district and all local banks have kindly conswted to accept contributions that may be offered. The presentation committee have made arrangements with the cap-ltol Theatre to have a suitable picture displayed during the vessel's visit and the management advises that It has been fortunate enough to secure' a splendid British picture entitled Tell England." which depicts naval and military operations at the famous Galllpoit landing during the Great War. Tod Morgan Is Winner of Bout Outpointed Sammy Santos in Eight Hounds at Seattle Wednesday Evening SEATTLE, Oct. 16:Tod Morgan, former Junior lightweight champion, took the decision from Sammy Santos, local Filipino, In an eight-round bout here Wednesday night. EM Jim Annual Beats ON AGAIN iss? caused merous This advertisement Is not published or displayed by tne Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, Deeth PROGRAM Sturdy Local Boy Too Good For LAID OUT "mar OpPonen. From Any ox and Got Call: Knockouts in Prelims Visit of Lieutenant Governor and ' HJU.C.S. Skeena to Be Observed . ilmcs skeemTwhich lsWk-' T1e golid hardhitting little Billy Bagshaw of Prince a cruise of British Columbia pert, took a well-earned decision from Henry Deeth of An-ports with Hon. j. w. Fordham yox in the fairly close main event of Owen Fisher's boxing Johnson, iieutenant-Governw of card at the Lmpress bocial Club last night. I he bout went British Columbia aboard, has left the full six rounds and was not lacking in action for both Vancouver and will be calling at j the boys mixed with a a the -vay Bacrshaw was the Foweu River, Alert Bay and other , mon effective hitter although the points Deiore arriving at rnncv ' clever Deeth was not flying any dls- Rupert on October 26. The Lieu-; TOWNSEND I I 1 tl L IVI I 1 'tress sienals. desnlte the fact that tenant Governor is accompanied by his A-D.C,, Major A. Seldon Humphrey, and secretary, A. M. J3. Falrbalrn. The following tentative program has to fat been arranged for. thi ship's visit at Prince Rupert: Football match, Prince Rupert vs. Skeena. Whaler race, local unit R.CN.V.R. vs. Skeena. Dance for ship's company. Joint luncheon to Lieutenant-Governor and officers of H.M.C.S Skeena under the auspices of the city council and Chamber of Commerce. Theatre party, Capital Theatre and presentation to ship. The time-honored custom of making a presentation of plate to a new ship is to be carried out, and the Lieutenant-Governor has been asked to present same to the H.M.CJ5. Skeena on behalf of the residents ol Skeena district, at the Capital Theatre on Tuesday, October 27. . Small donations are being collected from various parts of Skeena he took a lot of punishment in nu slugging exchanges which the bout. Over-anxiety Deeth to mtes a good deal "' , , but he also dealt a full share of the Has Second Engagement in Madison blowJ -hey we mt u ngw Square Tonight, Meeting ever and made mtIe lf any mipreJ. Pally Walker -: slon on the Jocal jy NEW YORK, Oct. 16: Billy They slugged hard right from the Townsend of Vancouver will have -tart of the first round and Ufeth another big chance for further pro- did some wild lunging. Bagshaw minence in the pugilistic picture to- landed some stiff rights to head and night when he meets Pally Walker, ' body, one hard blow going into ranking middleweight. In the main i Deeth's bread basket. Deeth also event of a boxing show at Madison j landed a few but they were rather Square Oarden. ! 1J8nt- Both missed plenty. The fact that it is Townsend's se- i In the second, Detth went in after cond engagement in the Garden Bagshaw and landed some light within a week speaks a great dear ones. Billy also landed and they were for the regard In which his boxing , harder. Deeth was quick but was talent Is held. Vancouver Rugby Players Will Go not wearing as well as Bagshaw. The round was featured by plenty of action. Bagshaw made a slugging start in the third while Deeth landed light ones. Billy let some haymakers loose but Deeth either dodeed them or nn flripni- Tpatn '.made them ?lance UU Vl 1C111 1 CtUU( fxefo took the lead In the fourth 'and missed again in some lunges VANCOUVER, Oct. 16: Several J Such ones as landed did not seem to Vancouver players are expected to J affect Billy very much. Bagshaw ne lncmaea in me uanaaian uig-: siaggerea ueetn wun a leu to tne lish rugby team which will leave , Jaw. next January for" a tour of Japan. j They danced around in the fifth Selections for the team are now be ing made. McGill-Toronto looking for openings and the going was not so lively. Both got the' odd one in. Down on points, Deeth forced the going In th sixth. Bagshaw mixed both landed with in Pi 1 :eiy freely and ana they mey tO KOW OatUrdayjhaw hardest Tin The decision I a I el sn tiff was given by Douglas Collegiate Championship i U Race to Be Staged at Lachine Canal Tomorrow MONTREAL, Oct. 16: McOlll University and University of Toronto rowing teams will compete at Lachine Canal tomorrow in the an-n u a I Canadian intercollegiate championship race. Eddie McLean of the City Hall staff, who has been spending a holiday at Hazelton, returned to the city from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train. GENCIES! 