tils :2r . HA. PAGE TWO The Daily News PRINCE IUJPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue II. F. PULLEN - :t: SUBSCRIPTION RATES By mail to all otLer parts ol British Columbis., the Btitish Em- ; pire and United States, paid in advance, per year . By mail to all other countries, per year .......;,. .. By mail to all parts of Noithern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period ......... . . ; . . , ,r. . , Legal notices, each insertion, per Transient advertising on front page) per inch Local readers, per Inserjpn, per line . . Transient display advertising,' per inch; per per ; Or four months for For lesser period, paid In advance, City, delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, Daid in advance $5.00 Contract rates n application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 93 Editor and Reporters" Telephone 86 Member of Audit nureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION WAR FIGURE PASSES The death of General Joff re of France removes another of the outstanding war figures on whom so much depen- ded only d few years ago. Joff re was undoubtedly a great man who did a great work in the war. His work done he was replaced immediately and someone else carried on. It is just the same throughout life. Each does his bit, sometimes unwittingly and sometimes the result of delib- erate intention. It was Joffre who won the War, for had he not done his part the rest would have been useless. A HUGE SCHEME The stabilizing of the price of silver through the settle- ment of conditions in China looks like a very large scheme but it is not impossible. With China once more in a settled condition and the price of silver up, there would be a much better prospect for improvement m Northern and Central PvU.-oli rvinmkn w ol,nll nil f,nw4 e vuu.uu. ecu more of the scheme. i 1 , . IS MAKING GOOD , When the McB ride coVernment undertook to olace the management of the forests of B. C. on a scientific basis they looked round for a good man to undertake the work, At that time there were not many foresters in Canada so then McBride went to the United States and picked out young H. R. McMillan and placed him in charge. McMillan had a great head for figures and his memory for facts was wonderful. He hadthedouble work ahead of him of onranizin.fr the denartment and spllino- the Mpa nf scientific forestry to the people of the province. He did both and when he finally handed over the office of chief forester to his successor it was a going concern and vine approved by the people. Since then Mr.- McMillan has been nrominent in rnm- mercial life. He is a-half owner of the Big Bay Lumber PrTOny,is Presiient an,d general manager of the H. R. McMillan Export Co. and also is head of a shipping cor- cern operating irom Vancouver. The Daily News congratulates Mr. McMillan on his appointment to the directorate of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. He will undoubtedly add force to the management along with sound business judgment. KINCOLITH ! ELECTION Henry Smart Is Chosenfjhief Councilor Public inaugural Is Held w. KINCOLITH, Jan. 5:-The Kin-coll th town council for 1931 wac elected last week with.VY. E. Collison, Indian Agent for tfie Naas and Skoana Rivers, prwiqirjg. Chief Councillor, flenry Smart; Isaac Watts, Walter lialdane, Joseph Latimer, Robert Qtewart, Bllas Maxwell and Richard Morgan, members. Secretary, William Oeorge Barton. With the approval of the Dominion police, the following police fore.' was formed, Chief Cecil Barton, Constables, Richard Watts. Herbert Haldane, Albert Moore und Ernest Angus. On Wednesday, December 24, the new council was Introduced to the public at a ceremony which was attended by all the people of Klncol-' lh, also the three white officers, Rev. O. Thome, Dr. D. Macdonald and .Dominion Constable E. G Newnham. i Mrf Smart introduced the council and fcpoke at length on the plans ! ! for the coming year. Rev, O. Thome ! talked of the church and said that the church was always on the side : agate line . insertiofn Jvl 1.00 per month 50 S? Monday, January 5, 1931. iuuxv luinmu w cai.jiK Gets New Post Forty years of railroad experience nave singularly fitted George Hodge, ostUtant sceneral manager Eastern Lines, for the post of manager of the Canadian Pacific Railway's new Department of Personnel. He is one of the best known and most popular railway executives on the American continent, has heen the company's spokesman In labor matters on a number of Important occasions, and won unstinted praise for his able presentation of the situation at the time of the Mc-Adoo award- He Is a ilontrealer, and has, with the exception of a year In London, Ont as divisional superintendent, always had his headquarters la that city. of the government. Dr. Macdonald !