PAGE TWO 1 For ! 'it u'! i!" T. MUburu C o , l.ut. vuto. Oat Had Thirteen Boils Oi His Heck Mm. H. V. Duncombe. GruLaJcv. Alt., writei: "My huabmd wm covered with boils, htrinc m mny m thirteen on hi neck t one, tit tried everything possible, but nouunx did my good until he took Burdock Blood Bitten, and before he had uaed. one bottle the boiii were all (one, and he haa not been bothered with them KIM.' uialiufai'tumi, tat th P' 7r, ! b TL THE DAILY NEWS. rKINCK RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avehin H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance.!. For leaser periods, paid In advance, per week By mall to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid-in advance for yearly period , , ..... ' By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year , By mail to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per lnsertlori, per word , Local readers, per Insertion, per line Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line Contract rates on application.. Editor and Reporters Telepnone Advertising and Circulation Telephone nAH.Y EDITION Member oi Audit Bureau of Circulations FISHING SEASON ENDS ..8C -98 $5.00 10c 3.00 $8.00 9.00 Monday Nov. 2, 1931 ALCOHOL IS RELIC Dr. Cherrington, Dry Executive, Says It Has No Fiacr in Modern Machine Era BOSTON, Mass., November 2 A whole new steup confronts temperance workers, calling for shock-proof sticking to the one fundamental point that alcohol as a part of beverages has no more place In modern machine civilization than sand in the bearings of engines. This Is the message brought to , "We are no longer primarily concerned with the out-and-out drunkard. We are confronted with a prohibition situation utterly unlike that which obtained 50 years ago. or even five years ago. On one point there can be no disputation that The P. G. E. pcheme seems to have been quashed for the it and tudent of liquor systems. present and by the time the nresent winter is nv-Pr Knt Vi took direct Issue with Dr. Nicholas THE DAILY NEWS Monday, November j 1131 NEWS OF THE MINES AKOUND PRINCE RUPERT Td.Moyc Supplies Into Manson Creek Placer District; Report on Troy Property in Portland Canal; Reasons For Activity in Premier Stock man, moved 32 head of pack horses this week from btew art to Vanderhoof whence they will be taken into the Man son mer Massachusetts by Dr. Ernest H. j it ii j i Cherrington, secretary of the World j considerable hlaeer- ground in the HallOWC 611 WaS League Against Alcoholism, who,inon Creek country. Tnelrplam spoke before a rally In Tremont! nclude the packing in of a dredg- Temple, sponsored by the Massachu-i ing outfit in addition to a jsetts Anti-Saloon League. j quantity oi other materat and sup- j "Not a wet in Boston would con- P'ies which will be raquired in tlR sent to board a train tonight for work. New York if he knew that the en- glneer was carrying a hip flask. the 40,000,000 -drivers of automobiles 0f Mount Dihvorlh on the Nans iena with wnkh is associated some !?n!eooyrlte and grey copper. The second tyoe consists of silisifled and pyritised replacement zones ' In volcanic. Recent work has torn "uiflmd to tracing and exploring theee zones with the objective of a gold content "ovenag ' " " possLNe alcohol Is a habit-formim? narcolia . " Towards the close oi toe season ... . . . drug. Its use as a beverage belongs . . . , toe owntn . fVlm toe , , , , .,, reportea discovery to a slower and lower type of clvill. tLw tew eo xaUon than " " ours. This Is the mes- , T1, . , values. The oriRinai Tros sxdud ol sage that temperance workers must ,rt, !. J TP.." nlne claims banded to the get across to the public." Dr. Cherrlngton warned that be- was Rupert is to be congratulated on the fact that conditions SLJiJZ TrJlnTim TZ are no worse Fishermen have suffered badly and the own- owne chart- Lake and ers of boats have received scarcely enough to keep them in time in history, be given sanction m 01 at. fishing, condition. Now there is a close season for three the constitution of the united Rftent Urwith ot p" Pw