'lennessy Brandy 'cannot le obtained at a moment's notice, m KEET IT HANDY 1 HENNESSY BRANDY BOTTLED AT COGNAC, FRANCE two main-event judges Provincial Constable George Wyman and Jack Judge. The weight of both Bagshaw and Deeth was announced as 138 pounds. Deeth was a shade the taller and more rangy than the stocky Bagshaw. The Preliminaries Babe Dutton won the semi-final by knocking Dan Parent out in the second. They slugged fairly hard in the first round, Dutton wanted very badly to mix but Parent held him off with his long right and looked good himself. They were slugging hard soon after the start of the se cond when Parent ran hard into Dutton's left. He was dazed and went down for a count of six. Dut ton followed right up and put Par ent down again with a right swing on the jaw for another count of six. Parent came up again and Dutton bowled him over with another hard swing to the jaw. Parent went down again on his back with a thud and Referee Doug Frlzzell carried him to his corner. It was to have been a four-round affair. Russell Boyn and Jack McRae did two rounds of nothing but tap dancing but the inactive affair livened up slightly in the third and last round. McRae was apparently k-J ed tor ne lei ooyn siug mm enougn to get the call. Pete Holm finished Tred Boulter off with two swats in five seconds. Dazed by a blow as soon as the op ening bell went, Boulter hit the can vas with a hard left one on th chin and that was that. They carried the Tiger away to the dressing room. Alex Walters and Chuck Hlckey little bigger. They slugged them selves out of breath and both were pretty tired when it ended. Max Hellbroner was timekeeper for the evening. The crowd was a small one and Owen Fisher, undoubtedly, lost money on the show. Old Country Soccer English League First Division Huddersfleld Town 4, Leicester city a. ARAB E LA CellophaneWrapped Houston, Veltch, Naylor, Campbell (captain) Shrubsall. McOulre. Lind say, O'Neill. Stuart and Lee, spares. WHIST LEAGUE OPENING SET rOB THURSDAY NEXT The opening of the season's activities in the Fraternal Whist League has been postponed until next Thursday. The schedule tor the first half of the season will be issued meantime. LOCAL ITEMS Inspector and Mrs. JM. Tupper are leaving on Monday's train direct for Edmonton, to whlci place Captain Tupper has been promoted. The original plan was to go by way of Vancouver, but a wire has been received asking that he go direct to his, new position. Pleadlnggullty to charges of being Inmates of a gambling house, eleven local men were each fined $15 in city police court by Magistrate McClymont this morning. The eases arose out of two convictions against A. Donald for being the keeper of a gambling house. An appeal to the Supreme Court which was made in these cases failed. City Solicitor E. F. Jones acted as prosecutor In today's cases and T. W. Brown appeared on behalf of the various defendants. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY provided a real lively three-round ; POR SALE Kitchen range, enam was plenty game hut Walters was a CIGARS - i ij.vm mm wmv Mil jwbb.- fully realize how rich and TO satisfying a good five cent a---IBB. MM XA. I MCti' -WH.. Wm TJk. 'V J cigar can be . . . smoke an Arabela! In size, quality and fragrance Arabela leads. Individually wrapped to preserve the flavour and freshness. Try the pocket pack of five. by far the greatest vaiueA SHAFFMAY TAX RATE Sharkey, who pounded out such a sensational victory over Primo Car- nera,. the .Italian giant, Monday night, may ilind his next opponent in Ernie Shaft. JUNIOR FOOTBALL LINE-UPS Following are the line-ups for to morrow afternoon's Junior League football game between Booth Mem orial School and Brden Street Schol. Booth Mufiro, Eby, Ferguson, DeMarco, Gomez (captain), Ritchie, Nelson, McDonald. Colussi, Mc- Oreish, McMeektn, Wright and Hale. Borden Annesley, Perry, Fong, est in Civic Affairs Is Stressed HONEST ASSESSMENT sldentlal report at the annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Ratepayers' Association last n!ght. "It does not require any stretch cf imagination to forsee the danger of the tax-paying property soon narrowed to little more than tha property upon which improve ments have been erected. It would teem to be the duty of every tax payer to take a keen interest In particularly the directors, for the liberal and valuable assistance, which they have at all times rendered throughout ths year, and to say that It has been a real pleasure towork with this board. Government Block "One of the early objects of the association this year was the preparation of a report to be made with a view to inducing the provincial government to sell block 21, section 1 of this city, which is known as the Government Block. rn'd:J ." : Unfortunately, while the commit- ueu, spurns ".. ...v.v,. .nirptrpH In h .roth.-t-.-. - .... ev ... ...v , 243. . Stationery Office Supplies Toys Charts Hooks Radios Sewing Machines V- McRAE BROS., LTD. 