- 1 ' ------ 1 talked briefly on the Christmas j right way. The rest of the evening festivities and Mr. Newnham spoke was occupied with music and re-on the meaning of the oath of al-, f reshments. leglance. the Importance of doing Immediately after Christmas one's Job In face of difficult trou-1 Newnham was called away from bles and the value to Canada, also Kincollth owing to serious trouble the Drltlsh Empire, of the man who breaking out among the Indians at always played the game In -the 1 Alyansh, The Letter Box DOUBLE TAXATION Editor, Daily News: j m It was with much surprise thatlj learned in your editorial Jast Saturday of your attlHidetowards tax- (j.OQjation or buildings in your city, as 7.50 I was under the impression that this matter was brought to a show 3.00 i down at an election about six years J5 ' ago, when for some reason or other 230 ! the same subject was in the air, and 25 ' was m?de an election Issue, but was I'rt! so severely condemned, that one Qg'wouia scarcely expect, 10 near ui ib ; f Bain, wunoui some great, cnange in our city development conditions havine taken Dlace. that would warrant, cringing uie mauer ror-ward again. The imposition of such a tax would be the most retrograde step that this city has ever taken, It ; would mean a bar to progress, It i would mean that we would never ! have anything better than a shack- jtown business section, for who Is I going to pull down their old bulld- on ri Avhenue b$eens now beS and repaid by substantial ones, knowing full; well that on every dollar they spendjthey are going to be taxed. Anyone who s e?er buU' themselves a fiome 7 than in any other coast city., then ydu suggest aggravating this and i incidentally penalizing progress, by (imposing a building tax. r Jda caendTelSon 0I a building tax will not reduce taxes otherwise (as tmr history has proven that an councils get away a" e money they can i raise) but will make it ranch harder lot those who are already paying heavy taxes on their property, and struggling with Instalments of mortgages and. interest on them. Then again how is the renter going to get off. He also Is going to feel such a tax quite heavily, because all the landlord win do, if the double tax is inflicted, will just be to raise the rents, and again the renter will have to the p1 Should Use Genius Prince Rupert tax-payers have ben vy generous in the past, wnlcn Proven bv tne way tne re lief by laws were put over (which will already mean about a three mill higher tax rate this year) but even a worm can turn. There is a limit, to everything. The levying of too many taxes brought on the oSach" ana'Sy other world catastrophies. if the council is in a comer, it is their duty to finance Uiemselves out of It, by using their genius In some manner, rather than following the course of least resistance by passing the "buck" and levying a double lax. What would an employee look like, after overspending himself and going to his employer saying: 'I have spent more than my pay, therefore you must pay me more wages." The council should do like the wage earner does, cut the garment according to the cloth, and get our city on the basis to which it belongs. It started out 21 years ago with Seattle Ideas, but the time Is here, and has been long ago, when it should be run on the line of a city it actually is. The imposing of a double tax Is a very serious matter, and should not be done without the elector's sane-'Ion. therefore no sitting alderman has a right to retain his seat, if it is his Intention to support a building tax this year, if such Is his Intention, and he Is honest to the electors, he will resign, declare himself, and run again for office. Thin End of Wedge No matter how small the percentage taxed upon, It Is a getting in of the thin end of the wedge, and In a few years, our taxes can easily be four or five times as heavy as they are, If such a system is allowed to be instituted, which although applicable In older, fuller and more evenly developed cities, would be absolutely out of place here, and a most serious setback to our development, a hard blow to the building trades, and In fact to every kind of business to some degree. If necessary, It would be better to have a slightly higher mill rate than allow the double tax to become established in Prince Rupert, until such times at least as our business sec tlon Instead of being composed of the shack-like premises existing, Is composed of dignified buildings In keeping with the good appearance of our residential sections. What makes It more surprising that you should take up the cudgels for double taxation, Is the fact that, coming here from Victoria, THE DAILY NEWS Despite Depression, Mining In Interior Had Some Development During 1930, Opening Up Coal . ,ui .1 ; -.. - ' " : -uiiii i (By L. S. McOill) . Omineca Mining Division has a year to look back Upon which is not without its favorable features despite many difficulties. The outstanding item of progress in the closing months of the year has been the opening of the Goat Creek coal mine nf the B. C. Coal & Land Co., by Frank M. Dockrill of Telkwa. The mine is seven, miles from the railway at Telkwa and the output' is hauled to that shipping point In iff f yirt i rr motor trucks. In the last three ! I -3 1 4 ft I months of 1930 the road has been ' 4 A jreatly lrrtproved, new camps and coal bunkers have been constructed, and actual mining of coal commenced. The product is a high quality household and heating coal which Is sold to points along the railway from Prince Rupert to Prince George. Seven cars were shipped HAZELTON, Jan. 5: A very lm-during the month of December rrtant event took place at Kit-while Smlthers, Telkwa and close Wanga recently when Amos Wll-by places In Bulkley Valley have jlams nis a8 successor to their supplies delivered to the door,nls grandfather and Is now "Chief by motor truck. Demand for the Marlie." ' coal exceeds present production as A feast TOS given in honor of It has been found a superior coal to -nief Marl)e on tne f lrgt nignt wnen any that has been shipped Into tne chlefs oi Kltwancool, Kitze-BulkleyTalley from outside points. gucia and Kltwanga with numbers Stuart P. Campbell and Grover nf natives from the leading Indian E. Loveless are carrying on active reservations on the Skeena met in development throughout the winter tne new han at Ritwanga. on their gold-bismuth showings at The band of Kltwanga gave several the Glacier Gulch, five miles from :nuieal selections and a number of Smlthers and only two miles from rndians, adorned In ancient and Lake Kathlyn station. Good results ouaint costumes, Imitated the old-tre said to be gained from the work ,;me Indian dance. The proceedings so far done. closed in a very orderly fashion at Emerald and Glacier groups, on aoout 9:30 pjn. Sweehey Mountain in the Slbola The iarge hall was again filled the Section, which are under option to next afternoon when the festlvi- !the Consolidated Mining & Smelt- ing Co. of Canada, still have a few aixi. Every available seat was men working on exploratory work, occupied. The proceedings were Improvement and extension of wr)ed with the National Anthem terms on the options have been and at 4 0-cioc Rev. t. H. Wright granted by the locally resident own- BJV of tn. united Church, Hazel-ers- ton, who was In the village waiting Placer bperatlons in the Manson for the train for Hazelton, was re-Creek and Omineca River sections quested by the committee In charge proceeded throughout the summer to give the Draver of consecration, season and are getting ready to re- Mr wrleht stated that It was an sume early In the spring. W. M. unexpected pleasure to be present Ogllvle of Ottawa, one of the prin- at the installation of a new chief, clpal operators, was hi Smlthers on ue nad kn0Wn Amos Williams for mining business last week. three years when he and his fam- Cronln mine has a small crew ny reaided at Meanskinisht. where Working through the winter, with they were supporters of the United Oeorge McBean in charge. The Cro- church. Mr. Wright considered Am-bin estate now controls the opera- m Williams a worthy man to be tlon. Work on the Lorraine Copper sij- ver Mines Ltd. In the Bablne Range and on the Bablne Silver King pro- periy, now cwnea oy me umineca Sliver Klng,Minmg co. Ltd. (N. p. L). was carried out with results re- ported to be good but has now been closed down by the owners until the coming of spring weather. It is anticipated that W. R. Wilson et sons will carry on worn aunng the coming season on claims held Dy tnem near tne neaowaters oi ; Firilay River, and also on Hudson Bay Mountain mining groups op- Honed to them. The situation in regard to the Owen