: Pi . fe raas a i i ; . ae he r fe oe t a | i Af of i ‘ Ss t a * rs r ; 5s 7 a THE DAILY NEWS - _ en = ’ in red and green. The plain sew a ae a ROO NOTTE. on LAND REGURDIN , ~ ps . » iCcT OF OF ‘ ¥ oe seve - ing booth was in charge of Mrs LANDS F QUEEN CHARI ; ’ POPP eee rs. Geo. Ww. Kert and Mrs J Kt TAKE NoTiCr that W lliam / eary | \hT york P} ones 4] ; = Reatts jowate, B. t euler, intend apt | ski 2. Be. | . ar ; : i , . Re 39} . ‘ ense ft reepert fer coal andifor a leet: : vo : ori 4 rhe tea rooms proved, as usual, euu 0 and wnder the folloWing | petroleum on py "ln ; F } + ’ nie a net ’ \ \4 — Ss very attractive and were kept busy omment a al 4 post planted (went " gure cing, i ~ane } ee umenes at 6 teal diene _ all afternoon. Each table was wns ee. thence west aes feeees teen aaa oh ne Ui . { t H th om . ; f ! ce se ‘ in ene en baine ames : YESIGHT—The most valuable of vi ria cer Gives In- prettily adorned with pink ca ih chains, thence east 80 chains, | thenr nl 1st 80 chain i 1 L h , henes wih & heats : int of co . . - we awe nee port E. i the senses —is the most teresting Statement Foliow- nations which added much to the}! Sean : ow of fe, Damme of commencement aunc ice : a s (re ’ a o neglected and the least understood. ing Study. effect of the whole place. The | Pated ths Wilt Ay ; a aR Appl aes WILLIAM 3. LEAt . Ap ; — ® Many suffer a Oe on aa , tea room committee was convened | . | SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION Pienie and Fighing } examination, can . “ h : | SKEENA LAND REGORDING DIVISION 4 4 ) DIVISIO Z Partie to defective eyesight. ‘SOUTHERN CITIES by Mrs. W. T. Kergin,. assisted by DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE i MSTRICT net inte CHAKLOTT! Trips round } 8 ° a FOR IT Mrs. 8. P. McMordie. ISLANDS ieeatiae TAKE NOTICE that William J. Le J. MYHILL C cS HE removal of the cause will — le 'y rb waa Wiliam Lee | Skidegate, B. ¢ settler, intends aby | , ONES often restore the delicate and The epi dome of sleeping sick- ee 7 ; or a ge? aon hy re * oa e La Ene . ° ae -. prospect for : si ana |— a ) ) yap co and tpetroleum ) ar I ‘ e@ " “ run-down sufferer to robust health. ness that appears to be spres ading { T M th Mo i ve - Fane! and = =6under tl “ius i iescribed lands iT under the Howing POPC C—O eee ' » , - . a f mec nas | c POC PD es, When giasees are property prescrib across Canada may be expected ; he an il e 0a scribed land a PS aty | noes eS ‘ pot, Plantes a ed, they restore the vision to nor ; } ‘ wins north of the south-west corner of ) we t 8 , - ‘OR S mai and eliminate all eye strain. in British Columbia, according to SAYS:-- 1 2A6. thence west 80 chains, thence{thence cast st soles wn 00 hat E an announcement made last week ese a a. Legge hg hains, to point of cotmencement § s . nee south §0 chains, to point ¢ om-|Dated this @tst day of O« even-rooine om . . . rice “¢ . on Seal : f Octobe ise —= by Dr. Arthur G, Price, medic al THAT “she printed her lips on!'® a ae ard dl ' 94 WILLIAM J. LEARY + 1$ bath and fr ream officer for the city of Victoma. mine and called me Wintie.” ner WILLIAM ru unt Appl ant ke " es New! gece : n ‘ . : Ve e ry The dread disease has now ee 8 at ENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION ¥ painted. 8th Ave. y re ou ; . ZKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION Wis tRICT OF YQUBEN CHARLOTTE } reached as far west as Calgary, rHAT if some of the members STRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE gn $2875. 