. Ma rora. News of the Sport World CANADIENS LOSE GAME Defeated By Maroons Seven to One In Sensational Hockey Game Saturday Nitht MONTREAL. Dec. 14: The decisive defeat by a More of seven to one by the Montreal Miroons of Montreal Canadiens Saturday night was he feature of week-end play in j the National Hockey League. In the other Saturday night game Toronto Maple Leafs defeated De troit Falcons three to one at To- ronto and advanced to within one point of the Canadteru for possession f second ptee in the International section and within two polnU of the leading New York Americans. Sunday Games In last night's game, Boston Brains-won three to nit over Chicago Black Hawks and deposed the Hawks from second place in the American section. New York Rangers won their seventh victory of the season at the expense of the New York Americans and increased their lead hi the American section to five points. Central Interior j Puck Loop Playing Winter's Schedule Started at Week-End With Games Played at Williams Lake PRINCE GDOROE. Dee. 14 Over the week-end, the Cariboo Hockey League schedule got tinder way. Clinton played Alkali Saturday night and William Lake Sunday. The schedule for the season Is as follows: , Dec. 12 Clinton at Alkali. , Dec. 13:-CMnton at Wllam Lake. Dec. 19 Quesnel at Alkali. Dec. 20 Queans! at Williamsi Lake. Dec. 21 Quesnel at Clinton. Dec. 25 Williams Lake at Clin-, ton. Dec. 31 Prince George at Alkali. Jan. 1 Prince Oeerge at Williams Lake. Jan. Oi-Prinee George at Clinton. Jan. V-Williams Lake at jAlkall. Jap. 8 Clinton at Prince Oeorge. Jan. 9 ClinUm'at Quesnel Jan. IS Alkali at Queen ei Jan. 1G Alkali at. Prince. Qttwee. Jan. 22- Williams Lake at Prince Geonre. Jan. 24 Williams Lake at Quei-heL Jan. 28 Alkali at Williams Lake Prince 0rrp at Quesnel. (Alkali Lake games at William Lake.) Whist Schedule December 17 LO OT vs. Orotte Totem Park vs. Moose, Old Bmnress Hotel vs. Musketeem Seal Oove vs. Legion Pish Packers vs. Sons of Norwnv HII.LIAUD SCHEDULE Dec. 15 Elks vs. Cold Storage Dec. 18 Grotto vs. Elks. This Rhum Negrita REP. QUART F-ri $4.00 1 at VJr. at 4lntmt In Famel the world over as "Old Nick Hum" 1 Im Uaaar OatN Sr4 Mad Victoria, H, C advertisement U not puollsnul or displayed by the Llquot Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. AH Trepared For The Fun It's about time the weathernun put Uie sfcidy r-.der :he snow ctouds and let us have some of that ingie bells stuff. At least 'hats hr. Aii C j--uijii says, wh s brought along the appratus just in case SPORT NEWS nourishing youth is the hole-card of Canada's Olympic hockey team in the gamble for world-title glory. Speed and style, weight and Canada in Olympic play to the Manitoba capital for the second time in four occasions, show that the team is mostly made-in-Mani- OalntbricD, Weiahysi Clerk. iLi i THE DAILY NEWS It g HOOP GAMES AT SIMPSON lli nd Boys Defeat II. B. By Score of 55 U 1C um wc-tk nave Deen aouiiiea into tooa. Ten or H men on the roster j two-game series of basketball the hockey handful the Dominion were born In Winnipeg. Two were , games was started last Friday be wlR be banking on at Lake Placid, borp in Saskatchewan and two in N.Y when play begins with a ma- Ontario. teur hockey's greatest honors in the pot Twenty-three years, 10 Sketches of the players follow: xftnths. Is the average age of the 1 William Cockburn, goal and cap-14- hockeymen who are to Journey tain. Bom at Toronto 28 years ago. trom Winnipeg, where they won the .Weight 185. Height 5 feet 8 Inches. Canadian championship last Winer, to the Olympic battle-ground In upper New York state. The dele- tales of the Maple Leaf are in the jrime of heckey-life. blending outb and experience to the finest dvantage. Solemn Bill Cockburn. 