PACK THRO JUST ARRIVED Swim Kaps Season's latest and original designs. Keep the curl in and the water out. Price: 15c to $1.25 Ormes ltd. UJiq Pioneer DruQtlsls I'honcs 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PIIARMICISTS PROMOTIONS ANNOUNCED 'continued from ige 1) Grade V. Margaret Armstrong. Fanny Call-breath. Angelo Chrlrtlano. Edith Cromp. Betty Dlekens. Anna Oreg cry. Norman Hebb. Peter Ilusoy. Mlmmy Johnson. Odlaug Kuno. Clara Kurulok. Haiel Lear, Arthur 1'n.itead. Ian Matheaon. Andrew Watt. Alfred Wlkdal. Aslaug Ska land, Maud Bagshaw, Oeorge Carlyle. Oeorge Cook, Robert Davie. Fmma Gtokc, June Gomel. Phyllis Hill-Tout. Aulang Holkestad, John 'ohnson. Louis Knudson. Katie Kurulok. Alda LeRoss. Bruce Love, Peter Allen Eric Flprner. Jnmex Leod, Lloyd Rice, Malcolm Smith, Anny Sorensen, Velma Thurber, Dorothy Wilkie, Dick Wrathall. Owyneth Walker, Jean Watt, Phil'.p Williamson, Gertrude Garllck, Edith Sievcrt. Grade 7 Clssie Armstrong, Dorothy Blake, oils. Tommy Pierce. Magnhlld MaUie Cameron. Robert Elkins, S'nrscth, John Sunberg. Robert, Billy Flewln. Robert Gibson. Terry Taylor. John Watt. Amy Armstrong iGrlmble. Malko Izuml, Helmer Brtty Blake. Clifford Carlyle, Ron-) Mlkkelson. Alfred Larsen, Harry aid Clavrlng. Donald Eby. Ehle Lundqulst, Adele Mussallem, Chas. Glske. Phyllis Hill. James Feasby. ; Perkins, Bessie O'Brien, James Curtis Klrkendall, Laura Larsen, Smith, Annie Stengel, Sabra Wood-Bfth Lord, Adeline Mitchell, Jean house, 8ydney Croxford, Ellen May MrCrtmmon. Jarvis McLeod, Don- Bell, Mary Bremner. Mickey Casey, aid Nelson. Astrl Petersen. Ina Marten Erlcksen. Edith Ferguson, Robertson. Billy Shrubsall, Ounvor Margaret Sue Oullck, Willie Hale, Skaland. Warne. Roderick Valpy, Rudolf Grade IV. Eric Jackson, Janetta King, .Eliza beth LeRoss. Isame Matsumoto, ! Billy Nelson. Harold Ponder, Tarjar 'Rysstad. Re'a Stromdahl, Alex Eva Chandler, Nancy Delgrln, Syl- Strachan. Alice Worobec, Donald via Croxford. Wallace Dell. Marlon Blake. Amaranth Bury. Margaret Linda Field, George Erlckson. John Fraser. Oeraldlne'Dousherty. llarrfey. Jean Krause. Fred Lewis Ferguson. Darrow Oomez. Daphne Hemmell. MacDonald Bob Mary Margaret McMeekln. Billy Manson Annie Peterson. Walter Perkins. Kf- U"? M"le' Florence Parker George Annie Service. Dorothy Shrubsa.t Stanley Scherk. Sverre Jersted, Stanley ruimnm, uraii ou"U., " HhlrUv Wall oniney wans. -., nnhort nit.. Melbourne Buacey. Wilfred Chand if r. Englna Chrlstlnsen. DaKRetl, Joyce Edwards, " v Balllnger. Harr7 Stanley Grade 8 Grace Allen. Jim Colussl, Arthur rvitiav rHn9 niVna Vpnptl.i Fee- Franks. June Ollker. Elsie Johan-I BJ,', 0arUck wmiam Orosvener, lrn lie,en raufo5sW., . i Bflcen Hamblla Marie McLean; unm an Mcnae. KaiprrMonn. r-;0()rden Munro, Ruth Nelson. Alfred stad Pederson. Peter Rorvlck. Har-,Rltch,e Jack storrlei Pat Hanley. ry Skogmo. Horma Smith. Ned To- Norma ArcrUei Lutan Croxford. Vlc-bey Myrtle Valpy, HJordU Ska- tor De Eby RUpert Fulton, land. Jack Bremner. Bessie Chand-. Mitchell Oay. Kay Hlrano, Blanche It. Ray Case, Christina Cook. jenscn David McMeekln. Freda Spencer Davie. Harry Emmerson Mussallem. Marybelle StUes, Bessie Tommy Flewln Lester Orlmble, Smltn Merle West. Betty Ellison. Emll Jensen. . Matilda Larson. Mc- Elien Callbreath. Mildred Dixon, tro Mlntenko. Bobby