Only two salteries were to operate on the Queen Charlotte Islands this fall if the excessive $1500 licence fee was to be enforced but, now that a cut in the fee to $500 has these plants on which they have come to depend. Skidegate people in the past, for instance, have always been, able to find work in connection with the Queen Charlotte Cltv salterv for at least two months ! Bikie In the year. Capt. Jack Haan, who, owns ,thc large Skidegate troller Ha. caught and sold 7,000 pounds of spring salmon in two days off Frederick Island on the Queen Charlottes re cently. Capt. Nels Robinson with his Torberg passed through Skide gate Inlet recently en route to the lumbia Airways at the foot of Mc- Street on c iy waterfront is VICTOR w til . TT R a . f province to take tne course. A speed of 55.279 miles pet J, R. Ardiel of Toronto. A new com petition record for professional driv-: rcw nearing completion an J, with- ers was also established there by to the week, they should be ready Walter Wldegren of Olen Cove. L... for use. During the past few days j New York, who spun five times fast progress has been made. Pend-j around-the one-mile course at an ing the completion of the hangar, i average speed of 47.99 miles per repairs to the company s Gypsy j hour. Nunnelley of Detroit set a 1 i-ieserLea nv nri.rucaiiv uii mem- hOUI" hn'r nf the. tMnft tflff whn u-pnt Deen annuunueu, it is uiisbiwui iu UV" ? i was attained by Henry Ryan of Du- ; south, recently to attend a: confer plants Wll go niO operation. II me reduction m inu ieeluthMInn .. professional driver. wKh ence at Departure Bay Biological had been made, earlier, the operators would have had L outboafd hiotor at the 'cen - station near Nanaimo of Pacific sufficient time in which to consider their plans. Under the; trai championship Races held at Co"ait wooers of the Biological $1500 fee, saltery owners found the risk too great to Start Manistee. Mich, recently. Kyan's Bn o Cwwda. the premises of nnpratinn? operations and ana, as a a rnnsenuence' conbequeiKX, nuite quuea a nuiuuei. numbei4 vi of Oueen yucm best lap time was electrically reeor- Prince cnmieal Rupert department Fisheries Experimen- or tne at sb.b ana is tne f iasw. Charlotte Island people were facing ,aea Jl,iTan,n ,, hA.n taJ Station hive been undergo ne thP nrr.rt of nTttine work in have been made in September on speed at which an outboard has " " : a Hmm im ni nouseciEamn? , . . . . . . the Hippo island grounos ever iraveuea. ine Anwieur 7v, 'r: '" VILZ 'I '" the and the and Stralght-away record at Manistee pa few ! scrub pnn.(r.inn nf th haroQr nnrt with a 4-60 motor Is 53 750 milfi nr int brush, a weu as carpenter its of the Northern British Co- hour, made by a young Canadian, l8, ilTe T,h ertdence. iloats i nvcryuiiag Will 1U ui icauuirao iwr sorti as the staff returns. O. Young, mechanical enp::.cer. is the only tai-iiJiat.ii.aiiaiM.tJLCMj m h ti ii i i; i u i ii mi i'f member of the -t i ff who Is so far back. The other- some of whom are taking advantage of the opportunity to take a vacation in the south. Moth scapluvj, which sustalntdlnew amaeur world's speed record dnlHfig some m nur aamage back within the at Langaralof 49.28 miles per hour on tHe. next week or lt u expected. Island recenl'y and has since teen ; stralght-away while Walter Wide-tied up at ihe dry dock, have been gren established a new professional delayed so that they may be carded record of 52.847 miles per hour. In out in the proper place. Meantime, the 5-mile competition event over Hippo Island trolling grounds. In Pilot Desmond Murphy wiil be leav- a one-mile course this motor driven rars past good catches of springs ing shortly for Camp Borden, Ont by Wldegren set a world mark of The trusty fetlocks will soon be coming oat an the summer storage olaees for the opening of the deer hunting season is now only a week off, being scheduled by statute for font VICTOR "SUPtRETTE" Ii, tmMnt RIG U nrt Imill , mm 10S Cm' k ttmfllt wmi I tnln v i Performance, cabinet beauty and quality at a remarkable price . . COMPARE whit ejYloo IwEef cf fen you. Comptrt la pnWTOT then you will recognize the worth o! our cUim, "Victor lUiio (or ytliie." iCoral3 what such t receiver would hive commsoded but i few months teo , f. realize dut toiti vou 7 o-njujor onl; JWOcomlete .tubeif Think whit emtrtiJnjncwTruJured you through In adrucea tight-tube Supeflt