Legulative Library . ; ' , . - : G = ~ = , s ., . Wy ; ee Drily Ww Cis TA XI Phone 75 and 36 We Never Sleep Sf \ ~ MINGS ° PRINCE RUPERT feeieaanaltt | eS Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper om ©, 500mm) PRING iE RU PERT, Trades Union Congress Asks - Peace With Soviet Russia Also Demand Indep - ndent Inquiry into Conditions in That Country; Unempleyment Dole Withdrawal is Condemned. (Special to The News via 6. T. P. Telegraphs LONDON, December 11.--The Trades Union Congress has) POPULAR OFFICIAL adopted a resolution calling te the Government immediately | FOR SWANSON BAY to consider peace overtures with the Soviet Government of Russia and to raise the blockade between Russia and the outside world, ©8" Ferry Will Soon be in Opera- They also demand the right for an independent inquiry into the. tion, so V. Warren Will political, industrial and economic condition in Russia. Move Office. Congress further adopted a proposal for the establishment of \ orane,.ibs local eaten ae labor general headquarters replacing the parliamentary com- ||). Whalen Puip and Paper Go., mittee. ‘pects to remove his John Robert Clines, former food controller, moved a resolu- tion “That this Labor Congress strongly condemn the Govern-| ment for withdrawing civil unemployment benefit without making any alternative, provision Tor the people who are out of work and) fie. Christmas as the barge is demanding that effective steps be taken to find employment or) jist about ready to go on the pun maintenance for those affected by the Government’s action. Mr. Warren has made a num- . . her of friends in the city who will D h D t W Id H | regret oe a ~ will _ | ‘inin charge o 1 Shippin 0 utc epu y ou ave pulp, shinges, ete., over na aan Wilhelm of Germany Sent ne taf hoe tes as at pres- nt. He may make frequent Away From tT hat Country" its to Prince Rupert in eon- ‘tion with his duties. anson Bay as soon as the ferry ystem between here and Swanson say is in operation. This will probably De some time shortly¥ (Spec) to The News via G.T.P. Telegraphs rHE HAGUE, “If previously we have not re- CLOTHING REDUCTIONS garded him as a danger to the country, he is now proving to be WILL NOT BE LAPSE Seder of Board of Commerce to Be Effective Monday Next. December 11 lange said Deputy Sannes in the Chaniber today, referring he rmer Emperor William of Germany. Le pulty Sannes asked the Government to reconsider the ques the sojourn at Amerengen of the former Kaiser, and to ae: r the question of his extradition. . lelegraphs.) This move on the part of the deputy constituted the first TORONTO, Dee, 11.—Retail witi-Kaiser movement to occur in the Dutch Parhiament. lclothiers predict that when the SPITB ALL IS PRINCE OF WALES linto effect on Monday next, the jreductions in the price of clothes : IS SUGGESTED AS bes iced at $38 will sell for $34.45 id s ts at #40 j a) 1] be TU BE BANNED THE NEXT a a cially" unehanged es )will be small. Those suits now B. C., THURSDAY DEG EMBER 11, bopposce the office to ! 1919. AMERICAN TITLES BUT ‘NOT CANADIAN “Truth” Cumnnatn on Ridiculous Condition of Affairs on This Continent. (Special via GG. T.P. Telegrapns. LONDON, Dee. 14.—''Truth' today commenting on the confer- ring of titles by the Prince of Wales during his American visit whereas the Canadian Parliament acceptance of such says: “It does seem rather ridic- ulous that the King’s own subjects hould be barred from honors, which the citizens of the repub- ic over the border cau accept VICTORIA SAWMILL _ DESTROYED BY FIRE Loco of $90, 000 at 8 at Blaze in Moore & Whittington Plant, (Special by G.T.P. Telegraphs.) VICTORIA, Dee. 11.—The Lum- her mill of Moore & Whittington on the Upper Harbor was gutted by fine, the loss being estimated at $90,000. The blaze originated in the planing mill and within a few minutes the main part of the mill was ablaze and much lumber consumed, SALVAGE GR. GE GRANTED | Wreckers of mene Josie A- LS PRICE: FIVE" CENTS_ Premier Clemenceau Visiting Britain Arranging for Immediate Entente bet- ween France and Great Britain with Italy coming in Later, is Opinion. (Special to The News via T.P. Telegraphs.) LONDON, December 11.