McLean. John yict0f de Marco, Fred Emmerson, Nicholls. Mary Pierce, Jack Rlt- Raymond Fossum, Dorothu Ortm-chle. Jimmy Stile. Goodwin ble. Alice Hallberg, Stewart Mc-Stromdahl. Betty Wilkinson JaciC arelsh. Catharine McMeekln, Ar- McNaughton, Victoria Zaharuke. I thur McDonald. Hadl Suehlro, Fran ces Stegavlg, Clara Wlckdal, Allan Davies. IIONOIt ROLLS Honor Rolls were awarded in the varlpus divisions as follows: Division 1 Proficiency. Clara Pierce; deport ment. Asta Dybhavn; attendance. Beatrice Berner. Lillian Davie. Gor don Lawson. Ruthana Wood. Edna Dougu. smith. Ktyo Suehlro. John Strand. Division 2 Deportment, Kazu Nlshlo; attendance. Norman Allen, Edna Gillies, Edith Wilkinson, Hilda Hansen, Malre Matheson. Bobby Parsons attendance, Norma Archie, Toraelr Rystaad. Oordon Stamford, ittilbreath, Kay Hlrano, Riith Scherk. Marearet Webster. Jack Wilkie. Grade VI. Division 3 Deportment. France Stegavlg; UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Kteamers Imre rrlnce Rupert f or Vanroueri T.T1.S.t'XtAI. HVKKV TI'ESIIAY, 1-10 I'.M. Arrlrlng Vancouver. ThuridaT Noon appro. T..(s. t'AUDKNA KVF.HY HtlD.W MlltNKHIT Arriving Vancouver Bunlijf mianigni pj' weekli Mlllncs to Fort Blinpmn, Alice Arm, nnjox, Eileen Bessie Smith. Division 4 Proficiency. Clara Wlckdal; de Iportment, Dorothy Orlmble; attcn- Bremner. Geraldlne Cade, Herbett' dance, 8ydney Croxford, Alice Qo- Chandler, Nancye Dawes, Frank me. Clara wicKaai. Elliott. Joy Oreen. Alice Gomee.1 Division 5 iiaroid Ivarson. Wlnnlfrcd King, proficiency, Margaret Sue Oullck; imries ura. uooeri Morwon. san detriment, Jeanetta King; atten- Mlkkebon. Edgar Preston. Edith dancC( Mary Bremner, Margaret fmlth. Ida Slatta, Victoria Stam- Dougherty, Adele Mussallem, Mar- 'ord. Helen Valentine, Beryl Blrcn. lln Erlcksen, Margaret Sue Oullck. Howard Beale. Margaret Christen-J sen. Marjorie Cook, Jean Dalzell.i , Division 6 Muriel Eby. David Oeary. Clarencs Proficiency. Helen Valentine, de- Flnley, Phylls Hamblin. Solbcr(, portment. Marjorie Cook: tten. Jansen. Gus Krausc. BJong Lutlv dance. Harold Ivarson. Edna mik- "onald Norton, Ray Montgomery, kelson. Lloyd Rice. Marjorie P.-cstdn. Marjorie 811ver-j Division 7 sides. John Slatta. Victoria Strand, Proficiency, May MacPhall; de- Melven Walls. George Brown. John portment, Jean Watt; attendance. Dunn. Elmer Clausen, Russell Cam- David Geary. Ton. Violet Dell. Donald Eastman. Division 8 Irene Oullk, Alice Hunter. Alan Proficiency. Mairt Matheson; de- lO'igln. Gcorglna Lamb. May Mac- portment. EdlUi Cromp; atten- Niall, Robert Manson, Keith Mc- dance. Douglas Smith, Peter Ilusoy. Btewart and NaM River polnu Bunday. 8:00 p.m. IMrther Informatlun regardlna all aalllngt and ticket at -rRISC' III I'tltT AOKNCV: HrcumI Avenue. I'lione AGS Local Items Dutch Maid' Sandwich Spread Is best for sandwiches. Dinnerware, enrna, crockery, glassware, Ileilbroner's Store. Mrs. E. P.iJenner and family left on today's train for a vacation trip to Edmonton, Pioneer's Association meet In City Hall, Friday"," 8 p.m. All pioneers requested to attend. 154 Olrl Guide tea and sale of home cooking at the home of Mrs.iJa?. B. Gibson, Fourth Avenue East to morrow afternoon from 3 to 6. All welcome, . 