ga -inlay. September 8, 1931 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FXV3 The Daily News "Classified" is the Poor Man's Advertising Column A Few Words in this section is the Cheapest Way of Reaching the Mass of the People. CLASSIFIED ADV Mr rent, lor tale and all other imall advertisements In this section charged at the rate of 2 cents a word per Insertion with tlx Insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge Is 25c a word. Np advertisement taken for less than 50c. FOR RENT KENT five roomed cottag i Ave. Apply Pally News. , r lt RENT 5 and 0 rooms hath on Sixth Avenue West, n.' Blue 802 tf F! RENT Four-roomed modew utment, partly furnished iip Red 607. tl T'iR RENT Pianos, phonograph $i vtnr machines and can W iter's, cor. Second Avenu i(j Fourth Street. t. F"1 RENT Clean, well furnisher" h 'isekeeping apartments, one a . n, om suite, half block fron i Office, 835 Second Avenu tv st Phone 2i)0. 229 F HENT Choice C-rpom flat i Modern. 4-room flat, cfapp rt. '-.-a Monarch -Range $25. I mi., down' town, suitable for :ing house $25. Wettenhaver Brus. -tl l';R RENT cottage on Third Av-r suluble for business r-ni. ling publicity such as te-a-i;!i dressmaker, taxl-stanr M room, antique furniture or (una store, home made candy iii!iry, pressing and cleaning s Mishment. 5 rooms and mo-cr: d conveniences. Daily News. FOR SALE run RALE Two Unt, salesmen. Anply Annette. t! Fi ir i'ALE Good used cars ft' rlgm price. KaleniMotort Ltd. f t Rale wlelter toaby Buggy. Can be een at.-Dally News building, I')-'. ITS. t Fun RALE Five pair 1931 Pen Hi d Mink. Apply R. Auric. lUmiUa, BXJ. 219 FAR SALE 47-foot boat "Wake -Mi 25 h.p. Fairbanks engine. u d condition. Price $1,000. Ap-p: Davld.Cordlla, Cow Day. 210 I'm HALE -Fersons Interested In high-class Furniture, may i) i hase same at private sale. FU-.hth Ave. West-Phon k 518. 310 ' SALE -Kitchen and Dining 1 in Furniture and other ' -hold goods. Apply 408 8M tmiue West after 10 am. or F' ne Black 518. 210 r" 8 ALE 33 Business and Resl-' Lou in Sections Oiw anil 1 Also Lots 5 and 6, Blk. I . 'v 8 fpr $25, $50. $100 and $200 ! Plus the tax. Westcnhaver ! J C McLennan, agent. 213 1 1 " ' ALE Logging donkey 10x12, le Washington, float, alr-; . boiler, good shape, main i.TOO feet, almost new, stea.n 1 l saw, 5 float houses, at las Channel, 6 miles above 'ley Bay. Price $1,500. See id Cordlla, Cow Bay or write '"k Hawlett. Butedale. 210 HELP WANTED ''REDS of Postmen, Clerks, !i I'lgraphers, Customs Exam l1 rs. etc., In the Canadian Civil N wce owe their Jobs to our " npspondence courses. The old ' v' ;n Canada. Our Free Booklet "" request. We employ m ' 'Us. The M.C.C. Civil Service rt""ol Ltd.. 401 Kensington Z i- Winnipeg. tt . 1 1 ! c01UtESFONIKNT8 WANTED and Gentlemen in Bouth ' a. EuroDe. etc.. seek Corres. pfin.icnts. Write Bonaflde Corrc$. Pf,nilonce Bureau, Postbox 160?, :Tl''.tnnesburg. H. Africa. tf Radio Service Radio Sales and Repairs AH makes of radio work guaranteed. Phone Blue 901 508 4th Av. E. ERTISEMENTS LOST LOST Ladles' white gold wristcd Watch- Finder please return to Dally News. 205 SITUATIONS VACANT START NOW You can earn money easily taking orders for the most beautiful line of Personal Christmas Greeting Cards ever shown in Canada. Write lor particulars. Regal Art Co., SI Oould St.. Toronto. If SITUATIONS WANTED HRL wants work, store or take out 'children. Phone Qreen 444 Public Stenographer MIMEOGRAPHING, Muriel Morris. Phone 782. 0-J TRANSFERS 3. it R. TRANSFER. Cartage ant Furniture Moving. Phone 204. tt NEWS AGENTS ANY' Publications on Earth, Beaner Newe stand, ti TAXI CALL Hopcnft Taxi. Phone 855. Stand at Central Hotel. (213) VIOLIN TUITIONV- WORD has been received Professor Pryce will not reauma work here. Miss N. Lawrence & open to take several new pupils for similar work. Phone 177. tf PALMISTRY MRS. JAMES CLARK, Palmistry and Crystal , Reading. Federal Block. PhoneOreen 701. . i . .. --O- . - . - PATENTS SELL your patent or Invention by Mhlbltlne vour model or draw ing at theJSeeond and Greater ! INTERNATIONAL FAIW1 onoiTtnM , rrinnAfJO. Thous. i k vvj ' ands ot manufacturers and patent buyers will Inspect new de. vices and patents for marketing Very low rates. If you have no model, drawings and descrip Hon will do. Send for free pamphlet. B. Hamilton Edison, Managing Director, International Patent Expoltlon. Merchandise Mart. CHICAGO. 