DRAWGAME IN HOCKEY Vancouver Lions Stilt at Top of Pacific Coast League Tied ' Wilh Buckaroos Last Night PORTLAND, Oregon, Feb. 6 The Vangftrer Uons played a two-goal drtfwlth the Portland Buckaroos in the Pacific Coast Hockey League j here last night. The Lions took a two-to-oue lead in the first pei-i iod and it looked like it was to bai a fre scoring game but the pucks j tied it up in the second session and the tightly played third and overtime periods were scoreless. The referee was accused of mak ing ridiculous decisions In favor ot Vancouver and was pelted with; snowball; by the Portland fans I The Lions are now leading by two points, the Buckaroos belli? tied with, the Seattle Eskimos for second place or cellar position The Lions will play the Eskimos in Seattle tonight. GERMANS TO COME Full Male Team Will Attend Los Angeles' Olympic Games BERLIN, Feb, 6 Germany Intends to send a full team of male athletes to the Olympic Games in Los Angeles next year, it is an-nounced. Altheugh taking no Individual championships, German track and field men made a fine showing In the 1928 Olympio games and expect to do better in 1932. It Is possible that Germany may also send women athletic representatives to Los Angeles although It has not yet been decided to do so. EXPLAINING FINON CAR Peculiar Appendage Gives Capt. Campbell's Vehicle Stability The long high fin shown In newspaper pictures on Capt. Malcolm Campbell's car Is said to make It possible for the driver to keep the car in a straight line when travelling at very high speed. The Blue Bird car, which broke the world's land speed record at Daytona Beach, Fla., yesterday by travelling 245.733 miles per hour. Is equipped with a 12-cylinder Napler-Lyon aviation engine. VlilKl J ICCANBERFY WINE res ALSO IN IMPERIAL CALLON JARS 25P PLUS 30FCR CONTAINER ttMWll) MATURED AMD COTTUD BY VICTORIA WlNERi$ 0ITUH ttlliMru)UMITTP VICTORIA B.C, BU.1 , , - AaMILH.JL-t -J This advertisement lt not published or displayea by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British liritUh Columbia It- Ss $is WHIST LEAGUE GAMES PLAYED Moose and Six Musketeers Now Tied for First Place Wanderers 16; Moose 3. :wa,Eat nix .1 William Gregory, with his daughxr LilUn, as his mechanic.'' won one hundred mile outboard speedboat race on Alamitos Bay. Calif., over a field of the fastest entries on the Pacific Coast. PLAY INTRA- WILL REST-CITY GAMES BLUE BIRD Montreal Teams Had Draw Last Night While X. Y. Rangers Beat Americans MONTREAL, Feb. 6 Intra-citv battles featured last night's National Hockey League program The Canadlens and Maroon bat. ,tled through seventy minutes of! bitter hockey to afour-eoal draw' nere wmie at New York the Rangers defeated the Americans by a score of 2 to nothing. At Chicago the Black Hawks, had little trouble in disnosiriffJnf th lowly Philadelphia Quakers ; "by a owuic ui iu iu uiiu wnueMBt ue- ' irnlf tha lAtfl W If" i. sprang a surprise by defeating the ' . W 1 Ml m t aicons nve 10 iour in a notly contested game. Capt. Malcolm Campbell to Maki No More Tests Before He-turning to England DAYTON BEACH, Florida, Feb 6 Capt. Malcolm Campbell an nounced today that he would makr no further trials In his Blue Bint car, in which he created a nem speed record yesterday, before returning to England. SPORT CHAT Line-ups for .tonight's Billiard League fixture between Elks and Canadian Legion are as follows: C. P. Balagno (Elks) vs. Frank Zleman (Canadian Legion). William Mitchell vs. A. Murray. Frank Bray .vs. Marcus Andrews. W. E. WlUtecroft vs. O. P. Tinker. M. E. Young vs. Charles Baptle. A miniature Golf League ha& been former at Anyox and the first games will take place, thW month. The teams, comprising four players each, are: McColl's I Boiler Shop. MaeConnachle's Store Cavaliers Mine. Coke Plant and VmSLwil Jim . V . 