PAOB BIX THE DAILY NEWS r "Wo keep down expenses with Shredded Wheat "I've found one way of jetting better breakfasts for less money. I serve Shredded Wheat. I don't know anything else that gives so much nourishment and costs so little. It's so easy to digest that every one likes it, too especially when I cover it with fresh fruit. Shredded Wheat is whole wheat, and with milk it contains every food element we need for growth and good health." THE CANADIAN SHREDDED VHEAT COMPANY. LTD. SHREDDED HEAT WITH' ALL THE BfcAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT TWO "ShrtJJeJ Whtat" Biscuits dj. Thank You for the hearty co-operation extended Our Little Merchants in their first financial endeavor. In case of any error or misunderstanding between subscriber and carrier boy, please phone 9S or call at the Daily News Circulation Department and we will gladly attend to it Work for Prince Rupert Patronize Prince Rupert Merchants Head Their Ads in The Daily News Hard Time Prices For Cash No. 1 Alberta Lump $12.50 No. 1 Alberta Egg. . $11.50 Pembina Peerless Lump .... $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg $11.50 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations Made Collection and Dellrtry Free! LING THE TAILOR 117 Second Ave. Phone 649 COAL Bar the real Coal our fa-mom Edson and Ca.sldy Wellington In anj quantities. Also Bulkier Valley nay, Grain and Kobln Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 858 INITIATION IS STAGED rrelims Go Through Tortures at High School through the deadly torture chambers so that they no longer were Week-End Specials Mcintosh Red Apples. "C grade, per box Mcintosh Red Apples, household grade, box 81.85 $1.50 Malkin's Beat Pure Raspberry Jam 4-lb. tin for Malkin's Beat Spinach, 2a, 2 Una Malkin's Beat Seedless Raisins, pkg Aylmer Sweet Corn, 21, per tin Aylmer Tomatoes, 2'a, 2 tins Eggs, fresh extras, In cartons, dozen :. Oranges, sweet and Juicy, 5 dozen for Remo Turnips, 10 lbs Aunt Dinah Molasses, 5-lb. tin 'Snow Cap Minced Clam, per tin - B. it K. Pastry Flour, 10-lb. sack Fresh Ground Coffee, per lb Broken Orange Pekoe Tea, per lb Breakfast Cocoa, per lb. 60c 35c 15c 15c 25c 40c 95c 25c 45c 20c 45c 35c 35c 25c Alberta Market P, GAMULA. Proprietor I-'Ifth Street Phone 208 District News NEWHAZELTON Mr. and Mrs. J. Spitzcl and fam The annual initiation of the ily. who have been farming for Prelims at the Prince Rupert High ; the past few years at Carnaby, will School tooK place on Thursday soon tic returning to Terrace, afternoon arid as usual it proved i where Mr. Spltzel was formerly to be an overwhelming success. The first year pupils were put through a number of horrible torture chambers and handled in a located. The Skccna District Conservative Association held its annual meet- rather rough manner, especially b7i ing last week at Hazelton and the second year students who, hav- elected officers as follows: Honor ing been the initiation victims lasj.ary Presidents: Rt. Hon. R. B. year, were eager to get revenge j Bennett and Hon. S. F. Tolmle; Perhaps the Prelims were mistreated, somewhat, but there were no great casualties. The Prelims were forced to wear short pants, large green bow tie?, hats and socks which gave them a very comical appearance Indeed After being thoroughly about, whacked and passed honorary vice-presidents, C. H. Orme and Dr. R. C. Bamford; president, O. T. Sundal (Terrace): "-"-"-dente W. J. O'Neill (Smlthers); Mrs. O. Dungate Haaekon), and Mrs. E. M. Whit low Usk: secretary - treasurer thrown :W1 Robinson (Terrace). A reeo- lutian was passed expressing appreciation to the Tolmle government for Its efforts on behalf of able to stand on their feet theyjSkena riding during the past year, were formally Initiated as Highi School students by taking the oatli which Is "to obey, to serve, and to respect all senior students." The Initiation was an undertak ing of the Students' Council. Thos in charge of the various tortures were Rupert Ross, Bill Vance, Olaf Hanson and Carl Smith. Former Resident Of Prince George Starves to Death PRINCE GEORGE. Oct. IS. -Frank Erickson. aged 75, a former resident of Prince George, is reported to have died of exhaustion and starvation recently In the vicinity of Nipistlng Junction, Ontario. His body was found by Harry Quirt of North Bay and an inquest was deemed unnecessary by the coroner. Interior Man Is Married to Vancouver Girl PRINCE GEORGE, Oct. 16 Th marriage took place quietly here on Sunday last of Miss Edith Brown 0! Vancouver to Albeit Riley of Flnmoore. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Peter Connal. Mr. and Mrs. William Oow returned to South Hazelton on Sunday morning from a trip Into the Peace River country. PRINCE GEORGE The board of school trustees of this city, at a meeting last Friday night, decided not to proceed with the proposed amalgamation of the South Fort George school district-with the city schools. Difficulty of securing accommodation was the principal reason for abandoning the project for the meantime at least. There are now approximately 750 men working In nineteen unem ployment relief camps which are now operating along the highway between Quick and Longworth. An effort U-belng made by supporters of the Independent Labor Party In the north to have Dr. Lyle Telford of Vancouver make a speaking tourof the central Interior. ' MUSSALEM'S MEAT MARKET Our Meat Department is now under the management of Bert Salter. Our policy of serving best quality meats, giving service and low prices will be continued. Saturday Specials Leg of Veal per lb Rump Veal per lb Veal Chops per lb Shoulder Roast of Veal per lb 25c 25c 25c 15c Veal Stew 1Q1 n per lb Roll Prime Rib Beef per lb Sirloin Tips per lb Sirloin Roasts per lb Rump Roasts per lb Shoulder of Pork per lb Leg of Pork per lb. Loins of Poik per lb Pork Chops per lb Legs of Lamb per lb - Loins of Lamb per lb Shoulder of Lamb per lb 25c 25c Stew Lamb -f O per lb Spare Ribs 3 lbs Local Fowl per lb . Home Made Sausage 2 lbs ." 25c 20c 15c 22c 22c 25c 28c 22c 15c C 50c 25c 35c Wc deliver free to all parts of the city. Phones 18 and 81 117 Fifth Avenue East Woman's Auxiliary Tea Is Successful Affair Held Yesterday Afternoon at Home of Mrs. George Rorie Favored by beautiful weather, the Woman's Auxiliary of St. An drew's Cathedral held a tea and sale of home cooking yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. George Rorle, Fourth Avenue West, which was well patronized and very successful financially. Mrs. Thomas Andrew assisted the hostess In receiving the guests. Mrs. George Woodland and Mrs. Russell Smith poured. Thos assisting were Mrs. P. Rayner. Mrs N. C. Aspinall, Mrs. A. T. Parker Mrs. N. A. MacLean, and Mrs. Btrt Vest. Mrs. W. J. Greer was cashier Home cooking was In charge of Mrs. A. S. Parlow. Mrs. O. O. Treleaven and Mrs. F. A. MacCa;- lum. Jack Mcintosh of Prince George is Dead in Interior PRINCE GEORGE. Oct. 16. Jack Mcintosh, who had been a patient n the Prince George Hospital for -cveral months, passed away las; Saturday. He had been a resident of Prince George and district for several years and, prior to his last Illness, was in the service of the public works department of the provincial government Rev. Father Charles Webb, O.MJ., of Prlnca Rupert will conduct a week's mission at Prince Georce the first week of November. Why Not ? Buy your winter supply now. Every progressive woman likes to save her husband's earnings. A saving in every purchase made from us. Our quality Is our guarantee. We have just received a mixed car of Interior Vctetables and offer you the following: Netted Gems and Gold Coin Potatoes, per tJU-lb. sack ... Vurnipa, ftnt quality, 10 lbs $1.45 25c Per sack $150 Carrots, first quality, 9n 10 lbs. for Per sack JU0 Cabbage, first quality, nrn 8 lbs. for 01 Per crate s&50 (This cabbage is splendid for sauerkraut) Pot Barley, fresh stock, 6 lbs. for Flour Robin Hood, Purity, Five Roses, 49', Q-f Off per sack t?JL.OJ Flour Cinderella and Alberta Rose, 40's, per sack Carnation Milk. per case, tall Carnation Milk, per dozen, tall ... Carnation Milk, per dozen, baby sis 25c S1.15 $5.10 $1.30 70c Malkin's Best Marmalade, A(n per tin ...."' Malkin's Best Jelly Powder, Cff nor dozen DDI Malkin's Best Spices, 3 tins assorted for Creamery Butter, 2 lbs. for Royal Breakfast Bacon, machine sliced, per lb. Gainer's Cottage Roll, per lb. 20c 47c 30c 21c We deliver all orders for $2.00 or more free. Our meat orders, as usual, are delivered free. Mall orders receive prompt attention. The same care ilvrn Mm orders as jour personal call would receive. Mussallems Cash and; Carry Stores -Where Dollars Have Mor- Cents" ! Phone 360 ij,one 18 & 81 ! 319 3rd Ave. - 417-423 5th Ave. 8 Friday and Saturday TWO SHOWS 7 & 9 IM. Feature starts at 7:50 and 9:50 Admission 20c & 65c Sat. Matinee at 2:30, 15c & 40c Feature starts at 3:20 Friday, October 16, 1931 , THRILLING MYSTERY TROPIC LOVE "THE BLACK CAMEL" With Warner Oland, Sally Eilers and Distinguished Cast. Clever, witty Charlie Chan solves a South Seas murder. Comedy "Nothing to Declare" "Strange as It Seems No. 6" Cartoon "Raziberries" PARAMOUNT NEWS 3Ionday & Tuesday "Alexander Hamilton" BXJ3Am&3M''ajUgri:i'W Price of Coal Reduced for Cash Nanaimo-Wellington Single Screened, Q-fl -fl A A delivered loose, per ton VAA,UU Nanaimo-Wellington Single Screened, 9 2 delivered bagged, per ton tyA.Muo Sootlcss Stove, delivered bagged, 11 Jft per ton Albert & McCafiery, Ltd. Phone 116 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. 1 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Youv Radio Tellsjthe Truth m about BATTERIES kS'-rKHb As9 It oon ttlli ih. inud. ory of economy and Krvirt. I Utr it iptk up in QratlcuJ. whn you connect It to Ev.rndy Liyrb-t h Tttrif th.t giv. bttf rriultt, for longer time, at lower coat. Tb. eicluuv. Layerbilt construction enable. Cvere.Jy to pack mor. powtr in each battery than wa ever ponibL belota. That u why it pays to iniitt on Evereajy Layerbilt. Set J l RiJio Slortl ttrryhtti. CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON CO, LIMITED Calgary Vancouver TORONTO Montreal Winnipeg O vaaf Irtnti, R,j S(J,M CKNC. EVEREADY Radio Batteries SiMONOS insertca point Saws The (pcclal tteel used it made In the Slmomls Jila. 1. .nd '.Vhe. Mme er-reiiting ateel Ji. ?'d!nitte mS?t Pnlve cutting tool.. SimonJaiaw Bits hoi J tlir .harp , ..j (CIT1CC. 5-J eiMONOa CANADA (AW Co. LTO, """""I VANCOUVt. .1 MMN.N... . lUKONia