PAGE SIX Are You Inoculated Against Old Age Dependency? Life's eventide Is sure to come; independent now; dui wnai ranged for it? iUUM. i jtou can provide for j-our future f osljs jou nothing You save a littlenow"; Deposft t tion Life Association and at any desired age you are guaranteed ' a pension for life or the return of your money with interest. For example: A man aged 25 saves $8.00 per month, if deposited with us when you reach age 60 'you are given a pension of $50.00 a month for life or $7,410.00 whichever you prefer. You can also provide for this pension to start at once If you Become totally disabled through accident or sickness and without further payment the capital sum is still available at age of GO. If you are interested fill in and mail coupon below or write to Walter Purkis Representative Confederation Life Association Box 411 Prince Uupcrt . NAME ADDRESS til"""! .1"" I PHIUIPSS ForTrouMrt due to Acid t. IOUK STO-CH CONSTIPATION Get RID of your dread of pain after eating. Eat -without fear of "indigestion," sour stomach, disagreeable gas or headaches. When your food ferments, "dis- , m t s.ia a agrees, ues lite a lump in your ; ; .i,.k it: tiJ. Jfr .' ' a a as, v IVU lULU 1 acta, yoo neea not resort to cude methods take !nteafh aatiaacKr that will correct the f condrubn. Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. A spoonful of this pleasant-tasting, soothing fluid neutralizes many times its volume in acid. It restores the proper alkaline balance to an acid-soaked stomach and Made in arter meals Sale of Odd Pieces of Furniture at Half-Price Watch Our Windows Barrie's Home Furnishings bowels assists these organs to function as they should. Phillips Milk of Magnet i is what you need when a bad laioth. coaled tongue, headaches, namta i, j r .. orhilioosness indicates an nvftparit condition. Take a spoonful today fator several days and see bow it sweetens the 41 em. You won't be, nearly so liable to colds or sickness. All drugstores in the Dominion sell it in 50c bottles. Ctnuine Milk of Magnesia is t a liquid neetr a tablet. Lttokftr Ike name Phillips on the bottle. ' Canada. FOll BIACT I'l!ltl:SI& can are the 4-cylinder engine, which devi-Hipa 40 linrorinwer at 2200 r. p. m. the vimplitily of the cleetriral. Ignition, rooting, luhrlration and furl ytema torque-tutte drive; fully enclosed, internal - expanding, meehanleal lirnLrx ami tdiatlerlcM glana wind ahlrld on factory models. Come in, let u liow you ihewe feature, anil explain liow value lias been built into every part of Jfj the Ford chauis. COAL Buy the real Coal-rour famous Edson and Cassldy-Welllncton in any quantities. Also Bulkier Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES C8 AND 558 FORI! ELIVi:ilY CAHS mail PI different bodies are available, adapting; the Ford rora-jnrrrial A rliamit for ue in a wide variety of liutinmurm Among tlie-m are the light delivery, panel, canopy, Mation wagon, tie luxe delivery, and many other. All of tlwc are in wldrread ur, bring, inc Ford economy, reliability, kafrty and valua to their ownera in II Mirt of Canada. Among the important fra- lures of lord commercial "THE CANADIAN CAS" S. E. PARKER LTD. Third Ave. East FOKD DEALERS Telephone 83 Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE PHONE S75 BESNEK BLOCK . DENTIST Is yours provided for? You are 01 ine iuture? Have you ar i 'with absolu" uTjiertafntyand It those savings with the Confedera AOE ACID THE DAILY NEWB Saturday U: WATERFRONT WHIFFS United Pacific Fisheries Gets Under Way Seals are On Move North Again Week's Halibut Landings Another important development in the fishery affairs which company the boat owners and fishermen arranged; at the end ot last week to market their fish co-operatively with down payments of 10c. and 7c. for both Canadian and American fish, the balance of pro-' ceeds. if any, to be split up after the i marketing of the fish. Since it started taking fish on Monday of this week, the new company has been handling and shipping the fish through the plant of the Royal Fish Co. pending getting its own plant m the old Shrubsall Fisheries pre- mises In readiness. Work on the latter quarters is being rushed and it is expected within the near fut ure to be able to move in. Then the United Pacific Fisheries will be actually and permanently in busi ness here. Developments in connection with the new arrangement continue to be watched with the keenest of interest not only by those directly oncemed with fisheries affairs but by the public at large. There Juts been a lot of discussion one way md other and, naturally, a hsalthy crop of rumors has sprout ed up. These hare had ts do with the matter from various stand points. Most of the reports are, however, without foundation and pending official announcements, night well be left unheeded. The new company here, as might 3e expected, is encountering vicls- iitudes such as always go with the fish business, but is meeting them, apparently, in a capable manner. That the concern will eventually jull through is the confident view it all concerned with the new move. There