1 . . I I.O.O.F. 6; Orotto Ramblers 3. r , glon 2. Orotto 9; Dry" Doek 0. Lief Erlkson 4; Seal Cqve 5. LEAGUE TAULE Won Lost Ps. Moose 8 4 8 Six Musketeers 8 4 8 Dry Dock 7 5 7 Grotto 7 5 7 LOAF 6 6 0 Wanderers 6 0 6 Orotto Ramblers 5 7 5 Seal Cove 5 7 5 Canadian Legion. 4 8 4 Lelf Erlckson 4 8 4 provide plenty of praetlce as wei! at amusement for the golfers. Batketban league activities ar till going strong at Anyox with keener Interest steadily developing as the ma ion advances. There are Senior, Ladies' and School Leagues all of which are turning out a goal brand of hoop play for big crowd) of smelter town fans. It is to be regretted that there may be no intertown hoop games between Anyox and Prince Rupert this winter on account of the fallue of local organization this season. Oxford players are here seen making their first goal in a hockey game playe dagalnst Cambridge in an inter-varsity match recently played at St. Morltz. Switzerland, Pr'.cf-- THRDAIL.Y KW3 1"" Merchants1 Golf . Played at Sunken Gardens Last Eve Bulgers made the tow score of 135$ In the Merchants' Miniature Golf League last night The individual low score was by R. Moore of the Northern British Columbia Airways. Hunts' team actually made a tower score of 351 but, as It won its. game- by default, this does not count. The Merchants' League scores last night were as. follows: Northern B. C. Airways, 368; Dally News Printers, 315. Bulgers'. 356; Empress. 373. Hunt's Furniture, 351; Power Company, default. Star Players Out of Game Washiqgtea and Oregon to Battle Tonight for Northwest Hoop Championship SEATTLE. Feb. 6 Star players for both sides will be off the floor tonight when Washington and Oregon State basketball teams meet in the first of a two-game series for the northwest hoop cham pionshlp. If Washington wins. It will be the State's fourth consecutive rnampionsnlp. Arrangements ars being made to handle a capacity crowd. Dodd Sells His Hotel Interest to Mrs. Worsf old Mrs. H. Worsfold, former half iwner, has bought out H. A. Dodd's interest in the Seal Cove Hotel and now becomes sole owner. It Is an nounced. Mr. Dodd Is leaving soon with Mrs. Dodd for a trip to the prairies and will return here in two ox three weeks' time to go into some other line of business. OFFICERS OF ANYOX CHURCH F. C. Graham and Fred Watson Are Chosen Wardens By Smelter Town Anglicans ANYOX, Feb. 6: Christ Anglican Church here has elected officers for the coming year as follows: Rector's Warden, F. C. Graham. People's Warden, Fred Watson. Vestry E. Ashton, F. Dodsworth, R. Qale. O. H. Stewart, Mrs. A. R. Kent and. Mrs. J. S. Brayfleld. L4y delegate to synod, Mrs. Bray fleld. Vancouver Stocks (Courtesy 8. D. Jen arson Co. Beaver Silver. 43.Vt, 44. George Copper, 450, nil. Georgia River, 2, 3. Ookonda. 31. 34. Orandvlew, 2 4. Indian Mines, 1. 2. Kootjnay Florence, 1, 1J. Lucky Jim. IVi, nil. -Morton Woolsey. 3. 4. Marmot River Oold, nil, 1. Marmot Metals, nil, 1. National Silver. 3. Noble Five, 5 Mr. nil. Oregon Copper. 6, 6. Pend Oreille. 75, nil. Rufus-Argenta, 2, 3. Silver Crest, lt 2ty. Snowflake, 3V4, 3V4. Topley Richfield, 1, IV,. Woodbine. 114. 2-OILS A. P. Con, 29. 30. Calmont, 22 ty, 25. Dalhousie; 5244, nil. Devenish, 7V4. 9. Fabyan Pete, 3. 44. Home. 1.57. 1.62. Royallte. 16.75, 1750. Hargal. 11, 12. Freehold, 16, 16Vi. Merland. 17, 18. Mercury. 3014, 31. , United, 26, 29. , , The Weathei temperature, 40: sea choppy. Prince RupetV-CloUdy. southeast IS miles; barometer. 