4M oi Canada's moat efficient net-aeo, U the "daddy" of the team at 8 years. Lean Stoney" Wise, tire-.ss winger, is 27, and "Tick" Car-utt, his elusive centre ice mate, is 6 but the rest of the Winnipeg rew are 25 years old or less. Three e just reached the voting age The Canadian champs will be Die to hurl an average of better tan 160 pounds a man into the i act for world honors. Their first iring forward line grosses just 500 oundv making 167 pounds apiece. '!th big Hack" Simpson being figured for defence duty instead of laying at his accustomed centr" ?e position, thr read-a. j.ird trto is ttcd at an average of 175 pounds i man Records of the Winnipeg. . ho brouphi th" rifch' uj reprenen Awarded the coveted certificate of purity, merit and quality by the ItiHlitute of Hygiene, London. Grain merchant. I PORT SIMPSON. Dec 14: A tween the Concert Band and the H. B. team of the Y. P. E. A. The first game was fast and exciting, resulting In a win for the band boys. The score was 35-18. The tine-u pa: Band Boys Musgrave tcapt.), Knott. Geo. Johnson. Alexcee, ; Hen nr. Oeonar. Ramnson Whvte. Roy Htekel. left defence, born at. H. B.P Brentten, C. Wataon. Winnipeg 25 years ago. Weight 175. T. Morae. c. Brentzen, J. Brentzen. ..eight 5 feet 11 inches. Grain clerk, r Saskey H Bryant Hugh Sutherland, left defence, i Referees", P.' Price and Jim Law-Jorn at Winnipeg 24 years ago. ,.nn veignt ie& Height 5 feet 0 inches. Grain clerk. Harold Simpson, defence and cen tre. Bom at Winnipeg 21 years ago. Weight 183. Height 6 feet 3 inches. Student. ! Walter Monson. centre. Born at I Hockey Standings International Division Winnipeg 23 years ago. Weight 100. j Americans 5 Height 5 feet 0 Inches. Machinist, joufteuens 5 Victor Lindquiat right wing, t Toronto 4 Born at Kenora, Ont.. 23 yean ago. Weight 170 Height 5 feet M Inches. Railway clerk Romeo Rivers, left wing. Born at Wtalnpcg 22 years ago. Weight 170. Huston . & 1 Tt-i.. - -. ... . ... t "c' a iwei 11 wenes. aueeincian Chicaco ... .3 4 Oeorge Oarbutt. centre. Born at: Detroit ' ' 1 2 Winnipeg 26 years ago. Weight 1TO. 1 . Height 5 feet 7 Inches Orain clerk. 1 Kenneth Moore, right wing. Corn at Regina 21 years ago. Weight 140. Height feet 8 inches. Oram clerk. Alston Wise, left wing. Born at Winnipeg 27 years ago. Weight 146. Height S feet 10 inches. Orain clerk. Clifford Crowley, left wing. Born Height 5 feet 11 inches. Air pilot. iJ- HUlman CS) W. Murray 40) JUNIOR BILLIARDS E- Hudson 6j . B. Hudson Elks) December 14 Hawks vs. League L. Raabe tElkaJ ' wat- at -'. of Nations. December 17 Jewelers vs. Empress. 1 December 28 Hawks vs. Empress. December 31 Jewelers vs. League of Nations. A. Murray 'El F. Aldrldge (CL) . D. Brown id) P. Johnson 'E . O. Grotto; Elks, W. D. L. i . a. M. Andrews lf 3 C. P. Balazno B .... 2 J. Bulger H. . 2 A. Macdonald CSI 1 at Winnipeg jrfye.jrs sgp. Wetefat ?-.tSew? ,G7 180. Height 8 feet finches, brur J Wurrtv 'CS clerk. J. Strachan (CL) . Albert Duneansas. right wlng.'H- Chenoski .(Elks) Born a( Winnipeg 21 years ago YounB 'B' Weight ICO. Height 6 feet 1 mch.'- ehentn 0 ... Railway derk. J- Bm" E Fostw Weolley, defenee. Born atJ- Saunde 2 k 23 years ago.!- 2 Stanier Wagner, goal. Born at r . Pieman 'uif 1 ,B. MoatttOJ 1 J. MaVuSir. 1 WlnlnDce 23 years aao. Welch! 165 oung (O) 1 ? 3 Mawons . 4 1 American Division.,' Range rr 1 W. D, It Billiard Averages Ttl- 750 500 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 747 40S 458 228 '223 430 219 214 41G 207 204 197 107 189 362 150 CS, Cold Storage Ave. 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250; 249 203 229 229 228 225 215 215 214 208 207 204 197 197 189 181 150 E. IBEQUESTS i ARE LEFT ' Presb terlan ! Church. rfenc'fiU in J Wills of vprt Ephraira Scott and John Penman' TORONTO. Dec. 14: A number of generous bequests have been received recently by the Presbyterian Church In Canada. Under the will of the late Dr. Ephraim Scott of Montreal, who died in August, the sum of $50,000. : is donated to provide a fund Tor ne assistance of ministers and their families who may be to need of such help. $8,000 is given to foreign mis- j ' sions for building purposes, and the residue of the estate, after certain 1 bequests to relatives and friends, is , j bequeathed to the church for extension work in various provinces. , John Penman of Paris left a ten-year fund of $10,000. the income of 1 which will