SATURDAY SPECIAL Cocoanut Cream Layer Cake 30c The Electric Bakery Phone C67 Drink More Milk For Fresh Local Milk Thone Red 608 DOMINION DAIRY DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING Udies tt fit ntlemen's Tailoring Reasonable Prices M.T. LEE COMPANY 13 Ird Ave. W. Thone 663 New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Bat & Cold water: Steam Heat He TER DAY AND lir J. Zarelll Telephone til Itoyat 8 Br.i' iwalte, Edmonton; trtli lUysport. Savoy Hotel Prin"'- Rupert'a leading fam-h: ' l Hot and cold water to li moms. A. J, riUinilOMME, Prop. C t Frascr and Fifth Rts C TOOMBS Radio Service Radio Sales and Repairs All makes of radio work guaranteed, fhjme Blue 901 508 4th Av. F, Car Owners Our fpair scrvico Is prompt, efficient and courteous. KITEKT MOTORS Distributors of DODGE Si PLYMOUTH CARS Phone 5CC - Nlht Calls lfil Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders nd Ship Repairers ,9f Steel and Wood Vessels ' Wi ".d MlnlnMhlne ry-"epalred and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting t,(ftrlcand Acetylene Welding; !-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Yes, purity be praised. Many a person's life has been saved because pure medicine has been administered at the correct time. That's why doctors suggest that prescriptions be fil ed herefor they know that on y the purest chemicals available are used by us in filling prescriptions. No matter where vou an u j rharmacy Week Orme's can fill your prescrip-Octobcr 11 to 17 tion better. Ormes Ltd. 77htt Pioneer Druqgists Phones 81 and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St. H. C. N. TRAIN For the East-Mondays, Wednesday and Saturdays, 11:30 am. From the I.a it-Sundays, Tuesday and Thursdays, 3:30 p.m. George Frlzzell and Oeorge Tltr returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief trip to Terrace. Announcements Gyro Fall Hoedown. Moose HalL Gentlemen, 50a St. Tetert tobcr 29. Flour. 49-lb. sack Nabob Plum Jam. 4-lb. tin . No. 5 Peas, tin Furity OaU. pkt Nabob Ted, lb Nabob Coffee, lb Heinz Tomato Juice. 2 tins . Corn Flakes, 3 pkte Wild Rose Pastry Flour, 10-lb. sack Remo Potatoes, sack Empress Jelly Powders, pkt. - 8Hced Peaches, 2Vi's. tin' FRESH October 16 Don't forget concert for needy hildren, Eagles' Hall, October 20. 22. Catholic Bazaar, Osiobcr 21 and Concert. Presbyterian Church October 23. Eagles' Serpentine Dance, Oc tober 23. Ladies refreshment Hill 60 l.OD E. Bridge and danre October 30. Moose Hallowe'en dance. Oet. 30 Presbyterian vcmber 5. Fall Bazaar, No- Moose Carnival and Dance No 12 and 13. Baptist sale of work. Nov. 17. Anglican Cathedral Bazaar. No vcmber 19. BUSHES Grocerteria SHOP HERE ECONOMY PLUS QUALITY 1.00 45c 10c 20c 45c 45c 25c 25c 45c $1.40 5c 30c "UMTS Si Bush's Grocerteria Fit EE DELIVERY TELEPHONES 211 & 212 Local Items Dinncrware, china, crockery glassware. Hcllbroner's store. Forget depression at the Oyro Hoedown and Carnival tonight, Moose Hall. Dancing, fun, frolic, j i J. McOlashan sailed last night on ' the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Cn route to Kamloops. i Mr. and Mrs. P. II. King of Inver- ness are paying a brief visit to the city, having arrived from the Skeena River on yesterday afternoon's train. j A. J. Prudhomme, who Is on a hunting trip to the Telkwa district, 1 is expected to return to the city on Sunday afternoon's train. He has been away for about two weeks. i Rod Drowne of the Bank of Mon treal st&ff sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a holiday trip to Vancouver. The city council, at a brief special meeting yesterday afternoon, finally i reconsidered and adopted 31 debenture bylaws providing for the fin ancing of various pieces of local Im provement work, principally concrete and asphaltlc sidewalks. Mrs. Andreasson Died Last Night U'aSjNaUve of Norway and Resident Here Eight Years Survived By Three Small Children of Mrs. Alena Andreasson. aged 31. wile of Olof Andreasson. 