have been reports that the oncern was to launch at once into ttie handling of various kinds of fish here on a large scale. Asked as jo this, officials of the company Minted out that it was their ln- ntlon to do nothing else for some time at least than to go ahead ilowiy and cautiously. Local fish buyers, who at first lad little if anything to say about he new undertaking, are now beginning to take a warm interest in t. One of the buyers this week denied a suggestion made in this taper that the buyers were looking m the movement with scornful Hence. Their attitude is far from -hat, at least this one buyer sug gested. With practically all the Prince tapert fleet having left for the sanks around the end of last week following the reaching of the agree ment with the United Pacific Flsh-ries. it is expected that quite a number of the boats may be back within the next few days with their matches. The United Iacific Fisheries Co. is. so far. active only here and at Seattle although the visit of the inaniiRpr. Frank J. Kwapil. to Ket- r f uiood Tor or for 1 t metal use SiMONDS SAWS Specialised to even modern rc-cjiiircmcnt StmondiS ,wr. Hack-Saws, Knives, etc. supply most efficient cutting too!a for 'wood, metoli, etc., thanks to Simonds Stccli alloyed exclusively b iy for for their their purposes. purposes. m BP Simomps Canada Sw Co. Ltd. VS MONT.tC.AI lOffOHtO fl Volt GENERATORS For Charging Batteries For any make of car. $5.50 New Storage Ratterics guaranteed for one year IS plate thin, or 11 plate heavy $8.50 IS plate heavy or 15 plate thin $12-50 VANCOUVER AUTO WRECKING CO. 1919 Oranville tM Vancouver Branrli Yard at 330 Second Avenue Last chlkan had to do with proposed openlng up there as weil. All the halibut sold here so far during the Week has gone to the new company and there has not been an auction yet on the exchange. To date, the boat owners and fishermen express satisfaction ahd hope in the move. The future alone will tell how it is all going to work out and tne progress of the enterprise will continue to be watched with the deepest of interest. Seals on Way North The seals are on their way to the north Pacific again on their annual migration from the south, and the herd Is being given lto usual escort of protection cruisers, representing the Canadian and the United States governments. Two million seals are estimated to be in the herd this year. The vanguard of the herd was recently sighted off the coast of California in several weeks they will be in Alaskan waters, visiting the rook- eries of the Pribylof where they will breed this spring. Indians are setting out in their canoes from west coast villages to hunt the seals as they move northward. The Indians are denied the use of firearms and must resort to the primitive spear. They are for- j bidden the use of motorboats too ! nevertheless the Indians usually i make a large catch. Last year be- tween 300 and 400. seals were slaughtered by them. . White are debarred altogether from the hunt, although a specified number of males are slaughtered ! on the Pribylof Islands every year under supervision of the Pelagic Sealing Treaty passed in 1911. The seals corns; within ten or twenty- five miles of the coast at the mouth of the Columbia River and then head north for Untmak Pass. The nerds are usually many miles out in open water when they are attacked by the native hunters. Stowing fresh fish at sea in crushed ice. such as is done with the halibut landed at Prince Rupert, has revealed so many drawbacks in keeping the fish in quality con dition that serious consideration is now being given to new methods of fish preservation aboard vessels. The installation of properly insul ated holds and refrigeration equipment is calling for more attention and experiments are being conducted in many places along these lines. In Great Britain the demand for quality in the catches of fishing vessels which are making long vog-ages to distant fishing grounds is particularly bringing the question of refrigeration on board to the fore. The day is looked forward to when every fishing vessel there will be equipped with a mechanical refrigeration plant for .the many of the risks of present day fishing will be removed and the quality of supplies assured. Massrlt Pack According to reports from Northern Qraham Island and Massett, the year 1030 has gone down as the banner year for salmon cannery and producUon In that area. Four canneries in the Massett district packed a total of 200,000 cases of pink salmon which is the largest pack in the history of Massett Inlet. The fishermen each cleared from $800 to $1500 in the four weeks' season. Four mlUion fish were taken from one river and yet fishery authorities estimate that not one third of the avaUable fish were caught. Thfc was a most encouraging situation after two lean years and tends to an optimistic view of the future for the fisheries there, The pack of razor t ims at Massett totalled 18,000 cases and no falling off in supply was in sight a short tune ago. Ajyowinfcjdemand is being experienced for clams throughout all parts of Canada and as a