Why N F ; l RENT Furnished 5-room bungalow. .Phone Red 099. tt FOR RENT Five-roomed ;furp-l .'icd apartment. .Apply (Mussal-jnm s Phone 18, tf F in RENT Clean, well furnished modern apartment. Palmer Ap-- ments. Phone Re'dt444. P'tR RENT Pianos, phonograph jcw oiR machines and cars W-Uicer's, cor. Second Avenu i nd Fourth Street. t' FOR.SALE FOR SALE Dark .brown wlcker b..ftv buggy. Cheap. Phone 840. 7(M FOR SALE Maroon baby carriage! r.nclifh style. tPhone.D. .Lambd Bia- 322. 1031 -t; F e SALE- BtghLplece .walnut ink room suite and walnut pressor. Phone 493. 110 RrwiNQ MACIIING for, .sale $13; round gambling tables $15 for !ir two. 'Phone .Blue )T39. tf T tl": SALE Lot 8, .Bloak 9. BeVl n 5 Good building le-UWlll be m( cheap. Phone 34 or Blaofc fA 113 (." i' ij. breed Yorkshire suckling 6 to 7 weks .old for sal ioup. 8 A. Corley. Pacific. B.C tt r IE SALE cheap. '18'foot open .. .inch. lifeboat .style, .4 hdpe-; wr Easthdpe engine, moveable nvas cover. -Apply iDaily -New, T.i me 98. tf F T SALE or trade good building uber 2x8. 2x6, U12; .ohlplap, i 800 feet flooring. This is all Hood cortdltlon. Also 1800 used a. "k at half price of new Ap-F M. Berry. 19 Dyer Aprt- M'TlW tt Steamship Sailings Fnr Vancouver r tnday ss. Pr. Charles. ;10 p.m uosdayssCatala ..IJO-pjn. SS. Carderia, jnldnlfij. M .v 13 ss. Prin. Louise, 5 pstt. M. v 24 ss. Princess Alice-5 p.m. From Vancouver ; .induy i. Catala 4 p.m W'ednes . Pr. Oeorge 10:30 ajn. 1 iiday ss.lPrlneejwMarj 4 pjn, 83. 'Cardena. rxrrn ' turday-s. .Prince Charles ! 1030 nan. Muy 0- -jss.. Princess Alice .ajn. Ma 20ss. iPJJn. iLoulse ...m. May 30ss. Prln. 'Louise . efl.m. 'Fjr Naas Rtver'and Port Simpson Sunday ss. CaUla 8 pjn. Frum Naas River & Port Simpson uesday-tss. 'Catala ...'.liso-aonr F sr Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Oatala .8 '.pjrifl Wednesday ss. Pr. Oeorge 4;p.m. f-.tturday ss. Prln. Oeorge a;p.m. F om SlcKart and Premier ''ucaday-. Catala .. .11:30 um, Tliursdny-ss. .Pr. Oeorge(8jpjn, iinday-s.,pr. Charles ...84P.ml Fui Anyox and Alice Arm ' unday ss. catala 8i.ft.rn, '-dnesday rsa..Pr. .Oeorge Bp.m F'om Anyox and Alice Arm Tursday ss. CaUla, 11:30 n.m. Thursday -as .Pr ..JJeorge .8 pjn. For Ocean Fallsl- " Tuesday Catala l;30p.m. Thursday sa. Pr. Oeorgs 10 pjn, SITUATIONS WANTED GIRLrwanU:hou8ework by the hour day or month. Phone Black 441? 110 QIRL wants housework or work In stpre. Phone Oreen 330. , tr Public Stenographer MURIEL MORRIS, office Weaten-Jiaver Block. Phone 782. tf AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy. srll or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, -musical Instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just ( phone .Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer federal Block. tf SHOE (REPAIRS FOR 'Finest Work try Louis Shlblg. .331, Second Avenue West, Bex 00, Prince Rupert, B.C. . tt PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES 'CLARK, iPalmlstry and Crystal Reading. Wallac? Block. Telephone Blaku537. FURRIER MRS. Q. FOWLER, 501 Sixth Avenue West. Phone Blue 183. tf MIXMUl JOT rrtJOulr at .linpratrmrnt NOTIOt Polygon FMtMol XilMru CUtei. W-uate In U AWn MUM Btvlalon -Oi CwW Durtrtat. Whr luptWO: Abaatt om UUa NorUtcrljr froai tx tetWrw Mine Md oliUnf U JBuaculaUen SwcpatK I mtl Iran mmc Mtoeaai Claim. I TAKE NOTtOC Uut I John Dunluuu Frw XlMr'a C3mnetc No v. mUni. wtr W Mn ttaa ctetc hmtt U tppir to the Wuioc iMoordcr lor etrtHNMc ef lmrjanta, lor Um purpox of obtaining a Crown Oram of Ukf tUwc IftUn. tAiul rurthar tk not lor that acttMi uuar aeoatan .8. uat be commnea bafor lh laawanor auch Certificate of luarovvinMt. DatM Uiia ;at day of May. &P IM1 H. UcH WASSR, Agent Octnulek resutu wllh want at: Friday Princess Maty 10 p.m. rum Ocean Falls Wednes. ss. Pr. Oeorge 10:30 ajn. Friday Pxlneass Mary 4 pjn, Friday 48. Oardena Queen Charlotte Islands i May 1C ss. Prtnee Jon iu pju. May 28 im. Prtnee JoJn From SkeenafRiver Friday as. Oardena pjn. Ft". (iQODNB'rt skc CASEY MERE COMEft ME WIFE BACK MlDE VMDER TMAT fUC ON THE UNlE r l CniROPRACTIC Sunshine andttl 'flay Treatments Nervous.df'euiale.and'ChUdrtn.V .pleases 'Specially Treated W-tC. 'ASPINALL (Chiropractor) MISS 236. 'DRESSMAKER THRIFTY CITIZENS The advertisements of local mer- iciianU appearing in this paper pjn. from day to day are of the greatest ajn.'posaible value to Prince Rupert cl- Ittfens. and. especially to the thrifty For Alaska v (housewife. If you arc not already a May 9 SB. Pjlncew,Loulse, aji, bscriber. get mi our delivery ust May 20 as. FrlnemjLgulse, a.n ,xlgnt away (gee special offer of 15 jMay"30 . Princess aJTmnths for $5.00.) The .saving to From Alaska- May 13 as. Princess Louise, pm (May 24-44W. Prlncew Alice. p.m be made from Dally News advertlse- ments will pay for the subscription 1 may times over. DO IT NOW I x Phone 98 Circulation .Department I UAILV XUW'8' 'BRINGING UP FATHER n , , , 1 THOOCHT yoo SAID OE 30NE MlJ iFhune 'Oreen iZ41 1 St H Exchange ;Blk. U)pp. Pane's (BOARD ANDfROOM ROOM 129. AND BOARD. Phone Ra! tl TAXI & MESSENGER FOR satisfactory TAXI or Messenger Service Phone 678, Dar-row. Casey St Bert Ooghlln. N. ROGERS. Phone Blachi TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. .Phone 177. Dry .Birch. Cedar and,. Jack jPlne. - - --.tf, RED'S TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. j tt. ; ,SALVAGK ANP TOWING t "If It's 4a r under the water we do It." 1 Pacific Salvage Go.tLtd. Ful'y Equipped lor Diving and General Salvage Work Asents tor .KASTUOl'E ENGINES Boats and Scows of all descriptions lor Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains In Gas'Enfines Northern B.C. Distributors Caolidce Propellers' ffiand and Orarel in any .quantity neliverrd anywhere by .water Pbone. Ilay r -Rltrit -54 n Hot ism BBfcLA. pink rose, coppsr cuff. KSK. LAST CHAN OF THE PINK HOSE OAOUP OF AI1NSRAUCLAIU9: MttMted In tbe Ooaat fikenaMlrlBs; Hivialen.at haad ofiKJakaneilalet. TAKE NOTICE tfe H. Maaon. tra-SUaar'a oerUUsaAe i767. FXiWf UieU. certKloate -SS31BD. -Alexander tt mtnera UoLeod. free Qrioer'a eerttlleate 34- TSAO. A. Uaneyman. iree mlaera err- . tUlcatc W754D . intetMl. alty.3ia itrox date hereof to apply to the mtaing re-I oonler for certificate of ImproveaieMi I far the purp.e of obUlnlng etown I grant for the above dajroa. j And rurtner take novice taat,aeton! erciion bo mi me J4eni a: moat be commencsd' before Wfc laVuanor I of auch certificate, of Improvements. Dated mi nth day or April. '1991. ."I ,'JT'aJ? JRXtB&IZT .HEWS 'ErarikH.Goon PALMER GRADUATE Doctor of Chiropractic Office Hours: 11 to 12 2 to 5 7 to 8 Saturday and Sunday by appointment Consultation free. Phone 857 Room 15 Bcsncr Bile 'House, Blue 529 Silversifles Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS - GLASS .Third Avenue Singer Sewing Machines On 'Easy Monthly Payments As low as $3.00 per month Cneaper to nuy than rent All makes of machines repaired. McRAE BROS. ITD. INTERIOR DECORATING, PAINTING AND SIGN WHITING Very moderate prices. Easy Terms JOERGEN P. MOLLER Painter and Decorator Phone Red 802. 