D. & W. GIBB'S FINE SOAPS Cold Cream Soap Superfatted, small size, cake 25c Cold Cream Soap Superfatted, bath size, cake 35C "Noomie" Lemon Soap Large size, each 5C "Otto de Rose" Soap Cake oc Rose Oeranlum Soap Bath size, cake 35C Shaving Cream Tube 40c Sharing Stick In new patent holder case, stick ...50c Ebony Shaving Bowl Each . ji.qo Shaving Bowl Refills Each 5oc Oibbs Dentifrice I'er tin 15C an(i 25C Ormes ltd. ZTfia Pioneer DritQg&sbs Phones 81 et 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St, that THREE GRADUATE PIIARMICISTS TlieFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACI Evspor builds Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I'MNCE RUPERT, 1J.C. NESTLE'S strength tnd viulir betlthy. The milk thtt is pare tnd wholesome . . . produced from Canada's finest selected dairy tows . . . then sterilized and scaled in airtight tins-The milk for children. NESTLES VerUTt Lmrgnt Pnductrt an J Sellm f Ceudtuxd mud Limpotmttd Milk. Builds strendth and0 vitality BABY SIZE ...urn I Tm m W W w r u'Tirn VXJW HI WL EVAPR !ll J.VJ.J.JUXV GIVE your children Ntsnri FnnnntMl Milk ... the milk litT... tint keeps children rosy checked and PRODUCT OF SsnisfoRAra ZAM-BUK Used To-Nlght Will Hoal Your CHAPPED HANDS l', gfrrn Ts 1 1 r fi r sr i nstswir n 1" AO UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mramm Irate I'rlnre ltuert I or Vancouver: T I-AT ALA rVtttV Tl'KHHAV. t.Sl. I'M. Arriving Vancouver, via Oomr. Ftl. Thursday Noon appro. T.8.W. tAKIltAA tVKKY fltllAY MlllXMHIT Arriving Vancouver Bund midnight appros Weekly aaUuigt to Port Birupnoiy Alice Arm Anyox. Stewart and Naaa River points. Buiiday. 8 00 p.m tanner information regarduiR all uUiiibh '! ticket t - miMTB KlTrHT AHLMV: Kit oud Aenue, I'hone ohB TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIitY FOR ERCENA mtAM) Creamery Butter fc Cottage Cheese rnmi rASTEumzEu milk AND CREAM 1IAILV Early Deiivery Throughout the City Rupert Motors DODGE DEALERS Oarage and Service Station All Modern Equipment 12-IIour Battery Charger OUR TOWING St WRECKING CAR WILL HANDLE ANY JOB , l'lione SCO (Night Calls rhonc 101) Local Items Dlnnerwarc, china, crockery, glassware, Ileilbroner's Store. Don't forget! Elks' day arid Crowning of May Queen Wednesday, June 3. IV Deeth of Anyox was a passenger aboard . the Catala thl morning bound for a trip to I R. 0.. Cutler of Anyox was apas-1 senger aboard the Catala this morning bound for a trip to Van-' couvcr. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. , Olgot ni Stewart- were passengers aboard t the Catala this morning bound for trip to Vancouver. Mrs. A. A. Eauon will play the part of "Lola" in the Elks' Show. "The Beauty Shop," at the Capitol Theatre June 9. E. J. Smith returned to the ctty on the Catala this morning after making the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on business. II. E. DeWoIf, local manager of W. II. Malkln Co. Ltd., returned to the eity on the Catala this morn ing after making the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on business Oscar Landry, district superintendent of Government Telegraphs returned to the city on the Catala this morning from an inspection trip to Anyox and Alice Arm. Commander H. R. Tlngley nf Equ!matt, who has been a visitor In the city lor the past couple of days, sailed byi the Catala this af ternoon on his return south. Miss Margaret Lindsay, Hit., of the nursing staff of the Anyox Hospital arrived in the city on the ' Catala this moraine to pay a visit with her parents, Mr. nd Mrs, J J A. Lindsay. Park Avenue. Joseph Parisclll, C.N.R. section man at Kltsranea, will board to- I morrow's train at that point ana proceed to Montreal where oc June : 12 he will embark on the steamer vs, , Aseania for a trip to feta native i home hear Rome. Italy. NOTICE Postponed Farewell BenqiMt lor' Alfred Holtby. retiring B. & B. Master. Canadian National Rail ways. nu be hew in commodort Cafe js7 o'clock tonight. All those holding tickets please note. 128 Uncle GASAZUS is coming! Kaien Motors Limited General Garage and Senrice Station CHLVROLKT and 11U1CK Open Day and Night t'fconc 52 Third Avenue- COAL Uuy the real Coal our fa nious Edson and Cassldy-Wrtllngton In any quantities. Also Itulklry Valley Hay, Grain and Kobln Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PIIONT.H &8 AND 558 SAILINGS FROM IMUNCE KUPERT To .Kelrhikan, lVrangcli, Juneau and Skagway June 8, IS. 10, 22. To Vancouver, Vieturia aiid 3, 13. 