PAOE i-wo ulyAJ Ml. Saturday,. THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS. rRLSX'E RyPERT,- BRITISH COLUMBIA ; ' ; Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert,'' Dally News. 'Limited. Third Avenu1 .' H. P. PULLPN -;- Managing-Editor THE LOAN SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance 5.00 , For lesser periods, paid in advance, per month . .50 By mail to all part ol Northern and Central British Columbia, ' . j paid In advance for yearly period .., ,. - 3.00 f By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United State, paid In advance, per year $6 00 By mall to all other countries, per year -.. -t : .. 9.00 , ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion . Classified advertisings per Insertion, per word .. Local readers, per inmtlon, per line Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line ...-......... Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY KUmON DISTINCTIVE FLAG ..86 .98 1.40 .02 .25 .16 Saturday, July 4, 1031 .7; The Dominiw Day cdebration brought to attention once ' more the nocd of a more distinctive Canadian flag; Tljie one now in use is inartistic and without meaning, so far as the western provinces are concerned. Also it is not officially recognized whea used on sijch occasions as that which took place this week. Various suggestions for designs have been made but the one that seems to meet with favor is the re ensign with the Union Jack in the corner and the maple leaf on the field. While the beaver would be more suitable, indicating industry and intelligence, the little animal is often mistaken for a pig. and we do not want to be known as the pig among nations. The maple tree is found throughout the length and breadth of the country, in some form or anpther; it is artiBtic and easily recognized. No other emblem has been suggested that meets with such general approval as it.. , On Empire Day Cameron R. Mcintosh of North Battle-ford introduced a resolution in Parliament as follows: 'That, in the opinion of this house, a special committee be appointed for the purpose of considering the advisability of adopting a Canadian flag, presenting Canada as a whole, and !n(whiehjfor position oflmbf, fmalythboiizing the Dominion as an equality partner in the commonwealth of British nations."" Mr. Lameron made a speech in support or tne motion but the House rose directly after the speech and no further opportunity has been given members to discuss it. Some day when the .House is not so much worried with . . ' i i. a j. i.f unemployment ana larm matters, mis question may re ceive consideration. To Perform in Prince Rupert Thursday Princes Sl.v.-mnsicy ,md tier d tug ! . j Man conductor and soprano IdM with ' in.. n- n.iyal Russian, Chorus. Dry Cleaning & Pressing Lower than Vancouver prices We rail for and deliver M. T. LEE CO. 323 3rd Ave. W. Dione CCS Next Benson Studio NATURAL PURE Fresh Milk Free from any preservative of treatment whatever. Milked and delivered dally from our. own cows. Four successive1 years Government Grade A certificate Health and Sanlta. tlon. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PRINCE RUPERT DAIRY Box 895 Phone 287 N MAY 11th Premier Bennett announced O the Dominion Conversion Loan with an objective of $250,000,000. On June 1st the Prime Minister announced that the Loan had been subscribed to the Bum of $639,816,500 an over-subscription of two and one-half times. Canadian business men are familiar with the loan. They knew that the Government had sufficient assurance of large blocks pf bonds to guarantee the objective. They knew that the real success of the loan depended on an over-subscription from the free flow of bonds in private fiands all over Canada, which would come forth at the call of the Nation. But even the most optimistic were hardly pre-i pared for such a success-. ;ful flotation as the figure which the Prime Minister revealed to the country in his budget speech. The Conversion Loan Was not merely a success, it was a success in the largest and widest measure. The degree of response with which the loan was AND THE NEWSPAPERS A Story of Intelligent Advertising supplemented by the individual advertisements ; of banks, bond dealers, and financial houses. The use of other media was inconsequential Nearly all of the expenditure went into the form of advertising in Canadian daily newspapers.- CANADIAN GOVERNMENT BONK THE PREMIER SECURITY IN CANADA DOMINION OF CANADA 1931 CO.WTRSION LOAN 9M Mr mi mmm n met may be attributed to scores of factors, but one of the very definite reasons for the smoothness and rapidity of the transaction, the readi-tiess of the public, the lack of question, and the ease with which tens of thousands of small transfers were put through, lies in the application of the force of advertising in the daily pewspapers of Canada. . The Government carried a series of clear-cut Announcements in every daily newspaper throughout the Dominion. These in turn were ttmmmm Advertising made the work of the Conversion easy! Advertising brought thousands and tens of thousands of small individual investors into the offices of banks, financial brokers and trust companies with their bonds. What newspaper advertising accomplished in this particular instance it is accomplishing day by day for the whole fabric of commerce and industry m Canada.. V 1 In this Dominion there is no substitute for newspaper advertising. The geographic extent of Canada, its span of . provinces extending over the vast breadth of a continent, its scattered population, its trading areas with widely differing business conditions, all tend to make the Canadian daily newspaper the one universal medium of information and advertising in this country. This is why the newspapers of Canada occupy an outstanding position as the messengers of the Dominion's welfare and progress. This is why the successful national advertiser in Canada; without . exception, looks upon the Dominion's skein of daily newspapers as hifl primary and indispensable medium. v Ask' any recognized advertising agency, , J The Dominion Government advertisement reproduced In miniature above, tad those which followed it, were published in every 'daily newspaper Jn Canada, coincident with the announcement of the Dominion Conversion Loan, which had: an objective of 1260,000,000, and secured ?G39,816,500 within two wedes. . THE DAILY NEWSPAPERS OF CANADA The Canadian Daily Newspapers Association, July, 1931