FX02 four " THE DAILY NEWS 1 FOOTBALL LEAGUE TO FUNCTION AGAIN -if Uii 8l : 4i s STANDINGS UNCHANGED St Lonis Cardinals and Cleveland Indians Improve Martins of Leadership ryrfTSBURO, May 8: St. Louis, Cardtaal Improved their lead in the 1 NaUonaTLeagirt yesterday by half a pant with an easy victory over the Pittsburg Pirates. The Cleveland Indians also bettered their margin in the American League with a htndy win over the cellar-dwelling St. Louis Browns. Detroit Tigers went into fourth place in the American League by defeating Chicago White Sox who v.fiv relegated to the second division. The Chicago Cubs took a close victory from the- long-suffering Cincinnati Rods. Only four game were played Jn the two leagues yesterday. The! scores: National League St. -Louis 11, Pittsburg fl. Cincinnati 4, Chicago 5. American League Chicago 1, Detroit 6. Cleveland 10, St. Louis 4, Baseball Standings National League St. Louis New Yortt Chicago .. Boston Pittsburg ... PhAacWphia Brooklyn Cincinnati .... American w. .13 .12 .11 1! .. 9 . 7 .. 6 2 Cleveland Xt L. 3 6 6 8 11 ID IS 15 League New York It 8 Philadelphia B 7 Detroit 11 10 Washington 10 10 Chicago 9 10 Boston 6 11 St. Lovto : S 12 F. Pet 213 .667 .647 379 .450 .412 .333 .118 W. L. Pet.! 6 S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers , .' Can Trucks Tractors Tires Accessories Gas & OH Frit Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Avenue Phone 13 Wins Marathon After 10 Attempts Three Teams Expected to Be After failing :x alizes his ami);', Maraihon Ciar erne- James P Henlgan. 39. Medford. Mass.. :. and win;- annual Boston Athletic Association i:ce de Mar. seven times winner, finished fifth in 26-mile. 385-yard run SPORT CHAT Despite some losses, notably through the departure from town of the mighty Herman Lobltck and the decision of Stan Moran, who was injured "last year, not to play this season, there Is stiH a good array of baseball talent offering for the 1931 season in Prince Ttmwrt inH the jfans of the city shovM see some -5"9 1 good play on the diamond daring 5a j the eomiag summer A few new 324i players are reported to have hit 5ee , town and these, it is to be expected, .474 M I ,tfrj be put to .... good use. Th Prtnr, Rnnort Rurlmmlrifr Club is endeavoring to get action the float and ArrtmenUnueer,'?1" M. Berry. Dyer report, thai aa a result of th? Ttalhr Mmm mMcarUainv he hat aAlri swimraing season can be enjoyed to most of , his Ki. cheap lumber but , h he ...r.., the full! The provincial public Kli works tririr. still has some pacts will soon left go which he ex- LAMB'S RUMS IN Bl LK WD ( VSKS FINE OLD NAVY 1 Tlte Sailor i (ore if GOLDEN GROVE (T'f Ihtrlort rrcommrnd it ) Shipped by ALFItEII LAMU A SON LONDON LaMrtxi 1H9 i'liis advertisement is not pub-Haned oi- din pi ay ed by the Liquor Control Uoanl or by the Government of Britioli '"o'nfrliii- Tr)ch are essential before the 1931 department has agreed to match dollar for dollar with such money as can be raised locally in making .repairs to these facilities Now the netlnr i to devise wavs and , means for the raising of the money J These who take enjoyment at the Salt Lake during the summer would do well to help to get the place in shape. S0FTRAU. i SCHEDULF May 8 Roundhouse vs. Station May 1 Dry Dock vs. Station. May 16 Station vs. Roundhouse May 19 Roundhouse vs. Drydock May IS 8tation vs. Drydock. May 26 Roundhouse vs. Station. May 29 Qrydock vs. Roundhouse. June 2 Dj-ydock vs. station, June 58ttf6n vs. Roundhouse. June 0 Roundhouse vs. Drydock. June 12-tSWrtion vs. Drydock. June 18 Roundhouse vs. Station. June 19 Drydock v. Roundhouse. June S3 Drydock vs. Station. June 26 Station