30.0); temperature, 39; sea smooth. TORY HAS BIG WIN Patrick Hepburn Elected in East Ttuietb, With Majority-of. Over Eleven Thousand LIVERPOOL, Feb. 6u The tradi tionally Conservative division of East Toxteth yesterday returned Patrick Buchan Hepburn. Conservative, in a by-electlon by a oijjor-lty of more than eleven thousand votes, the greatest recorded in the constituency since the Great War. The seat was vacated when Ron. Henry Mond was elevated to the peerage on the death of his father, the late Lord Melchett. While the total of the Conservative vote was about the same as at the last election, the Labor vote fell off by more than four thousand. MINERALS DISCUSSED Interest Continues In Dr. Srnithrf-ingals Mining Lecture The Sixth of the serie of mln. ing lectures was given? yesterday afternoon when Dr. , Smltherln-gale's subject was "The Mlnerais- Lead and Zinc." Lead ores, he explained, arc ga lena, or lead sulphide, which generally has an accompanying silver content; corrusite or lead carbo nate, which may show a characteristic needle-like crystallisation and anglesite. occuring as a lead oxide! with sulphur trloxlde and pyrom-orphlte, sometimes called "green lead," a compound consisting of! Chlorine, lead and a third metal. iF. Zinc ores, he said, are sphalerite o.r ?inc blende, a zln sulphite,; Smith sonlte or ?ln: carbKvatcv aud; a m m 1 Anyox ounday SchoolNames Its Officers' ANYOX, Feb. 6:-The United ChurcSunday6chqol-at the Mine. Calamine or 2inc silicate?.' He men-1 TERRACE, Feb. 6: The Terrace . . . .... 1 v..mm.u At . L. 11 uonea. toa me tnree Barer mm; u -uuu ends, zinclte. red in color, Frank I """n Empire service League, hat llnlte. black in color and wHlp-t1611 Mten for the ensuing mite, yellow In color. j year as follower It was nointed out that then, fresiceni, . m. aui metals are sometimes found In great quantities In sedimentary rocks as chart or dotomlte. thct they are sometimes mined for their silver content and that rarer metal? sometimes occur In them. The manner of oeourcenee was outlined. An opportunity was offered fori questions. It was suggested by Paul Tickoles that it would be of great ' adv.antage to field men In the varlouj centres to have samples, constantly accessible so that oro-spectors might frequently examine them closely. It was thought that in some way the D-onrtTirn' might see fit to assist the industry by having a full set of sampler, accestible everv day to all interested, in some reading room. The samples would not require to be large. They might be kept In sul- i table glass cases where the magnifying glass could be used in the study. About twenty were present. Evening Lecture j The topic of last!" night's dls-. course was rock structures. The structures known a dykfts are ine or coarse grained. They lie In tab-! ular or vertical or intermediate po-sltlons and invariably cross-cut the general stratification at some an-, gta The ,hearer were reminded that limestone.'in whatever form it max seem to apDear. is of the cha-' racter of a bed or stratum and lh.ould not be confused with the dyke structure. A sill Is an Intru-j slon along bedding planes' and Is parellel to them. A laccolith Is an' Igneous Intrusion that spreads out between sedimentary beds In lense-llke faihlon. It Is burled vn-! less erosion shows it up. A stock, is j an Irregular and more or lesv chimney like outcroR of batholithJ or the deep basic rock, whllo a' batholith Is a vast outcrop ot the' deep igneous rock.Lava flows wen' classified into vesje ular. scoracec-ui nivmto and amygdaloldal showing ' different degrees of spone-llke structure. Porphyry