doll. tf St Regis Cafe Special Menu, 50c. W dnesday, Dec. 10th Luncheon 11 a.m. to 2 p. m. Dinner 6 p.m to 7:30. Soup. Vegeitbte leh Boiled Spring Salmon, Egg Sauce Fried Halibut Steak, Tartar Sauce Flank of Beef, Horse Radish Pork Spare Hibs, Heinz Sauerkraut Entrees. Lamb Stew with Vegetables Atkins’ Sausage, Mashed Potatoes Liver and Onions St. Regis Special Small Steak Individual Chicken Pte joast. Lege of Veal with Dressing Mashed, Boiled or Baked Potatoes Caramel © up Custard Hot Minee Pie Cherry Cakes Tea and. Coffee SHORT onvers Nouns? AT ALL i Ews a = ———— — vet eceinibys es te et te ee ee eee Local News Notes ciel — ee eR ee @® “Cleopatra” coming to the Westhoime Friday and Saturday. the great sani. A. W. Edge Uo, Use Muresco tary wall finish, * . left Home,” Westhoime Decenily 9 and 10. tf . . . Tickets for prizes—every $1.00 purchase, Wallace's. tf o * * For first class shoe repairing, B. M, Simpson, Fifth and McBride. *. . . The “Dinector’’ Corset. Manu- factured in Prince Rupert. Phone Blue 92. tf 7 . . Skates ground at Akerberg, Thomson's Machine Shop on the wharf, 288 > . . Beds, springs and inattresses at reduced priccs at Barrie’s fur- niture sale. ti * . * Mrs. L. W, Patmore will not re- geive on Wednesday nor again until further notice. . * * Tite's large stock of fancy goods and toys opened up and ai your service, tf cSt ye We don't cobble shoes at Simp- we repair them. Corner and McBride. tf son's Fifth The Symphony Orchestra prac- tice will be held on Thursday in- stead of tonight.—-Secretary. and Home Cooking in the Metho- dist Church parlors on Wednes- day afternoon at 3 o'clock, 287 20 per cent discount on all wall- papers. We have to make room for new stock, A. W. Edge Co. Uf . . * “Cleopatra” the most beautiful ‘woman in history, at the West- hoime Friday and Saturday. 28° Tite's special discounts for ‘ash until Christmas in our fur- niturne, rug and drapery depar'! ments. tf . > * Mickey McDonough was fined ten dollars in the police court this morning for being drunk and dis- orderly. >. > . Afternoon tea, candy and par ‘els for the children on Wednes- day afternoon in the Methodis} hureh parlors. 278 * . Smart boy or young man want- . The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the (4.W.V.A, will be the guests of the G.W.YV.A, at a social to be given at the Rooms on Thursday, the {ith at 8:30 p.m. The regular meeting is postponed. 289 7 * * Jacob Shaw, an Indian of the Kitkatla tribe, got drunk yester- day afternoon and as a result was up in the police court this morn- ing. He gave very useful evidence in the conviction of the supplier, Mah Sang Sing, so was let off on tte ped nce sentence. CIVIL SERVANTS ASK A CHRISTMAS BONUS (Special via G.T.P. Telewraphs.) TORONTO, Dec, 9.— Ontario civil servants are asking for a Christmas bonus averaging $200 each, There are 1,400 employees affected, Just arrived at Edmunds’ Prince Rupert Musie Store shipment of accordeons, marfidolins, violins and banjos. You will have to hurry as this stock will not last long. tt To see attain cost Mark Anthony his chance of a crown. it will cost you 650 on Friday or Saturday at the Westhoime Thea- tre. 289 ee ee en ooun tte Ee. a onntnatens at SOME. GIFT | SUGGESTIONS Come in and Choose Y our Xmas Gifts NOW Whilst Stocks Are Complete. Hankerchiefs in Gift Boxes - from 50c to $2.(0 Ladies’ and aearen s Lined Gloves per pair - - - Boudoir Caps - - - Fancy Silk Scarfs - - Georgette and Crepe de Chine $2.00 to $3.00 from 95c to $2.75 from $4.50 to $7.50 Waists - - - - from $9.50 to $21.00 Dainty Silk Underwear in Great ~ Variety; Purses, Hand Bags, etc.; Fancy Collars; all colors. Boudoir Slippers in Ladies’ Silk Sweaters from $15. to $40. Hemstitched Table Cloths, and a great variely of other suitable ar- ticles. es" ll \(\y H. S. WALLACE (0., 17D. Corner Third Ave. and Fulton St. _— ow — 9° REGLAR FELLERS JUST WHAT “> i | THOUGHT- RMAN Meas Les “THE CAPTAIN LL THINK 1M A REGLAR SPY AM (Li GET HUNG AM EVERYTHING \* _ _—- = CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS: Do your CHRISTMAS SHOPPING now ---and do it early---for the early bird gets ? the early worm. Our store is packed with Christmas things and a YOUR DOLLAR WILL GIVE 7 YOU DOUBLE SERVICE if you spend it wisely. We have something to suit everyone in the family --- something suitable for father, mother, sister and brother, as well as for sweetheart and husband. Make Jabours Your Purchasing Head- quarters and Save Money. Jabour Bros., Ltd. Corner Third Avenue and Seventh Street ae © sed Advertise i in “The Daily News”