vs. Roundhouse June 30 Roundhouse v. Drydock The local elevator is at present not taking in any more grain from the pniiri r although more is ex expected within the next tew days FOOTBALL Entered, Grotto, Legion and Regiment; Officers Are Elected There will be a Senior Football League of at least three ! te&xas in operation in Pnnce Rupert this season, it was indicated last night at the annual meeting of the Prince Ru-! lert Football Association. The three teams are expected to ba. (irotto, Canadian Legion and Kegiment. Organiza-1 uon for the season was put in motion at last night's meet- ng and ihere will be an executive 1 neeting on Thursday next to for-1 I nally receive entries and draw up i schedule- A vote of condolence was passed o the relatives of Wtfiiara O. Ham- , 'ton. a lonner prominent Senior )l:iyer, who passed away suddenly ' -.lis week i The eiection of officer of the i .yodation for the corning year re- i sited a- follows: ! Honorary President Mayor Cyril' I. Omit j Honorary First Vice-President, Vlex Clupperton. Olof Htfnson MP. President. Bert Morgan. Vice-President, W. Murray. Secretary-Treasurer, F. E. mie. A board of control was also named consistine of Jack Frew. George Abbott. Fred Hardy, W. Ranee and J. Wa.ton SCHEDULE Are After Open May 9 Booth vs. High. May 13 Booth vs. Borden. May 16 Borden vs. High. May 20 High vs. Booth. May 23 Borden vs. Booth. May 27 High vs. Borden. I May 30 Booth vs. High. Get quick results with a want ad Golf Title Of Great Britain NEW YORK. May 8: Johnny : Farrell and Gene Sarazen. the fa- 1 mous American golfers, will sail next Wednesday for England where they wpl endeavor to lift the British opn championship For the first tune in histo of iiiMii nutive womeii took pa:! in boxing match arid created new interest in game throughout th? country OFFICERS OF EAGLES G. A. Ilebb h New Head of Order-Installation Will Take Place Next Month The local aerie of Fraternal of Eagles last night elected Officers for the coming year as Past Worthy President, Thomas Clough. Worthy President, O. A. Hebb. Worthy Vice-President, 0. V. Symes. Worthy Chaplain, Leonard Brew erton. Secretary, Angelo Astorl. Treasurer, R. O. Ford. Conductor, J. C. Scherk. Inner Guard, Ray Ccherk. Outer Guard. William Rothwell. Trustee "three years). Alex Mr-Lcod. The new officers will be installed ut the first meeting in June LOCAL ITEMS Mrs. E. Moore of Terrace arrived hi the dty from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's train and railed last night on the ss. Prince Oeorge fora trip to Vancouver. CPU. steamer Princess Mary. Capt a. K. Gray is due. in port at 6 o'clock this evening from Vancouver and wnypolnts and will sail it 10 pjn. on her return south. i SPRAINS Sub Miiucd' m imli, It pmnM tr lmnw, Ur MtWMW, Hllll Puis you on your foot I rKiwc of Buica HER LIFE ! IS SAVED Feat of Power Corporation Lineman at Balmoral Being Highly Commended Victor Grant, patrol lineman of ratio Northern British Columbia Power Co., has won the deep gratitude of the parents of three-year Honorary Second Vice-Prea!dent.Twa eniney nerni w uaunarai wan- ( Wer- nery and general commendation through having saved the life of .that little girl last Sunday after noon. The story of Grant's feat has Just reached the city. Li tUe Shirley had. fallen into the river at Balmoral and she had been inder for five minutes before be-in k taken out. In the general ex citement, Grant used a process of resuscitation from eeJctrtc shock. After working for JO minutes, the little one showed signs of life and. within 10 minutes more, she had completely recovered. Now little Shirley is running around happily again as if nothing had ever happened. FISH SALES t Summary ' American 124.100 pounds. 