Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides mm Sunday, September 6, 1931 Prlnco Rupert: gaining, strong High 8:40 an. 14:1 ft southeast wlndf barometer, 29.40; 20:06 p.m. 17:1 ft temperature, 52"; sea choppy. i Low 1:45 ajn. 7:3 It. 13:16 p.m. 11:1 It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol. XXII., V. 209. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1931 PRICE FIVE CENTS 7 PLAN CAMPAIGN AGAINST HANDICAP NOMINEE OF ROTARY CLUB IS WINNER IN LOCAL CONTEST Load Line Zone Regulations Hamper Prince Rupert Trade And Removal Is Requested V- Letter Being Sent by Chamber of Commerce to Minister TVDUAin of Marine Asking That Stumbling Block to Local I I I flUlD Shipping Be Removed MFNAfF The Prince Runert Chamber of Commerce, at its lULinmLi meeting last night, decided to commence an active cam-iVancouver "Jungle" centres Are paijjn for the purpose of securing removal of the present1 Found t0 Be Very Un,,ea,lhy i : the .r V, ..""uaawii. i yai u iu uie snipping of port. It means that ships loading at Prince Runert - - ASSISTANCE TO FARMER l' F. F. A. A. of of Alberta Alberta Urges Urges Payment Payment of 11 Per Seeded Acre (o Unfortunate Farmers I CALGARY. Sent. 5Pavment hv j th- federal gove.rnmenfi.qf U TvLPf" slf:"The 'recommendaUqnl secd.'d acre to the farmer In dlS- tifs where misfortunes occurred tins year has been recommended by !" United Farmers of Alberta In addition to the 2 cents per bushel 1! freight rates for oata, as sug- Jap anese Is Laid to Rest Rr Can oh W. F. Itushbrook Officiates at Funeral of late K. llara This Afternoon ; The funeral of K. Hara, well k--wn Japanese re-Went or many Mmse death occurred earlier In the k took place this afternoon from ' i haycl of Haynor BrosM under-' k' is. to Falrvlew Cemetery. Rev. ' non W. F. Rushbrook officiated i i Miss F. O. Lenox presided at i F lUbcarers were S. Dobe. T. Ka-i m. K. Tsumura. I. Hamoaaki, S. i and II. K. Yamanaka. MAN'S BODY IN SHARK Gruesome Discovery Is Made at Honolulu tlONOLULU. Sent. 5: Discovery "f portions of a man's body In the; ""timrh of an 18-foot shark, caught ff Barbers' Point has led author- 1,11 - to belfcvc the victim was either! '"'lao Nakatlu or Dooree Caspar. ! ' The former, a Japanese business "i m. has been missing since Sun-; " When ho wnnt fixhlnir ';spar was swept off Kasala rt'rf. j Examination Indicated the victim u ' probably Caspar rather than '' Japanese Thanksgiving Day To Be October 12 Will Not He Celebrated Jointly With dead uttviuii this morning In a New West-ArmUtlce Day This Year I minster sanitarium where he naa jbecn undergoing treatment. The OTTAWA, Sept. 5. Thanksgiving late Mr. Welsford came to Vancou-ay wUl be celebrated on Monday, vcr from England about a montn rJ'tobcr 12, this year. It was off l- ago, being here on company dusi- iiilly announced today'. w . . uuust iasc a smaner ioaa onretgnt than if thy loaded at Vancouver or some other port. A letter pro-pared by Alderman Plllsbury was ordered by the Chamber to be sent! to the Minister of Marine asking for intervention and copies of the letter will be sent to many other public men and nubile bodies. Th- lettcr lo the Minister follows: Hon. Alfred Duranleau. HlnlSitt '0t Marlne' tUwa: !w l"c 'nwmauorrar invention Ptln Load Lines, signed In l-nion Juy 5th. 1930. were passefl by the IIouse of Commons July 17. I3I. "These new regulations permti the loading of ships to Summer Marks throughout the year, on the Pacific Coast nf North America, as far north as latitude 50 degrees, or Just above Powell River. Thh means that while southern British Columbia ports will benefit materially, the Tort of Prince Rupert Is placed under still another handicap, which added to the unfa vorable differential In oceai freight rates already existing, wbuld seem to prohibit wheat ship imenU Kingdom or the Continent. "The gross Injustice of this part of the new rules lies in the fact that there was no reason whatever why. when the old regulaUons were being revised, the Summer Zone on this Coast should not have! beert extended to latitude 58 de-j grces Instead of 50 degrees, to in- j elude not only Prince Rupert but1 also Stewart, Anyox and Ketchi kan. Winter weather conditions off Ihn Mnrth Parlflo Coast ari. If anything, better between latltudoj. 50 degrees and 50 degrees, than between 40 degress and 50 degrew,. and this statement Is confirmed by, a study of the fhoi unarts or mc North Pacific. 'The probable results will be that even the very small wheat move- ment of the last few days througn Prince Rupert will be discontinued, to the consequent advantage of ths Port of Vancouver. "The deliberations of the Intcr- national Convention, begun in 1920 were carried on over a considerable rrnntinued on page five.) DEMISE OF SHIP HEAD VANCOUVER. Sept. 5.