151 Tickets for "Royal Russian Chorus" may be obtained from any member of Gyro Club or at Oeo Arseneau's Store. Reserve your seats at "Arseneau's." The foundation is now going in for a new five-room, storey-and-a-half residence to be built for Thos-Sllversldes on the north side of Fifth Avenue East between Mc- Brlde Street and Bowser Street and not far from the I.O.D.E. Hall L. C. Eby is the contractor. C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. D. Donald, arrived in port at 11 o'clock this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Oc ean Falls and will sail at 3 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart, whence she will return here tomorrow evening south bound. Mayor C. H. Orme started tod movlne his drug store business from the Alder Block, at the cor ner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street, to his own building at the corner of Third Avenue and Fui ton Street. The moving operation will take up ten days. After Au gust 1. Aid. W. J. McCutcheon will move his drug store from Second Avenue and Sixth Street to the premises vacated by the mayor. Adlaug Kjuno. Angelo Chrlstlano Division 9 Prof icitncyJane Service; deport ment, Margaret Armstrong: atten dance. Jack Wilkie. Pearl Menzles. Division 10 Proflcency, Sylvia Croxford; de- Dortment. Aslaug Skaland; atten- rt a XJnntiA Clavrlncr Tnmmv I Flewln. Forstad. Pederson. Jean Krause. Stanley Balllnger. Mel bourne Bussey. Wallace Dell. Mai--garet McMeekln. Division 11 Proficiency. Norma Walters; deportment, Jean MacKay; attendance, Betty Bremner. Joan Saulrc. Division 12 Proficiency. Joyce Kellback; deportment, Hans Petersen; attendance, Charlotte Harrison, Rudolf Warne. Division 13 Proficiency. Helen Doctor; deportment, Margaret Smith; attendance, Edward Dawes. Gordon Cal-dtrwood. Division 11 Proficiency. Edith ' Ritchie; deportment. Helen Service; attendance, Eileen Shrubsall. Acid Stomach Completely IMieved by Famous l egetable PilU Mr. Frnk C.of BUcWburn, writes: "I have kullered long from acid stomach and constipation, but sinre being ad vised to try your wonderful Carter's Little Liver PilU I can eat anything." Dr. Caiter's Little Liver Pills are no ordinary laxative. They are ALL Vf-XjKTAIll.K and have a definite, valuable tonic action upon the liver. They end Constipation, Indigestion,. Biliousness, Headaches, Poor Complexion. All druggist. 23c & 75c red pkgt. SAILINGS FROM PltlNCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway July 6. 10. 13. 17 To Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle , July 8. 11, 15. 18 For Ilutrdale, Ocean Falls. Namu. Alert Bay. Campbell Itiver, Vancouver, Victoria-Friday, 10 p.m. Full Information from w. C. Orchard, General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave. St 4th St. Phone 31 .5- THE DAILY NEWS Friday, July 3, 1931 n iwm i I r - a i a mi mt . Ma America's favorite household package Harry Evans, local piano tuner, who has been on a trip to Solntula on professional business, returned to the city from the south on the Cardcna this morning. Merely routine business wad taken up Tuesday night at a meeting of the Women of the Mooseheart Legion. Mrs. Percy Cameron, senior regent, was in the chair. With a large list -of wurlst pas sengers on board, Admiral Line steamer Dorothy Alexander, Capt. A. T. Nlckerson, arrived In port at 7:15 this morning from Alaska. sailing at 10 ajnfor Seattle. -r ANNOUNCEMENTS Royal Russian Chorus, Moose Hall, July 0. Under auspices Gyro Club. Eagle's Dance, Friday, July 10 Ladles refreshments. Gents. 