8c and 5c to 9.1c and Sc. Canadian 13.360, 8c and 5c and 8.1c and 5c. " j American Mltkof. 484)0. OMd Storage, 8c and 5c. i Lituya. 30,000. Royal, 81c and 5c. Omaney, 38,000, Booth. 8.6c and 5c Bravo. 9,000, Booth. 9.1c and Sc. Tl 209. 700. Booth. 8.1c and Sc. ' Arrow. 14,000. Cold Btorsae, 8.3c und Sc. Canadian j Oony. 7,800, Atlln. 8.1c and 5c. 1 Oulvik, 560, Cfllsl Storage, 8c and 5c WITCHCRAFT INTRODUCED IN SAMUEL DOUSE TRIAL I IN LOCAL ASSIZE COURT 'continued from iMge 1) Kitwancool Indians. tJnder re-examination by Mr. Johnson. Corp. Berger admitted Uiat. if the bullet had gone in one ide of Bamparo s leg and lodged in front cf the skm on the other side, it must have been a spent bullet It might have gone through Brown's forearm, hit the ground and ricocheted into Sampare's leg. It would be reasonable to suppose that, if it had had any momentum at all. it would have gone right through the flesh of Sampare's leg. Contradicting other witnesses, including the doctor, Berger said the ; flight of -the bullet through Sampare's leg was almost level. The other witnesses had said it was decidedly upward. Provincial Constable Harold Ray-bone told of first arresting Douse on a shooting charge and. after I Brown had died, en a charge of (murder. He identified the rifle he had been given by Walter Douse accused's nephew. He also identities the ball he had received from ' Corp. Berger. He told of experlmrnts that had been made by himself and Inspector Macdonald on a partly rotten block of wood with such a weapon. He arrested Douse at the Hazelton Hospital where he had 'been told to stay by the Indian Agent. ;4 The Dally Newa ean be pur- chased at 1 Post Office News Stand, 325 Oranvllle St. Vancouver. Karl Andersdn. Prince George, B.C. R. W. RUey. Terrace. B.C. General Store, Anyox. Stnlthers Drue Store, Smith- ers, B.C. 17 tour choice ofifwe select use cars 1929 CHEVROLET SEDAN Just the car for a salesman or a travelling man. Its famous six-cylinder en-glne lias been tuned up to deliver new car performance. Its body provides big car riding ease. No car on the market can offer such value at this price $600.00 1928 ESSEXSEDAN Although slightly over two years old has been driven less than many ran only ten months old. Where can you beat it for $350.00 1927 CHEVROLET SEDAN A wonderful little family car; original finish, new tires, upholstery very clean: motor perfect: come in and drive it, you won't be sorry. $275.00 VANCOUVER IS IN PORT Canadian Destroyer Here For Three Uu in Courte of Annual Spring Crake North In the oWse of an annual spring cruise up the north coast in convoy of the far seal herd to its summer breeding ground on the Pribilof Islands, H&.C.S. destroyer Vancouver, in command of Lieut. Commander Hart, arrived here at 12 o'clock today from Esqulmalt and 'will be here until Monday morning I mwRF mar 1928 CHRYSLEil SEDAN THOIlOLtillll KKCONWTIOXtf MANY OTHER OOOD VALUES KALEN MOTORS Lll CHEVROLET and BUICK DIM I CS De Confident of l'Md Car Onulit Trot (lit .rn llatm I next when th'- noth H i r' jeked alotu1 Naval Volutin the CJJ.R wt a One Item connection IIM.CS Vam-dance tonight , Other offio niander. an Btdwell. Lieuf Dairy, tmd Mi The boat :l t Mi: ... i- :..-u:c-Jr I' III GRANT ,pc: w tlon by the puim- "in 8unday afternct-' 'n'" Advertise m np tW Best Procuraili 1 Mlf fwxuajjsTJ ,vis adverti Liquor (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch WlifekF, Richest in finest highland malt) BmiUJ uJ nraalMj kr Willi' Cram 4 &m UmiW OnMUi Umi'lUiM DUDIma. tMI iHement is not published or display r Control Board or by the Government British Columbia.