4 iff 1 ? kin 1 tda&! 4S -m DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenu1 "H. F. PULLEN - Managing-Editor SUBSCiClITION KATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance 5.00 Tor lesser periods, paid in advance, per month -50 By mall to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period ..... 3.00 By mall to all other parte of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year - .. t0.00 By mail to all other countries, per year 9-00 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 9S Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations THE BENNETT ' BUDGET Tuesda.y, June 2, 1831 BUSINESS OUTLOOK Former Local .Man Writes on Economic Situation Sees Improvement Generally The following by C. J. Rogers, comptroller of the White Pass & Yukon Route, whose lather. J. S. Rogers was a steamship agent here in the early days, appears in the me buiimuuj ui mc uumcn uuuSv- mwv v.... abandoned tneir increasing pro- hand shows that it has fulfilled all the dreaami tnings pro- gram, it is quite evident that noth-phesied of it. Instead of the Bennett government bringing tng has happened to the general n an era of prosperity as promised, it has found it neces- JJ to lncreast sary to lay a heavy hand on the people of the country in e pro order to pay its way. This is in addition to a tremendous Raw proaacu have decreased in curtailment of expenditures which has helped to accen- prices again although as usual ma- breeds. Orientals. Middle-EuroDeans. Eskimos, nameless 1 v. a4n (11 vt-Virvl aca 1of AnrlAO . ? A- ? A V J. , i? 1 i 1. A it . . wans wun iurave eyes dui wnai, acquaintance can meyivored to induce hu retaUers to re- mfa rrrr BflsHsfsBBsV- ' ''ttlL jtr 1 jai tn' KhEML9 bbV. -issaieJfe- Southern California clubs have appointed Reginald "8nowy" B.i-ker. as dlrector-general of athletic sports In preparatto.. fn their part In Olympic games of 1932. Baker, a native Australian and expert horseman, Is seen putting his horse through a ot-footed spin at Los Angeles retailer In the gents' furnishing! line to try the experiment. With the wholesalers help a real sale was put on. The first week's volume was $8,000 out of a busted mill town with no money In It. This business depression that has been running now for nearly two years has been likened to riearly. everything under the sun by writ- I ;ers on It. Lately It has seemed to me to liken Itself to the great war. When that war first struck It was ' taken rather lightly by most of us. 1 We couldn't appreciate that It could amount to much and we more or, less calmly waited for It to bum It- j self out In a few months or be set- I Ued. As the months dragged on a I note of fear and despair began to take hold of the world. We began to feel that a war of the first magni tude could and was happening a j thing we thought impossible under I i our civilisation the end of the war 1 only came when the world overcame 1 Its first attitude of indifference and 1 its second attitude of despair and ! fear and took Its coat off and went actually to work with all Its resour- ces and put an end to It. I think the analogy will be apparent to everyone. Only recenUy have we through our financial leaders, labor leaders and statesmen taken off our coat and started In to find out how this thing can be stopped. We have got that far anyway. Uncle QAZAZUS Is coming! THS DAILY flEWS Tuesday, June 1931 News and Views in Sport World Sons of Canada Victorious By Score of Seven to One in Opening Ball Game of Season The Prince Rupert Baseball League opened its playing . . . , , , ... i x in the early pan 01 ine year nave lMhahi. h. 4 tarmr turn-nut on made a three-battuer. Stallcer was tuate the condition of unemployment and hardship under nuiactured products nave not 101- glx Mfetle Theere were miite a Neiron p 3 Which the country is laboring. 