AOf THREE SPECIAL "ADANAC" DRY GINGER ALE Made by the makers of Canada Dry 12-oz. Size Bottles 15 Cents Ormes ltd. Dfia Pioneer Druggists , flioncs 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PHARMICISTS TRY A NIP TONIGHT" BEST PROCURABLE BOTTIIO a GUCNTf 10 Br wtoouci or tcoiUNO Tha Urifinil Label look lor it at the Vtndora and limit on GRANTS "BEST PROCURABLE" T! i advertisement is not published or displayed by the Linuor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED FURS! FURS! FURS! Made to Order In Any Style By Expert Furrier special attention and cleaning furs to to retwiring rejwunng a Lowest Prices GOLDBLOOM BULKLEY VALLEY COAL THE BETTER COAL Analysis '- -a matter. 29.32; ash, 6.76; fixed carbon. 68.87; b.t.u.'s, 13017 & J i w in volatile It will not block your pipes. Being low In ash, 1 not buying clinkers. Being high In fixed carbon means quality. Bejng high In British Thermal Units means more heat value per pound. Order Now. Your Dealer Can S jpply You. WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? We ve many inquiries about houses to rent and to Our specialty is management of properties. If you rave a house or property for rent or sate LIST IT WITH US McCAFFERY, GIBBONS & COLLART, LTD. TIIIM) AVENUE XV. TELEPHONE 11 It'l on tale ironi Nov, in. 19UU to Irb, i. 1131 (with final rilurn M,,..,,., . limit Marrli SI. 1D3I) NCE IllTPEUT TO VANCOUVER $10.00 KLTUUN - htnimrra Irutr Print I ur VtwvfCi " t'lTAi.A evi:kv tu;mv, ijo p.m. Thi . ..A"ll'"w vrtisouw u 0;.m rwi. TmJiwUy Noon appro. AKDKN, KVKIIY tllllMY MIIIMdllT w 'inutiK Vanootwr BuwU) midnight approx - things to Port BlmpHou. Alice Arm. Any ox. Bttwart and Naaa . ,., m. - .1 a-nn m i-iiiJVnilaf,on regarding all wIIiiikh ad tl JJHMt, ItUTUT AtlCXt V: Ketmiil .Itrniie, ticket at J'limie IHtH " ' 0. CQASTTEAMSIIIIERVICE'' , SAILusrltOAl i'lUNClTliUPLKT Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, and Skugway. February 7 and 21. PTo t'o Vancouver Victoria. Seattle-February J.1 and 25. Prlnctsui Mary -Ocean r:ill. etc. Vanao uvr Knd Vic-torlti. cvt-ry Friduy, 10 pan. Ape nts For All Steamship Lines j " "rrlurrt Oeu. Agent, srdAv.. Prluoa Rupert, PhuiieSl. r . . H News Want Ads. bring quick Results Local Items Billiards tonight Elks' vs. Cana dian Legion. Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. Parent Teachers' Bridge and Whist tonight, I.OD.E. Hall, at 8 p.m. Admission SOc. 31 C. C. Mills sailed 'last night on the Prince George for a brief bus iness trip to Vancouver. Curzon's are meeting presert conditions by telling all lines on Saturday at special prices. William Lambie sailed last nieht on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. Mrs. Robert Dowther sailed last night on the Prince George for a business trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. William and Sidney HI kins, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Chris Btkins. sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Miss fiwinna ' Olaf son ' sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver enroute to Tranqulllc to spend two weeks with her sister Miss Hilda Olafson. T. McMeekln announces that his Northern Brokerage has acquired the agency of the Great West Oar-ment Co. of Edmonton, for Narth-ern British Columbia. 32 CPU. steamer Princess Mary Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived to port it 3 o'clock this afternoon from Vancouver and waypotnts and wil' sail at 10 o'clock tonight on her retain south. Curson's selling Saturday only men's heavy shirts, rtfcMLat whole- sate prices.. J. Dunroe of Port his daughter. Mrs. ner uuiu, -auiea isst) Prince George for Vi CflBMts anT dSbnn. au.l Mr. Dunroe will receive tnedlesn UeaUuwrt. saosHTBr wnere 'JET-? 8. McChry, whs has' been at Premier, sailed fjffif1 'on the Prince George foVjg(nrer. Mr. McOssyr Is the of Sa4) MoClay. an UK J3aard.. Harbor iners at "Vancpa ver . NOTICE Take notice that I, Nick Kavalir will net be responsible for un; deists contracted by any person other than myself. 33 AXNOUNCaMENTS 4 4 Sons of Norway Fishermen' Farewell Dance February 6, Moost-i Hall. ffe&Bsjral eiral Vlr4: bridge-whir eries Monday, February 9. Choir Concert In Presbyterian Chujoh February 10. r" Catholic Women's League Valen tine Tea February IS. Canadian National Recreation Association Seventh Annual Ball, Moose Hall, Friday, February 13. - Anglican Cathedral augmented choir concert. (Direction H. N Brocklesbyi. February Ml and 17. Alex. Oonnon and Co. Entertainment de luxe. Cathedral Concert. February 16th and lTth. "The Mayor and the Manicure." Alex Connon. Rupert's premier en tertainer. Cathedral Convert. Feb ruary 16th and 17th. Happy harmonies; maddenlnj meloiles; quamt quartettes; tantalising trios. Cathdral Concert. February 16th and 17th. Admission 50c THE DAILY NEWS Friday, February 6. 