Fine tea is far the most esifoyaMe Yellow label Salada 60cts a lb Brown label Salada 70cts a lb 'Fresh from the gardens1 JUST RECEIVED A Fine Assortment of Easter Novelties, Including C hocolate Eggs, Bunnies,' Egg,.tiui& .Etc., Etc. Mill" Prices 5c to 25c Brine in your Colgate's Tooth I'asle Cards and receive two 25c tubes for the price of one Oriiies lid. "Oiio Pioneer DntQisLs Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St THREE GRADUATE PIIARMICISTS HEAD HURT? T1TORK won't wait for a Vr headache to . wear .oft Don't look forTiipathy such tithes, but cet bomc A:pirin. It never (ails. Don't be a chronic sufferer from headaches, or any other pun. Sec a doctor and get ar the cause. Meantime, don't p' martyr. There's always C'uck comfort in Aspirin. It nrvcr docs any harm. Isn't it foclish to suffer any needless t un ' It may be only a simple ntlurhc, or it may be ncu-r.i!i,i.tor neuritis. Rheumatism. Lumbago. Aspirin is still the sen iblc thing to take. There k h irdly any ache or painJieije tablets can't relieve; they-area Rrrit comfort to women who suffer periodically; they 11 J AS T always to be relied on for breaking up colds. Buy the box that says Atpirjn and has Genuine irrYrtfed in red. Genuine Aspirin ot qcprew ine m 8 1 1 ir s PTFNN TRADE-MARK REG. Mjile ill Canada UNION STEAMSUII'S LIMITED ".teamen liine rrlnre Kiipert f or amiurr: TJt.S I ATAI.A T. KUY Tl'ESlMV. 1.10 I'-M. Arriving vmirouvrr. v: Ocmii Fall Thursday Noon nilroX. t.m.h. AitiiKN.v i:vi:itv nuntv miiimkiit m ... - u. .....,. n.iHnioii' utiiirtix. fiiIsOs Arriving tr Pori II Sunptim. Alt: Aim. Anyox. bttwart and IS River point Sunday B 00 p.m. inrormitum rcgardm all valine aiuI tirkot Rt -iimvl i ii iir ifii-vi'V' ! tin it Air il ue. I nolle mm hC COAST AMSIilPS H. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE SAILINGS HtOM PUINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, and Skagway. March 1, 18 and 28. To Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle-March 11 and 22. . Prince Marj-Oon Pall, etc. Vauoo "W-V' wtla. every Friday, 10 pjn. Agents For All Steamship Unes W c Orrhird nl A.ent. SrdAv.. Print RuuMt, PhoueSl. VALENTIN DAIRY FOU SKEENA 11RAVD Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FR-SI1 PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY fly Delivery Throughout ue city Phone 566 Rupert Motors Garage and Service Station DODGE and BANTAM AUSTIN Distributors ' FENDER ND BODY WORK A SPECIALTY rr Local Items Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware, Heilbroner's Store. Anglican W. A. St. Patrick's Tea at Mrs. B. I.rMelllslT, March 19! Dressmaking, fur repairing and cleanlngr -Mrs. !J. . Fowler, 501 6th Ave. W. Phone' B'lue 153. 65 department had a call at 6 o'clock last evening to Seventh Avenue at Seal Cove to extinguish a trass fire which did no damage. Mrs. D. S: Cam'cr'o'ri, wife of the well known district fisheries overseer, was an arrival in the city on the Cardena last night from Vancouver. Mrs. Joseph Howe, who has been gravely til in the Prince Rupert General Hospital for some time, Is still reported to be in a serious condition. George Simpson of Anyox, who arrived In the city on Thursday evening from the smelter townH left on this morning's train for trip to Brandon, Manitoba. Speaking at the opening of the British Industries Fair in Buenos Aires, the Prince of .Wale was on the ana&tfultfSO thWnlflg In a transcontinental network but lo cal radio fan; were unable to pick Major J. R. Klngham. brother ot Mrs. S. F. Johnston of this city has been appointed second in command of the First Battalion Canadian Scottish Regiment, in Victoria, being the youngest offl cer in the 16th C.E.F. to receive such an appointment. His picture appears In a recent Victoria Col onlst. Char.'es Wilson of Lake Katmyn retumect to the city on this morning's train after a two-days' visit in the city. Mr. Wilson reports the 'ce houses of the Booth Carifwfl"-Fisheries at Lake Kathlyn to be filled. Owing to the mild weather this winter, however,, the Ice is only a foot thick whereas it is or dinary twenty-six inches thick and sometimes three feet. Rev. ,W. Grant HolMngstoorth of Calgary 'who has accepted a call to trptjjulpit of First Presbyterian Titircfi here, arrived in the city -n the Princess Alice last everi-from the south, beirilg accompanied by Mrs. Holllngsworth. Rev. J. Kennedy, who has been supplying for the past few months In the pulpit of the church, will sail on Tuesday afternoon on the CataJn for Vancouver following his Induction of Mr. Holllngsworth on Monday evening. For Sale Oas Boat "PEO," U fct loot. equipped With a 30 horsepower Ket vln engine. Built for a fish packer or cannery tender. Bids will be re ceived, by the undersigned up to noon, March 21. 