—Premier Uleméneceau of arrived this morning by train from Dover after crossing in the destroyer Temeraire. The press and British official circles are unanimous in de- claving the Tiger's visit has two prime objects in view. First the arrangement of a new organization to supersede the Supreme “Council and second the completing of an immediate entente with Great Britain, which later may develop into a Franco-British- Italian alliance. Premiers Clemenceau and Lloyd George will arrange for an ambassadorial council to meet in London or Paris in 1920 to wind up the programs of peace making, ihcluding the Adriatic, Russian and Turkish problems. Vittoria, the Italian foreign minister, ference. France a stormy channel is also here for the con- CONFESSES TO ‘MILITARY COSTS MAIL ROBBERY 10 BE DOUBLED Alonzo Tait, Sick Indian, Tells) leenpeies to Expend $25,000,000 warded $200.716 for Re- | floating Vessel. | SYDNEY, N.S8S., Dec. issessment board dealing with! (he claim of the Atlantic agp) Uo., in connection with the re- floating of the Steamer Jos ie.| lately ashore at Glace Bay, a warded the wreckers $200,716.7 11.—The KELLY ARRESTED DUBLIN, Dee. 11.—Thomas)| Kelly, Sinn Fein member of the louse of Commons, has heen ar- rested. Special via vu, T.! Tele a LONDON, Dee. t1.—/ sugees- | ion that the Prince of ales be -| i ] come next Governor-General of| a Canada has been received here} r. © Te . NEW stagrepnn,) with considerable interest, but} 0 ae . RK, Dee, 11.—At the competent opinion considers sueh | al eague ¢ or { = | igue club owners’ an an appointment exeeedingly re-| was a good mote. The Prince's general duties | ; » use about the use for one thing, would preclude en- | pitball and other freak tirely the very club owner went suming the position, das being th } limited period. There is, how-} hat class of pitehing and 4)... no reason to think that the | endation was made by the | nuke of Devonshire will re- | s committee to thts ef- Those Already Using Freak De- livery May Continue, But no New Freaks. eeting there even for a opposed to llinquish his position before the | however to prevent # any injury to any of the pitchers who use the spitball CLEVER RUSE TO ‘was decided that they should be but that no one except would be allowed to it delivery, VICTORIA DEPUTATION HAS LEFT FOR OTTAWA a6G.T.P terror INDIANAPOLIS, ended, end of his term. | December Chan Lee, However, Does Not Foo! — Constable Adams—Fined $50.50. Chan Lee was fined $50.50 by Stipendiary Magistrate MeMullin police court this morning in his posses- perators and miners to be will be sent out tonight and it is predictedsthere will be a full re- VICTORLA. Dee ‘ a Ss aed sumption of operations and that tior » Deo. 14,.—-A deputa- sion, Last nigh} Chan Lee was shipment of coal from the mines eaving today for Ottawa stopped by Constable Adams, | wii) begin on Monéas. on the Government the .oming from the wharf, and on rhe “ily for eontinuing eneour- aement in the for having liquor press miners, operators and being searched he was found to : Government Oflicials are pleased Conran on the have 7 bottles ol RTS tes over the settlement and on all whiskey men mper ve a sides appeared confident of a blocks aaa dolls made for ~ Silty thie morning | final satisfactory settlement of the hildresta"titeien eineliaal,. He pled . e e x On caving bie Reel fight by the commission. to at Tite's Ranta Cla and — , a roll of over The action of the committee *adquarters te he produced @ DAank- ends a tieup of the coal industry 8400 cash. — EXCHANGE PRISONERS ground at Akerberg, Machine Shop on the ouriook for Agreement With the of more than five weeks’ duration, As a result of the strike the country was fast approaching a leomplete shutdown of industry and widespread suffering ’ Atkins’ Sausages. tf Skates Thomson's Whape, {1.—The coal miners’ With but one dissenting voice the general committee of the United Mine Workers of America voted to accept President SMUGGLE WHISKEY Wilson’s proposal for an immediate return to work pending the. final settlement of the wage ec appointed by him. Telegrams were sent to 4,000 locals of the union by the inter- yational officers of the Mine Workers instructing them to return io work immediately. Full instruetions with regard to wages Monday From the U.S. Mines possibility of bis as-| Telegrams Sent to 4,000 Locals by In- ternational Officers Instructing them to Return to Work Immediately. (Special to The News via G.T.P. Telegraepns.) strike is ontroversy by a commission of MANY KILLED IN CLASH AT FIUME Poet’s Troops Pillaged French Stores and Trouble Followed. (spectal via G. TP. Telegraphs.) PARIS, Dee, 11.—D'Annunzian tuoops have clashed with French at Fiume and there are many, killed and wounded on both sides. ' It is said that D’Annunzio’s men- had pillaged the French depots at Fiume, Soviet is not ‘Grantees. oho. *9990 260 ROae i e Westholme Theatre | (Special via G,T.P. Teb ssraphe.) Tonight COPENHAGEN, Dec, 14.