Monday, January 5, 1031. s THE DAILY NEWS pacts nva Classified Advertisements. Business and Professional Men s Guide. Legal Notices. A DAILY NEWS FOR SALE AD. WILL CONVERT THAT UNUSED PIECE OF FURNITURE INTO CASH. TRY IT! FLAT FOR RENT Wallace Block. ' 'Enquire store. tf FOR RENT Modern house, 3 rooms and bath. Apply Munro Bras, a tt FOR RENT Furnished 5 room flat Steam Heat. Phone Blue 346; tf TWO Room Cabin furnished; Igh1 and water, suitable for couple or bachelor. 241 Fifth Ave. West Phone Red 103. 8 To Rent Cosy Two & Three Roomed Apartments FOR SALE I?OR SALE Bicycle, A 1 condition. $12. Phone Greet 901. 3 FOR SALE lltrie old Gumey heater. Price $S. Daily News, tf SITUATIONS WANTED from 11 to 1. Public Stenographer PRIVATE Stenographer, Ex-In structor in Commercial Subjects 6l 6th Ave, Waat, P.O. Box 306 LOOT on New Yeart Bve, gokl ear . m. a I.aJ TUma AUCTIONEER SALVAGE AND TOWINO "If It's on or under the water we 11 do If Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Ful'y Equipped for Diving and dcneral Salvage Work Agrnts for EASTUOl'E ENOINES Boats and Scows of aC descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains In Gas Engines Northern B.C. Distributors Coolldge Troptllers Sand and Oravel in any quantity. delivered anywhera by water " rbone, Day or Night 56 P.O. Box 1564 MARKETS ARE WEAK Prices of Practically All Commodities Show Decreases Just Now A distinctly downward trend in the prices of apples is to be noted on the local retail market. One of the principal factors ocntributing to. the weakness of the apple market is that-many prairie orders have been cancelled, turning large numbers of apples back on the British Columbia market. That is why some apples labelled T. Eaton Co." may have been sold from local Frw HW nf iWtrir 1 sht anrt!"in. jiic ara c iw m-uitu monthly' t through Eaton's but had washer Rentals $10 to $16 i Waa 1Wa11aj4 fA that rr ha. OYKU APARTMENTS 3ItD AVE.i"'" .jmU, I am in ii .ii f r.r It tt'ura Aannollasl A new shipment of "C" Grade Mcintosh Reds has just been received here. Although it is exceptionally late for this variety, they are reported to be in first-class shape. Much to the comfort of Dr. McCoy's disciples, the price of oranges is also down noticeably. A nice size of family orange can now be se- ! cured for 30c or 35c per dozen, i The price of eggs is very weak , , , , land a further drop from already MARRIED man wants Job drivtnr prfces for thtJ geafton of the truck, not afraid of hard work. year u expected this week. Phone Red. 317. 8j Th mt market also display with reductions in the RBLIAM woman wanU work byi day or hour. Phone Blue 411.1 Ptlcally aU line. LOST Following are reus prices current hen today: .Apples ' YeBow Newton, household . Yellow Newton, fancy, box 3.85 Newton C" 180 8 Jonathans, fancy box 3.75 atayman's Winecaps, box 3JS Spltsenberg, fancy 2.76 aoltaenbare "C" Winter Bananas, fancy tDsnctotts, fancy ring wtUi gnsan Jade and single iJrr 250 2.76 336 2.7 pearl pendant. Finder please n-J Bmti fafiiy 2.10 turn to Dally News Office. LOST Gold bar pin with topaz.; ; Mcintosh "C - 1 Fruits between Third Avenue ana 0rangeg if to $1.00 ThoJBpsosuaurea. moa va annkist. dot FtM&llJMIftMZii Grapefruit 12c to waro. j California Grapefruit MUSIC SOtaiKQ Lessons evenings. J. E. Daw. Phone Mack m. 117; TRANSFERS CAMKRONS Transfer Phone 177 Gc to Banaaaa, 2 H. Cranberries lb extracted honey, per Jar ... dome honae Dates, bulk, lb attains, bulk. lb. Kmperor Grapes. Ml, fa lb. 12 JO 3t .lift .16 JO Ahnnnds. studied Valenetas M r-nlllArntn soft xhrtiril walnuts .8' Walnuts, broken shelled M ory mren. ueoar mnu x WalnuU halves .40 1 .... i Peanuts - - - -13 RED'S TRAN8PSR. Furniture .Moving Cartage and Pbooe 304. tf jr"r CIIIRDPRACT1(T Nervous, Female and Chlldrins Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASriNALL (Chiropractor) Phone Green 211 8 & 7 Exchange ale. Opp. Onne's) Vegetables Potatoes, netted Jems 9 lbs. tack Mialn. r.mrh Cauforosa Osieryhead Mc and JO Spinach, lb. W n.riip imnorted. rer lb 45 Leeks, bunch Bnnshlne and Red Ray Tre stments j Cabbage B.c nnlMii A lha Ja California, head lettuce, ha, is itAthnnM Tomatoes, lb X llnfp- " ----- Aorouts -Sv ArUehokea, Olobe, do. 230 Bulk, Turnips 7 lbs naallflower. Calllornia, na .aa 10 Green Peppers lb. - M Parsnins. 