2H The Dally News can be pur- chased at . Post Office News siana, a Granville St- Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Prince A nnrce. D.C. n m niUv Trrnce. B.C. nnsral Store. AnyOX. Smlthers Drug Store. Smith- ers. B.C. T "TILLIE THE hb'5 mv favorite MGVie crAe- THAT WIL.L BE lOVELV-l DID HAVE A DIAJMEC EAJ(3ASEMEMX BUT-" BOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD. Phone Red . 129. I PRE INLANDER Board or roon Phone 137. BOARD and Room In private horde Apply J. Storrlngs. 217 Eighth ' Avenue West, or Phone Oreen 731. . KOOM WANTED - - '"Modifications of this Convention BUSINESS woman wants unfum- which may be deemed useful or ished light housekeeping room necessary improvements may at near centre of city. Box 101 any time oe proposed by any con-Dally News. ; trading Government to the Gov CHIROPRACTIC ; snti,in. . . . ,! - k,j itv,..!. Nervous, Female and Children' Diseases Specially Treated W. C. ASPINALL (Graduate Chlronraetor) 8 and 7 Exchange Block Green 211 Black W ..... .. i AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MAR We buy. srll or ,exchange an kind ot furniture or househo' . goods, musical instruments ma rhlnery, etc. General repair tratlns. packing and shtpplnt Workmanship guaranteed Juj phone Biacx; 120 and we wit call. G. J, DAWES. Auctlonet .Fedetul BWlr , SHOE REPAIRS MAC Shoe Hospital. Shoe repair of all kinds, Second Avenu West. n SHOE REPAIRS Best materials-finest work prices reasonable. Sharman Co., opposite Post Office, tf SALVAGE & TOWING "If It's, on or under the water vr do it." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work Agents for EASTHOPE ENGINES Boats and Scows of all descrlp tlons for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire BARGAINS IN GAS ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gravel in any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone Day or Night 5C4 P.O. Box 1561 Mrs. Hickey B. M. Beauty Parlor 121 Second Avenue Finger and Water Waving, Marcelling, Electric Facials, Scalp Treatment for falling hair and dandruff. Permanent Waving by Mrs. Stephens. Fair Week Only. Phone Red 251 TOILER" LOAD LINE ZONE REGULATIONS HAMPER PR. RUPERT TRADE AND REMOVAL IS REQUESTED (Continued, from Dage one) i 1. length,' of time: and the proposed new regulations were, of course, known to shipping interests long before, being finally adopted. No i advice was given Prince Rupert re- gardlQg the changes and the whole ; thing went through. I "It tppm In.-redlhlp that, nnr only a potentially first-class port put RJ30 tne wnoie aivision oi uie Canadian National Railways from Prince Rupert to Red Pass Junction should be placed under, sj prohibitive a handicap, by a con ftnn flt whi.h thn r.ann government had official represen- "Clause I., Article 20. Page 11? of the Act provides that: ernment of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ire land, and such proposals shall b? communicate by the latter to all W, ..I... A.. . .... UlliCi UUUUM.UI IK UUVCJll ments, "and if any such modifications are accepted by all the Contracting Governments finclud- n$ Governments which have de" noslted ratifications of accessions which have not yet become effec- lve this convention shall be mod fled accordingly.'" We most strongly urge that the 'anadlan Government, at the ear-st possible date will take stepi -i have the northern limit of the "mmf r Zone on this eoast ex- nded from latitude 50 degrees to 6 degrees. Silversides Bros, PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue QUEEN CHARLOTTE SHINGLES BEST