pdjrne receiYct. "Picture the bciuy which the graceful ctbinet will sdi to your own home. Enjoy the Utbfictloo of knowing it to be true Victor quilirj throughout. Then, orf ittln. cdomis lu VALUE. lu iclcctlvlr, sensitivity tad tone. Its modcra feitufcu H VICTOR RADIO, Rl il Lebojf Coaiol VS2i with VlCTOK RADIO Y VICTOa TAUINO MACHINE COM f A NT Of CANADA UMlTf D-MONTIAl MASTER BUILDERS OF RADIO Produced tnCirudl 11Q5Q Cempkti tntb tuba Adnnced super-heterodyne circuit . . . superj control tubes ,J; electrc-dyaimic speller fTs Inaeised-ringe tone control .T. "trigger touch" stitioa selector ,T. md icouv tiallr conea ubinea. Only through Can dim production tod Victor's vist scientific resources could such a radio be offered 1 iucb d ftict. ' Your Victor dealer will demonstrite convincingly the Lowboy and other new Victor Super-Heterodynes . . . Highboy, $121 JO . , , and the "Superette," with or without Tele-chron dock , , , also Victor Radio-Eectroli M-10, $169 ill models complete with .rubes. 157 terms. ivixjaiiixa nmiufiii t iiui zm ' trim r..i:ciniti.,vi mcaiLB;-B3.-B tm cn uniBixmi t n icim nu hi b 1 rn ru II n 1 . I Micro-Synchronous Victor Radio McRae Bros. Ltd. Orthophonic Victrolas and Records September 12 or next week-end. The "deer season will remain open until December 15. Hunting will become general with the statutory opening on October 15 of migratory bird hunting. The bird season legally expires on January 15 although, as far as actual activity is concerned, it usually peters out before that time.' New Boat Progresses Lyman Hlnton and Roger Wright, well known local land surveyors, arc filling in leisure time with executing the finishing touches on the smart 33-foot . cruiser hull whicn Jim Calvin, well known local nrosneetor. returned to port on Thursday afternoon after a three week's trip In his rowboat to Pitt Island. Some would think that rowing the long distances Jim does quite often would be rather arduous but such is. not the case with this, douahtr searcher of the hills. He " , t . ... . After having spent the season in Fair This Year Local motorists have commented upon the splendid way in which automobile traffic was handled under difficult condition's at the Fair Building during the recent Exhibition. Special credit. It Is said, is due Constable O. A. Wyman, who was in charge of the traffic there a Eood deal of the time. Much of ' they have had under construction the confusion of former years was for the last several months and i absent on this occasion. I which has. since its launching re-'cently,. been moored at the floats 'of the Prince Rupert Rowing St Yacht Club. Type of motor to be installed has not yet been definitely settled upon. Traffic Handled In Good Style At FAIR WEEK SPECIALS still pursues his quests ana win do. Af We Ulc aty Custome richly r4Vi1v rlautpuff deserving nf ol anvthlnff anything that' may eventually come his way. Skipper Bob Frizzall left this For the Benefit of Our Visitors We very much appreciate the op- poitunity to meet our outside cus- tamers and hope they will enjoy week for Big Falls power plant with s their visit here during the fair. We the old Laura F. He has two weeks' . cordially Invite every one to call and work to do with the boat for the Power Corporation of Canada. see us. Our Grocery Stores and Meat Market Ready to Serve You at the Lowest Possible Price. no-thern waters, many southern , Fine Sifted Peas Size 3 trailers are now moving back to their respective home ports down the coast. Quite a few of the local boats are also back In port. Speaking on the whole the season 'might have been a good deal worse and. perhaps, did not compare too badly with conditions prevailing in most other lines of endeavor. P. W. Anderson and crew of men last week-end completed a five-weeks' campaign of repairs to the sidewalk leading from the landing to the Salt Lake swimming resort. Underpinning was repaired throughout and the decking put In shipshape. Alto ovarhsnftn brush was cleared out. The facilities will be In good shape for next season. Numerous owners of rowboats and other small craft have recently reported the removal of their 1 voxels, at least cteht having been I so far reported lose It ts supposed ithat Itinerants have made away I with some of them to aid them In ; their travels about the country. ( Halibut Landines I Halibut landings at the port, of Prince Itnpert for the 1931 season up to and including yesterday - to-jtalierl 12.06G.Wi. pound of which i 4.831.500 pounds has been brought tin by Canadian vessels and 7,164.-'440 oounds by American. For the week ending yesterday landings amounted to Ml. 000 pounds, 131,600 : pounds be In from Canadian and 429.500 pounds from American ves-sels. I During the week prices were (attain at a low ebb. The high price of the week for Canadian fish was only 6.7c and 3c which the Edward iLlpeeit was paid for 7,000 pounds j while the low bid was 5Jc and 3c j received by the Oibson and Ingrtd H. for catches of 0.000 and 10.000 'pounds respectively. For American fish the high price was Jc and 4c which the Brothers was paid for 8.-000 pounds whtle the low American price was 4c and 2c offered the Foremost for 38.000 pounds. E. E. Orchard, who arrived In ttit city earlier in the week from Bremertorv, Washington, left on today's train for Srnlihcrs where h formerly resided and where he ha business to attend to. 3 tins Royal City Peas Size 5 ner tin Pumpkin Choice quality ' 2's. 3 tins Mai kin's Dest Tea per lb M&Ikln's Best Coffee per lb Malktn'j Best Tomatoes 2B. 2 tins Braid's Best Cof teener lb. Wlth fancy tumbler in every tim Braid's Beat Tea 45 C 'With Cup Ac Saucer in every 'ike t independent Soda Biscuits 1 Qp ash Mixed Biscuits-per fa. Swift's Bad: Bacon- Machine sliced, per lb. boneless Hams Cottage rolls 4 to 5 lb. each, per lb 'reamery Buttcr-Forcst- dsle. 2 Ihs. -'om of the Cob 2 dosen 40c 10c 50c 45c 45c 25c 45c 25c A KKAL SPECIAL TO CLKAR c;,10cx80c 1 pkgs. Prinocoa Soap Flakes. 1 nkg Super 8uds For all fine A C laundering. 3 qkas anteloupes Large 3 tor Vateimclon Whole or half per lb. 11 nJV AwirJcJ U tOMleJ mJm CertiKcilicf Parity, Merit 30c 25c 47c 65c ?ut csh Fruits & Vegetables 40c 7c "'resh Prunes For pre- 04 Af serving, per crate ... vJLUU Tomatoes ', AOo per basket tUt, resh Masaett Mushrooms PAp just arrived, per lb. OUl Ml other varieties at reduced prices ilussallem's Cash and Carry Stores iVIicre Hollars Have .More Cents' Phone 360 Phone 18 & It IH 3rd Ave. - 417-423 5th Ave. Ibis advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Llquot Control Doard or by the Government of British Columbia. Saturday September 5 PAGE BIZ THE DAILY NEWS 155! WATERFRONT WHIFFS Saltery Operation of Islands Deer Scason.Opens In Wcck--IIalibut Landings having tiej chosen, along with two 146.63 miTes per !wur. Such speeds other Brit'.sn Columbia pilots, to 'make outboard racing probably the take an advanced flylru course glv-jmost ' thrilling and spectacular en there by the Royal Canadian Air sport in America. Force. The course will include instruction in navigation and, starting about the middle of September, will cover two and a half months' time T.. Nora Jane in Port The T. A. Kelley Logging Co.'s service boat Norn Jane. Capt. W Russell Coote oX Chllllwack and Dass, arrived In port on Wednesday Ernest Eve of Victoria are the other nfnt f roin- the Queen charlotte pilots, in adidtion to Mr. Murphy, Island, and ent a couple of days who have been chosen from this here Friday and Saturdav TWO SHOWS - 7 tc , pV Admission - 0c & J leature Starts at 1 j0 & jJ SATUKIIAY MATI;ee at "31 15c&40c-FtatureSUttsroi CHARLES G. NOItrtlS St SATIONAL NOVEL -now TALKING riCTLUE TRI UMPII. A CHALLENGE TO ALL WOMEN IN LOVE With John Bolrs c.rnrYi.,, Tobin. Lois Wilson inxxri people, livint. lovmj. ihunt atainst, laws ot lu fitsirt Comedy Sidney & Matnj u "HOT & BOTHERED PARAMOUNT NEWS MONDAY & TUESDAY Enilish Comrd" THE WARM CORNER' Monday and Tuesday two shows - t It t P.M. ADMISSION - "Oc ti (3c Feature Starts at ; 'UMI A Lauth Riot. Voull laajh sb-til your sides arhe at this i rearioHi eonedy Mad' .11 Enj-land. 'A Varm Corner With Leslie Hrnsoi- Heather Thareher. Au' in V'Mi liated on the Lon lun u;t hit , Scenis- 'MY WIT Musical "SAILOR'S Lti.T NO ONE SIIOl LI) MISS THIS I'UOGKAM Remember Mon- Matinee at ZM - I" c Feature Start-- at i Wrtnwd.iv f Tm.T ..? . OranU Dou" ' F;,l "JIEHT THE i i a"1 "LADY OP TIP L MIE iaiss D. Hoan Teacher of I i ' Thompson 4: William Method Phone IHuc .12 CLEANING & PRESSING Ladies' and Gentlcmi n'l Tailorlne Reasonable PrliT? M. T. LEE CO. 3J3 3rd Ave. W. Vbont Cb3 Net Itcnson Stud) PHONE 649 Steam Cleaning and Pressing Alterations M t Collection and Delircrv IV LING -THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. 'Phone