Li THREE A Bottle of Evening in Paris :C COAST LTEAMillJps Cars Tires Oil . PERFPE- . 1 1 FREE With Each 15ok of Face Powder Both For $1.00 Ormes ltd. Dfto Pioneer DrttQffists Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THKEE GRADUATE PHAItJIICISTS 71U.RUK u P'T herbal, ointment known ft'orld (or iU wonderful twill "d healwa ptofXTK, lktf ltop P"" ,n" UntaUon, liwitilUfcaiatun ai.d growtntw JlfjWiy Urn. Um-DM u cbuij 1 pOO lOf eczema, uu.n n 14 lor ine oauy jnw iut tucb u ourra. uloV cot. Uuuet f Jdrt.iamr irf Bfltnicwi init-s. n it 817 Second Ave Mr. Thomas Carpenter. 376 Third Ave- Verdun. Que writes: "I hive been t titer of ZanvBuk for man than thirty yeari. dur. iri tint time I hive uted it lor cut, bruuei, chipped handa, tkin troubles ind rheu. mttam, and it has aiwayi riven treat taUiiaction in hcaEni wound. and re Kevin ciin. M Denonil onuv ion ii that it it oat of the bat OinU mentt on the market it. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS j - Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Ol'ERA T1N; (J. T. I'. 20.000-TON FLOATING DUYDOCK Engineers, Machinist,. Hoi It anal era, Klarksmlth, Pattern Makers Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND. ACETYLENE WELDING Oar I'lant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 386 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED M'KCIAL WlNTi:it i:ClJtnlON AHI.H lUirts on talc I rum .Nov 13. 19W to IrU. . I'Jil (Mlth flwil rrlurn ,., limit Marrh II. IM1) 'R1NCE RUPERT TO VANCOUVER $10.00 RETURN Mrumrrt ee I'iIih lluprft I r Vumwim: I. t' KVI'.UV TllXHAY. 1JO I'.M. 1 AnuuiK Vancouver, vu Ocean Fall, Thursday Noon an. AKDKNA KVIIHV I llllt V MIJlNHIHT AiMv:ng Vtafiouvtf BimrAy tntuighi appro. to Pii8uMaton. Alloa Arm. Anyos, Stewart and Naa. Hlver puuita. Sunday, 8 00 p.m. ! ::iltmii Mfl.Ml n o &1I Mkllltura Bllfi tickets at 1M E 1(1 l'i:itr AOEM'Vl Second Aieinii". Phone 5W 11. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAIl.lNdS HtO.M 1 K1NCK KUI'r.UT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, and Skagway. January 10th and 24th. To Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle-January 1st, 14th. and 28th. lrluoM Mary Oomu Falls, etc. Vanrr uver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 pm. I?-. All Vlrimtllln I.lnM W u Orchard. Oen. Agent, SrdAv.. Prince Rupert. PnoneSl. S.E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Trucks Tractors Accessories Gas St Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service ird Ave. East ph0e 82 SOMETHING NEW FOR LADIES AND OENTS Large assortment new clothea for autumn and winter Just to hand. All finest quality and latest pat terns. Come In and ee us today. Suit or overcoat complete and finished In three days. Ling, the Cutter Steani' cleaning, pressing and altering. We deliver any part of the city. LING THE TAILOR Vhoue 619 D News Want Ads. bring quick Results Curzon's Stockings for boys and girls. Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Hcilbrcner's store. A. T. Parkin sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a buslneis trip to Vancouver. Pioneer Association meeting at 8 p.m. in City Hall, to form committees for annual banquet, March 10., 7 , I : fj2Q) Curzon's Ladles' Hosiery silk and wool. Mrs. M. A. Dupuls of Haysport la paying a brief visit to the city, having arrived from the Skeena River on yesterday nfternoon's train. Lelf Erickson Society Hard Time Dance in the Metropole Hall, Frl lay. January 13. Good music. Ev erybody welcome. Admission La dles 20c. Gents. 