IN B.C Our Prince Rupert Prices j No. 1 5x per M , .J3.75 No. 1 3x per M , 3.25 No. 2 per M. 2.75 ROBERTSON & SIMPSON Massett, B.C, Agent: Hyde Transfer. Phone 589 Typewriters for Rent by day, week or month Rose, Cowan & Lal-ta Phone 234 MISS S. OLAFSON A. T. C M. Associate Teacher of Miss Way Teacher of Piano, Theory, Harmony. Counterpoint. Telephone : Red 390 Your Figure Studied Lines Symmetrical Arranged MRS. TIIOMASSON Dressmaker & Ladles' Tailor 415 Green St. Phone Blue 901 Just an Steamship Sailings For Yancouyer Sunday ss. Pr. George ....10 p.m. .Tuesday s. Cabala ...r...l;3Q p.m Thursday ss. Pr Rupert 10 pjn. Frlday-rss. Princess Mary 10 p.m S3. Cardena, midnight. Sept. 2 6S. Prln. Alice .. .5:30 p m. Sept. 5 ss. Prln. Louise 5:30 pm. Sept. 14 ss. Prin, Louise 5:30 pin. Sept 23 ss. Prin. Louise 5:30 pin. From Vancouver-r Sunday ss, cataia ...j .4 pn. Wed. ss,. Pr. Rupert ... 10:30 am Friday as, Princess Mary 4 pjn. Friday ss, Cardena pjn. Satur. ss. Pr. George 10:30 am. Sept 10 ss. Prln. Louise .9 Sept. 19 ss. Prln. Louise 9 ajn. Sept. 30 ss. Prin. Louise ..p aon. for Naas River and Port Simpson- Sunday ss. Cataia .8 p.ra, From Naas River tc Port Simpson- Tuesday ss. Cataia ...41:30 a.m. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss, Cataia .. .8 p.m. Wednesday s. Pr. Rupert 4 pm. Saturday ss. Pr. George .. .4 pjn. From Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Pr. George 8 pjn. Tuesday ss. Cataia .11:30 a.m Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 8 pjn. For Ocean Falls-Sunday es. Pr. George ..40' 7)4n. Tuesday ss. Cataia J?30 p,m. Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pjn. Friday ss. Princess Mary 10 pi: From Ocean Falls- Wed S3. Pr. Rupert .,10:30 ajn. Friday- tt. Cardena .......... p m ss. Prlnceas Mary 4 p r Sat. ss. Pr. George ,..40:30 am. for Queen Charlottes-Sept 10 ss. prince John 10 pin. Sept. 24 ss. Prince John 10 pan, From Queen Charlottes Sept. 8 ss. Prince John Sept. 22ss. Prince John am For Alaska- Sept. 10 ss. Prln. Louise tl am. Sept. 19 ss. Prin. Louise U am. Sept 30 ss. Prin. Loutee l am. From Alaska 1 Sept 2 ss. Prln. Alice ,4 pm. Sept. 5 . Prln. Louise .4 pm. Sept 14 ss. Prin. Louise .4 pm. Sept 23 ss. Prln. Louise ..4 pm, From Skeena River-Fridays ss. Cardena . Incorporation of Jabours, Limited, a Prince Rupert company with capitalization of $15,000, is announced in the lasl issue 6f the British Columbia Qazette. Guide to Correspondents The Dally News welcomes correspondence on live topics of the day or any other subject of public Interest, but letters must be brief and to the point. The long-winded correspondent has no place In modern Journalism. Every letter must be signed by the writer, not necessarily for publication but as a matter of good faith and courtesy. All unsigned documents go to the wastue paper basket Letters of a caustic character must have, the signature ap-. pended for publication. Letter should be written op one side hi the paper only. Correspondents must avoid personalities and the language should be such as would be allowed in the ordinary rules of debate. Alibi ' EGG PRICE . IS RISING Few New Fruits and Vegetables -Small Advance in Wholesale Sugar Price A few new seasonal fruits arc! vegetables are noted in the Sep-I tember revision of the local market report. Fall apples are beginning : to come in although it will be a few weeks' yet before some of th! most popular varieties begin to arrive. Peaches are not being quoted by the crate yet but the preserving soon will come on later in the month as stocks begin to move ii more freely. There Is a slight stiffening In the wholesale price of sugar although no advances have yet. been been made on the retail market. Butter is steady while flour ani feed prices exhibit weakness with no recent retail price changes. The price of eggs is advancing but meats are down. Market prices current today are is follows: Vepeiables- O. C. New Potatoes. 13 lbs. ....... 2i sack Ii1 b. c. Beets, bunch, 2 for.. 15 Parsley, bunc:. ' B.C. Celery, head, 15 Vegetable Marrow, lb jk) Spinach, B. C lb. .10 arlb. Imported, per lb .i... ... r Wax Beans, lb ,11 ireen Beans, lb. .10 tbbage, green -- '0. heal lettuce, bead :? Victoria, hothouse tomatoes , 2 lbs. .21 Field Tomatoes, lb. 00 Qreen Peppers 2 lbs. .5 Ihubarb. outdoor, lb 05 Sgg Plant, lb a :C. Cauliflower , hd,... 15c. to .25 B. C. Bunch Carrots J)5 Outdoor cucumbers, each 5c to .10 Pumpkin, lb : .01 Hubbard Squash, lb,... ,n 09 Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs Green Onions, S bunches 10 Radishes. 3 bunches : -l) Onions, 5 lbs Imported Spanish Onions, lb... .10 Apples Oreen Cooking Apples, lb. 4c. to .5 p. C. Gravenstclns, lb. 10 Wealthy, 3 lbs. 23 Fruit Valencia Oranges ....0c to .70 Lemons, Amsterdam, large .50 California Grapefruit .7ttc to .10 Bananas, lb. ..... , .15 Calif. Seedless a rapes, lb. ........ .20 Cal. Malaga drapes, lb. 2i Cal. Rtblere Grapes, lb SO Canteloupes, Oliver 10c. to .15 Pears, dos 45c to .00 Plums, lb .15 Pears, Okanagan, dot. 35c to ... .50 i Elberta Peaches, doz 45 ! Watermelons, lb. ... .n Italian Prunes, crates 1.C0 Dried fruits Extracted honey, per iar 25 i Comb honey M Oates. bulk. lb. .13 Vi l RaUlns. bulk, lb . 45 ! Lemon and orange peel JO 1 Black cooking figs, lb. .15 ; Currants, lb .15 Citron peel M I White figs. lb. .13 'Apples, dried .20 Peaches, peeled 20 Apricots, lb. 2d Prunes, 00-70, lb. .10 Prunes, 30-40. Ib. 4S Prunes, 40-50. lb. 42ft Meats-Fowl. No. 1. lb. .. . '.30 Roasting Chicken, lb 40 Ham, sliced, first grade ...;. .45 Cottage, rolls, lb, 23 Ham, picnic, first grade. .25 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade A"i Pork, shoulder .18 Pork, loin .28 Pork, dry salt .-.-.i...... JO Pork, leg w.................Ww.M .30t Ayrshire bacon, lb. 35c to .50 Veal, shoulder. .25 VeaL loin, ,. .35 Beef, pot roast l?c. to 0 Beef, boiling lOa to .14 Beef. roas). prime rib. J23 Lamb, shoulder '. ,22 Beef, steak 25c. to. ,35 Lamb, leg .33 Lamb; chops 35c to .40 Mutton, shoulder 0 Fish- Smoked klDDers. lb. .15 Salmon, fresh, lb .25 Halibut, fresh, lb. 0 East B.C. fresh pullets, doz J5 B.C. fresh firsts, doa .37 B.C. fresh extras, doz 40 Local, new laid .45 Bi'tter Fancy cantoned, lb ..... .30 nii. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs. .-.. 0 Flour Hour, 49's, Nc. 1 hard wheat 1.70 Pastry Flour, 10 Jbs L .50 Suear - fellow, 100 lbs. : 5.10 White, 100 lbs,- , ,.,... 5.60 Lard . Eure 17V2 Compound w 174 Wheat. No, 3 Alberta, 1 7i No. 5 Alberta Pas ...,.....t. l Bran ...w 1. J Shorts ....mwU 150 Middlings . 1.90 Barley l.os Laying Mash ....I :. 2A3 Oyster SheU X lio Beef Scrap 3.75 Ground Oil Cake - 3.45 Fine oat chops 1.75 Cruched oats 143 Tiae barley chop 1.75 Nuts., Vlmonds. shelled Valenclas 0 nlKornla solt shelled, walnuts 35 Walnuts, , brokgn. shelled. 'z&iiuS AValnuts, shelled halves .. is peaifuts ..- .Id Cheese-Ontario solids 2 Stlltori. lb. 3J Rcuquefort JH0 Mail Scheduli For the East-Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 11:30 am. From the East-Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday .4:30 pm. For Vancouver- Sunday 9 pm. Tuesday ... ...-.12:30 noon Wednesday, 4:30 pm. Thursday -T. 9 pm. Friday 11 pm. Saturday 4:30 pm. From Vancouver-Sunday .4 p m. Wednesday Jl:30 am. Friday pm. Saturday 10:30 am. For Stewart and Anyox ' , Sunday ... .... -7 pm. Wednesday ....4JI.i...4. pm. Saturday i 4 pm. From Stewart and Premier , Sunday 8 pm. Tuesday :........41:30 am. Thursday 8 pm. Saturday 8 pm. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday 7 p.m. From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday . 11:30 am. From North Queen Charlottes-Thursday . 10:30 am. For Queen Charlottes-Sept. 10 and 24 10 pm. Frem Queen Charlottes-Sept 8 and 23 T Am. By Westover I WAS SQH6 7TO HAVJE DNMEC VWlTH f POAiT BE LM2EASCWABLE -VOU VMOW i, ' . 77 H M-T 5k-1 A. 6IEL FRIEND. BUT HOW ABSCT-MtMDED I AM-1 IMPLW ( "AMO tLEASE TELt w If i