'strong presentation of this matter through the city council, the council took the matter up with the provincial government and the data gathered for this purpose was of no use as far as your committee has any knowledge. I feel that this matter should be followed up vigorously Immediately after the municipal election in January with a view to having the matter brought to a successful conclusion or better still, lf your new executive could arrange to obtain the assistance of the mayor and the, 1 finance committee of the city ! council in securing an interview -- with the minister of public works.! IViKkT I Ai . K A I ARMlNB,lwhotaectedlnthtcltylnthe HlLtLtl J-TlVlV. rl.rlllTill lVJ I very near future, to whom a pre-: ! mentation of the reasons in the Sharkey Looking for Fields to Conquer Following Camera Conquest NEW YORK, Oct. 16. Jack Further Duty t Taxpayers to Take Inter-. of vour committee could be1 made. Surely no government sucn; as that of the province of British Columbia, after having sold most of its holdings during the peak of ithe speculation period between PUBLIC AWAITS NEW ATWATER KENT RADIOS 1932 Models Represent Greatest Value in History Dealers are tut ocing deitUMi t--.M.-. r -.-. liana -nrf iai .nM n,.u n . curn, vair1-;c3 -ua i.v. -.. ... inquj-ipj regarding 111 Hon Makes Annual Report I right 01 the citizens of Prince Ru- Atwater Kent radios I' ' pert to ask for the sale of thti that the new models wi "We cannot but view a constant- block In view of the reasons which 03 display mprominen; Mil thin ai -k n 4 a - ly rising tax rate with alarm, cs- your committee are prepared to . K, , peeially with the tremendous present. Much of the government, value models are con ,0. : amount of vacant property revert- holdings at that time were so!d the finest radio, from thing to the city through tax sale for many times lU real value in ?iIai"-""'L'i!. . , , . .... , . ... . that have ever been proc and Becoming non-taxpaying," de- the Light of the experience of years The WOrld trusts Az clared M. M. Stephens in his pre- following these sales. radio and exhaustive . "Again I wans to express my a 'e cuiducted c appreciation of the harmony ex- istlng at all times in the Assoeia-; xhe new seasou's offei tion and to express the wish that famous Atwater Ken !:-he Association will grow and be- bring with them the gre . come a very powerful factor In the JJLJ1. h(T , . . ,r, , models in the new ranr c future of thU city. It is one, glve a wWe selection to which deserves more support than. purse and prefeunce E. it has received and one in which magnificent super hi every tax paying resident should lffV t, kiwiu uv met aesigns of anestum the city's business and to do hi 1. kept free from all party bicker- trace arc finished in c or her utmost to see that city councils use the greatest care in the expenditure of revenues. We must sooner or later face an honest assessment and when this is done our tax rate will be greatly in excess of what it Is today. It Is tn anil rllmiAs inH ft. Ktuln. Mai'. A touch of the 1 should be confined strictly to the At, Interests of its members. If this tortton. This is muck- Is done it should be of great the automatic volume coir assistance to our city councils. It n P"-"tnt feature Is something which should not b "n'will dp necessary to . feared by them, but rather suz.es- these mnrvpilou ne nut.. time that we realized that we areitlons from the nntpnavpr.' a. aoDreclate them. Taken n living in and financing a small rlatlon should receive the utmost 8m.a.n wonder that the Atw town and not a large city. Perhaps consideration when placed before eaafTlv awaited nothing should bring home to ui that body. One of the resolutions 7 the seriousness of our situation j passed by this Association earlier " more clearly than the fact that th-(in the year was asking the city CJPR steamer Prinr, figures given for the late census. council to seek from the provln capt James Flood is u show our population to have de- clal government the right to elect at 3-30 this afternoon Cff u HJT61- 'u. a,dermen annual,y lnstpad wuth and will sail at M !" Un b,'annuay " ,l P"nt. lf h return to Vancouver able m t to h be with you this evening on, I remember rightly the reply from points the occasion of the annual meet-( the council was that the law called ' ing of the association, and the foI-(for the election of aldermen everv lowing Is but a slight review of the two years and the council had no to have members of t business of the association, with 'power to change It. This was not manic board elected antu. which all of your directors are fa-, what was Intended bv this Am. ts another mntt-r hi. miliar, conducted throughout thc,clatJon at all. We knew what the should be followed up bv year. This report is of necessity 1 law .was Just as well as the mem- officers, particularly in one about which your directors ( bers of the council and, whether result of the plebiscite have not been consulted for the our request was misunderstood cr wishes of the electors : teason that I have been confined otherwise by the council, there has the election of mayor for to the house for nearty two weeks, apparently been no attempt mad" at a time" -ai me ouiset, i wisn to wans the officers of the association, anJ - - : '. 51 0' K j - u I- r? X. '73 . fi." W 1 in. ni ne" !( ,rJW Inslit on "(.RANTS BEST PROCURABLE" The Original For Sale at Vendora or direct from ".Mall Order Dept." Liquor Control Hoard, Victoria, H.C BEST PROCURABLE' PVRE R SCOTCH WHISKY ft ! RICHEST IN FINEST JSL J 'highland malt MWl i uI?YMu,.Hli;,u?,,il',,',,1J"'h "- it a-( This advertisement is not published or diplavcd by the l.w "r Lontrol Uoant nr it., r , A.!.- Columbia, w. k,ib VJUVCI ernment of Brtt .h tl