Lake properties has been ; somewhat obscure since the death 01 Frank H. Taylor last April. It was nis enterprise and initiative that had been responsible for dir- ectlng the attention of mining men , from all parts of the continent to the showings there. Financial dif fl- j cultles confronting the company, and lack of any one to step Into 1 iayiura ptace iiaj now uruusm about proceedings to liquidate the j company. Heenan and Matheson are still going ahead on the Golden Eagle property at Topley, owned by them, on which remarkably good silver-lead showings have been shown up since the Topley Silver Mines Ltd. failed to carry out its option. Any : revival 6f sliver-lead prices should! enable the owners to develop with- j out aid of capital, by the making of shipments got out by hand. RETURNS FROM VANCOUVER F. L. Raccy, who has been office manager here, for the Power Corporation of Canada during .local construction work, returned to the 2ity oh the Catala yesterday after noon after spending Christmas and new xcar s in Vancouver, ivir. a-cey will be leaving here soon for his headquarters In Montreal, travelling via San Francisco, the Panama Cans.' 3 id New York. you araawfiV? oljtiio havoc, and dls-1 aster yoiible 'taxation wrought there, when not only vacant lots i went to tax sale, but many good re-1 sidences as well, and were other-1 wise so cheap, that farmers fromnoon from Vancouver, where he the prairie provinces, visiting Vic-,ha been spending the past couple torla for a few winter months, f months, and will proceed from picked homes up for an old song, here to Francois Lake where he finding It cheaper to buy them to live In during their sojourn, than to rent rooms. (Signed) WORKWOMAN. KFTWANGA Amos Williams Succeeds Ills Grand father at Head of Tribe ties of the Drevious dav were con honored as chief. He said: "Every chief Would be wiser, stronger and more successful when his actions TOre accompanied by the blessing cf Almighty God. The Great Fath er, wno had made the towering mountains, the flowing rivers, the suni moon and stars, was ready to co-operate with man In his work, and it was moot fitting that we should implore His aid In all our undertakings." The Installation r8V- ur Wright, robed in his university gown and hood, march .th Amos Williams fo an open ypa:e in the centre of the hall and 5 krelt while the blessing of (jod wa invoked. Mr. WrUht nlac 0d his hand upon the head of Chief Marlie and prayed that the Great spirit would guide and support him m au his undertakings. This part of thecrcmony being ended, the new 'chief was Introduced and, in a brief address, tluiiked Mr. Wright for hte prince and help In the Inau guration ceremonies. outs or oeei, sugar, etc., were then distributed to the vfslttng guests. The chiefs of the various tribes present gave brief addresses in which they congratulated the new chief on the high honor conferred upon him. They also gave him hearty welcome into the band of chiefs and expressed the wish that his tenure of office would be a very happy and successful one. The total exptnte of the lnstal latlon were $133 of which Chief Marlie contributed $953. The remainder was subscribed by the seven chiefs present and by the tribes from Kltwancool, Kltzegucla and Kltwanga. Chief ' Marlie (Amos Williams) seems to be vwy popular and dis played considerable tact in carry- lng out thc various functions of this great event. Mrs. Williams su perviscd most of the Interesting program. The proceedings coming during the Christmas festive season brought considerable Interest and Jv into the lives of the assembled natives. J- Howard Prlngle arrived In the n the Catala yesterday after- .will resume his duties with the 'Prince Rupert Logging Co. Mrs. Prlngle is remaining in Vancouver 'lor a while. Monday. January 5, 19;ji :!s0 ' StAf.- s&T Active, growing diildr nrtd '. ' iilffc'-'' -'-d 'S'S the concentrated nutrime, t nf v;v; prime lean beef which Cm Vlt! !lf0fff vyfigCvi!' provides in reidilyaMimiU i :e IL LUi 'it j'jmM'& 'xSuii il m' f lve' ,bem reserve fflTntfi? tin' mImW J ' "'rengto nd itamina, K$5$t?3FL "fcfwl Servo Oko" ai ' bouillr.n jiter mrkiStMm chool and phy. Add it to the fmrffM A JSmmSi children"! gravie, tew and jPpr PPPa hashes, and see them grow At Yo, Grocer's Mi II In 6 oz. 16 oz. butties' The Royal Bank of Canada General Statement t(A)i) 29th November, 1930 LIABILITIES Jplll Slock P.IJ up iS,M,tJ Rntf tt mid IJS.Mt.MN.M lUlaiK of ProAft carried forwu-d ,. 