881 Summit bazaar, Oo-Avenue, a well known local halibut Mrs. Andreasson naa resiaca nere for eight years and was the mother of three small children. She was a native of Norway and her death will be ureatly regretted In Norwegian circles here. Arrangements for the funeral which will take place on Sunday are in the hands of the B. C. FAMILY MEAT MARKET 209 Second Street Pot Roast of Beef 7 lbs - T-Bone Roast per lb Prime Rib Rolled per lb Sirloin Steak per lb Sirloin Upper lb. LAMB Shoulder,' boned tt rolled per ib. Let v per lb. .'. Stewing 4 lbs Leg per lb Veal Steak per lb Shoulder 6 lbs Loin 4 lbs VEAL PORK Shoulder 7 lbs Leg-per lbj Loin 4 lbs Side Pork 3 lbs. r. Smoked Hamper lb Phone 957 $1.00 25c 25c 25c 25c 20c 30c $1.00 50c 25c 25c $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 25c $1.00 50c 25c We have vegetables and deliver our goods. THE DAILY NEW! Nerves Shattered Afraid Even To Stay Alans in thi Day time. Dr. Wllfemj" Pink Pilh (tonic) Proved to be What Mrs. Stfoson Now Well and Strong "Following a severe fflneai," writes Mrs. John Stimon, R.R. No. 2, Peterboro, Ontario, "my nerves were badly shattered, I could not sleep at night and was afraid to stay alone hi the daytime. "Finally I decided to use my mother's old remedy Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I took leveral boxes I am not sure of the exact number, but it wu not over six. I am well and strong now living on a (arm with plenty to do." The iron and other elements in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills (tonic) have a direct effect upon the blood. They put oxygen into the bloodstream oxygen, the element to essential to life. Why not make the wise decWon today to get the benefits which Dr. Williimi' Pink Pills have to give you? Be sure to say "Dr. Williams' " so that the druggist will know exactly what you want. 50 cents a package, 132 gram of entertainment. Moose Hall, 9 pjn. Dancing to snappy orchestra, banjo and accordion solos, comic songs, plenty of fun; Gyro Hoedown and Carnival tonight. Moose Hall, 9 pm. Mr. and Mrs. Olof Hanson, who have been spending a few days In Terrace as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George LltUe, returned to the city on Thursday. James A. Brown, well known River sawmill operator. Is pay ing a brief business visit, to town. having arrived from' Port Esslngton on yesterday afternoon's train. NOTICE '""K,:" h; ibuy water. Buy coal and get your UiV 4 1 U1VC tUl vllitvt svokMa i . . full weight. Discount $1.00 a ton. Note our advertisements for cash prices. HYDE TRANSFEtt. phone 580. rf Ki STi 'KKUETsn W U3 111 I Bl De Jong's Cash and Carry Phone 953 For Week-End Savings McCormack Jersey Cream Sodas, per 9-oz. pkg Heinz Worcester Sauce, large bottle Heinz Chill Sauce, per bottle - Squirrel Brand Peanut Butter. 214's, Quaker Refugee Beans, 2 tins for Quaker Corn, 3 tins for Clark's Cooked Spaghetti. 10-oz. tin Yacht Brand Salmon, talis, per tin B. St K. Rolled Oats. per 7-lb. sack .... Skim Milk Cheese, per lb Thone 953 Malkln's Best Sliced Peaches, 2(J Malktn's BestBartlett Pears, ggg 7I - Orchard City Peas, sieve 4 Pastry Flour, per 10-lb. Oftn anlr Ii.ta. la c, nlaVltk ti V M.n iv.,v. .wot. . . 4 ..... .. 14c 46c 29c 43c 25c 40c 10c 10c 10c 43c 23c Watch Our Windows for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Cranberries, OlZn per lb Cauliflower, per head Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroner'i store. . The Daughters of Norway Bazaar Nov. 6. (241) I A. W. Lipsin sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Vancouver. i Are you looking for a good time? Gyro Hoedown and Carnival tonight, Mose Hall, will provide it. Overalls and glngnams In order evening dress taboo. Robert Pegg ol the Dally News business office staff, sailed last night cn the Prince Rupert for a two weeks' holiday visit to his home in Vancouver. I A local school boy, who was charg ed with truancy and other delln quencles, was sent to Industrial school for two years by Magistrate McClymont In city police court yes terday afternoon. o H. Tvcho