result,' prices have been maintained and the entire pack sold. The clam beds around Massett are stated to be the only source for the rasor variety of ocean delicacy in the British Empire. Four new boats will be added to the fisheries patrol fleet in British Columbia waters this summer the Dominion Department of Fish eries so that continued efficiency of patrol on all parts of the coast may be ensured. Each of the boats will be fifty-two feet long and equipped with Oardlner diesel engines, 72 h.p., will have a speed of ten knots. They will also each be equipped with an oil auxiliary en gine. gine. The Tne contract) contract! for lor building building i tne boats hat ben Placed wlth on dutyjn the Queen charlotte area replacing the Onerka, which was burned some months ago, and another will take the place of the Merrysea, which was sunk In November through a collision with a commercial steamer. The other will replace boats which have been in the service for tome time and are no longer wholly satisfactory for work of the kind Mariners are advised that the following aids to navigation have been established: a white occulting light and daymark on Oull Bocks nea'r Eyde Passage also a black and a red spar buoy marking the westerly edge of the shoal off the fishermen floats, Prince Rupert hai-bor. The fishing boat A. J., formerly i the White Uly, Captain Johstson hit a roc to the fog of f KleWRug-get last week end. Everything was lost, including S5O0 halibut, the crew escaped safely and rowed to Port Essington. ; I . . ' r., tu ,w VTt ,""5 i'.k of la" 4 j ha''b,.a.nd.. v 4w4 avail unittfUL WH3 jallUrU here, all beinR sold to the new United Pacific Fisheries Buy & Save at the Mussallem's Economy Cash & Carry Stores A careful inspection of our wtosa will surely conv ince ywu thai there 1 is a material by taking advantage . of our new Low Cash Prices. heu Arrow cracker -b np reg. 25c, per pkg CLARKE'S CORNKD BXXt .)hn l's, per tin AUt' QUICK QUAKER OATS tjJQp MALKIN'S BEST, ORANGE MARMALADE QQn 66 40-jars, at ROYAL CROWN SOAP OP 6-caice carton, per carton CAMPBELL'S PORK BEANS 16-os. per tin IOC ROGER'S SYRUP . tf)n 5-lb tin PUMPKIN, R6YAL CITY 2s. 2 tins for REFUGEE BEANS t)En 2 s, 2 tins for QUAKER CORN 6Cn 2s, 2 tins for LIBBY SAUER KRAUT fTp large "tin at HALIBUT STEAK tCn 1-2'a, 4 tins for FINEST SOCKEYE SALMON tails, per tin 34C FINEST SOCKEYE SALMON 1-2 flats, 2 tins for Qp MALKIN'S BEST WHOLE ddv CLAMS J Cp LUl' l's. por tin . . MALKIN'S BEST BARTLETT PEARS 241 aSIC 2's. per tin MARKET DAY SEEDLESS RAISINS ACp 4 lb bugs. t EAGLE BRAND LOBSTER Qf 1-2's, per tin S5c, 3 for THE ABOVE SPECIALS AT BOTH STOKES Mussallem Grocery Co. T.lmHed 417-423 FIITII AVfcNl'E EAST P. O. BOX 575 I'hone-48 and 84 by OTWflimMBlBWira f Fri. & Sat. 5 TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 IM. Si i I. g - IIKHE THEY ARK 5 . If f 1 Amos V An jjj The Shining f "CHECK and DOUBLI 1 CHECK" J WITH SUE CAROL and -IRENE RICH See them. Hear them in a Joyous, Laugh-Pac ked 5 Heart-stirring round-up 5 of their adventures of the Radio i a s Comedv "CHARLEY CHASE in MITSirWI. HKVIKW - - mm PIRATES PARAMOUNT NEWS J Admission 20c. and 65c. Feature starts at 7.50 & !i..V Saturday Matinee at 2.30 lac. and 10c. n Feature starts at 3.20 n Monday and Tuesday rasa iu i.m i a ii t nun tgjjra FOR ANY CHILD iigil CHILDREN arc happy and carefree by nature, so when they cry for no apparent reason any careful mother worries. No one can always puess just what is wrong but the. remedy can always he the same. Good old CaJtnria! There's comfort in every drop of this pure vegetable prepara' tion and not the slightest harm" in its frequent use. As often as Made in am re km for Supper Tomorrow It's not difficult, when you use "The Worlds Best Flour" and folbw this Recipe, reprinted from the famous Five Roses Coolf Boole: QUICK LAYItlt CAKlt 2 Efigi, 1 Oup Sunt, l Cup (Scant) Milk, 2 TtMMpoont Melted Butter, 2 Teaipnxu bkmi rowder in 2 Cupa "FIVE ROSES" Flout. Mu and bake u uaiul. Put nr Fillint betn Layefi. Bay i Bag tohj and learn of the finer quality ol it 11 FIVE ROSES FLOUR "The World's Best11 VOU BREADS, CAKRft. fllll T1IOS. McMEEKIN, vuuiriouiori ana LaVe of the M . m . ..... ; U4N ftW THP Llih ,bliKLE.N CCDrn, dv Stars of Radio in "LOOSER THAN LOOSE" in TRniKirnini) in a switil V V mJJ 'WOMEN EVERYWHERE' ea tmim rmrmm tusn itm X Ami baby has a fretful spc"' feverish and cross and can't tleep, let Castoria soothe and quiet him. Sometimes it' a touch of colic. Sometimes it is constipation. Just keepCi-toria handy and give freely ft mv of the above conditions ; relief will follow promptlv. All through babyhood, Civ toria is a mother's standi" . nd wise mothers do not ch .uijc t stronger medicines as the fluid Crows older. Just incre.i-e the dose of Cattork and keep the youngster's stomach swett and ,the bouels in cood order Tn I m aiirrti MBttinp ir!Ulinr - Fletcher's Fletcher's Castoria Castoria you you sh sh-'iiM u look for this ,cjT' signature : WVTvU'- Canada Cake rUIIMNMM, PANTIIIKS Kl I.M ItV I'UINCE ItUI'EKT. B.C. at Ail Good Dealers oods Mllline Co. Ltd.