1031. The high eat or any tender not neeesarlly acesjf ted. Boat may be seen at the Pacific Salvage Company's float, this city. C. L. MONROE. 64 1 Official Administrator TKOM ST. JOHN TO GLASGOW-BELFAST-LIVER-POOL ItKUrch '-"0 Montroar Mch 37. Apr 84 DUctWM of RtonaxwO : xNot calling at Bclfant. To' Greenock-Liverpool Kprll 3 Xuchi ot Athol! aApl. 10 ,. DucttiM of Dtdtarc! AjMltTr. ......... . .Alan fax xfncluains call at IteMaat TtFKOM' NEW YORK - ' To CJHiUOII(()UTU.?irTON April IB Kinprrat'of Autrll FROM VANCOUVER Tii IIihhII-J.iiiii-( liliia-rhlllpjilnM yarrli 14. Mn) 9 ImpraM of Aali xMf M xflay 23 . Kmp. of Cauadn April 11 xJuneS Emprc of lluml xApl aSsJuiw 90 EmpreM of Japau xlndudnin call at Honolulu. AbdIv to Aeenu rvervwhere or 4. j. loitsrcu Stfanuhlp Oenl Ptm. Atent C P,B StuOoa Vancmiver Telrplione Tllnlly US1 ' THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, March 14, 193t The Heart is the Human Engine The motor car which atalla by the roadide or theOenrrtsTie which drops into the sea',no more helpless than the human body when ths heart plays out. The heart is the 'human engine. If supplied with suitable nourishment and not overstrained by unwise eating and living, the heart is a prodigious worker and meets all ordinary emergencies, 'When iho irvM weaken the ac tion of the heart weakens. Restore the feeble nerves by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and Immediately you strengthen ths action of. the heart. This is the most certain way to overcome heart weakness, and ths time to begin treatment is to-day now. You can no better afford to delay than can the pilot In the aeroplane. When you receive the danger signal from the heart it is time to apply the restorative Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. S. A. Klelback lias Joined trie fit tho local .customs service Benny Wendle works out tomor row , 33,0 the Empress So cial Club Aretha. Publiq ' cordial) ' invited. Returning to her 'regular service on the run between Vancouver and Prince Rupert via Ocean Falls, Bella Coola and other, coast points. Union steamer Cardena. Capt. Andrew Johnstone, arrived In port at 8.15 last evening from the south and sailed at 12 midnight on her return to Vancouvei and waypoints. Brownie Pack Tea Being Held Today Affair Being Held ThU Afternoon . At Rectory Misses Gibson and Gilchrist in Charge The Cathedral Brownie Park tea, which la .being held this afternoon ktjb reqyjjy, 674 Fourth Avenue. Bast, is in charge of Miss Eileen Gibson and "Miss Ann Gilchrist The program is as follows: Piano solo Geraldlne Cade. Recitation Dorothy Wllkie. Piano solo Muriel Eby. Song Hasei Lear. Piano solo Edna McLean. Cornet solo 'Velma Thurber. Piano solo Hazel Maston. Song Alice Hunter. Piano solo Gladys Melilsh. Recitation Beryl Birch. Those helping are": Beryl Birch and Marion Shepherd, who are acting as cashiers; -Velma Thur ber and Kathleen O'Nell, who are In charge of the candy stall. Louis Bird. Muriel Eby, Joyce KU-bck, Edna McLean, Gladys Mel ilsh, Geraldlne Cade, Hazel Lear. Betty Wilkinson. Marjory Silver sides, Anna Duff. Alice Hunter Hasei Maston. and Dorothy Wllkie, serviteurs.' '' r ANNOUNCEMENTS , St. rvifrlck's . Concert; Cathol.c Hall, March 17. Presbyterian Shamrock Tea, on March 17, In Church Hall. Inter-City Badminton Tourna- nent Premier vs.' Rupert, follow ed by dance. Moose Hall, March 17 Rebekah Whist and Bridge, Met ropole Hall, March S3 Admlsslor 50c. Bapt'st Easter Sale April 2, Easter Concert April 6 and 7. Direction Alex A. Connon, Moose Hall. . Annual Daffodil dance, I.O.D.E Hall, Easter Monday. Catholic wbmenVLjtfue Spring Sale April 8. . United Church Baiter-' Bazaar April 9 ' Anglican Cathedral Raster Sale April 9. Crib and Whist League Banquet Commodore Cafe Aprll'10. Presbyterian Easter Sale April 10 Gyro Hoedown Miy 1. NOW OPEN! Shirley Shom Carrying a Complete Line of the Latest Ladies Ready -to - Wear In the New Styles and Colors Road Closed; is A Cordial Invitation Extended to You to Inspect our Stock 1 Cor. 3rd Ave. and 6th St . A 3 Badly Cut Off W. A. McMaster of Evelyn TelU In Letter of Inconvenient ftiVUa,,'ii-'t W. A. McMaster of Evelyn.' writing to the Daily News, tells of having been able to go to Dough-'1 ty post-office for his mail for the first time last week since Septem-: ber 30. Mr. McMaster states that: (he government allowed the road to - Doughty station to be eiosea last fall and he has not been able to get his mall since. Naturally enough, this state of affairs Is not very pleasing to those affectec.. I HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel I Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot .ihd cold water In all roomt A. J. PRl'DIIMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser tnd Fifth 8U. Savoy N. L. Jones, Lewis Island. New Royal Hotel , I. Zarrlll, Crop ; Ttir. 110 1 IX MOUTH WIIIIC IM As Oold Water: Steam Heal 7$c PER DAY AND UP Trlrpliniif tHI Royal R. G. Pennock, Vancouver; Jno. Andrews, city. Boston Grill Phone 457 Prince Rupert Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS ' Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties Kaien Motors Limited General Garage and Service Station CHEVROLET and HUICK Open Day and Night Phone 52 Third Avenue Miss R. M. Davles sailed, last1 Rev. Alfred Wilson sailed last night on the Princess Alice for night on the Princess Alice for Victoria where she will pay an ex- Vancouver where he will attend to tended visit. She was accompanied some church business He will south by her niece. Miss Muriel return to the city next Friday af-'Colllson. iternoon on the same steamer. CHURCH NOTICES ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Corner Eighth and Ninth East Minister, Rev. John II. Hanson Sunday morning worship at 11 o'clock (English). Sunday School at 12.15. Seal Cove Sunday School at 12.15. Evening worship at 7.30 Sandlnavlan). There will be piano solos, duets and vocal solos. Hospital service at 4 pjn. You will be welcome to all our services. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. V. W. Dafoe. D.D Minister Morning worship at 11 a.m., subject The Happy Ages." Bible School at 12.1& Evening service at 7.30 subject "How Ten Men Were Made Happy." Regular mid-week service Wednesday at eight o'clock, study In Revelation. A cordial Invitation to all. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (Christian Science Society, 215 Second Avenue West) This Society is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, ln Boston, Mass. Sunday Service at 11 am., Subject '"Substance." Sunday School at 12.15. Testimony meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. Reading room 245 Second Avenue open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 5. F!RST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. J. Kennedy Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Chorus by Junior Choir, soloist Betty Woods. Sunday School and Junior ptble .t,J245. Evening 5erv,ce,at 7.30. Anthem by Choir, Mrsiames Waugh. Ret. W; D. Holllngsworth of Calgary, who recently ac cepted the call to this churth will preach at both services. His induction will take place on Monday evening at 8 o'clock. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL X Church of England) ' l ? ir s tA2 i mi cry-Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean !iblvommuntoh?at 8 a.m. Morning prayer and ser mon at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 12.30. Evening prayer and sermon at 7.30. Mid-week Lenten servlca on Wednesday at 8 p.m. Confirmation classes as follows: Tuesday at 7.30 pjn. at the Japanese Mission; Friday at 7.30 p.m. in the catncarai. FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, It. A. Morning service at 11 o'clock Sunday School at 12.15 Evening service at 730. .4 i if)