00 . . ™ = Practical Optometrist one case being repofted there the of the Prince Rupert Amateur "oie ae wick that Williaa J. Leaky Very : i a idepa ie, , settle s as Third Ave. - ~- Prince Rupert day before yesterday. Dramatic Society took time to er ly Se ee r & license to > op far gual "aan Di. Price has been carrying on learn their lines ey Ww , ; ae te eenahen, far er |ketcoloum on. and under the | i : Opposite Post Office a army & yee 3 n thes ould feel a . n ~ : - I pone f at n. ane deséribed tends ' DOUGLAS SUTHERLAN research work into the mysterious more at home on the stage. eribed lands Lommencing at 8 pos anied at 523 Th . disease which has been alarming 7 ‘ commencing at @ post planted twenty | ROrM :% — mf DL 3 v, then ‘ “ sins nor he south-west ‘ f : ees ‘ © eas chat voccoroooes 1 suitiniissiietiiidiaaisditimniiiniaaants * CVO people of the East and the THAT some of the performers|p1 266, thence cast 80 a hains a nee nee ih 80 — thence west eee ree orccesessees » are a . ao ¢ . enc es 8 P a haius point ¢ omamenucemen — z Middle West, in order to guard Wer of professional class. aa corte Be chums te patnt orn. | Uated this” Bist day of Octobe r. 1919 oe ii amy vik r Vic shee ° ‘ ; or ; WILLIAM J. LEARY, Appi DIS TRI TF Vis’ the health of the people of Vic- : neement ae eee NS , Applican 1 . rHAT some others would do|'*4 is 23rd day of oc! SKEEN TAKE * ' ‘ toria apd handle the disease if it WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant KEENA LAND REGORDING DIVISION. [skidegate, | OY 2 K’ does come, as it may well to practice faithfully and to KEENA LANI ene ISLANDS CHARLOTTI f t lice , i ’ =v ° . . ; 4 » nee DING 1 mio = : 5. wae 4 Facts he has gathered lead him be sure to learn the lines. DISTRICT OF QUEEN HANLOTTE. AKI TICE W described. Ia ner j . . . ISLANDS OTe that ‘illiam J. Leary : . — . elieve E sleep! sickness , ; Skideg Bf etter, intends : ommencing at % SELL a b e el 4 ! “ aA oo THAT what is worth doing at TAKE NOTICE that W . 4 for @ license 1 pr + ‘ et = ; ane ae a ay de esely con ected Witfl in- . ‘ - ’ aaa engage {| pet m on and unde ee full a eas cha all is worth doing well, even in legate, B settler nds to aps serine =e we follow thence west V filuenza, liowing the ravages of , for @ license to prospect for . escribed lands chains 7 0 i oe 7 ; at fo ’ ; f mateur, theatricals. pee m on and . ur ‘ the followtr n rth a t Senet c D est tone Dated tt ” 80nd > > aralvsis = : 0 eas coyner < ; 2795 thence - a r hw ; an : “ge S nas “ ~ - - ' . ! a post planted twent West 50 chains, thence ~ nih ‘6 aa WILLIAM 2 lowed diphtheria a few years ago THAT once again “She called|cheins north of the sguth-west corner « thence east 80 chains, thence north 80) supp . Dr. Price points out the difference me Willie.” ss thenee east’ 80 chains, thence | pated ul oeiee “ta y of October, t i9 DISTRICT OF Ch Gurneys commenced mak- ; between the true sieeping sickness . . . thence south 80 chains, to potnt of i ii WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant TAKE : : © me. : rT hn neement a ing stoves In 1843. Still in iwhich is an endemic disease THAT the coat and cloak manu red this @9rd Gay of Oct SKE BA ! AND RECORDING DIVISION = legate, I - i ; ; - bis 0 ; CRAR fe 4 cens ne the same line of business caused by the bite of the tsetse facturers say that ladies’ skirts WILLIAM J, LEARY, Applicat _ "at 4 BARLOTTE petroleum l and . fly in tropical countries, and the are to be shorter. SkKEI > m . — bed land M 1919. Hundreds in use in ond , ak is now laying low . . : ; Ste Ot Yokuy CHARLOTTE. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of} ,jommencing 4 i . a. ase ’ ; Sikide gi Bt settler, intends to apply [Et ©. the | ince pert. ’ THAT ; sLANDS Stones tis Tee 498, thence cast § ML Prince Rupe people on the prairies and United’ THAT at this rate they should] | rass NOTICE tet Wilkens. Leary Srclgdlan te, cae Cuee ce Folvntan|00, stains, 1 a : 7 . : i i na t Ve Ww iT 8 States and baftling medical men. 890% be up to date. Os te preabeet Ver todl Gaal temmeeenn an — . ws > i eaiiiiaiiiiie iaiieaenia i seake a ™ ~ coal am Commencing at @ post planted at the ores ON SALE AT Must Quarantine Cases. seins” eile Aiadainieees aaemanien sroveven oe, s08 under the following porth east corner ef DL 2795, thence) [8ted this 22nd da r F ed St 9 rhe health departments of the DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE Commencing at @ post planted twentylinence cast 86’ chains aes. " en, —_—_—_—_ im r ork S fF) southern cities are making prep- ee wie © 5, %y @ iw 8%) FA ban oo wMSTCT UF | : - . dated s @tst day of October 10190 us I ars an » € sad TAKE NOTICE that Willis J. Lear uth 80 chains, thence west 80 chains , I Hardware arenone ie deal with the — ide gat » wee set len, taeends i on ence north 80 chains, to point of e a meee WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant FAKE NoTICE en re lof the disease and if it appears a license to prospect for coal an ——— are 4 SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION Skidegate, 6 ‘ ' g a > petroleum on and under the follown WILL 1AM J, LEARY plicant ‘ ' a0 etrojeun a XQ rand Products < |Ladies’ Aid of Methodist Church | . scribed lands ee elit, Oe ISLANDS : Wing as 0 ne ‘ rAKE NOTICE th nr as escribed lands xQ nt Annual Sale Yesterday aes ae at & post planted twenty SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION egal b " , _ aan = piv ee is saney, commencing at 4 ¥ a“ A on ‘4 . 7S. = Eo ae coruee ol DISTRICT OF GUEEN CHARLOTTE ae heense \ et : j * ‘) hains east ' ftern i 511, . @ ‘ ~hains, vener al ‘ ; A Lb het &Q Shamrock lard . ith 80 chains, thence west 80 chains TAKE NOTICH a We ' Leat Getruseum 08 Sac wader Me folowing ji, ee Me ieee w i i Me 4 — - nee north 80 chains, to point of cum donate, ©. 0.. soumer. “aes oe amen oome® mae shemes. moreh 8 : an The finest sold _ ‘ neement : to apt nmencing at @ post planted at th : a The basement of the Methodist ted this @rd dey of Octebe 5 a license io prospect for coal and|Wrth-east corner of DL 2795, thenec} 4 ment SQ Shamrock Hams and Sacer Chureh looked very bright and|_- WILLIAM J. LEAKY, "appticant hae tw tb eae eo ee taal : - —- — — . coe 1 = . ah! Dee ands behice west Su chai thene uli & : &2 Uneq tallied for sweetness pretty yesterday afternoon when KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION sof the maten cae Roor ot Dt Se. lise’ @ = S ee met : an ows . Z " uP . . ; aa é the “ i st corner Oo ’ nied «tee “gist a c im te 919 SKEEN LANI ; Vis 2 tpcure and Gaver co | the Ladies’ Aid of the Church held samcignares Onc LANDS — sen ion - $0 chains, thence south § WILLIAM J. LE An eI ‘ DISTRICT A f ‘ ae rN i 9 &Q Shamrock du ter 9 i annual bazaam. For some time oie ae ee ee Leery : ‘th $0 chains, to point of commence SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION TAKE NOTICI Best Grade Creamery re the ladies have been faithfully a license to prospect for ¢ aa ; eae this as ins ines: ot talediien 1606 bisThiCT a QUEEN CHAKLOTIE skidegate, B , os nar » troleum on and ander the fob ’ ; o ober, . SLANDS : © Seeme | * £9 Shamrock sausage preparing work for the sale and saeiinnd. demisonne s+ - ne = follows ae ILLIAM J. LEARY. \pii ay J Al s Né n 11 that William J. Leary pet = on 8 wing s | yesterday : . » Commencing at a st pl > : S esate, B. ¢ setlier, intends to apply | @eseribed lands &Q Pare Pork, in Cartons “() | sterday, charging moderate ains east of the see a KEENA LAND. RECORDING DIVISION for @ licenze Ww prospect fer coal and Commencing ab 4 ig &4 | prices for the artistic articles and Si, thence east 80 chains, thence DISTRICT OF =QUREN CHARLOTTE Peiroloum oa, eid Mier the following |DOFTH of | the ) i rth 80 chains, thene 5 WANDS. =e ed lands 93, Mence east © fp suy the Bast aad Save &2|home-cooked goods, a very tidy Sok a aa rest 88: hati TAKE Nove E that Wiltiam J. Lewes — CamnmneReiNg. a & post planted at the] 8° chains, thence west So chains, SQ | sum was netted towards church neement. ae ta , settler, intends to apply |Win my wner of Di 498, thence|@orth 80 chains S , 4 » a Heonse tl rospect fe o “i 80 chains, then south & hains, [ment oY) Momey_ xO | | finances. When the proceeds are stn WikLiad i" LEARY. Applicant corpuae = and : unier the ioieutne hence east 80 chalis, thence ne wn a0 Dated this $ th da 1949 os bo. scribed lands: chains, to point of commencement ILLIAM AKY, Applicat QS sq jcounted up it is expeeted a sum ‘KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION wg oy F | s pone planted five miles Dated this qone aay pt October, 1019 SKEENA | AND Hu ‘G VISION x Pp B ask C4 a x9 ‘of something over $210 will be DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE OS ee, ee Oke nef, LEARY Seem : al ANDS ; . SLA) 5. s, ence or au 4 j : oy uy aS 9," itd. 4 icleared, which is considered very TAKE NOTICE that Ctiness J. Leary o ains, thence west 80 chains, thence KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION +S), } idegate, B. ( settier, intends t ; ith 80 chains, to point of commence- DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE TAKE NOTICE that \ ‘ ' 4 Prince fiupertss &C E2\ satisfacfory by the committee in S eense to preabect for 10, BP PMY | wont, ISLANDS. Shidesste, B.C. a4 or M le harge There was a good turn- troleum on and under 4 HC Ti ated this 25th day of October, 1919 TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary or 6 license to | = 99 59 29 99-50 £9 69 09 or ’ s 1). seribed lands WILLIAM J. LEARY. Applicans | >kidegate, B.C., settler, Intends to apply |belrolcum . EQNQHLE BI EQ QQ 29Q% out and all arrangements went off Commencing at @ post planted sixty: : sintadaeadie ia tamic : & license to prospect for coal and} “scribed lands aims eas o a= ome 7 c uAS L } DIVISION ‘ eum on «an under the followin y encin ' t of the south-east corner of SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVI troleut 1 1 ! | 8 Commencing aS a well. cea tales aot Ur ee,” eee DISTRICT OF BEN CHARLOTTE jescribed lands; north sot the ; uth 80 chain: me > fe SLANDS. Commencing at @ "post planted at the |} 593. thence eas 4 - An interesting stall was the} ith 8% chains, sence west tS fmm a arsiwest corner vo DL cde, Memes [80 enains, thence west 6° cia, tee : home-cooking one which was dec - oneement. te noviCs thet William J. Lea Wot 80 chains, theace north 8@ chains — 80 cha - : : t , av . > e ; settler, intends s_appoiv{! we eas 580 chains, thence outh & ne : 7 orated in red and white and was oe One oe oe ot = tober, 1919. 4 license wo ro an 7 re a =APt uns, to point of ¢ munent - =n _ ” Dated this 251? ta ; WILLIAM J. LEAKY, Applicant prospect for ml and ‘ ment 5 7 y Applies , ¢ che . 8 e . - on r } iroleum on and under the following Dated this 22nd day of October, 1019 WILLIAY \ he tana n charge o r teed an r oa eee Mrs.| .KRENA LAND RECORDING piviston. {' {ribed lands at ELAR 3 ENR _ applicant ; ‘ /W. Thompson. DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE Gommencing at @ post planted one mile ee ae SKEENA LAND fil Pare The fancy work ISLANDS . north of the north-west corner of DI ‘KEENA LAND RECORDONG DIVISION DISTRICT OF QUE 1e fancy work booth, in purple TAKE NOTICE that William !. Lea a Smoues meee 80 chains, thence sont DISTHICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLA and mauve, Was . Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends | , Ss, thence east 80 chains, thenes sLANDS TAKE NOTICE i +, ar auve, Was In charge of Mre.lF- a ites te i jo om north 80 chains, to point of commence TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary on Bt wi A. H. Allison, assisted by Mrs.|p:treleum on and under the fotlo nent. Shige gate, B.C., settler, intends to apply a lee ! ool Koom )
  • ——————— — — — The Empress Hotel — = = = ———— : ana nN 7 ‘ . ; - Gene Byrnes § S :—“Thanks for th Ad -_ CIGARS SODA ° ays:— anks ror e vice.” \ Two per cent. Beer -—- ————+ = [aes — WwST KEMEMOTR : Lee ns ; we TING A FIVE DOLLAR eS = BiLL im MN LAST SOMMERS —_ WIT, FOR SAFE KEEPING ba ea Sarees At Christmas Time Solve your gift problems with Photographs. Make the appointment to- day. It’s none lovearly. PHONE Red 328 | Tess Suite 22, Alder Biock *. Pag oe TN and Sanitarium Turkish, Medical, Steam, Shower and Tub Baths. Open Day and Night PHONE 309 «722 SULTON ST. DID You 3 ANYTHING GREX SLIT USED TO WEAR LAST SUMMER THAT a. ‘ nt te 1T TO A woMK FOR THIRTY FINE CENTS) OVGHT TO KNOw BETTER M LEAVE YOUR OLD CLOTHES IN A