4 lbs nirmti fl lbs -38 PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART, JL jb 0j We buy. aru or "Change any J 2 lb8 M kind or rurniiure or houscjwu Boods. musical Instruments, ma- n! , wheat chlncry. eic. uenerai '""ipastry Flour. 10 lbs. .-. crating, pacxing nu wtkmanhln cuaranteed. Just nhone . Black 120 and we will call G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer Federal Block. " 1.90 A h'VJSiCiAM-CO TO HINV Lard , .Jure om pound . Kswt ACCEPT THESE GIFTS WITH OUR COMPLIMENTS DO YOU think of your newspaper merely as a means of finding out what, the famous people in the world are doing, saying, thinking? As an impersonal record of events which do not concern you at all? We have something more than that to offer you. For instance: Please accept today with our compliments these things as a gift throughout the coming year, which you'll find in our pages: Jew and better ways of performing old household tasks . . means of savings steps, time, effort . . . labor-saving devices . . . short-cuts to efficiency ... money-saving. "Why," you say, "you're probably italking about the advertisements!" Just so we are. ; Think of the advertisements and read them as news. News of the world of goods and things . . . news of scientific achievement accomplished for your benefit . . . news that concerns you far more directly than an account of boundary disputes in Baluchistan can ever concern you. Read the advertisements regularly, and use them as millions of other people are doing to save you time, effort, money, trouble, when it comes to buying the things that make life a little easier ... a little brighter. Reading the advertisements will keep you in step with the rapidly-advancing standard of living in Canada today. Every day there's something new in the advertisements as well as on the front page. Be informed on all sides! B.C. fresh puBets, dee. No. 5, Alberta, )ats Wan shorts KkUinst aarJky ytn Math Oyster shell , leef scrap . 1 round oil cake' flhe oat chop Crushed oats ftne barlty chop ' Dried fruits ' Lemon and orange peel Black cooking figs, lb. - Tltron peel White figs, lb Currants, lb. . . Vppes, dried sr luVauk TO Mlrv. TMATUU KEEP HIM J25 2.10 2.55 amembert. 8-oz. pkg Kraft Llmberger. Ontario sonas New Zealand sorters , .40!stilten, lb. B.C. freh flrt. doc .45! Kraft . B.C. fresh extras, dot JM Norwegian goat Local new teW. dog 60 Napoleon umberger Whsa't, No. 3 Alberta . Roquefort Oorgonzola, lb. 255 nmokfleld Canadian Pork, dry salt Ayrshire bacon, lb. Veal, shoulder Pork, loin ..- Pork, leg VOUARG ALSO A CWlMTCR-MR- e,HO(JT ? ?im . 255 Swift's BrooWleld. lb . Brookfield Swiss. H-lb. pkg.. Oruyere cheeee. 255 $lb. pkg. . 27' loraen Loaf. lb. Meats- 229 Fewl. No. 1, lb 3c and J -OU . tim In a nhlaJi n 2.10 435 4J50 2.65 2.03 2.40 J30 .15 5 .15 20 Paachet, peeled 2 Aprteots, lb. ... 25 Prunes, 60-70,' lb. 10 Prune, 30-40, lb .15 !niriS, 40-50, lb 12Vi Sugar-- Yellow, 100 lbs 4.00 White. 