4.IM.77S.29 lIJrnJ Unclaimed , '"''lilui S tHililrnJ No. 17J la 1 1 J per annum), pa rati I IM Drcrraber, IvM l.M.WM DWnua of 2. parabklat December, lt 7M,M.M V r -r- a,74,.M ... . , . t t7S.t7t.ttv.JI Deptialia not bearlna Intereat SISI,74!,M5.7t Depoaltt brarlnf Inlareal, Including lolereal Kauai to data of Statement , M1,M1,SM.J7 Total Depoalta feVS.StV.M4 t? Note of the Bank In escalation......... M.7M.IJI.74 Adrancea under the Finance Act It.ttt.tOt.M Balance due to other Bank In Canada l,153,47t.U Balances du to Banka and Banking Correapondenit ele ... '' hnl0nidai. J.4Tt,7I M Bllla Paabl ,Mt,4l(.77 Uabllltlra not Included In the forefoln( 2U.IUM Lattera of Credit Outstanding , M.2ttt.tl , ASSETS , Gold and Subaldlar Coin on hand . . , , IJH.77I ,4l.4t Onnilnlon Notea on hand , i7.tie.Jht.JS Depo.ll In the Central (iuld Reaerteaii t.ott.tnt It United Slate and other Foreign Currenclaa, , If,tt4,itt.42 . ,. ., . t,M,Jt.J7 Note f other Canadian Banka ,Ji,J.St ISiequet on oilier Banka 22,533 Stt37 Balance dut by other Banka In Canada , 2344JI Balance du be Bunk and Banking Cocreepondentt cite- here than In Canada, 47.t44.41S St Dominion and Protlnclal Gonrnment .Sac ur It lee (not eiceedlng market ealuo) Il.tlt.tl4 it Canadian Municipal kerurllle and Brltlah, rorelgn and (kilonlal Public Securities other than OnaJlan fnot eteeedlng market value) IS.7t4.127.CT Rallaar and other Bonda, Debentures and Stock (not eteeedlng mat set value) 12.t74.3U.7t Call and Short Inol eteeedlng thlrtj day) Loan In Canada on Bonda, Debenture and Stocks and other Serurltle ..of a uruclnt marketable ealuatucoeer S7.tS3.224.il Call and Short (not eteeedlng thirty day Loans elsewher than In Cankda oo Bonds, Debenture and Stock and other Serurltle of a sufficient mat krtable value to cover 44,124,22.47 $J7,l2a.Ul.H Current Loan nd Discounts In Canada lies rtbale of latere.!) after making full provision for all bad and doubtful debt. tlll.IIJ.tlS.4t Currtnt Loan and Discounts c Us here than In f'afnati (lea rebate of Intereat) after making full provision lot all bad and doubtful debta ltl.4M.174.SJ Non-t.urrenl Uiana, estimated loss provided for 2,JJt,7.M 5,".k.,mU1.' mtir than cost, lea amount written off ttlt7Mlt!.M Heal Estate other than Bank Premises. . , , , , ,i m 17 sa Morigagea on Real Kstate aold by the Bank .!...!!.".;;!;."";; lU ttJ tl Llablllile of (.ustomers under Utter of ldlt a per contra. JA,it,5 Hharea of and Loan to Controlled Companies . .Jt J7 M JiTCJ'i,,h ,h .M,?hiI !or f rurp.e of th Circulation fund 1.7Mt.tt Other Aeoets not lixluded In th forgolng lts47.H tMyiT,ltl.T NOTE: Tfc Royal Bank of Canada (Fraara) has been bvmrporated wider tb Uwa of Krane. t eoaduet th. business of the Bank la Pari, tad the eU tad H.buiUe. MTU Hoyal Bank of Canada (Franc.) an Included la th above r.enerU SuteiMnt, II. S. HOLT. C E. 1ST ILL, k W WILSON Pre. Went VlcPrrldeat and Managing Director " General Ma'nagrr AUDITORS' CERTIFICATE TO m SaaaaHOtma, Tlta UcTL Bank or CNn: J. aalo tk auoe Suumsnt of IJabtilttes tad Aaveta at t4th Nimk lSO. wit) .v. . book, aad accounts of Tb. Key. I Bank of Csn.d. at Head Offlc. and llh thned reW sSJl'i'S'Ji'.t'4 TW)U " "J it tb.cloesof tSlT.e5, I'bti. "k "4 M"ol"i ritl. at Neural ( the tk. JiliJII-i -"ill ttlis? !?,tlo', Mi '' " t h.,. ni, .nd our opinion iiVSr t .li!f ! lo.ou' "Pinion properly drsen up to a. to dierl.ies Ut (rut ooaditlo" oo"" of tb Bnk ss at Stk Ntrnabar. IV JO. tod It is as shown by th book, ofth link. W.OART1C THOMSON. C.A., . l;?)IMl!i Miu,Mi ic, Amor. UtreCi.dMU,lWUr,mo. " $ rR a Cfc PROFIT AND J.OSS ACCOUNT Bataar at Front and U Account, Mth November, t2t.. liJ7 W7',M tit is P""ill?2.h! " " management, accrued Interest on deposits, full proeUlon for all bad and doubtful debts and rbat of Interest on unmatured ""- ..wx......... t.S72,tJ7.l -.Jini44Jjro eu 'J" AS FOLLOWSi ' io'sharVb " " ".. M.JM.M.0 IaL0iJm!!on "otH Tatea, Including Va Wrj tw.ooq.fQ ttiVr2;id..l v,.0-.-.1! . M. W.WILSON. Montr-Ltif i.bJIIrjt? hUntiiD OHWM Ceaecl WaMger Daily News Want Ads. iai N u.. t. i ma For Diarrhoea And AIIBowel Complaints Tw fa BotUng nnarior ta "Dr. Fowkyr'a" lhort llK!r,L My lorevwrvj of tho twrJiL Thw valiiAlJa prrreirktioo iuvi bmti m the) Cawuiia trav-kei for thg part eighty-four yearn, and fa aJwnya lookM ttpm m Inn old standby, by thotuaadg of families, wbctvsrcr A Biodiciikt of this tuUure m rrired. Pnoe, CO ocntfl a hot tin nt all dnifgrfat or tloaWm. fut up mly by Th T. MilLurn Cts L(l, Toronto, Ont. bring quick Results