be used for the Presby-1 terlan Church in Paris in addition to a legacy of $10,000 for the Mac-Kay Memorial Hospital In Formosa, i $15,000 for foreign mission work in India and a tS.000 memorial j scholarship for the Presbyterian I College in Montreal. Further Mr, .Penman left his fine residence In ! Paris. "Penmarvtan." as a home for j aged ministers and missionaries (with a generous endowment for Its isupport. The residence will come into possession of the church afterj I the widow's death. The residue of the Penman estate is also left toi the church for work In various de- J partments. j j ! Steamship Sailings jfor Vancouver ; Tuesday ss. Catala. 1:30 pin j Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pjt ! I Friday ss. Pr. Mary. .. 10 p.m. ss. Cardena. midnight. Dec. 20 ss. Princess Norah vm. 1 From Vancouver I Sunday s. Catala pm ! Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert ... 10;30 ajn Friday ss. Princess Mary 4 p.m. Friday- as. Cardena pin, Dec. 16 as. Princess Nerah ajrt Dec. 30 ss. Princess Norah ajn. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday s. Catala S nxt. From Naas River te Port Simpon Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 a.m ror Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Catala 9 pin. Wednesday ss. Pr. Rupert 4 pin From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Catala .ll 30 a.m. Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert . 8 p.m From Ocean Falls Wed. as. Pr. Rupert ..10:30 ajn. Friday Pr. Miry 4 pin Friday ss. Cardena pjn For Ocean Fallf Tuesdav m. Catala . 1 30 p.m. Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pjn. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pin. Tor Queen Charlottes-Dec. ss. Prince John 10 pin. Dec. 14 ss. Prince John 10 p.m. WEATHERREPORT Langara Island--Overeast, light southerly wind, heavy swell. Triple Island Rain, strong west erly wind, heavy westerly swell. Dead Tree 'Point Cloudy, fresh southeast wind; barometer, 20.84: temperature. 40; light swell Basketball Standing Senior League W. L, Pts Panthers 4 3 8 32 Taxi 3 3 ' 6 C. N. R. A 4 4 0! . IntermtIIate Leacue W. L. VUi TnxU 4 3 8,' High School 3 3 6 Merchants 3 4 e : Ladies' League , : W Amazons ... .7 Cardinals v .. 3 Comets . 0 Junior League League or Nations 4 Boy Scouts 4 Rovers 1 Japanese l L. Pti. 0 14 4'- 6 - 6 0 W. L. Pts of charges made for reading notices: Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. Birth Notices 60c. Funeral Notices $1. Cards of Thinks, 12. Funeral Flowers 10c per name 4 Mercury mm Jot Mtrcury Underwear wIH b pprc!ted by all mtn who hsvs an Instinct for qustlty. It cottt a few cents more per qsrmsnt, but when you it, fJ it and wear it, you'll tsy Mercury's wall worth the diffsrones. Mercury mills LIMITED HAMILTON 11 UNIFORM as its bottles Hie hish qualitr. mellow flavor and invinrit n strength of White Stil Deer are as uni'-rm sitae size and tAiayr and cole: t iu Lotties. 1 u . an depend on it that Uie contrnti of the bottle of While Sral Beer t buv today will give vmi lite urn enjoyment at the Lrst bottle tou ever irietL it it utr jmmv 01 iu ingredients and th paJDstiUsf niK-niion and 1"hl' e-iperieiw of ourexrrt brewer- ihal town this fine result I .ik s Uiiul friend. White Seal Bttr n "Always the samr." The Kiewel Mreini: "m)an Ltd, Sl BoniUir. V.n, WkUc Scat car tct Thi 4di-erlixementi$notpubtuhcdorliplaY1fv Owhtpt Conl nil Unani or hy the Gotrmmrnl flf British I m' This advertisement is not published r display-Liquor Control Board or by the Oowrnm- Hritish CntttmbU PRINCE RUPERT Likes the Best! Prince Rupert merchanWsay that their . i mcs like to buy goods of the best quality. T! 8 discriminating people. If there are any Prince Rupert people nor taking the Daily News regularly we suggest that tiev are making a mistake in not taking the best. T Prl ' is now so low that it is a mistake to do w 't!l"ur ltie paper that circulates throughout the dist i id- . Call up the Daily News business off ire and that thg boy call and collect. - 10c. Weekly Commence Getting the Paper Tomorrow