100 lb. 5.40 Butter Ho. 1 creamery, lb 42 Vi So. 2 creamery, 3 lbs. 1.15 Cheese- I 'avawvutj wsiswuvis lb. Broilers , .. lam, sliced, first grade ... Jam. picnic, first grade 65 30 .401 .46 .00 -.70 M .45 0 fE- I'M IMTTIHET 6.0 IM QOTH-PaiMTINQ MO OOKj'T KMOW WHlCW TO OO W ISE' - I .1 J ''9 Mail Schedule For Ihe East-Monday, Wednesday 'and Saturday ., 10.30 ajn. From the East-Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday Wednesday - SJ0 pjn jFor Vancouver I Tueaday 1 noon jjs Thursday 9 pm, .45 Friday . U pin. .35 .40 .45 M, 30 'Vttafre mils lh 15! Jan. 14 and 28 pm. From Vancouver Sunday 4 p m Wednesday Friday ...... Jan. 10 and 24 sliced.' !Fo' A"yx and stewarl Bacon, side, best grade Veal, loin 40 ""u,1 . Pork Shoulder JJ 351 35c to .50 JS1 10J0 pjn ........ pxa. - pjn. 7 pin. 3 pin. From Anyox and Stewart Tuesdays J! 11 .30 ajn. Thumlays 8 pjn. .40 j For Naas River and M i Port Simpson- Beef, pot roast 21c to 3fi 1 Sunday LBeef, boiling 16c to .15 From Naas River Beef, roast, prime rib 30, and Port Simpson-Lamb, shoulder J$! Tuesday ... HJO.ain. Beef, steak 36c to 30 1 For Queen Charlolles Lamb, leg Lamb chops Mutton, shoulder Fish-Smoked kippers, lb. .. Kippered white saimon, id. .40 Wednesdays 7 pjil. .40; From Queen Cliarloti 30' .15 Sundays For Alaska .23 1 Jan. 10 and 24 SnUnon. frosen, lb 38 From Alaska ajn. ajn. Notice of Election PUBLIC NOTICE U hereby given to the electors of the Municipality of the City of Prince Rupert that I require the presence of th ald electors at the City Clerk's Office, in the City Hall. City of Prince Rupert, on Monday, the 12th clay of January. 1931, at twelve o'clock noon; for the purpose ol electing persons to represent them as Mayor and Aldermer and School Trustees. The mode of nomination of candidates shall te as follows: Th candidate shall be nominated In writing: the writing shall be subscribed by two electors of the municipality as proposer and seconder; and shall be deilrered to the Returning Officer at any time between tbe date of I the notice and two p m. of the day of i nomination: the said writing may be In the form numbered 3 in th Bene-dule of the "Municipal Elections Ac:" and shall state the names, residence, and occupation or description of act" person proposed, in sucn manner as sufficiently to Identify such candidate: and in the event or a yo'i oeing ruc- easary. such pole hall be opened on the 10 in day oi January, iwai. at me po lice Court. City Hall. City of Prince Rf - pert. Tram the hour of 8 o elect ix. . to the hour of 8 o'clock pjn. of whic every person Is hereby required to- tsfce notice and govern nuaseu aoooraingiji. aiven under my hand at Prince Rupert. B. C, this Sth day of JanWly. 1931. j :, ( S. EDWARD P. JOITEfl. Returning Officer. CORPORATION OP THE CITY OP PRINCE RUPERT TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1 The CeUnsU of the OorporsUon of the City of Prince Rupert Intends to construct a concrete sidewalk ten feet wide on the north side of Praaer 3 tree' commencing at a poult ten feat east I Cf the west property line of 3th Street to a point ten feet west of the east j property Mm of 6th Street, as a loca: Improvement, and intends to sseclall7 aetesa the cost upon the land abutting dtrtctly cn the wark. except such por-tlcn of tbe coat as Is Incurred at street mtereeetlan. 2. The estimated cost of the work is 3.fr91.O0. of which I2M.0O Is to be paid by the Corporation, and the estimated annual special rate per foot undertaking the work mast do so on . rr Kefnre ttu Oth dii at fMiruarv. 1 1931. E. F. JONES. CHy Clerk. Dated this 5th day of January. 1931 CORPORATION JQP Till! CITY OP PRINCE WPfflT TAKE NOTICE THAT: i' I The Council c the Corporation of 1 the City of Ptlnee Ri'pert intend' t i j construct a cosuret sidewalk seventesn fee; wide on the rw.rth side -f Brsand the lsnd ssMtstag directly on the wore except such pert D?i -f the coat as n fcneurtttf (4 street iittanecUosM. 