-—-While acular Feature the outlook for an igreement CHO SING A WIFE” Fatty Arbuckle Comed, eat r Outing Picture Adults Me; covering the exchange ers between the British Gevern Soviet ment and the Russian Government is not is understood that the promising, tt latter will Children 15 lations, as advocated by Col. Empress Theatre entry of clothing, PUBLIC MEETING. A Public Meeting of the Citizens will be held in the Councit Chamber this evening at 8 o'clock, for the purpose 3) of discussing the changes and reform in the Fishery Regu- | ter is urgent, and a good attendance is requested. jable, : C. W. Peck, M.P. This mat- EARLE WILLIAM permit the . ; | December 13 at 5 p. m., after | | * Goottoan : drugs, food and money for Brit- December 11th, 1919, ; which time I will not be respon-| Consumers Coal Company | 4 le . ae oreemes hee. H. B, Rocnester, Acting-Mayor. || sine. 291) Phones--Black 51, Black 203 ‘ ifth »inade o ; o “The aad Tes” as 3 | Se “NAP e nn ren enema B. ©. Undertakers. Phone 41. wee ,with the money inside ready to go iprivate cash-box was missing, 80 * neatly slit between the flaps and tq determine the The fight between Tommy Gib- ‘bons of St, Paul and Jimmy Wilde Rupert Coa! Company, Phone 16. Whole Story to Officer Logan; | Next Year as Against $11,000,- Amateur Theft. 000 Before the War. Constable George P. Logan re- (Spectal via G.T.P. Telegraphs,) jturned from Port Simpson fast OTTAWA, Dec. 11,—Kstimates night after investigating the post|for the permanent forces and oflice robbery at that place. The |militia of Canada are now under constable did some quick work|preparation. The total fund ex- |while over there and located the) pected to be allotted for this pur- "|robber before he nad been there pose will be about $25,000,000 as two hours. akainst $11,000,000 before the Immediately on arrival he set;war. to work and soon found out that! The increase is attributed Alonzo Tait had bought some | Wholly to the tremendous rise in stamps at the office just before 6|the cost of materials, food, trans- o'clock when the robbery occurred. |portation and accommodation. He went to see Tait, who was-in SL and on asking him RETURNED SOLDIER DISTRICT COMMISSION stable Logan and he had his con-! : : \Large Sum of Money Has Been fession inside of three minutes. | A Pro Tait took the constable to a) Randies St y by vacant house where he had con- | viactel Bete. cealed the money above a door) and gave it up. The checks he} had thfown away in the bush and) they have not yet been recovered, although an 8-hour search was made. There is still over $100 cash missing. Bert Flewin, the postmaster, says that he would never have no- ticed the loss from the post-otlice sack as it was already locked up the hospital, ‘if he had been near the post office he denied being there at all. This, jlie aroused the suspicion of Con-| VICTORIA, Dec. 11.—Up to the end of November, the B. C. dis- trict, Returpned Soldiers Commis- sion, had made loans aggregating $258,091 upon which $144,256 had been paid. In addition, gratuities have been paid to 1,070 returned men, the average amount to each ,being $250, There has been spent in relief $14,200, out on the Venture... However, on DISCUSS SCUSS TARIFF coming into the office after din- ner he found that the cash from pypblic Sittings of Board of Com- the post-oflice till and his own merce to be Held at Winnipeg. immediately he thought of the) ‘sciciedaiaal post-oflice sack which contained WINNIPEG, Dec, 11.-~Publie much more currency. On look- sittings of the Board of Com- ing at it he found it had been merce will be held early next year effect of the the loss would never have been tariff on the necessaries of life. noticed until it arrived at Prince Announcement to this effect was Rupert, ‘its destination, made by Chief Commissioner The alarm was turned into the Judge yesterday. ollicee of the Provincial Police : ao with the result that Constable Lo- The Consumers’ © ‘oal Company gan returned with his bind last jaye secured the representation night. He will come up before of the famous Gadomin Coal of Stipendiary Magristrate McMul- ajperta. Mr. J. Lorne MacLaren lin for prelinfnary trial this af- manager of the local company, ternoon. states this coal tests very high in —tlaetinen ‘heat units and is an ideal one for ‘urnaces and heating stoves. An- other lange shipment has just arrived. FIGHT PosTPONzD (Special via u. ?. P. Telegraphs.) PORTLAND, Ore., Dee. 1t1.-- Ladysm. th Goal, The best. Prince has been postponed until Decem- ben 16 owing to the storm making the roads and car lines impass-| Cadomin Coal NOTICE No wait. Full weight. | have bought the Palace Cate, | wore Sixth Street, Prince Rupert, B.C. $12.50 $13.75 Any accounts against the said cafe should be collected before Ton, Gecbes Ton, Loose v i % “ty im