7th Ave W. BLASTING AND EarfhWork NELS ROKK.IAR 811 Fraser Street .Phone Blue 823 Evenings (FURNITURE 100 Rag Rugs. 27x54. re? 90c. now GOc each. You should have two at leiust in the kitchen. Everything for the home. MACKENZIE-K FURNITURE Phone 775 QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN B.C. Our. Prince Ifupert J'rices: No. 1 5x per IX. $3.75 No. 1 -3x per M 3JS5 'No. 2 per.M. 2.75 .ROBERTSON & SIMPSON Macsett, B.C Agent: Jlydc Transfer, Phone 580 "W0NDKRFUX TLBLL" Queen. Charlotte Islands The Home Earm Beach and Meadows for the children. Excellent euialne. MADAME RAJAUT P. N. K., TRAINS From (Bast Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. 3:30 pjn. For East Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. 11:30 ajn. . WCLU WWATT AftE VOl DOiNlC OUT Ir4 THE fna-DtON'T I TEU-VOO NOT TD UEAVEOME HOO,SEDOT 0. i-OMfi Af -tOO'RE OUT HERE JWU ,CAM i BEAT THAT! RjjJ XT 1 Today w i-iei reopie mow ur l our needs Rent That Room, Secure Help, Sell Furniture, Real Estate, Etc, Through a Classified Ad. ' CLASSIFIED ADYERTIlMiH 1 FOR RENT F ); 'ME to Rent- Mrs. Reid, .1001 Tuitd Avenue. 108 cu ICE Apartments for voswnhaver iBros. rejrit. 1 t F if: RENT Modern Apartment vvstenhayer JJulldlng. :tl ror RENT-f Furnished, 4 room (flat v .'ti bath Phone ,547. .tf ;NISHED five-roomed flat for T "'t steam heated. Phone . Blue 34: tf m . rr lau i THAT ENOUGH MOW COME IN THE HOUSE DO IT NOW! this Offer 'Will be 'Withdrawn May 30 Specisd Offer 35 iMonths' Subscription For llie 0r3ikary Yearly Price of $5i00 3n Prince Rupert ' -or-$3100 Anywhere in Northern B. . .Outside of the city limits , MaO Schedule 'or the East-Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 1030 ajn. ' from the East .Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday t3.30 pjn. , Fr Vancouver ' Sunday 9 pjn. Tuesday 12r30 noon Thursday 9 pjn. Friday 11 pjn. May 3, 13 and 24 pjn. From Vanconvei Sunday -.'4 pjn Wednesday 10.30 pm. Friday ..... pjn.' Saturday 10t30 ajn. May 9, 20 and 30 pjn. Eor Any ox and 'Alice. Arm ! Wednesday 3 pjn. Sunday ,7-pjn From .Anyox and Alice Arm Tuesdays . 1130.a.rn.J , Till latl fMUn Umm, Iu. OraM a. nkM raafiria. FREE To ithe fortunate holder of each Twenty-fifth receipt as advertised above, on subscription accounts and issued from our office we will present a cheque for $5.00 PRINCE RUPERT DAILY NEWS LTD. This :0ffer Will be Withdrawn May 30 "Northel,, Rubber Footwear For general outdoor work and the utmost ta foot comfort ask for "NORTHERN" Boots and Lumbermen. Waterproof Coldixroof. "A Rubber for Every Parpeu." Tan Elk Laartbar Top, Brawn Duck Bottom, Rollad Edc Sola, Sulid HaaL Tm " Proapaalor LOOK OK TUB .TIADB ftULRI Mp4 uaatTKD Tba "Baahmaa" A aooiplct rang of "Northern" Boor and Riilh Ul Uo hand to meet your needa at ;By George McManus WO'W ' J".CCS MUST HAVE USED A CRD w - BAR. TO IM, -SEAT THIS Rua with too- r'',.' a 7M. 4 HHffM V BHka' .it a f 1 s i B