and a half months and it looks as if the men would have a states, as slavery was at one time. Mtal?I?rt!!cl: J"013' difficult time getting through the winter. An? modification would be m m eet st!!5n f. The chief reaso n f or the small catch is primarily the low ef vt .SecTt, pnees-but ateo it will be remembered that owing to several q Taklrfs , Mg vTeDrcherring-: already stw m Premie i reasons fishing did not commence very early in the season, ton expressed satisfaction with the ben buying actively on the The main interest in Prince Rupert is not how much fish progress of the temperance move- ,w Ycr eurb on atwngtti e( is caught but hoY UlUCh do the fishermen receive for their ment- Present reaction against it is twinge tewwl m prosany rerent- labors. 3IEN LAID OFF ON HIGHWAY of lltUe moment when weighed mita byre-o(W)saa and to against the decades and centuries, tl)e apectotleii that sUvar is n he said. It took 10 to 12 centuries for ' moIe wlble to. the near fu- the prohlbiUon of murder to become turc- Portw Idah an Pipert. even partially effective. There is two Premier subekHarte. axe very The laying off of the men on the hijrhwav work came as .i" 2!X.lL!f-1 2? 2 Z really in need of the employment . ri, JL f. 11 lp While the action seems erratic and tending to destroy SSSSS Confidence it IS hoped that Very soon, the difficulties Mill to be legislated and enforced before be ironed out and as many as possible of the men be taken it won acceptance by the public, un-! back to work. In the meantime it Is understood thev are "Inching adherence to the Eight-1 ucuik wnw usrv ui uv uie government in tnp rnmns . P. G. E. SCHEME QUASHED ened and continuing educational ; campaign is the course for dry work- j ters to pursue, he concluded. J ' Takes Usue With Butler 1 Ben Spence of Toronto, a Journal government will be so hard up it is hardly likely either ' will Z BM?' president f Co,um; , fcoc J Tinvo nave tha tne Via.HKnrvrl hardihood fr to revive 5,.. it ?f t It was ':n ill-conceived T any- the bia onnrt.n Uhlversity. on his h,th.nniM advocacy of Sanders, CNR. Wext year we may hope the two governments will be "Dr. Butler opposes return of the' pooling their efforts toward securing a proper outlet for -"'oon." Mr. spence said. -He states i the Peace River and afer that is built and the grain flow- lnat tne Canadlan systen eiimin-1 ing toward the Pacific giving relief to the farmers, will ihLmlT' In u?V,h!(? mf betimeenough to consider completing . a line which noie JLSS tint r AO n r4 i.a ann n A - Jj A. 1 iu,i'om give auvquui reiurns lor me money expended back room of the old bar type of sa- Embarrassing Moment M),'tkirHMlnllM;ia.MlrilAlMMni f Q lj loon. The only difference is the , namej and the absence of a bar and .brass-rail. But Canadian "beer parlors" are only saloons, after all. Al-icoholic beverages are sold and Imbibed on the premises, and that's a j saloon. Ih lntelelctual honesty, Dr. BuUer cannot favor the Canadian j system lor the united States if he opposes the saloon." Even if the Canadian system had not increased the consmpUon of absolute alcohol contained in spirits, wine and beer from 2,551,000 gallons In 1923, to 5240,000 in 1930. it still would not promote sobriety in the United States, Mr. Spence continued. Canadian courts and legal machinery are more strict, yet bootlegging, crime, and liquor consumption have steadily, mounted. With the looser methods in the United States, the results would be correspondingly worse. Mr. Spence denied the claim that prohibition has Increased crime lnj the United States. Without It, he said, conditions would be far more deplorable. In 1880 there were in the United I States 2,647,000 women gainfully! employed. In 1930 women workers had Increased to 10. 779,000. and. ataosh tbey present dosed dawn, they rather a Shock but in View Of the financial Situation it ting liquors is arousing opposition ; op-'tmmeaatety u an o uin Duinsuig. ijciuic any ui intfiu are-iaKen uacK it IS in ine unitea utates, he aaded. iBaaace m me wniie meui probable that the provincial and federal governments will Education Is the fundamental so-1 to become effective. want to satiffy themselves that all the men working are luUon ot liquor Problem' "i Hotel Arrivals wer New Royal Hotel HIE HOTEL WORTH WHILE riot & Cold water: Steam Heat e. PER DAT? AND 'UP 3. ZarelH Trlejiborn. tsi Koal N. Chamoux, Terra :e; H. Franks A. King city, W. A. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms. A. J. PKUnilOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth St Savoy E. C. Morris. Stewart; F. T. Patterson. Porcher Island; R. a. Cunningham. Port Suing ton; O .OlMta i.nd J. Patrick, C.NJI. Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND Operating three Dry Dorks v Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and S4iin Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and MinincMachincry Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casline Electric and Acetylene V'4ing 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Hallowe'en went off very quietly L-IStt (efficient DIETICIAN Meals Must Be Appetizing and Attractive as Well as Economical, Says Hospital Expert TORONTO. Nov. 2: If food comes nr t rr. .. i rii. i. hack on the tray untouched, a dlet- w. u. vaawioru, wen juiown oiewari iranspuriauuu , "., iclan has not fulfilled her duty, j Dr. Malcolm T. MacEachern. director of Creek country where they are to be used in transport- h0SPluI American college a large' quantity of material, machinery and supplies wtlon. Su'gttfEJ Meals in toJd a hospital ettf I'llZZ should be for Ju -operations. i-tn rm, The '.... ...L received n;SU placer gold contract was by Air. urowrora mm an Amerisan syndicate-' synSlteater wMeh wnen . . recently recently leqjlxea wqjirea Quiet Saturday so appetizing and attractively pre pared that there Is no waste whatever. It Is not sufficient that the food values have been carefully calculated, he said. Furthermore, a hospital dietician should have administrative and business ability. In fact, Dr. MacEachern described her as a "super woman." So compUcited are the in tile city Saturday night. The duties of a hospital dleUeian that Two types ol mineral ocrur in vnnthfni MUnnti bmt thorn ve four rears' college train lne are in- ?r FA"!?1.8'11- l'What the Troy property on the west side ..h. sufficient to prepare ber to take I j- --a. . nvonfc. rfam.o. a-mrm rannr. " jfort to prevent Individuals from ob-. HemMa mmister of mteM. Irreg-140 fining a beverage which, dulls the itr narrow and lenttndar quarte j)2 tec.umes- even when teken ta i veins oeeor to argiUlte mtoerallaed 5 .15 mum uiwuaw. wum mtnnw nrim 7tn.himi mnrt crj . v . r V iwectr from the neighbors. Miss Ruth i wno oo noveven nave a ran wacxi River bJope of the Salmon River -" " park MontreaJ oeneral Hospital. to prevent them from endangering ' Glacier save the reDort of Dr. J. T. A tejaal, tke favorite pastime fnlH th Rh. .he did other cars on the road? shall our ; Manoy, resident mining engineer, far the chfidwn was in all manner not approve of students entering a government be sustained In its ef-; u the annual report of the BrlOsn of costumes to solicit apples and hospital without at least four years in college and she regretted that 9 as long If you suffer from j biliousness or indigestion there is nothing j better than II 30 ays (TU ruko'i Uuj seme Canadian hospital in with only two years ing. as you or your wife live a a tgl 1 CASHIER tenK&i!!i JVEN when yourworking days are over, pay days can he continued for you and your family. . If you live to old ager the Life Insurance you obtain now will provide a monthly income to make you independent. If.your wife has to "carry on" withoutyou, Life Insurance money will help replace your regular earnings. It will feed and clothe-your family - ensure the education of your children. For your own peace of mind see a Life Insurance representative today. From him lenrn how Life Insurance will immediately solve-your personal problem of future pay days. Life I nsuranee dervice Ona of 'a $erlet of memgt$ $pomored byl Ufa- Iniunnca Companies. lock '