20. 34, 27. lor Iluterialc, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell Uivcr, Vancouver, Victoria-Friday, 10 pjn. Full information from W. C Orchard, General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave. St 4th St. Phone 31 York. ill THB DAH.T NEWS Uncle OAZAZUS is coming! Football tonight 0:45 Merchants Canadian Legion. Norman Wilks piano recital, Church, June 2, 8:13 pjn. 123 .Glasses fitted f registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Rupert Rod and Gun Club will hold a general meeting in City Hall Thursday, June 4at 8 p.m. Hurry! Our Permanent Wave Special $4.50 closes June 15. Ncl son's Beauty Parlor. Blue 561. 128 Rupert East United Church Tea and Sale of Home Cooking, Art Gallery . and musical program, Thursday, June 4, from 3 to G. The B .C. Gazette carries &r-noucement of the incorporation under the. Societies Act of the Willow River Community Society of Willow River near McBrlde. The Post Office general delivery and registration wickets will be open from 9 a,m. to 11 ajn. Wed nesday. The public lobby will be open from 8 ajn. to 8 pm. Miss Margaret Wilson, sister of Mrs. R. G. Large, Port Simpson who arrived Sunday by motor from the east, left by yesterday after noon's train on her return to New Union steamer Catala, Capt. A E. Dtckaon. returned to port at 9:40 this morning from Anyot Stewart and otier northern points and sailed at 1:30 this afternoon for Vancouver and wayports. Pilot D. Murphy, who Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Good. Graham Avenue. The' pijot is an old f rtend of Mr. Good's. NOTICE L. F. Coles, ptano tuner, is for Stewart-Wednesday an-l wtU be gone a week. On his retani all orders left at .MacLaren's Mu- i lc Store will receive prompt ai- ' tentton. j 128 Sheriff's Sale the County of Prince Itupert Holden at Trinee Rupert Daggett Et Al-and J. A. Swanson riaintiff United Pacific Fisheries Incorporated, Defendant BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT OF EXECUTION, ISSUED IN THIS ACTION. AND TO ME DIRECTED, I HAVE SEIZED OF THE GOODS OF THE DEFENDANT THE FOLLOWING: 14,235 lbs. of Med. Frozen Halibut and 6130 lbs. No. 2 Frozen Halibut (American). 6315 lbs. Med. Frozen Halibut and 2420 lbs. No. 2 Frozen Halibut (Canadian. Now in storage at Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co., Ltd. for which the warehouse receipts are my possession. Also 1 Ice Box with Chute, 1 Box Conveyor. 1 pox Chute with Tackle. 1 Fish Scale with ' Conveyor for Scoops. 1 Dynamo with Pulleys and Shafting, 1 Ice Grinder with Pulleys and Shafting, 1 Hoisting Wrench, 1 Hoisting Wrench (second-hand) 4 Rolls Belting. 1 Ice Conveyor. This is now in the build-in r recently occupied by the United Pacific Fisheries Inc. at Provincial ! Government Wharf. ALL OF WHICH I SHALL OFFER FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION FOR CASH ON THURSDAY. THE 4TH DAY OF JUNE. 1031, AT 2:30 O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON AT FI8II EXCHANGE, HUNT'S BUILDING, COW BAY. Dated at Prince Rupert, May 29th, 1031. 