was defined aj rocK showing hrne crystals In fine' rock, ground-mass. The ineeker followed this wltlr a doscrlntion of the structures o' sedimentary rocki referrlni to th j laminated beds, the svnMlnes th Triple Island Strong southerly InntHln'en the monoclines and wind: moderate sea; overcast. domes. The matter of strike and Langara-Overcast, light easterly "P and tU.KOnformlty. and loipl: wind: calm sea. ,and faults and throw and alios Dead Tree Point Cloudy, fresh ' and drags were described and the souincasi wina; parometcr, 29.89: vVi- Mh r-fpTn f0 structure or -lack of such as is ounu in what is known as tho tegmatU dyke. About thirty were present. First vice-president, D. L. Mc- Second vice-president, S. O, Coo per. Treasurer, W. Chapman. The officer of the Women's Auxiliary to the Legion are: President. Mrs. F. M Hall. Vice-president, Mrs. H. Halllwell. Secretary, Mrs. 8. Q. Cooper. SAW CAM . FROM A Prince of Wa! - has elected off teen . fl follows: ; PANAMA HupejrwtenfitnH iuev. rranK ince ot w ousmieiu. 'got a thin y oecretury, ftiieb uerj uven Treasurer. Fred - Calderonl. Teachers Misses Calderonl, terson and Qw2 Pe- FARMERS . SATISFIED KELOWNA, Feb. S Members of the Independent Growers' Association. In convention here today, passed a resolution expressing ur. qualified approval of the report of Sanford Evans, special provlr. cial government investigator, ou fruit marketing. At the same time, the Independents recorded dissatisfaction with the opsratioiu of the interior committee of direction during the 1930 season and, in another resolution, requested the provincial govern ment to allow the life of the committee to lapse on March 7. 1931 Terrace Legion Names Officers M. Hall President of Legion .While His Wife Heads the Ladles' Auxiliary from io!n t0 j. II.': . t if Panama Cam! from Colon v.h , .from the lin i : I they ealled on : ; Republic of P;uL. Grandma liuJe NEWKAELT At a tea hi Id : Haxelton consul-: made toward th a" public library K pay transport r boks obtained i: ment was paid .,i ' of books wen ! C. W. Dawson : the past week m.:: tack of influt :.. . The case hum-Donald Gray. dJans, who dr CfSft practici v. tomorrow In p ".. at Hazelton Last Saturd.i'. ' liee at Hazelton a fine newly bin; !, Dr. H. C Skeena. will i torta to be p- Of the MVvSinll Monday lit south by Mrs W Packed wi Is LaidtoSl iniriu.nini Crnum nf ohm. ! Terrace Pays II gan Approve Sanford Evans' Report Don't Like Direction Committee 1 . .. " ' C"':wl a .... I TERRACE Fi of "Orandmj George Little, p'acn on Tur d ing laid to rsi ; Cemetery. Sen;, United Church len official hp. of deceased a gathering of i was present c butes were off- ! ta ttomaa TpllERB i no unpiWuctiv ipir iniJ an Evtrttdy LVJ A bill Battery. FIAT layer of active matrrul '" tightly together fill up tvery inch of the batttry. No wanJcr Laytrbut la it m much loogrr . thtra'a to muh more t'tltty. No wonder they're to dependable . . there are no delicate cell-connectioni to go wrong, If you're interetted in greater "O" battery economy and results, iniint on Eveready. die oy Layerbilt Battery. Three aiiea meet all needs. Sold at Radio Slortl tvtryhtrt. CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON 0., LIMITED Calsarv TORONTO ," Vancouver Wlinlpe Owafaf totittij Rtdit tiaaiea CKNC. U,,.to 's3: EVEREA DY Radio Batteries RB'I For Diarrhoea And All Bowel Complaf There m nothmjr sunnrlor to "Dr Fole" thcro is My loomaet of tho boweJ. C This vaJuablo preparstion U Ijjf.vi I market for tho tnut eihty.four ytm, fV."LMi Hiwo as tho old Undby, by thw'to 01 lwn I a uxMicme of iiim naiura in ni""' w j lut up only by The T. Milburu Cw-