Page 6 : THE DABLY NEWS = : = = - f Se - a TE ABI: WEDDING OF PR reragrery 7 MISS JEWEL CARTON j_ eee! News Notes) SOME. i ~ i “Cleopatra” coming to thelt, or CHRISTMAS Became the Bride of Robert Hal- Westhohme Friday and Saturday. i me — cron on Tuesday night. — tr we OO : ; ~ 7 J. W. Lewis, of Port Clements, | 4 aL the .cagnee, Town Avenne, is over from the Islands. on Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock ‘ ‘ |Miss Jewel Ganton, daughter of | lickets for prizes—eveny $1.00 ‘ P [ Fred. and the late Mrs. Garton, | urchase, Wallace's. , ti Come in and apeleries-- jof Eighth Avenue Bast, was united : ; : The very latest styles and designs in marriage to Robert Halcron, of) Pianos cornectly tuned. $6.00, Chor $e j our : : Alloe Arm. |G. GC, Walker, Phone Blue 389, tf from the Eastern centres. The. wedding was very quiet, | sae ‘: eas Xmas Gifts i only the immediate woe e of Special discount on aluminum § A -- the bride being present. The cere- ware until Xmas at Brochu’s. vo _ r , French vory ; mony was performed by Rev. Dr, per . es a | NOV Mirrors— Picture Frames— Hair H. R. Grant, | Veo “Muresco” the erect cant-| ys — Brushes— Jewel Cases— Manicure Ar- | ‘The bride is a well known local|iary wall finish. A. W. Edge Co.| Whilst Stocks A, : girl, having gone to school here coe oe | . Are ticles. in the early days For several For first class shoe repairing, ‘ th Compl te ~ lyears she has been an operator in/ Bh. M. Simpson, Fifth and McBride. ~—_ the telephone exchange. j . , ' * a + : i Chocolates Robert Halcron, the groom, is The “Director Corset. Manu Hankerchiefs in Gift Boxes - - from 50c to So 0 Page and Shaw’s and Ganong’ 8. | jan engineer on the Dolly Varden | iactured in Prince Rupert. Phon Ladies and Children’s Lined Gloves i] | Mines Railroad. The happy couple} !'ue Ye. ’ per pair . . - ~ $2.00 to $3.0¢ lwill spend the winter months in hil icccihnts Cann Kodaks-- lthe city, H. J. Baillou, of Ocean Falls, is sucOoIr Caps - . from 95c to $2.75 ‘ al ae at the Hotel Prince Ru- Fancy Silk Scarfs : from $4.50 to $7 $0 ODDFELLOWS TIE | eee Georgette and Crepe de Chine STOVES and SKATES at Waists - - - - from $9.50 to $2 SONS OF CANADA Thompson Hardware, 255 Third OY tO 921.00 ° ’ — sa Dainty Silk Underwear in Great In the whist games last night oF Variety; ‘Purses, Hand Ba > he ; ys . gs, etc. ‘ : ‘ena - - feds, springs ne 1 tres ‘ ; Ormes, Limited he Sons of Canada beat the Val- ; eeric’s | Fancy Collars; Roudoir Slippers in halla by a score of 7-2 while the i reauced prices a } Two Phones 82 &200 At Y our Service St. Andrew's were victorious over liture sal i ll colors * . . he Oddfellows, 8-1. This evens} , n't cobble shoes at Simp- Ladies’ Silkk Sweaters = ; he Sons of Canada and the Odd lson'’s—we repsir them. Corner from $15. to $40 ——— . Following is this " I and" ois Hemstitched Table Cloths, and a STRONG PLAYERS ON siobeidis ‘ - aed Fin mt | ~ “s - Be meol re variety of other suitable ar- ‘ons of Canada 2 666) lictes i prices. Barrie's Furniture St ‘| . , “A Baby was born today ---its tather died yesterday” aon ~) Knights of Pythias 500) “Cleopatra” the most beautiful ; ’ We ey Valhalla 2 5 280) woman in history, at the West- ; me" sronaen for taon san oof Fosiond +3 0) aime Paap ana ocr. HH EE WATT ACE CQ. ETD | