PAQ2 FOn GOLF NOW THE RAGE Smithers and Hazelton Vie With Each Other For the Best Courses ! I STOKY OF POLITICS I M l m Olof Hanson Tees Off and Shows How the Game is Played al Ottawa The two interior towns, Smithers and Hazelton, are competing with each other, not only in baseball and other forma of sport but tor which shall have the finest golf course. New course have been established at betb places this year. Smithers coauntneed with a flvc-hoie course but Ha.e!t;m did b-ttcr with nine. Now the thine will be to make sood greens and fairways that will prove attractive to tourists and other visitors who are used to th" best. The story they tell at Smithers Is that they heard OJof Hanson, the member for the district, had started the game at Ottawa. He could not expect to be a proper representa-: tlve fer any riding without learning t golf a well as public speaking. Dr. I Baroford, who also has political aspirations, decided that he too must have political training and learn the 1 proper Intonation of the wordl on Satardajr wit there to tee oft t 'aad Jr. wfincl and all the rest taking part. It was a notable occasion. Doubt less Prince Rupert people will take mm mi W T 1-! I J - - . i ' I - . England's Leading Woman Player Bttty Wuuiiul. itadt. ui the Ent lish Wlghtman Cup team, worte out at Forest Hins preliminary o international team matches. LETTER BOX "fore," He uietly Instigated the boys to start a course and show Olof News: that two could play that game. Tnrough the medium of your Wiggs O'Neill Joined and the thing lumns the Spartan Athletic Club was doae. t nereby issues a challenge to any Now. It lathe proper thing. If you1 team in Pruice Rupert to run live at Smithers or Harelton, to ainst it on Labor Day in elthe? carry a set of clubs, to wear plus an 868 yards relay (consisting of fours aad to converse easily, using four IbP oI 0 yards each) or a suen words as "stance." "stymie" i mecuey reiay, constating of one and the rest of golf language, 880 yards lap. one 440 yards lap. Haaelton had her offjelal opening ion 22p yards lap. and one 110 I lap. run In the above order challenge is for either one of the above relays, but not for both. The Spartan Club believes it has the fastest relay team in the city me iirai posmwe opportunity oi.'and that blif has vf tn ri ie trying out both of these courses, and passlag Judgment on them. REOIMEXT LINEUP The Regjiaent team to play ag proved. Thanking you for your valuable space. ARCHIE THOIPSON. Secretary, Spartan Athletic Cluh. ainst the Merchant! In tonight's 1 ThMe were n9 passengers on foatball game will be selected from , . nrA )Vl bo"d steamer PrlnpPSS Cnaf" the following players: Smith, Wat- son, Thurber, Kelsey. Edgeeumbe, !otte wh,ch to port' this raoru- DeJeag, Wlngham, Walter Lyons, ing bound from Vancouver to! Wilson. Colussl Norrington. Hunt, Skagway. Fight persons dlsetn-' Uedpa thread Fbng. barked from the vessel here. , This advertisement is nor published or displsyed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. TRACK MEET NEXT WEEK Spartan Athletic Club Challenges Any Relay Team in Town, A meeting of the Spartan Athletic Club was held in the Toe H rooms j on Saturday evening, the vice-president, Phil Edgeeumbe, occupying the chair. It was decided to hold the next club track meet on August 29, which will give the runners time to get Into good condition. Most of the members will be in town for this meet and because of this fact, and the fact that it will be held about a week before Labor Day it is expected that it will be a great success. The difficulty during the holiday has jbeen that many of the members nave Deen out oi town, ine program for the next meet will be practically the same as that of the previous meets. The club resolved to challenge any city relay team to either an 880-yards relay or a medley relay on Labor Day. Final arrangements for the club meet were left over until the return of the president, J. W. Plommer. PICNIC IS ENJOYAfeLE Pioneers Had Happy Outing Yesterday at Shawatlans Passaic I The annual picnic of the Prlnco' Rupert Pioneers' Association all Shawatlans Passage yesterday prov-1 ted a very enjoyable outing. Favored weather of the most excellent I variety, the a(fa.r proved most enjoyable to the ISO persons or so who ' were in attendance. I Swimming was enjoyed by many 'and there wire aiso races but the 1 most of th! day was spent happily by (he old time's rwalluv early days and cri. mppenlnfr In Prince Rupurv The plcnlrkew left at noon and all were ba?k safely hv 9 pjn. M M S.i'phens' Annie MiKs-y and George FrteHrs Laura r were th boats I used j There were basket lunches while : colic was provided by the as-vxta- tlon. A foot race bctwten Mr Hart and Mr titurrinfrt, 'fa of tie real old tlnei pi'vrd of much fun Pre'dnt N. Musw.Jem wis in general charge of the picnic. Big Game Hunters Here Today Enruutc To Cassiar District The annual fall migration of big game hunters to the Cassiar district Is now commencing. On board the steamer Princess Charlotte this morning was Major James Workman of Ireland who will engage in I Til? DAILY NEWS HAZELTON BALL TEAM WILL COME Champions Wish to Play as Unit and Not With Outside Help , Hazelton baseball team is expec-i ted to come to Prince Rupert to play against the local team at the time j of the fair. It is the champion team i of the Bulkley Valley and as such claims the right to play Prince Rupert. Allen Benson, manager of the1 team, says he does not see how he could strengthen his. team by taking In any outsiders. He has what he considers to be a fast Senior B team that stands a good chance of winning. If it does not win, he says it will give Pruee Rupwt a real scries. confkiu.t are the pecple of Hazelton that their team will make a vjt 'n,owuig that they .are prepared tq come down to the fat:- in large number." and cheer the boys on. The Hazelton teaat seems to have decided to stick together, and play as a unit or not at aU. Duringa visit of Alderman Pulten to tkircJion a . week Mona'jvr Benson stated the ease 'o, his team and the fair board at a meeting yesterday decided to write Haselton, accepting their proposal. Big League Scores 3 ' SATURDAY SCORES National League Pittsburg 4-1. Philadelphia 5-3. Other games postponed on account of rain. American League Philadelphia 4, Cleveland 3. tow York 7. Detroit 5. Boston 1, Chicago 0. Washington 3, St. Louis 2. SUNDAY SCORES American League Philadelphia 6, Cleveland 4. New York 9. Detroit 6. Washington 5-8. St. Louis 3-6. Boston 2-5, Chicago 9-1. National League St. Louis 1-3. New York 7-2. Chicago 7-5. Boston 1-1. Cincinnati 2-7, Brooklyn 9-8. FRED PERRY 1 IS CHAMPION Took Eastern Tennis Title From Gilbert Hall With Straight Sets Yesterday RYE. Aug. 17: Fred Perry, British star, won the eastern turf court tennis singles tltfe yestrday by defeating Gilbert Hall, the previous tltleholder. 6-3. 6-2. 0-1. MERCHANTS TEAM Merchants team for tonight's football game will be selected from the following: Vtnk, Morale, Douglas. McKay. Currle. Mitchell, Hill Russell. A. Dickens. S. Dickens, Chenoski, II. Dickens, Hardy, Barney. ; CONSUL IS ; A BOOSTER FOR RUPERT "I must congratulate the people here on their fine city'' dflar-u J Van Rlcksdal. consul-grnrra for Belgium, who Is visiting th' city, to the Dally Hews. "I think Vancouver people do not apprerl-: ate this city. Judging ;rom wha'. they say about it. It h a delightful place end should become an important ' tourist centre." The consul who is addressing an open meeting In the city hail tonight under Chamber oi Com-! merce auspices, says his country, does a large business w;tli Canacti the second largest In Europe. : FRAUD IS CHARGED George McAuley, pieadlng guilty to a charge of obtaining food from the city by fake pretences, was fined $25 by Magistrate McClymont big game hunting from Telegraph in city police court this morning Creek. Also on board were three i and ordered to reimburse the cltv ' young Belgians from Brussels for $2.50. McAuley received this Henry Delwart. Jean Semet and amount of food from the city on i.he Pierre Solvay -who will also engage .claim of being destitute whereas he in hunting. actually had money in the bank. GIRLS WANTED To enter Contest for America's Most Beautiful Girl The winner will be chosen during fair week in Prince lUipert and will gt a free trip to Los Angeles and back and be entertained lavishly while there. Entrants must sell0 tickets to the Big Coronation Ball, the last day of the fair. Nothing else to do but look pretty. It's the chance of a lifetime. The fair board at its recent meeting decided to enter a candidate in the International Biutequest at Los Angeles in connection with the celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the city, when the most beautiful girl in America, will" be chosen. The local candidate xUl be chosen at the time of the fall fair and immedf&tely after her selection slie will have to leave for the south to get there in time for the big California event'Her expenses going and coming will be paid by the Fair Board hut while there she will be the guest of the Ocean Park Businessmen's Association, who are sponsoring the event. The attraction for the candidate is set forth in the following lettor from the south. "Your candidate will be met at the railway station, dock or airport by a committee representing the Ocean Park Businessmen's Association. "She will be the guest of screen stars at various functions. "She will be entertained by a reigning star of the screen at her home. "She will he included in all parties listed as part of the program of the International Bcautequegt and La Fiesta dc Los Angeles. '"She will occupy a position of honor in all gatherings including pageants, parades, spectacles, receptions and, in fact, all events planned for the International Beaute-quest and Los Angeles' great reception." Candidates must be between the ages of 1G and 30. un-marriod and of good character and the one going from Prince Rupert will be chosen in the following manner; She or her sponsors must sell 50 tickets at $1 each for the big coronation ball to be staged on the last day of the fair in the exhibition building. For the one selling the most tickets a prize of $50 will be awarded. She may enter without sponsors if she wishes but she must sell the tickets. Thq candidates must attend the Exhibition every evening while it is in progress here. On the first night one selection will be made by competent judges. On the second night a second candidate will bo chosen by another set of judges and on the third night a third candidate will be chosen by a third set of judges. Those three candidates will attend the coronation ball accompanied by the other candidates and at 9 o'clock, the final selection will be made. Two hours later the coronation will take place here and the following day the winner will bo required to leave and travel as rapidly as possible by steamship, airplane and rail to Los Angeles. Candidates from points around Prince Rupert may enter, such as Anyox, Ocean Falls, Smithers. Terrace, Stewart, Hazelton or other points and they will be required to sell 25 tickets to the coronation ball in order to qualify. Candidates either in the city or out may be sponsored by organizations who may help them in disposing of tickets or otherwise in connection with the event Candidates or their sponsors should notify Secretary Vance of the Fair Association at as early a date as possible and as soon as the tickets are ready may commence disposing of them.