1 IoWd m me f p"5"wn-" B number of errors by both sides but Zarelli If. 4 In order to pay the curl,nt expenditures and fixed ZV Vl ta the nr$t sb. J charges and also to provide a bonus of five cents on Cana- caMed b. tog of manufactured '1 m started their scor- ourVich rf .2 dian wheat, the government has increased the sales tax by prices behind the decreases in the m , n t mnm wnen Kenny Stephens lb 2 three cents on the dollar and raised the income tax on in- raw commodities. The corporated companies from eight to ten per cent. This the return of the TV, coU ov without consequent consequent According to a lady writer in the Canadian Home Jour- i ii ri ii n n l "v r ,en current issue ol WaaWnaton Pur- iOQr :, Ar-rnnnHfl Hill fn-nnnds when the Sons I Chre VeTiTrZa. if Canada defeated the Millionairs by a score of seven to ton of buine during the past one. Mayor Orme pitched the opening ball and it appeared month. The increase in certain lines by the direction the ball went, that his outcurve is vvork-durim March has faded out and ;n pvpn better than it was when he opened the season! IavoIs am haeV where thev Started ? m ,.,v. i-lr 1 1 : ;f yeur. iiicic wsu nuw auui a uig, this spring. The Industries that crowd of fans on hand as might times up. Roberta and Zarelll ear b cemmenoed Increases of production have been expected, but there will collected two tingles, while Smith caiciica evex v Fmiusi. "'"' ' j the costs U hfen of the manufac- 1S a levy on IOOCI, ciomes anu luxuries, aw uear uie uurueii tured arttele he buy naturally equally. The poor man eats as much as a rich man and his take him out of the market until food is taxed and he, the consumer, has to pay it. an adjustment of these two values The inonmp tnv was nlvenrlv hirrh but it hns been riven a Is made. While this is unfortunate hoist. This in addition to the double income tax levied by the Tolmie government, makes a big demand on a long- suffering vi public. nai Lnereai'e HiSKimos nvinir near rrince Jtunerx. ui course , .i , Thursdav Thursday w when the Sons try to re- the only other batter to hit safely. ?eat their success at the expense of Umpire Brookes, behlnl the plate the Elks. - handled the game efficiently and Is Bill Lambie dW the pitching for to be commended for clearing the the winners and hi the Millionairs players' benches of spectators, down with three scattered hits. Box Score while Jaek Nelson did mound duty Millionairs AB R H PO fnr th krars and was touched for Bury cf 4 0 decrease in rf-f. man wait-d. Moran was Budluleh 2b. 3 raw producer . h Kekon tried to catch Smith c. 3 reduction in Kpnnv at ond hut failed. Smith Moore rf. 1 overthrew third when Kenny tried to steal and he scored. The next Totals thrw hatters all struck out. S. O, C lucky bounce over Wendle's head, scoring Roberts and Frlzzell. He went to second on the throw-in. Johnson was thrown out at first. The Millionairs got their lone run in the fifth. Stephens struck out and Kenny threw out Budlnlch. i . fanned but was safe when Roberts let the ball get away from him. ; Nelson was hit by a pitched ball, filling the bases. Zarelll hit a liner down the third base line for a single, scoring Smith. Moran took Wendle's smash and forced Nelson at third. Friasell led the hit ters with three hits including a double in three Q HEALTHY BABY SHOULD CRY FOR AT LEAST ONE HOUR H DAY AND WHEN THEY'RE DOING- THIS LIG-HT RUC BUCKINGHAM, KlMf,UQkl -1 irii"! 4 k "flMri sMl I tr j Send inlm-aiti in iltmp and we will mail you a coinplde wt of "Do You Know ' card sixty cards of kuowledifs and curioiu facts printed la color (nite tH' x IJf). Or twenty cents will bring you tlie sixty cards accompanied by an album in which t lie cards can b placed as a permanent collection. Address Dept. 1 Tuckett Tobacco Co, Ltd, Hamilton. Buckingham Cigarettes smooth refrraliititf lilfnl tj I.J.Mni aim- treated by powerful ultra violet rays. inert is no mora mellowing mflueDce tuan the sun. BucLinghams, treated with iliant sun lamps, are remarkably cool ana mellow an aU-plraaure cigarette, never varying in quality, packed for freshness