50c. 20 A. E. Parlow, district forestei. who has been on a week's trip to he Queen Charlotte Islands on of ficial business, returned to the :ity on the Prince John yesterdaj tftemoon. R. H. Worlock. until recently a member of the staff of the W. H. Malkin Co. Ltd.. left this week for Hatelton where he will take over the management of a new store which is being opened by C. W. Dawson. " In answer to a-queatton asked at 'ast night's meeting of the city "ouncil it was stated that formal transfer of the lease on the neces sary right-of-way had not yet been received from the railway company and, therefore, appltca tion could not yet be made to the board of railway commissioners for permission for a level crossing of the railway tracks near the dry dock for the proposed road from Sixth Avenue to the new fishermen's floats. Attractive rices On Everyday Needs Brookfleld Eggs Storage Extras, per doz .! Jelly Powders Nabob, all flavors, 5 for Snowdrift Coconut The finest quality, per lb. .. Peanut Butter Squirrel Brand, per 1-lb. jtin 25c 22c 19c Sliced Pineapple No. S tins QDn 3 Una v Florida Orapefrutt Polk's No. 2 tins, per tin Red Plums-Nabob No. 2 Una, per On California Orapafnflt 3 lor Hothouse Rhubarb. per lb. Tluson'a Health Dia per pkf i Nabob Sockeye tebftan Vfc's. per tin l's per tin '. Nabob Prunes Laff l-lb. earton Bulk Mincemeat Good quality, per lb. Nabob Whole CltrAA per Un Sunlight Soap ... per carton Oold Medal Mayonnilt per 8-oz. Jar Beekist Hunry 2'j-lb. Un 5-lb. i tin Finest Jap Rice 4 lbs Watts' Grocery PHONE .r5 I'HONE 50 As f'loM' Your Phone" FREE DELIVERY THE DAILY NEWS Friday, January 23, 1931. Local Items CONSTIPATION BRINGS MANY ILLS Did you know that constipation often brines despondency! Poisons spread throuRh"the system. You lack pep. Headaches become frequent. No wonder you have the "blues." Yet constipation can be overcome by having sufficient roughage In your diet. A pleasant way to obtain this roughage is through eating Kellogg's AlX-Bean. You will enjoy this delicious cereal. And how much better for you than taking habit-forming laxatives. Two tablespoonfuls of AlX-Bban, eaten daily, will relieve and prevent both temporary and recurring constipation. All-Bra'n also contains reeded iron to build up the blood. At all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. All-Bran Curzon's for gloves and socks. Sons of Norway dance tomorrow night in Metropole Hall, Premier Orchestra. Admission 50c. and 25c. Everybody welcome. 2U George Rorie. C.A., was reappointed city auditor for the yeac 1931 by the council last night on motion of Aid. Collart, seconded by Aid. Black. Curzon's are selling underwear. M. A. Burbank, 4lTllon engineer for the Canadian National Railway, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to the interior on official duties. . George D. Seattle, postmaster and druggist at' Queen Charlotte City, arrived in the city from the Islands on the Prince John yester day afternoon and sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to; Vancouver. A bylaw providing for the tem porary borrowing from the Royal TVtnk of Canada of $50 000 pending the co?le?tton of the year's taxes was Riven its Initial readings at la?t night's meeting of the cltv council. Pat Malonev. who has been cn- 25c i K30, ,n t'nibcr cruising near Rose 24c 12c 22c 14c 11c 21c 39c 25c 12c 15c 19c 28c 43c 79c 25c liaroqr, arnvea in me cuy on uk Prince John yesterday afternoon from the Islands and sailed last night on the Prince Rupert Mr and Mrs. Charles R. Gilbert arrWed In the city on yesterday affornoon's train from Terrace and sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. They will travel extensively in the south before returning home. Regular fortnightly meetings of the city council will start on February 2. It was announced at last night's meeting of the council. The i utilities committee will meet on Tuesday evenings, the Board of Works Immediately after the council meetings and the finance committee on Friday afternoons. Resuming service after having been tied up at Victoria for the past three weeks for repair of a broken tallshaft, C.P.R. steamer Princess Mary. Capt. S. K. a ray arrived In port at 2 o'clock this afternoon from Vancouver and way-points and will sail at 10 o'clock tonight on her return south. J. Wrathall had a letter before the city council last night In which he offered $20 to purchase an old camera which had formerly been used by Uie city police department. At the sdggesllon of ATd. Rudder-ham, it was decldedl if ' there wa' no further use for the camera, to advertise It for sale. In answer to a question by Aid. Black. City Solicitor E. F. Jone Intimated at last night's meeting of the city council that no reply had has yet been received from the federal radio department to a let- Curzon's Men's Wear Outfitters. Billiards tonight Grotto vs. Canadian Legion. Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware, Heiibroner's Store. 153 ttiia Marun oi jviassctt ar rived In the city on the ss. Prince John from the Islands. 6he will be m the city for the next two weeks receiving dental treatment. Jim Bacon's Kippers and Bloat ers, prepared by local labor, from , recently caught Port Simpson herrings, are on sale in town. Ask for Bacon's, get the best, and help local industry. 21 The indemnity bylaw providing for the payment of $1,500 to the mayor and $300 to each alderman for their services during the twelvemonth was given its introductory readings at last , nlght'3 meeting of the city council. Mayor Orme, at last night's council meeting, appointed Aid. Collart. Aid. Pullen, Aid. Pillsbury and Aid. McCutcheon members of the court of revision on the 1931 assessment roll. The court of revision will sit on February 9. Word has beeri received in the city that Ike Thompson, postmaster at Jedway and well known pioneer of the Queen Charlotte Islands, who .'returned home a few weeks ago after undergoing medical treatment at Vancouver, a again seriously ill. Among the formalities at the In itial meeting of the 1931 city coun ell was the reading by City Solid tor E. F. Jones of the official re suit of the poll last week for mavor. aldermen and school trus ANNOUNCEMENTS Presbyterian Burns' Banquet on January 23. Lelf Erickson Hard Time Dance January 23. ,u"- Baptist Supper, January 20. Moose Legion January 30. Novelty Dance Sons of Norway Flsliormen' Farewell Dance February 0, Moose Hall. BUSH'S Grocerteria AGAIN WE SAY ! ! Compare our prices with others, then phone your order to us Blue Ribbon Tea Friday dt Saturday per lb. Fresh Pullets Eggs per doz Navel Oranges Sweet & Juicy, per dos 45c 30c 20c ;r 75c 84.00 Blue Ribbon Extracts Vanilla and Lemon 2-oz. botUe 4-oz. I fin 8-oz. bottle bottle Sunlight Soap per cake per carton Nabob Tomatoes 2V4's per tin 20c 75c 5c 20c 15c Bush's Grocerteria Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Contracted Bad Cold Believed Getting Pneumonia lib UargaerlU Croft, B.N., Chester Baaln, NJ3, writeer "Last winter I contracted a very bad cold. Nothing I tried gave me any relief from the severe pains in my ehett, and I believed I was getting pneumonia... IIj .lather told ma on night he- had, -a new cough medicine for me to try. Before I had taken a ball Done or Dr. Wood's Norway tne Byrnp" the pain wis greatly relieved. I took two bottles and my eold had disappeared." Price tie. a bottle j large family size 65c j at sin drnggiaU and dealers; put np onljr by The T. Milbnrn Co, Ltd., Toronto, Oat RUPERT FISH AND CHIP SHOP .i i Announces the delivery of fish and chips from 4:30 p.m. until 9 pjn. week days, Saturdays, 12 noon until 10 p jn. at 30c per order, c. o. d. including delivery. When late for Hubby's supper phone Black 936 for quick and Inexpensive meal, cooked hi the finest salad oil obtainable. Proprietor, R. It. STRACIIAN 201 Third Ave. W Phone Black 336 Curzon's Sweaters lowest prices for the best. Elks' officers dance tonight in Elks' Home. Good music, good' eats and a good time for every-. ' one 20 Mrs. D. W. Morrlssey, mother of Mrs. R. E. Moore, is reported to be quite seriously 111 In the Prince Rupert General Hospital Mrs. H. S. Parker sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Vancouver and other points in the south. Walter Hume, accountant of the local dry dock, sailed last night tees as well as on the referendum, ne n "uPe" I0f "p in the matter of the length of the mayoralty term. - to Vancouver on official business, A. E. Klncald, well known Revel stoke insurance man, after one of of the C.N.R. steamer Prince Wll-i iiam. which haj been tied up at the local dry dock for the rest of the winter, and Mrs. Thomas sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a holiday trip to Mrs. Theodore Knutsen and two children and Mrs. Knutsen's brother. Norman Evanger, arrived In the city from Shauvln, Alberta, on yesterday afternoon's train and will sail tomorrow morning on the Princess Norah for Ketchikan where they will reside. James Zarclll sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver whence he will proceed to St. Martin's Hot Springs, on the Columbia River about fifty miles east of Vancouver, Washington, where he will spend the next month for the benefit of his health. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Fraser, who were married on Wednesday, the bride having formerly been Miss Margaret van Cooten, returned to the the city last evening on the Prince Rupert after a brief honeymoon trip to Anyox and jStewart. They are taking up residence In the Pullen cottage on Third Hazclton Indian Gets Twenty Months FoY . Assaulting Officer Charlie Patsy, Hazelton Indian, who clubbed Provincial Constable Raybone during the recent Yule-tide season, was brought to the city on yesterday afternoon's train by Inspector John Macdonald, provincial police, from Smlthers where he was sentenced by Judge E. A. Rob ertson to 20 months' Imprisonment ter recently sent by the council Phones: 211, 212 e Deliver for assaulting a police officer. Pat- suugestlng improvements to the lo- sy now in the city lock-up awalt- reccptlon situation. BHHHHH ine cscort 10 okallx Mrs. Renahan Here Thursday . rr- " Widow of Lost? Aviator Will Return South From Ketchikan, It , Is Expected Mrs. Robin Renahan, who has been for the past week at Ketchi kan out of which place the search has been proceeding for further wreckage of her husband's plane, was In Prince Rupert again yesterday aboard the motorship North land. She picked up effects she had left here and returned to Ketchikan aboard the Northland. It Is understood that Mrs. Renahan will return from Ketchikan to her home in Vancouver, either by steamer or in Pilot Anscel Eck-man's search plane. , It Is expected the search by Pilot his periodical visits to thlsxlty andiEckmann will be discontinued: soon. district, sailed last night on thei , Prince Rupert for the south. 1 S' 1 OflSIClTcCl I TVio flro riarvirt'msnt Viart-o fall a W IVU tUW 1AIUWA1 W VAVUIgUlOl i a chimney fire in the general office building of the Canadian National Railways. Slight damage was done. Work of tearing up the old plank ToBellingham Rev. Christ M. Ivarson, Lutheran Church Minister, Will Be in City This Evening sidewalk on the north side of Third rcv. Christ M. Ivarson. who is Avenue between Second and Third Deins transferred from Bella Coola Streets is proceeding. It Is planned to Bclilngham as pastor of the Lu-to lay down a new type of walk to therah" Church, will pta through replace it. j the city this evening bound south from ;Bella Coola on the steamer Mrs. Wilson, mother of Mrs. C. Cardena. He will snend a few hours R. Blggart of this city, and Gof- here and will address a meeting in . - . - tan -miiril-JBrjnu don wllsoni Mrs- B1Sgart's brother; st. Paul's Lutheran Church. WSKjBEtiMi. ffffSyTrfffiralffl railed last night on the Prince Ru-j Mr. Ivarson has been stationed for Vancouver after paying a visit; for three years in Bella Coola. in the city. Capt. William Thomas, master I ADVERTISING COrY MUST HE IN EARLY Copy for display advertise-, mcnts should be In the hands of the printers not later than ? 3 pm. the day prfbrjtp pubfl- cation. This Is necessary to en- able rbest positions to-be se- curicLn Is '' iJ HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Ruper.'s leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all roomi A. J. PRUDIIOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser a.nd Fifth 8ta. Mrs. E. J. Savoy France, Terrace. New Royal Hotel I, Zarelll, rrop THE HOTEL, WHILE Hot & Oold water; steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone t8l Royal J. S. Mercer, Toronto; E. R. Trussler, Edmonton; J. O. Weth-erlll, C.N.R.; Fred Lazorlne, city; Anna Smith. Stewart. Boston Grill Phone 457 Prince Rupert Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties