PAQ8 THHCT Phones 81 & 82 Ttaiiu kaut rVitvc GiiW at 12.30 f n. uruiajexietteS) ctmenmt with thu utck tin. mm $1.00 VALUE One regular 50c box DAY DREAM FACE POWDER and your selection of a jar of COLD CUE AM, VANISHING CKEAM or bottle of ALMOND CREAM Both For 59c Ormes IJLcL Jfut Pioneer DrtiCrists TO GREAT BRITAIN and back S FECIAL REDUCED third daea far from Montreal toltIfat,Cla-gow, Liverpool, Plymouth or London and back. Good going from Aug. 1st to Oct. 15tli Return portion Talld for 2 year. Round trip rate to Continental point reduced proportionately. Two aailinge a week. ffuil Injormatlon apply CfNARD LINK ill Hastings Mmt W. , (Phone Sermour M4SI 1 1 Vancourr a II orani steamship attnt C U HARD ANCHOR - DONALDSON 'Jis rrr F'lf t f rm.ti. . eat at riu I" ! ill rt , V MrfWtN lMrlri Frefcht uml 'Mrnaer A(rni '' fluix-M, B.C. SUMMER SAILINGS -s From Prince Rupert for Vancouver: MonJay 4.00 p.m. Wednesdays 9.30 a.m. Thursdays 2.00 p.m. Saturdays 700 p.m. Or Fill" "U "' RMW Ketchikan. Juneau anJ Skagwiy icillind it Wranr; soutMvurw) WednevJays ml Saturday. 00 p m. For Stcacl and Anyox Monday 'W pm FnJays 5 00 p.m. Intel and tort' .vcekly service to Massett nightly service to South Queen Charlotte Mandt Particular on TRI CITY SERVICE Daily from Vancouver at 145 p m lor Victoria and Seattle. TRAIN SbRVlCE rener trains 'eave Pnnce Rnpert daily (except Siml.v at 12.3 pm lor Edmonton. WiniTpee and points tast VIM MS Third Ave. & Fulton St. iTINENfAL IMITED rr UNUSUAL comfort . . radio . . . continental travel de luxe! Through service to Montreal. Ash about Triangle Tours STEAMSHIP TICKETS To and from all part of the world For iiilormaUon. call or write: 1 .TvTjE-Acn. D.F it P. A., Prince Rupert. BO. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamer leave rrlnce Itupert t or Vancoutrr: T-H.s, t'ATAI.A KVMIY TI KKIIAV. 1.S0 I' M. Arriving Vancouver, Thursday Morning. T"S. IAIUi;a EVKItY FltlllAY MIHMOHT , Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight appro- . . . weekij MUlngt to Port BUnpimn. Atloe Arm. Anyox, Stewart and Maa Rlvrr )lrji. Sunday. 8:00 p.m. fiirlhrr information rfgardlnj oil ullluga and tlrkeU at ni.M.1 Htrr.KT AllKNCV: nc mid wrniie. rnunr (,ct the habit of reading lhe advortiscmcnls in this paper, and taking advantage of the help they bring you. Local Items Dinnerware, cntna, crockery, glassware, ilellbroner'i 8tore. Mrs. B,n. Rice and family, Elghtn Avenue East, returned on Saturday's train from a week-end visit at Sunnyslde. Charles Fordyce-Clark sailed Sa turday afternoon on the Princess Louise for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Jules Scguin, who has been spending a few days in Ketchikan, returned to the city from the north on the Prince George this morning., ... I J. O. Steen sailed last evening on the Catala for a brief business i trip to Port Simpson. He will return to the city on the same : steamer tomorrow morning. CNit. steamer Prince George. Capt. Neil McLean, arrived in port at 8:30 this morning from Skag-way and other Alaska points and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Ocean Falls, Powell River' and Vancouver. "Tillte the Toller" strip did not come Jut week owing to an error on the part of the distributors at Toronto. In order to catch up a full page is being published today and it Is hoped that the feature will appear more regularly On the front page of Friday's Vancouver Sun appeared a picture of Miss Dorothy McGrlmbe of this ' city. Miss McOrlmble was the win-' ner of" first prize in an essay con-itest for girls between 13 and 10 years of age which was conducted by the Sun. Iv V H. Samum. who has been ai!tHje; in vacations! school worse that has been conducted at Inverness during the salmon canning season, arrived from there on yes- terday afternoon's train and salkl last nl;ht on the CaUla for Port ; 8lmrjson. I CNR. steamer Vrtruse Chrlw. ,Capt. Dan McKtnnon: arrived in ! rwirt at 12 o'clock this morning from Vanroover and will sail at 8 o'clock this evening for Stewart. Anyox i and Manett Inlet points, whence she wQt return here southbound next Thursday morning. Francois Rlchenln. Paris artist, and Madame Rlchepin, who arrived in the city by train Siturdzy afternoon from Jasper Park, did not go south on the steamer Prince Oeorse as had been planned but.' Instead, decided after arriving here .'o make the round trip to Skagway on the Prince Henry. C.P.R. steamer Princess Charlotte, Capt. C. C. Salntey, arrived in Dort at 10:45 this morning from Vancouver and sailed at 12:15 p. m. for Skagwav and otlm Alaska' points, whence she will return here southbound next Saturday afternoon. The vessel brought a good-tMd parcel of freight here. The Chamber of Commerce Is asking Hon. Dr. R. J. Man ton, minister of railways, to visit Prince Rupert during the course of his proposed western tour. It Is being pointed out to him that the last visit of a minister of railways to th port was that of Hon. Dr. Reld in 1919 and the port will feel much ; neglected if it is not included iti the present tour "IIUILD 11. C. PAYROLLS'1 Like Fresh Milk 111 JWPOHATrt, Immediately the milk Is taken from the herds It goes to the plant and is placed in tins. Immediately also It goes upon the market and as Fraser Valley Is not far from the homes of the patrons of Pacific Milk, It reaches the tabic fresh. PACIFIC MILK Factory at Abhotsford, I1.C. 100", U.C. Owned and Controlled THE DAILY NEWS Monday, August 17, 1931 i i Football Jtonlght ants vs. Regiment. 5:45 Merch- Mlss K. Chenoskl, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, returned to me cuy on me irjnwj, unanes uns " ' " ' morning. , . Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith sailed Saturday evening on ifte Prince Rupert for Vancouver where they will holiday for the hext month. Miss Ada Stewart of Wlnnlp?s arrived yesterday en route to visit her brother in Port Clement. While in the city Miss Stewart is the guest of Mrs. A. M. Seattle. Miss Mary Macflai beauty opera tor, wishes to inform her patrons that she will be absent from the city from Aug. 20 to Aug.26 192 Thomas Jones, for intoxication was fined $25, with option of thirty days! imprisonment, by Magistrate i McClymont in city police court this morning. There were 76 passengers aboard arrival this morning from Skag-!way and ether Alaska points. Six ! passengers left the vessel here. There were 127 passengers on board the steamer Princess Iauls-; on her arrival here Saturday afternoon from Skagway en route to Vancouver. Three passengers left the vessel here. . i Thomas A. KeJJeyv well known Queen Charlotte Island logging op erator, arrived in the city from the Islands by gasboa Saturday and sailed that evening on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. lotte this morning to make the round trip to Skagway. The fire department had a call shortly after 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon to the apartment ot eBrt West in the Clapp Bloc Grease being heated In an oven had caught fire and caused some alarm. No damage was done. O. W. Pearson, district manager for the Swift-Canadian Co., Vancouver, arrived in the cty on the Princess Charlotte 'this morn In r lrom the south to pay a visit of inspection to the local business. He will return to Vancouver on the Prince Henry Wednesday morning Harrv Fowler, skipper of the ferry boat Awake which plies between Alice Arm and Anyox, ar rived in the city on the Prlncaw Charlotte this morning after a visit of nine months to his native home in England and will proceed on the Prince Charles this evening to Ayox where he will rejoin the Awake. Miss Ruth Hanson, who is .spending the summer vacation here with her parents. Rev, and Mrs. I John II. Hanson, returned to the jelty on the Princess Louise Saturday afternoon after making the round trip to Skagway. Miss Hanson will be leaving this week for Minneapolis to resume her school teaching duties there. In a periodical progress report which has Just been Issued by the Biological Board of Canada there are contained art ules by II. N. Brocklesby of the Printe Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station on "Fish Oils as Food." by Dr. R. II Bedford on "Marine Bacteria," and by L. F. Smith on Fish Qlue from Fish Waste." There is also an article by Dr. A. L. Pritchard on coho salmon tagging In this district. . TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Well finished 7-room house for cash $1 000. Apply 34T Seventh Ave. We ' 107 Glasses fitted 0 reentered optometrist at Ilellbroner'i store. W. II. Manuel, CNJt. travelling auditor, arrived in the city from the . Interior on yesterday afternoon's train on one of his periodical official visits. Mrs. G. A. Wyman and daughter, Gloria, returned to the city on the Princess Louise Saturday afternoon after a visit of several weeks In Ketchikan. Louis Schulz well known pioneer merchant of Atlinwas a passenger-aboard the Princess Louise Satur-1 day alternoon bound for a business trip to Vancouver. Frank V. Foster, well known C.N. j R. locomotive engineer, arrived in the city from Smithers on yester-l Union OH Co.'s tanker Unacana;day afternoon's train, returning to was in riort yesterday afternoon ; the interior this morninz. boud for Vacouver after a voyage to supply Alaska the company. fuel stations of W. II. Tobey. CN.R. divisional. superintendent returned to ths! city on yesterday afternoon'! train i from a trip to Interior points as far as Jasper Park on official duties. 1 Rev. C. E. Motte arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Inverness where he conducted vacatlonal school during the summer. The classes have now been discontinued. W. K. Qwyer. district engineer for the provincial department of public works, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a two weks tour on official duties to interior points as far a3 Telkwa. Unton steamer Catala. Capt. A. R. Dickson., arrived in port at 5:41 ast evening from the south ant sailed at 8 n.m for Anyox. Stewart and other northern points whence sh? will r?turn here tomorrow morning southbound. m i- . . , Vancouver, visited Port Bssimton spending the summer as' purser of, the steamer Prince Dvid on tH" hZ .nW"r nnl'" yesterday in with tnJs company Tri-City run. has now Joined steamer Prince fcWes. coming ? J T vetseftoday. n T' r Park wh he now on that win ret im t- Vancouver. He was Pleading gutnylo a eharee n.'w!nlcd by Mrs. Haehlya. m- wir wa sentenwi to seven , , .... days' imnrrsonme'nt.Wilhof.t ot'n T." kntown "nrv "T ot of fine by Magistrate McClymont ""Y'fn in city police court this morning. th? C,ty3h:y fr'vcnd turday , morning with Cant C. B. Haan on Thomas Longworth. retired! heJe'neatT ,Btrloe " circulat!on manager pt MancHeater j 1 d ret',r"dct t?" ht The England, and Mrs. Lbng-orth were mle , Beatrice brought the of , over body among passengers going north on . . ..... . board the steamer Princess Char-, 4"8"r " . " uiiariovic vuy as a reeuit oi a fractured skull sustained In the Allison Logging Co.s camp. i ANNOUNCEMENTS Eagles' Novelty Dance August 2J. Ladles refreshments. Gents. 50c. Kagles' Social and Smoker September 10. Catholic bazaar October 21 and 22. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all roomi A. J. rilUDIlOMMK. I'rop. Cor. of Fraser und Fifth Sts. New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll, Prop TIIK iipriX UOKTII WHILE Hot St CoH Wafer: Staam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlrphonr tSI Knox Hotel Are Our MEALS Oood? Our Guests Say They Are. Miss D. Hogan Teacher of Piano Thompson & William Method ?J? Phone Blue 329 sleep I Y7HAT a depressing state is sleepless-V ness! Minutes seem hours hours - seem endless. Back of it usually are nerves strained, raw and fagged out. Nerves that are starved for nourishment to replace exhaustion caused by over-work, worry, or social effort. If you are bothered with sleeplessness, feed your nerves with Ovaltine. You will find that they will calm down, digestive unrest will stop and you will sleep soundly and naturally. Ovaltine at bed-time is the world's best night -cap. Millions of people have found this to be true. The natural nourishment in Ovaltine restores mental and physical poise almost immediately. Ovaltine is prepared scientifically from rire barley malt, fresh eggs and creamy milk. Nature's finest tonic foods. It contains all the essential vitamins and other food elements in correct propor OVALTINE RUSKS : txtelltnt for teeth u rums and also tr t a dtblhtful light food. 'ThtyartnadtJrmr lne it Canadian, ukeiten'jluuto lthitii Ovaltine is added, naming then more easily digested end much more nourishing than the average rusk or biscuit. Delicious when served with cheese tions. It not only soothes and feeds the nerves but completely rebuilds your exhausted body cells and tissues while you sleep. You wake up wonder-fully refreshed. Try the world's best "nightcap" tonight. Sold at all good stores, in 50c, 75c, $1.2$ and special .50 family size tins; also served at soda fountains. SSI OWILTINE' TONIC FOOD BEVERAGE SnstDies Soarid, NohihaL Steep A. Wander Limited - 455 King Street West - Toronto, One "Your Radio Tells Jthe Truth m about BATTERIES or ahap of a battrrv. It aoon teiii in inna atory of economy and arrvice. I Itar it pV up in gratituda when you ronnrct it to Evrready Laytrbilta h bartcrin that giva betttr rctulta, for a longer time, at lower cot. Tha exclusive Layerbilt construction enablei Eveready to pack mora power io each battery than was ever possible before. That i why it payi to insist on EvereaJy Layerbilt. SolJ at Radio Stores everywhere. CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON CO., LIMITED Calgary Vancouver TORONTO Montreal Winnipeg Owafaf Kvtesif Riii Stttiom CKNC, Teraata eVEREADy Radio Batteries RB 8