2. Tle esHmeted soat or ma work m , FS.SS6.Sd, at whloh I4TSJ0 Is to be Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payment As low as $3D0 per month Cheaper to Bay than rent All makes oi machines repaired. McRAE BROS. LTD. TYPEWRITER No other value ran iprrtmrh the peclal REBUILT UNDERWOOD S7S.00 Very eay term All other nuke from $13.00 8USrSTRANI ADDINO " "MACHINES , United Typewriter Co. Ltd. ' ft VANCOUVER. B.C MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Reading White House 225 Second Ave. Telephone 767 Silversides Bros. Third Ave. fhone 22 rTent Z FSLJZTZ i Window Glass and Glazing rtalmenta. j IS. Persons desiring petition antnsti - Nelson's Beauty Parlor Croguignolo Permanent Wave Guaranteed $7.50 Skilled artists In all branches of beauty -ulture 211 Third Street Thone Blue 561 Avenue ecmmenclng at a point teo Cheer up! The best was coming. fret wt of the east property Una of ... N It , Sth St-c-t to a point wventeen tect nownsiicre test of the wat property line of Tia Try our new coal Just arrived T.U " 'T.TTkI" L:,,; CASEY'S CARTAGE & FUEL CO. vcwwv - usi wsh wv k ' ' Wood and Coal Teleplione 303 Kid br the Oorparatlcn. and the a- oa ted snnusjpcedal foot ratejer to ti; a'td'to sTannnaT- New and Second-Hand Goods stahnentf. S. Persons desiring to petition sgalns' mKNrtesing the wark urt d-i , on tf before the Sth day of Fetmury. 1931. e. p. joum City Clorfe. Dated Wilt Sth day of January 1SS1. COBPORATIOM OP TBS OTTT OP PRINCE RUPERT TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1 The Ceunoa of the Corporation of tie Ottjr l Prince Ri'pert intends tu OWftwtniet a eotWMs sidewalk sevtateen feet wMe on the north sM of Senont Afwsru comrsinrtig at a point seventeen fret east of the Wes property tin: of Sst Street to a point ten feet west af the aaat prcpsrty line of Sm Strtet. as a local UnBrovssnent, and ln- 3. Patsnna deelrtnf to petition agalait undertaking the work must do so oi or beore the Sth day of February, 19-31. s. r. JONB8. CKy aant. 50 McLaren's Cream. Jars. 45a and i Halibut, frosen, lb 35' Jan. 14 and 23 pjn. Dated ths t day of January. in BRINGING UP FATHER MR-SHOUT- SECOND-HAND DEALERS Bought. Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery 3rd Avenue Phone Clue 139 CORPORATION OF THX CITY OP PRIKCC RUPERT TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1 The Council of the Corporation- ot the Csty of Prince Rupert intends to ocrvstruct an aaphaltlc ild-walk on ere-csotrd lURfisr base with soncrete curs tea t wl on the ncrth side of Pra ser Street coromanclng at a point tan feet east of the west pfsperty MB Of Sixth Street to a point tan feet west cf the east property lint of Seventh immAm ft Mtellt t.K aomA tuun I lltrret mm Ifval lmfu"-.ven:'nt. and In. 7 pjn J the tan abutting directly on the work. 1 tend to specially a:sa the cost upon except such portion of tne cost as is the land amirung aireeuy on vne wore. Incurred at street Intersections. , except such portion of th? cost as Is 3. The estimated cost of the work Is Incurred st ttrret interaction Hfi&lAQ. ol whieh IST4.40 is to be's. The aatiinaatd ocrt it the work t pais by the Oorporstlon, and the as- si cse.OO cf which S130M Is to beskl tUisisa annual special rata par foot by the Curporetlosv and the sstlmaUKl trSsttoat Is WTO. The apeclal aaseaa annual spaolal rat: per foot frontage li meal h to be paid In JO annual 1 natal S0.81S9. The special sssessinent is to bo In 20 annual Instalments. Personii ilastrlnf to petition agalus tuMlertnkltig the work must do so 3a cc before the !th day of Pebruary. iasi. s. p. joNsa ; City Clerk. Dated this Sth day of January. l3l. ' By George Mr-Minus OH- PAMTlM LfTWEM TOUfVJfci H 4Cl,. BOX Y ftftS f n I a ALU MEAN3- (I oTc.UKS oQNAE op mearoVou m 1 I M!S..,wOUT- J tVY PA1MTIMC;? PLA" THE ffiftl J PAIMTW.Q M PlANiO JB iT"