of Smithers arrived ' Indian Agent W. E. Colllson and in the city on yesterday afternoon's Capt. a. H. Barry of Victoria, In train from the Interior for a brief spector of Indian schools, returned Havlne two Prisoners for Okalla. visit to town. to the city on yesterday afternoon's one boy for the reformatory and one iiram irora a onei inp w vanar insane natient in his custodv. C. N. Tonight Tne nigm you nave aoi ana are ai iuiaua roaay. R. Constable David Oeddes sailed been waltin gfor. Gyro Hoedown and last nleht on the Prince RuDert for Carnival. Dancing, games, gooa pro; Vancouver. Remember relatives or friends In the Old Country this Christmas by having a box of B.C. apples delivered to them. Three varieties to choose from, priced from $4.50 to $5.00, delivered. See us for parti culars. Watts' Orocery. (241 Praises Famous Vegetable Pills For Indigestion "Having been troubled with Indigestion and Sick Headaches for several months, I was recommended to try famous Pills. Alter the finrt dose Fur was made aware or their very real tonic value." Miss M. Croydon. Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills are no ordinary laxative. rheyareoWtefeiol and have a very definite, valuable tonic action upon the liver . . . exactly what you need to end Constipation, Acidity, Biliousness, Headaches, Poor Complexion, etc. Alldruggista,25c&75credpka. OUTSTANDING VALUES in Quality Foods Eggs, Brookfleld in cartoiu, per dozen 20c ""Sc'r" Celery, per head -,. Anjou Pears, per dozen Tokay O rapes, per lb. Free Delivery on Orders of $2.00 or Over un:mi:sa:mftmciximi:a:ai Storage Extras 34c 3 Dozen $L00 Australian Oranges, large 5C UilU JUlljr, UVAlll 3 Dozen - $1.00 Jonathan Apples, crisp and OQp full-flavored, 5 lbs Per Box $1.60 Sunlight Soap tho quality 3oap, per carton Lux, for fine laundering, 3 pkgs Mayonnaise, Dutch Maid. 32-oz. Jars, per Jar Bran Flakes, Post's, per pkg Robin Hood Quick Oats, chinaware in each package, 23 C ysi pK Oxo, for soups and gravies, large size, per tin Ready Cut Macaroni, 4 lbs Canadian Cheese, full-flavored, per lb Orange Marmalade, Ensign brand, 4- lb. tins, per tin 18c 25c 77c 12c 25c 1 Jug Pancake Sjrup, 22-oz, and 1 pkg. Aunt Jemima Pancake or Buckwheat Flour- Regular value 50c, the two for 42c 25c 21c 43c Pickles, sweet or sweet mustard, Fraser Valley, 32-oz. jars, Qq jvi Jul Gainer's Pure Lard, 3-lb tin, per tin 40c 10c 5-lb. tins, per tin 65c 65c Old Dutch Cleanser, per tin Okanagan Onions, 10 lbs Sweet Potatoes, per lb , 25c 9c Up-River Potatoes, good 04 CA VJ.IW Terrace Netted Gem Potatoes, grown 10C'by ,Iamlln & Th011"011' $1 90 per sack 35C ,EvcrV potato guaranteed) 25c, Watts Grocery PHONE 55 PHONE 56 THE BEST FOR LESS save , Friday, 0Mi lfc 131 by serving Kellogg' s Corn FlaCes and milt for the children's supper. Dietitians say it's a fine dish . . . easy to digest, well balanced. And it saves any mother work and time I!' CORN Sunday cvtntn. ENNA JETTKK CORN FLAKES Extra ielicloui $wetened with htmtfk . Ma&a hj Kellogg In Ionian, Ontoria, BROADCASTING Complete Foot Comfort With Style and Economy AAAAA to EEE Sizes 1 to 12 ENNA JETTICK SFiOES have superior Fitting qualities TUNE IN try This mikes them the choice of women and girl' vvh'o want style with com- out WJ1 tnd tOrt. AnotliUd Sutlam A rUNk N ' Sunday inmf WEO0lf$ OYil A 'Z tf4 Auclttd SUfaaa; FAMILY SHOE STORE Third Ave. W. A. J. Webber, Mgr. Telephone 357 Mail Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Btramrrs Imt fTlnce Ruprt f or VabcooTtrH-VM.K fATALA EVERY TUESDAY. 1 JO PM. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vantouver. Thursday Morning. T.8J. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vanoouvcr Sundal midnight approi. WMkli aalllngt to Tort 81m peon. Allc Am. Anjox. 8tart and tftu Rlrer olau. Sunday. 8;00 p.m. rurthcr Information rfiardlnit U aaUlngf and tlckU at rUI.NCr UlTKHT AClENCVi rond Atrnua, rnon S6S I Jet tho habit of reading the advertisements In this paper, and taking advantage of the help they bring you.