1931 Ajb COUGHS r. TsJt tiatf tcaipoonful f 4 Miisard its bmImsm. Hs Minard whal n. Aim rub . it wall latte ymut chest. You'll get relief I Curzon's are seUlpg on Saturday women's silk and wool hose special, one dollar. S. O, N, Fishermen's banquet Moose Hall, Friday, February 6. 7-10. Tickets $1.00. Dance com mences 10 o'clock, tickets 50c. Get your ticket in time. 29, 31. Dr. and Mrs. It. V. Ellis of Ket chikan, who have been in the city for the past couple of days, will leave on tomorrow morning's train lor a trip to various points in the Eastern States. Canon's men's Mackinaw wind-breakers, xyn Saturday only, special at wholesale price.- M. Harris, N. McGlaihan and H Hill of the local Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve sailed last night on the Prince George foi Esquimau where they will take courses of training. Geo. Running was found guilty in city police court this mornln -under the Vagrancy Act of . sup porting himself from the avails oi prostitution and was fined $2r with option of thirty days' lmprls onment. Curson's Special for Saturday only. Men's underwear retaU a' wholesale prices. Goldbloom now jias an expert fur worker on th& premises, and can fill your order, for new furs made up to sutt jour own ideas and taste, at the shortest notice Speatal attention vjftt be given tc repairing and cleaning furs. 3; Notice Met. H. Worsfold has bought out H. A. Dodd's interest In the Seal Cove Hotel. All accounts will be paid by her after thjis date. February 5. H. A. DODD. (33) BUSH'S !l,l whULLj): erne. Anglican Tea. Mrs. Woodland's Fifth Avenue, February 14. "Melvlna's Courtship,"" at United Church February 26, 27 Catholic women's League Spring Bale April 8. Presbyterian Easter Sale April 10 rocertena Other Statements to the contrary, our prices, quality and service are beyond comparison Of tlvie's Minute Rolled Oats QCn 3l' 2 pkts Com Flakes 3 pkts ash Bk Brea nit It 3 loaves for Butter-No. 1 per lb 25c P. & G. Naptha Soap lZ(n U cakes Blue Ribbon Tea per lb Royal City or Nabob Tomatoes, 2 tins Peas No. 3 per tin Ginger Snaps Crisp per lb, ,.) Fancy Mixed Biscuits per lb Red Arrow Sodas-par packet Oranges Sweet and Juicy 4 dog. Fri 45c 25c 15c 20c 25c 20c 75c 30c 25c 40c Bush's Grocerteria Phones: 211, 212 We Deliver Curzon's on Saturday are selling tnpn'c snv cnA1o1. af cru I Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware, Heilbroner's Store. Curzon's Saturday SDecials. All Jumbo Sweaters retail at whole sale prices. i r. - ' E. Dickson, Is due in port at 620 ; this evening from Vancouver and waypoints and will sail at 12 midnight on her return south. Frank Morris, Manager of B.C. Undertakers returned to the city on yesterday , afternoon's , train from Terrace where, he conducted the funeral of the late Mrs. Llttls. Owing to lack of evidence, the charge In city "police court against Leo Contoll of intimidation has been withdrawn. The charge-of seduction has been remanded for eight days, the pohce announce. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Philpot will sail by the Catala on their return to Vancouver. Mrs. Philpot has been visiting here for the past six weeks and Mr. Phllpott, durln". that time, has been on a trip to Winnipeg. A local boy of juvenile age came before Judge Young in Cotinlv Court yesterday afternoon and w' sentenced to three years In mdui- trial school for incorrigibility. Tir1 boy was taken south last night on the Prince George by Constant' wuiiam smnn wno also naa in his custody Mike Ivan inn, sent down to Okalla for a year for thelt and an insane patient for Esson dale. CHAPPED HANDS I Chilblains, Frost Bite I Quickly Hoalod by Zam-Buk. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupen's leading family hotel. Hot .md cold water in al) roorm A. J. mUDH'XMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser t.nd Fifth Sts. Savoy H. McKay. W, H. Larmer and J A. Hodder. Hazelton; R. D. Christy Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. Dodd ami Vincent Dodd, city. New Royal Hotel I Zarrltl. rop TIIK. HhlKI. UOKTII Hllll.E M.u A Old Water: Steam H"it 75c PER DAY AND UP TrlpplHMIp IK1 Royal Ivan Lajor and J. Wgaeshouski Pacific; S. M. Manning, Premier. O. Dunlap, Port Clements. Boston Grill Phone 457 Prince Kupert Large Cabaret SPECIAL DINNERS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night. 9 to 13 Danre Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties Dr.H.O.Johnsen Dentist Successor to Dr. E. S. Tait Suit 1 Exrhance Block Phone 109 I imaat h b ( " i SOMETHING NEW FOR LADIES AND GENTS ! Large assortment new. clothes for autumn and winter just to hand. All finest quality and latest patterns. Come In and see us today, j Suit or overcoat complete and fin-, Ished In three days. Ling, the Cutter Steam cleaning, pressing and altering. We deliver any part of the city. LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. l'hone C19 Demonstration of Royal City Canned Fruits and Vegetables IN OUR STORE ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY For these two days we offer the following $1.00 combination lots of canned vegetables, which arc excellent value. LOT 1. r 2 tins R. C. Tomatoes 2's 2 tins R. C. Peas Sieve 3 2 tins R. C. Spinach 2's Dozen For $1.00 LOT 3. 7 tins R. C. Tomatoes 2 Vi's For $1.00 LOT 5. 2 tins R. C. Peas Sieve 3 2 tins R. C. Golden Bantam Com ' 1 tin R. C. Whole' Green Beans LOT 7. 6 tins R. C. Golden Bantam Corn For $1.00 50c LOT 2. 2 tins R. C. Supar Six Tender Peas 1 1 tin R. C. Sauerkraut 2'2's 1 tin R. C. Golden Bantam Corn 2 tins R. C. Cut Green Beans For $1.00 LOT 4. 8 tins R. C. Peas Sieve 5 For $1.00 LOT 6. 1 tin R. C. Baby Beets 1 tin R. C. Spinach 2 W 1 tin R. C. Wax Beans ,1 tin R. C. Peas Sieve 2 1 tin R. C. Sauerkraut 2's LOT 8. ,; 8 tins R. C. Tomatoes 2's For $1.00 ROYAL CITY Pork & Beans 16-oz. tins. 10 tins 95c ROYAL CITY Pork & Beans Individual tins, 10 tins 53c Royal City Brand Fruits Sliced or Halved Peaches No. 2 tins, per tin 23c Bartlett Pears No. 2 tins, per tin 2uc Apricots No. 2 tins, per tin 23c Strawberries No. 2 tins, per tin 3lc Pumpkin No. 2 tins, per tin 12c Pumpkin No. 2V2 tins, per tin 15c Oranges Are Now at Their Best Three Economical Sizes Dozen Lutheran Ladies' Aid Has Largely Attended Meeting The West End Ladles' Aid of St. Paul's Lutheran Church had the most largely attended meeting in its history last night at the home of Mrs. Tom Dybhavn, Beach Place. The pastor, Rev. J. H. Hanson, opened the proceedings with prayer and there was then a business ses-! sion. After this there was a social hour and a program which included ' papers by Mrs. James Mastln on The Drug Evil" and by Mrs. F. W. Hart on "Missionary Work of John Patton in the South Sea Islands." .Delightful vocal duets were sung by Mrs. John Murvold and Mrs. Tom Dybhavn. Before the close of the meeting, delicious refreshments were served with Mrs. George Fritz and Mrs. A. Jacobsen assisting the hostess, ser-vlteurs being Misses Aleda and Agnes Johnson and Julia Essen. iDIt. WKINCH FAVORS ALASKA ROAD BUT IS OPPOSED TO B.C. MONEY BEING SPENT UPON U.S. PROJECT. (continued from page 1) province." If, after all, concessions were given, he thought there should be a close and careful application of time limits, and he Questioned verv muchjKvhether trjftyConc(ssWares j shoulctMJhavfr any, rlghtsbeoria those t J hded tglocal pe6piHeiJ did not see why concessions should I be given to Americans to bring up their supplies and sell them there to the exclusion of Canadian goods and services. ' He recommended that the whole subject be very carefully considered hafni-A env A at in It a frn 1 o e j f V V V Hllj WVSUttKV bVilVIUOtVU TV ltj aiiitra ai tit iitii yi it isic j same time It the Americans were willing to put up the money he would be glad to let them do so. 75c Dozen S1.00 Real Prices on EGGS Pullet Extras f70Fresh Firsts OCa B.C. Fresh Ex- f!?n 3 doz. ra.s 3 doz. Watts' Grocery PHONE 55 PHONE 56 QUALITY RIGHT PRICES RIGHT INFANT BURIED THIS AFTERNOON The funeral took place this afternoon from the chapel of the B. C. Undertakers to Falrview Cemetery of Harold Angel, four and a half month son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hansen, whose death occurred Wednesday morning. Rev. John H. Hanson of St. Paul's Lutheran Church officiated with Mrs. Hanson presiding at the organ. There was quite an attendance of friends of the bereaved family. Making Arrangements For National Prayer Here on February 20 The leaders of the different missionary societies of the churches of' the city met yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John II Hanson to arrange for the observance of National Prayer Day here on February 20. The Prayer Day services will be conducted this year in St. Paul's Lutheran Church. COAL Buy the real Cot I our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wellington In any quantities. Also Bulkier Valley Hay. Grain and Robin Hood Hour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 358 Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE PHONE 575 BESNEIl BLOCK DENTIST Si