50c. Canadian. Legion Picnic July 12 Dlgby Island. : Presbyterian Bazaar November 5 154 SATURDAY SPECIAL Square Dcvil Food Layer Cake t 30c The Electric Rakcry Wc Deliver Phone G67 Dry Cleaning & Pressing Lower than Vancouver prices We call for and deliver M. T. LEE CO. 333 3rd Ave. W. Thone G63 Next Benson Studio Large local fresh eggs, 25c a doz en. Frizzell's Ltd. (154) Glasses fitted b registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Furs remodelled, cleaned and repaired. An experienced cutter Goldbloom's Fur Shop. tt Church Parade. Members of L.O. B.A. and J. O. A. please attend to St. Andrew's Cathedral. Meet at Metropole Hall at 6:45 p.m. 154 George H. Arnott, who has been on a vacation trip to Vancouver, Seattle and Portland, returned to the city from the south on Prince Rupert this morning. the C. P. R. steamer Princess Mary, Capt. James Flood, Is reported due at 5 o'clock this afternoon from the south. She will sail at 10 p.m. oh her return to Vancouver and waypoint At 12:30 noon yesterday the fin: department had a call to the C.N R. wharves where the roof Of tb ? shed had caught fire. A few shingles were burned but damage was not extensive. Mrs. I.. Peters, Fifth Avenue, let; yesterday morning to pay a visit with her daughter In Calgary. Sn: plans to motor to California from Calgary and return here in about two months from now. Miss Margaret Lamb, daughter o( the chief engineer of the transpacific steamer Empress of Japan arrived In the city from Vancou ver on the Princess Alice thi morning and transferred to th steamer Prince Rupert aboard which she sailed for Premier whero she will pay a visit. Union steamer Cardena. Capt. Andrew Johnstone, arrived In port 1 1 1 BBrM' biff it. 0ri lrn Milt. T ! Wjm iy' ioJ.'i St. cw I Lin l'i-CWM;...l I IIIJ 1 unusually early at 11 o'clock this morning from the south and sailed soon after to make her calls In the Skeena Rhcr She Is expected back about 9 o'clock this evening and will sail at 12 midnight on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. gisnxianra m trnmum sm tmtm a SEASONAL SPECIALS HALLS CHICKEN Ideal for hot-weather meals Vs-id. 07P tins. ea.c ch.iUiiu cheese Spreads ICp or slices, per V-lb. pkg -lO Boiuens Malted Milk CJQp Delicatessen Meats Hed- IQp lund s assorted. Vi-lb. tin Peanut Butter Squirrel X71 IQp brand, per f -lb. tin 45p per 2Vi-lb. tin Malkln's Best Tea Attn 1' per lb. Wc strongly recommend buying at this price. New duties will mean higher prices In the near future.) Malkln's Best Coffee dO per lb Campbell's Tomato Soup -f 4 n per tin .". XK' aggs Scott's cartoned extras, per doz Quick Quaker Oats 21 lXKf P per pkg Strawberry JamNew pacjc v0 IZtZp Aylmer. per 4-lb. tin Kcllogg's Pep 12C per pkg Kcllogg's Bran Flakes 1 1 AAV per pkg - Fruits & Vegetables New Potatoes 25C Head Lettuce C per head Santa Rosa Red Plums 1 per lb , Cantaloupes Good size ftg X each Blng Cherries 23 C Bunch Carrots & Beets C per burich Watts' Grocery PHONE 55 PHONE 56 "THE BEST FOIt LESS" WANT TO SAVE SOME MONEY ? HOW? WHERE? Shop at the GIGANTIC CLOSING OUT SALE of Jabour Bros. Bankrupt Stock DOWN! DOWN!! DOWN!!! GO PRICE! To Sell Out! Clear Out! Clean Out! The Entire Stock in the Shortest Possible Time. COME AGAIN! GAIN AGAIN! Dont miss this Gigantic Money- Saving Opportunity. . LI. VjKAiN 1 Closing Out Everything. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mrs. R, C. Parsons, who has been on a vacation trip to Vancouver, re-urned to the city from the south on the Cardena this morning. attle. Susan Preston pleaded guilty In city police court b!ore Magistrate McClymont this morning on a charge of vagrancy and was re manded for sentence. W. R. Lindsay, assistant general manager for th- Oranby Co. a: Arryox, and Mrs. Lindsay will he passengers aboard the Prince Rupert tomorrow evening bound from the smelter town for a holida trip to Vancouver. Miss M. McLean arrived In the city on this afternoon's train from her school teaching duties in the interior to spend the summer vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McLean, Fifth Avenue ttut. Harry Scott sails tonight on th; Cardena for Vancouver, taking hli car with him. From Vancouver. Mr. Scott will proceed for a lotj drive as far south as Mexico City. He has a placard "Prince Rupet to Mexico City." on the back -t his car. Mrs. L. O. Skinner of Copper City arrived In the. city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancou-ver. accompanying the remains of Miss Thorhllda Olafson R.NM who died a few days ago at Trnnqullle and whose funeral took place here at noon today. The train from the East today had developed a hot box and tho bottom of the express and baggage car above the trucks was afire as tt moved into the sUtlon. The flames were soon extinguished by railway men. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hill-Tout and daughter will sail on the Prince Rupert tomorrow evening for a holiday trip to Vancouver. There were 150 passengers aboard ' Harry Halliwell arrived in the the Admiral Line steamer Dorothy city on this afternoon train from Alexander, which was In port this Terrace, being here In connection morning bound from Alaska to Sc- with his forthcoming case In ths County Court. A party of fourteen members of the Knights of Columbus. Including two priests, from California, was aboard the Princess Alice thts morning going north to make tho round trip to Skagway. Judgment was reserved by Magistrate McClymont in city polio courC this morning in the cases of W. Wrathall. W. Scheriaber J De-rome. Stanley Moran, Rudolph Zapt and Louis Lobie oach of whom were charged with being an Inmate of a gambling house. The magistrate suspended his Judgment In view of the fact that an appeal Is being entered by Andrew Donald, who was convicted of being the keeper of the place In Have you palu your su ascription to the Dally News Ihta year? Real dyes give richest colors! FOR every homo use, Diamond Dyes are the fineit you can buy. They eonUln the highest quality anilines that csn be produced. It's the anilines in Diamond Pyca thai giv such soft, bright, new colors to dresses, drapes, lingerie. Diamond Dyes are easy to use. They go on smoothly and evenly; da not spot or streak: never give things that rc-dyed look. Just true, even, new colors that keep their depth and brilliance in spite of wear and washing. 15c packages. AH dealers. DkitnondoDyes Highest Quality fr 50 Ytars LA'1. ret o I