PACic ItVu DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenu H P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, pa i(3 KEEP UP OR GET OUT advance .. For Jeser period, paid In advance, per month 1 By mall to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid In. advance for yearly period By mail to all other parts ot British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year . -- By mall to all other countries, per year .. Contract rates on application. , Editor and Reporters' telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone ... Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations ....86 .-98 500 30 XL a ' m fui $600 8.00 Pa av half a Scnturr Dr. Quu' Kidntr and Liver Pill hv provtn tucciful in cromDtlr teiiti nf torpid, lug- pb action of th Livr, Kid-nrr and BowtU n4 th Usion of ilia that aritet therefrom. Saturday, Sept. 5, IPS: MISS ANNIE UbDDIE CHOSEN ""-"V. "T n" ', The Beautequest Judging and possible to carry on in the same old way when everybody coronation was but one of many else is forging ahead. features which marked the final Yesterday It was announced that an English airplane night of the Exhibition. From 9 ajn. had made a speed of over four hundred miles an hour. unU1 ajn- 8 tore dance was in Those of us who have been riding in boats making six miles . ZJX an hour must of necessity feel ourselves rather left behind in the race and we may have to get out altogether unless: by the oyro and Rotary clubs were We mend our ways. - brought Into lh hall for the eve. The world is moving at a tremendous pace, so fast in nlnJ aRd br,n l4rel patronized, fact that many people find it difficult to adjust themselves neiStcontribute to the genea, to conditions. j DnJn eveolng Pwdent jOlassey thanked all who had co-CO-OPERATE WITH INTERIOR i operated with and patronized the ' 1931 Fair. He acknowledged the good Through the district agriculturalist, S! S. Phillips, the.'"0 J aT 8nd wata farmers and otter residents of the interior of Britfsh Co- SS3 th! SSStSS iumbla are asking for the co-operation of Prince Rupertjto the candidates in the Beaute-in the marketing of their products. It is useless for them quest and their sponsors. The visit to raise butter, eggs, poultry, garden truck, notatoes and of e Any football and Hazeiton grain unless they are able to sell them. ! amI were aUo "PPrec,a-Prince Rupert frets much of her farm and earden nro- . duceirom Southern British Columbia or from the United trpuiirr nf th Pair PnnrH iiviVa ihen attending the Prince Ruieit THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, Sept 5 193, LOCAL ITEMS The price of admission adult 25c children free for Labor Day Sports. Fred Fulton, . James Hamllt. and Martin Norabo. charged wi vagrancy by Jolttring on the strc were each sentenced to. twent our hours Imprisonment by .Magi trate MeOymont In city poll.-k-ourt this morning C.PJt. steamer Princess LouV Copt. Arthur Slater, eompletlng ty im.iany's. fins voyige to Alai!? n summer schedule, is due in por 3.45 this afternoon from Skaj way and will sail .it 5:30 pjn. fo Vancouver and Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. O M. Fergusb are tDendinir a fw davs vutlth AS -MISS PRINCE RUPERT-,n th clty 0f m J. J Mrs. S. D. MacdonaW Sixth A 11 ontinued from pa ire one) l-nue Wet aftr which thav wt - leaving for Vanoouver Wber This is a sneed ace and it seems as if some of us must Prlnce Ruj1"1' departure this af- they win spend th- winter. At the meeUng of the Chamb of Commerce last night wit: President B. J. Melllsh in the chal a letter was read from Hon. R. W Brunhn, provincial minister o sville works, stating that, und' 'he government scheme it was no aroposed to pay wages but a sub-fUtence alWanse. There were 44 W)0 unemployed in the provlnc and all must ba provided for. H hsnXed the board for Its sugge-Hons made recently in respect U rtra'une-atlon of the unemploytd. Making her flrr. voyage on fan --hedule. CNR. teamer .Priore George Capt, Nell Met in arrived in port on time at 10:30 this morn- ng from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Falls and wl'l sail at ' o'clock this afternoon for 8tew- -t and Ketchikan. also making i special call at Anyox with YlUtor from, the smelter town who have XWfP a fittiiiz conti elgh made rllmtlon M lieu lie gave int tobacco, and lie left plenty of urk for the blenders to. do, to suit the palate of such at I; but, Mbcn I had carefully filled that first pine nith Turret ple tobacco, I found that here km something different; a utn without the thorn an aroma without the Ming. It broods contemplation in Its lusting qualltlm. Hie pacLct opens up ewect and frch and if it lie possible for smoke dreams to help you materialize thosecustic in the air then the Turret pi(e tobacco, villi its Churchwarden coolncMtt and Old World fragrancy, vrill 1I0 it," TURRET t A good, cool smoke PIPE TESTED --i by (in ARCHITBE6T btates. Much 01 it Could be raised in the Country tnbutarvibrlJy of financial matters. The ; "hlwtlon. The ve&seJ Is due back Mr- and Mrs. Blanchard. who Ellas Moldvar and Albert Ner- to thl& Cltv to thp hpnpfir nf PVArvhnrlv Wo mmmonrl thu depression had hamoered the work fnerf tomorrow evening, belni have been visiting In Smithers fo: ous, who have been engaged 1:1 Idea in tminmno nnnn,,i r.,1 t.i. i v i and also the weather had not been , scheduled to saU at 10 pjn. for a cojple of weeks, sailed by tn tithing here, lea on today s train JKfr ISc, and J0t, crew-top