8. A.. NICKERBON. (123) Sheriff. ,, v I ANNOUNCEMENTS I Eagles Social and Sniokcfj Fri day, June 5. Elks' Show "The Beauty Shop," Capitol Theatre. June 9. j 1 Variety Concert under the auspices of the Boy' Band, Thursday, June 18 in Moose Hall. ' (1J8) ' Moose picnic. Dltfby Island, June !ai. . Canadiun Legion Picnic July 12 STOCK FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received by the ' undersigned up to Friday, the 5th day of June, 1931, at 2:00 o'clock, for ( the purchase of the stock and fixtures of JABOUR BR03. LTD., carrying on business at Prince Rupert, B.C. Stock consists of miscellaneous lines of dry goods, clothing, children's wear, boots and shoos, fancy goods, etc. Fixtures consist of dry goods, cash registers and general merchandise fixtures. '' The store -will be open for Inspec tion at any time during business hours. Inventory may be seen at the store at any time upon application. All offers to read at a rate on the dollar as per inventory. Highest or any tender not neces sarily accepted. All tenders to be handed to our representative, Mr. J. II. PilHng, care of Jabour Bros. Ltd. store. Prince Rupert, B.C. THE CANADIAN CREDIT MEN'S TRUST ASSOCIATION LIMITED, 222 Pacific Building, ' (129) Vancouver, B.C. Children admitted free to Ella' Flag Day celebration Wednesday and also to Exhibition Hall in the evening for the crowning of May Queen. the 133 J. 6. dirk, game warden, has been appointed deputy mining re- arrived J corder far fhe Uard River minim; last evening from Vancouver with division with sub-recording offtc the plane of the 'Northern Brltisvat Fbtt Nelson, the B. C. Gaaette Columbia Airways, is the guest of ! announce. Reg. Ratberlord of Kelowna, district governor r: me Gyro Club, after paying an ollicial visit to th-Ketchikas club, arrived in the cit ' on the Norco thts morning from lhc north. At noon tndav he wai Euet at a luncheon of the local club. WEDNESDAY SPECIAL Apricot Sponge Sandwich 20 cents The Electric Bakery We Deliver Phone Gfi7 HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot iind cold water tn all roomt A. J. rUIIIIIIOMMK. rrop. Cor. of Fraser said Fifth Sts Savoy M. Johnston. C.NH. New Royal Hotel I. Karrlll. Prop tiii: noiix noicTii wiui.r. Hot & Cold Vut. strsoi Heat 75c PEIt DAY AND UP Trlrplinnr SHI Royal Mr. and Mrs. Levctt, Vancouver: '. Paterton, city. NATURAL 1'UKE Fresh Milk Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered d?.l)y from our own cows. Four successive years Government Orade A certificate Health and Sanitation. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PKINCE RUPERT DAIRY Box 893 I'hone 287 S. E. Parker Ltd. , Ford Dealers Cars Trucks Tractors Tires Accessories Gas St Oil Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Avenue I'hone 83 Tuesday, June 2, 1631 for EXTRA value.. IT PAYS lo specify the name Kellogg's when purchasing corn flakes. Here is the world's most popular ready to-eat cereal. Costing only a few cents a package. Always ready to serve. No troulde or. work. Delicious! ad Indeed, what other foods offer you so much value? Kellogg'e Corn Flakes are delightful for breakfast, for lunch, f or children's suppers and to enjoy as a bedtime snack. Serve with milk or cream. Add fresh or canned fruits or honey. Extra easy to digest. Crisp and flavorful. Wise buyers know that there is no substitute for genuine Kellogg's, the original Corn Flakes. Imitations never equal that Kellogg "wonder" flavor! Look for the red-and-green package ai your grocer's. Oven-fresh in the patented wax tite wrapper. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. You'll enjoy Kellogg' Slumber Mu tie, broadcast beef Til mnd euociated ttat'umt of the N. B, C every Sunder netting at 10.30 E.D.S.T. AUo en Lot AngeUt, S.OMO Seattle at 10.00, mnd KOA Denver at 10.30. CORN t FLAKE? EVEREADY Layerhitit 9 ONLY thing' you rieedliitow M TF YOU buy rtdio bsttewi on ths ti of irrvk, T thtrt ii jut oan thing you need lo know. B iut thy re Evemdr Isyrrbilt. Then you will be certain derer reception ml Ur of root dptnUbU power, longer life. Dm to Uw exiiuwve flt-lyer construction. Uyerbilt Batteries conuin nearly twice as much active, power-producing material at oIuHyp bsturie of equal aiie. For tiue "1J-VtKhflllV .-rtsTSi battery economy, iniiat on Uyetb.1t, hVLlVLrVlJT made only by liveready. the world's builden of dry batteries. lrs r Jl f nUnor kacuO Datienes Stlj tl Rtjt0 stow v(r,.Arr. CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON CO.. LIMITED Cls' Vancuet TORONTO Monu.l Wmnipti PB2 Ownins r.ttittij Radio Station t'KiVC. Toionia . i. r mi 1 1 1 1 n. k ,im If you want anything, try u classilied au.