in the patented sealed package: .28 1 ABR They added two more In the sec- Kenny 2b .3 i and Roberts led off with a sinEle. Moran 3b 3 0 there la something to be said for 4 0 He went to seCQnd c a vaMeA baU Lambie p, the manufacturers side of it. Tak- wnen Fri2ZeU doubled to Howe rf 3 0 tog an raw products Including farm left Frl2zeli went to third on a StIes lb 3 0 mroduetlon. the basic nrodueers are i n a .v etniv. nnhWtx r 3 s . . - Diiaeru usn aiiu acuicu wuai gHiJkci . . . - Then there is a fifty per cent increase in postage rates usually smaller units than the went out at flrst johnson and rrtotiicf. 3 3 on letters and various other imposts all designed to take tlx wno work p and roarket Kenny struck out. if ...3 o money from the people of the country which ordinarily ff pu' ?f! Tw more were addcd ta Johnson 2 0 tbev wnnld ?nenrl tn keen the wbeek nf inrlnstrv mnvino- quickr 131 KnaMer un. , f iwrth. Roberts was safe when Ste- - . they spend to Keep the Wheels OI inOUStr moing. wqUJd to i, n9t the organized resistance nW ,rfmn Wpnriu,., throw and Totals 27 7 3 , H PO 0 0 'Ihe dlttlCUlty With our. system IS that When times are reduction of labor costs In the ba- enl to Qnd He usAtA when MUHonalrs 0 0 0 0 bad and people have little money the governments almost sic producers that there is m the vn .insied toineht Frizzeii sons of Canada , . i 202 ESKIMOS NEAR PRINCE RUPERT? the fifth. Howe was safe on Ste phens' error. He was caught trying it is a fhVht nf imamnntinn hut it rnves n wrnnn- imnre-!,k- .ku ... ,. . wM.m to teftl second. Styles got ort when sior, of the country Gof if teen hundred miles farther north Uhere j. SSZSt uu joiwiuua iiicj uc iuuiiu, uui nuw nci c in mio i cjuii auu : rw' i'r riht. Frlzzell hit to Farquhar. The we think not within at least a thousand miles. defln,te llmbmg.?,u L'h? .?.e bau lodged lodged in in his his glove glove and both The writer of the article is Nina Moore Jamie6on and here is what she says: "Out from Prince Rupert, perched away up on the coast of British Columbia, is a little island, where lumbermen have a camp, where fishermen nut in as a port of call, occasionally, where there are by some miracle, children enough to warrant a school. The teacher is a woman with can commence until these two ele ments of raw prices and tlon on the one side of manufacture prices and production on the other side come Into arr adjustment. While this recession has been running well over a year It is only since the first of the year that we have noticed a really strong effort three daughters of her own girls in their teens. Whatjby the outlet of tht manufacturer. rinnre ia trioro fnr tVioco m'rls tn mara iha nottn-ol fftonn (the retailer, to put . prices on this " dlted with a hit, his third game. Stalker hit one that took a 1 1 0 10 7 0 0 2 6 21 son. Moran; ume 01 game, umpires, Brookes and Laporte CARDS WIN A 0 3 0 1 I 0 0 0 3 0 a A 5 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 1 10 5 1 0 01 2 C x 7 invariably increase their levies, thus helping to Crush manufacturing end and the basic rtoie second and went to third when Summary Two-base hit. FrSz-those already down. Also they Curtail expenditures thus " d0 not, J""': ac the ball was thrown high. He scored sell. 3,rse hit. Smith: rase on balls hlh overhead the otner 8lde asias Stalker thrown out at first off Nelson 1; struck out by Lam-?S& belninir tn thrmv men nnt nf ernnlnvment tn inin the larre was m! L? and WhtCh Sow" 11 to reUt the de- Johnson was hit by a pitched ball. Me .11.. Nelson Hk left on bases, army Of men already trying to eke OUt a Scant livelihood, cums to an attempt to keep iU or- J K(!nny wemoutat flrst Moran was Millionairs 6. S. O. C. 5; passed s. i ganizatkm functioning. The fact hU by a pltched ban Neison tossed baU. Roberts 2. Smith 2i; stolen 'also that the taking to market of . . T,amhl. to -nr th. mnne ibase. Roberta, Frlzzell. Stalker; hit raw product, usually te quite Ireet; m lQby