-R. A. R. ... , . j i os tt'All knnwn LlV- crpool , shipping wT.m man nan and d President presiacni of the Union Steamsnip uo., wu, f nHfith Columbia, was found u - ncss. centres In Vancouver, where more than one thousand men live in shaclcs and knocked-together shelters, constitute a grave typhoid danjer to the city, according to a report by Dr. H. A. McDonald, city relief department medical officer. PLANS FOR LINDBERGH Will Fly Ilome.With His Wife; Am J Last Night TOKYO. Japan. Sept. 5: Col. Charles A. Lindbergh has announ ced definitely that, he and Mrs Lindbereh Dlan to flv back to the united States in the Lockhced-Slr- ius monoplane in which they recently arrived here. Col. Lindbergh stated, however, that they had not decided upon which of three routes they would follow on the return flight. One route would be across the Pacific Ocean via Honolulu, another across the Pacific by an even more southern route and the third cist iuuic aiiu iiic k4i it u across auupa Asia nai and Europe and over the Atlantic an( '-j a cal1 li was issued r 1 for j Tti Parliament to meet in special ses-ocean .via the Azores. J sion September 8 to enact the program into law. Prime Meantime, the flying couple are j Minister Ramsay MacDonald will ask Commons to declare, about to start on a sightseeing tour' without rielav. will nut its trust in thn th of Japan in their plane after which they will proceed to China making stops at Nanking and Peiplng. MAKES PLEA FOR FARMER District Agriculturist From Rulk- Icy Valley Addressed Chamber Commerce Last Night CO-OI'EHATION SOUGHT tS, S. rhllllps Urged That Present A Good Time to Start Career On lands of Interior "The great need of the Bulkier Valley today is setUement," declared S M. Phillips, district agriculturist, In addressing the Chamber of Commerce here last, night. To secure this there could be that sources of ""jfact is, new revenue imoro appropriate time than th" present. Land values were down; and people were turning to th.( lana wncv tney at any rate nad a lair cnance to maxe a good uvia. ; -i ao no; suggest mat a persjnjin public statements. can In a few years makei enoug.i t money to spend the rest of his life In California but I do say that, If. . 1 . he is careful and works hard an i uses his Head as well as his hands he will establish himself In ;' good home with a good living til the time," the speaker said. ) Mr Phillips went on to 'tell of. the Importance of the dairying In dustry to Prince Rupert as th, provision or a proper milk supply ( was one of the essentials of life " He would not suggest to the peo- (Continued on Page Four) Mrs. Helen Wills ' issssssw tSH VssssssssssssV vssssssssssssssH Mrs Helmi Vv.Us Muody Tight' re-established herself as leading woman tennis player recently, a: Forest Hills. LI. when she defeated Mr.v Eileen Brnnett Whittingstall Jeft. Coalition Government Will Ask Vote of Confidence From House . Before Announcing Its Program LONDON, Sept. 4: The new taxation problem at a party administration he heads. Then, if the expected vote of con- flden:e is forthcoming, Rt. Hon. Philip Snowden. Chancellor of the Exchequer, will make a full statement setting forth the entire budget balancing scheme. MAY HAVE SALES TAX Treasury Deficit May Force Hoover to Impose New Taxation WASHINGTON. Sept. 5: The mounting treasury deficit may force the Hoover administration to turn to some form of .sales tax to produce much needed revenue, it is believed jed to the Vancouver General Hos-here. ipital where he expired fifteen mln- While all kinds of economics and jutes after admission. Before retlr-methods of reducing expenditures j Ing In the evening, Jie had corn-are being put forward, the plain plained of not feeling well. must h tnnrnvl If thn natlnnal onv emment Is to maintain a balanced budget. That has already been ad- mlttod by Secret ry of the Treasury Mellon and Under-Secretary Mills,. CUSTOMS UNION FOUND ILLEGAL .' GENEVA, Sept. 5- The pro-pofeed Austro-German customs union, already renounced by i the foreign ministers of,both countries, was ruled Illegal by the world court at The Hague today, tho vote being 8 to 7. Moody Again Wins national cabinet completed its five-hour meetinir vesterdav . . (YJprriirV n rniCnninOT Caused His Death Well Known Steward on C. P. K. Boats, Samuel Crompton, Had Tragic Demise Samuel Crompton, head day saloonsman on the steamer Princess Mary and for years a well known steward on C. P. R. coasting boats, met with a tragic death last Wednesday morning In Vancouver. Rising from his bed with pain he took what he believed to b aspirin tablets but which turned out to be bichloride of mercury. He was rush- IS FINED $100. For supplying liquor to Indians, Walter Wilson was fined $100, with option of two months' Imprison ment, by Magistrate MeClymont in city police court this morning. NO PAPER MONDAY Monday, being Labor Day and a public holiday, there will be no Issue of the Dally News. The next regular edition will appear Tuesday after- noon. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, Sept. 5 Wheat was quoted at 52 He. on the local Exchange today. Miss Annie Boddie Chosen as "Miss Prince Rupert" and Will Get Free Trip to Los Angeles i Was Successful Candidate in I lnrl Cif,r, U i u vuiuuuuuii i iuiuius vi nig uancc I Last Night . In a close contest with three other candidates, Miss Annie Boddie, sppnsored by the Rotary Club, was last night chosen as "Miss Prince Rupert" in connection with the International Beautequest and will sail this afternoon on the steamer Princess Louise for Vancouver whence she will proceed by airplane and fast train to Los Aneeles to take part In the 150th anniversary beauty contest being conducted in connection with same. The choos- ing or "Miss Prince Rupert" and her ensuing crowning by Mrs. C. II. j Orme. wife cf the mayor, were the big features of a great dance which brought the annual Prince Rupert , Exhibition to a close. : The selection was made by a committee of nine judges consisting of Mrs. H. O. Wilcox, Vancouver; Mrs. M Cooper, Vancouver; Mrs. Wood! R3dlo-Keith-Orpheum, New York; B. Oordon, Cincinnati; R. E. Ben son. PrinceRupert; O. L. Otterson, San Francisco; Mr. Wood, Radio- w itiw nTUTSI Kelthrpheumi' -NewrYdrkf 'MrsTiH H I PN, J. K. Adams, Hazelton, and B. Prig- 1 -JUi 11 1 VJ nell. Vancouver, chairman. The an nouncement of the winner of the contest was made about midnight and was followed with the keenest i of interest by the large crowd. (Italian Government Now Has 27,000 After Mrs. Orme had duly crown- j Men at Work ed Miss Prince Rupert, the later, I with Mayor Orme, led In a Grand ROME. Sept. 5:The Italian gov-I March. This was followed by the emment has Just appropriated an-j drawing, with Miss Prince Rupert other-forty million' dollars in its j presiding, for lots raffled In con- campaign lo aid the unempfoyed. ; necuon with tne sale of Fair mem- I oersnip ucxeis. Miss Boddie was also the winner of a special prize of $50 awarded for the sale of most tickets on behalf of any candidate, namely 379. After the announcement of the winner, Miss Prince Rupert was accompanied to the platform by G. H. Munro, president of the Rotary Club. Also on the platform for the occasion were the other candidates Miss Pauline Furness, accompanied by John Bulger, Retail Merchants' nominee; Miss Dora Hellbroner, representing the Oyro Club, C. C. Mills, president, and Miss Vivian Hlckey, Elks' Lodge. George C. Mitchell, exalted ruler. Great enthusiasm prevailed during the announcements and coronation. Parade of Candidates No less Interest was taken In the parade of the four candidates for the final judging. Each, carrying a large bouquet presented by Mrs. Orme, was beautifully gowned and each paraded on the platform and In the middle of the hall. The entire proceedings were presided over by II. F. Olassey. Dresl- dent of the Fair Board. Mr. Olassey Intimated that it was planned to have a monster parade and demonstration In connection with Jtllss Continued on page 2 MURDERED IN ALASKA Widow Is Being Sought In Connection With Shooting of John Arnott in Chltna District CORDOVA. Alaska. Sept. 5. John Arnott, aged 61. mining man of Alatka for 25 years, was shot and killed on Wednesday while .asleep In his bunk In a cabin In the Chltna district, -north of here. Federal authorities said that they are seeking his widow. Beautequest Here Judeinir e Tl ti divino Knnrl Knt VJUI5 -UUU 1 UI Unemployed In United States NEW YORK. Sept. 5: Edward F. Huntsman. Chairman of the board of the General Foods Corporation, announces that he is giving away 100,000 boxes of food for the unemployed this winter. W0RKLESS , This Is the ' third appropriation r Lr WJ-" within two weeks for a public works program. It brings the total of un employed for whom winter Jobs have thus been procured, to an es timated total of 27,000. MIGRATION CUT DOWN even Leave For Every Three En- terinr States WASHINGTON. Sept. 5:-SeverC emigrants left the United States In July for every three emigrants admitted. The Labor Department yes- torriav Knfri the Infill nHmltctnn. nf immigrants during the month was 3,174 while departures totalled 7- 428. Halibut Landings . American Ithona. 8,000, 5c and 3c, cold storage. Tahoma, 11,000, 5c and 3c, cold storage. Canadian Aleve 6.500. 5c and 3c, cold storage. FRANCE AND ITALY ARE NOT ENTERING.. LONDON. SeDt. 8. French and Italian teams will nob com- pete In the Schneider Cup air race In which British pilots will attempt to set new speed records. Their decision not to . enter is taken as an admission by France and Italy that they have no ships that can possibly compete with Britain's as far as speed Is concerned.