llnj .Mr mm mn7i,mT,; The board hoped to;0 Falls, Powell River and Card-na last nlghi on their return for Quebec where they will em- twmer going to Aalesund ai. i.. 7J T "ucl fcuu,c may w iax c- break e?en m ynfs opcntloiu , Vancouver. to Vancouver. bark September 12 aboard the Utter to Molds icu uy iiic puupie ui me oneeiia, ouiriiey anu mecnacoibut he was doubtful about this. V alleys. Rev. O. H. Raley. principal of Co- KEEP FAITH IN CITY The same reasons whicn caused the neonle twentv vears ago to pour their money jnto real estate in Prince Rupert obtain today. There is little change in the situation except that people have lost faith. Just as soon as conditions change and the people have regained their faith we shall find things beginning to move again and they will not stop where they did before. The advance will be permanent and substantial. aaaaa Baaaaaaaarataal A WONDER OF NATURE Hillcgom Cultivation "LA HEINE" Holland NEW LIFE FOR YOUNG AND OLD What magnificence and splendour! How nice and beautiful for home and garden! During Winter and Spring a real paradise of flowers. Our wonderful collection Is composed professionally of precocious and late sorts. We guarantee you a blooming season from New Year until the month of May. Our wide principles as well for home as for garden cultivation, translated in English, French or German, arc obtainable free of charge. Send your order today, to the world famous cultivation "LA REINE" Bcekkade 7. HUleflom, Holland. FOR GARDEN 20 Hyacinths, red, white, yellow and blue; pearl Unted with wonderful sweet smell; 35 tulips (single) and 35 tullns (double), a rainbow of colors. 23 Narcissi (single) 25 Narcissi (double), very beauUful; 25 Crocuses, 25 Scllla Slberlca or "Burning Love' 50 Spanish Irises, blue pale with white heart; 60 Popular Nlvalus Flowers. Separately packed with name., I OH 1IOMK 10 Prepared Hyacinths of 4 colors; 15 Prepared Tulips; 25 Crocuses, and 25 Narcissi for glasses or pots. Please send us $4.00, staUng clearly name and address, and you will receive per return and carrlage-patd, this sea of flowers and at the same time, as a present, a splendid collection of photos of the above mentioned sorts. All Is packed, guaranteed against frost Iqualeetza Institute, Sard is. pre- challenge cup for the native fooUl ball championship which went for the third successive, year to Klftco-11th and which was received by Charlie Barton, captain of the team. Announcement was made In the course of the proceedings that Mrs. A. Halleran was the winner of a prize given for the naming or a mechanical cow which was a feature of the Nestles Milk commercial booth. The name suggested by Mrs. Halelran was "Nestle's Rupert Prin j sented to Samuel Woods of KtU-! i Uiaataa jiaiiuatiine new tup presen- ' ' n: T)..l . iM ii i ', ,. , ted by Mr. Haley's son, O. O. Ems- Irince Rupert, like many other places, has slipped ley Raiey b., m.c. fji.oa. slightly dunng the past year as a result of the failure of Philadelphia, as a perpetual chai-the fish market and the shutting down of the mines and ! ,ene trophy for the best au.round the lumber camps due to lack of demand. As the demand thlete Klt,maf 1 .vUlage- perhaps, but . " surely. teu.n lhe c, ,u eight years. Recently an honorarv chieftainship was conferred upon him by the tribe. Mr. Raiey Jr. Is an outstanding member of the Penn AthleUc Club in Philadelphia where he is manager of a publishing concern. Football Cap Given Another presentation during the evening was that of the Fair Board's cess." In a contest for the Identification J of woods shown in the B. C. Forest Service Booth there was a four-way tie. The Mayor was called upon to make a draw for the winner. The name of Harry Scott was drawn. District Forester A. E. Parlow assls-, ted in connection with this draw ing. The winners In the grand draw ing for choice pieces of city prop erty were as follows: First: H. Anderson. Eighth Ave nue, No. 134; sold by Dorothy Second: Mrs. W. Thaln. P.O. Box 195. No. 350: sold by William Robb. Third: W. Oordon, Seal Cove Hotel. No. 169; sold by Edna Strand.' The drawings were made by Miss Prince Rupert. It Is estimated that there were; about 800 paid admissions to the big dance in addition to 54 children who paid 50 cents each. PIERCE ORCHESTRA HOLDS LAST DANCE The last of a series of three dances held here, during Fair Week hy the Pierce Orchestra of Port Simpson took place last night In the Metro-pole Hall. There was a large at tendance of natives and all appar-' ently had a very happy time. PIPE OB ACC Pipe tested Tumi Jin cut or that it ho roll t 1 1 . Jss GIVE CLOTHES ALL YOU CAN To Unemployed People of the city arc being asked to discard their old clothes and buy themselves new jn order to provide for those who have not tho money to buy new ones this fall. Road work is to commence soon but many of the men have not clothes and shoes fit to, wear and will suffer if 'they are not provided for. .'. Residents of Prince Rupert and the suburbs are asked to give their clothe.closeis'the once over and put into a bundle anything they ilo not need and the city will coflect them on September 10. Things needed arc: .' Odd Pieces of Clothing Underclothes of AH Kinds Suits of Clothes Children's Clothes Shirts and Other Linen Women's Clothes Blankets and Other Bedding, Beds 'and Mattresses Boots and Shoes For Men, Women and Children V I 'Advertisement donated by Daily News. o steamer Empress of Franc ; their native home In No: . 1 III