p,tchef. Nelson. Stephens, John 1:30; j FROM REDS Won Six to Five in l! Inning Game ' Yesterday and Incrrane Lead I In Standing ST. LOUI8, June 2: St. Louis Cardinals Increased their lead in the " National League yesterday " by ' smith was safe when Stvleii nulled . . cTiirio nnrJ .nntnnte nf rr,VH,nn? T1,Q W,. (Uln.c u0 if. merchandise that wouw increase . . . . ,, . aeieatmg tincxnnau oy a score 01 Lja iso uuu vuiuuv-bo ui uimuuui iticj niiutv Aaiviiciiia, jiciix- . . t o moll ro r awv ua wic iaw uui have normally with other girls of their own class?" Iduce their prices but this the retailer resisted with the argument that there was no money In the town anyway and reductions would be of no avail. The town happened o be a mill payroll town and full of gloom and business was at a very low level. He finally Induced one six to fve In a 12-innlng struggle, j It was the only game played in the Big Leagues yesterday. All Amerl- can League games were rained out. j Baseball Standings National League W. L. iSt Louis 23 11 New York .23 13 Chicago 21 15 Boston 19 18 Brooklyn 19 20 Philadelphia 18 20 Pittsburg 17 22 Cincinnati 9 30 American League Pet. .677 .639 383 .514 .487 .474 .430 234 W. L. PCt. Philadelphia 28 9 .757 New York 22 16 579 Washington 23 17 .575' 'Cleveland 20 20 500 Chicago 17 21 .447 ; Detroit 18 26 .409 St. Louis 13 22 .371 Boston 14 24 389 MILLION PEOPLE AT DERBY TOMORROW IS 4 PRESENT EXPECTATION EPSOM DOWNS, Eng., June 2: It Is estimated that a million people will witness the Derby run; tomorrow. Link Boy was scratched today and It la not expected there will be more than 24 starters. This afternoon's train, due from the east at 3:30. was reported this morning to be on time. Olympic Aspirants If Elizabeth and Ctheine Mux: Kansas, keep up tiieir fo tr 1:1 3 may be included in Utnu-o Sn ." Legion Lineup dlan Legten team win be ehosen from the following players: J. Smith, Skinner, D. Jack. Erskin, O). Howe, WoodsMe, T. Iiaddon. J. Murray. W. Murray. F.'HoogkinsbD. Wm. Murray, C. Baptte i captain i, Bussanich, A. Hodgkinfton. SOFTBALL ! -1 i June 2 Drydock vs. Station. June S Station vs. Roundhouse. June 9 Roundhouse vs. Drydock. K u.i of UtllVl : srui ihrnwmv; a set ol ' next Olympic team. 1 Merchant's Team For tonight's football match Merchants foasfeall team f 10-agalnat t ho. Merchants thaOana- 4iaht!a.aa4e win be as ()inws S. Outvies, Dotelsw. Stiles. O Mn- chell. Currle; Hill. A Diknv H Dickens. S. DMM. McKay Cttei. oskt. Ntservts. V. Menetes. Le Amor. The above aU report ii: aiu: wil! turn out m bclsjtht new colors uic ssum as the eM MerohanU Fouiba., Cteb. BASEBALL June 4 S.9.C. vs. Elks June 8 Elks vs. MUHomiirr A Private Income of ;s100 a month for Life MOO A MONTH If in good health 'IOO A MONTH If In III health 'IO.000 CAM Minnie of death . . . from age 55! Just picture It At 55. while etitl well .m ! Vip("TWB, IOCCHMC iniWB HTVtC lrtOKilC (inn and above other revenue), nnartrrd m the rrtt cif your life, of $100 a immth. You simply make yearly or hi.lf-veurU defxnits of an agrqrd amount for a penttel period, at Ute end of witfcti you begin to rupeive a tnostthly inrawe for Hfe. That's only part of the story If. mean wliile, tltrnugh sickneM or accident 'u IwHikl U-cowe Utially disabled, y paying premiums and receive )100 a iikhuI' during Micb disability. At age 55, the regu Hu incttme of $100 a nOTrmi,' unimpmrH pontes into efTeft. Look how your iamlly U protected .Shuuld you die at any time before reai Imv SS, your family receiven $10,000. PHI In and forward tlili form fwlilrh Inrotfes iyou In no obligation) and etart Allures suited . . . I..f.l.,.. f I M I , . .....a SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL Withjmt obligation mi mj part, plww send full part iquVsa of your JITOs-nsilli-fof.i;re pbft as Mil lined hi your aJWrtwe roeirt in .......,., . , . (Mumr of ftprt) Name (Mr., Mrs. or Mi) M De of Birth (Month) (Yctr) - Address (Street) (Cltvl S. J. JAB0UR NORTHERN H. C. REPRESENTATIVE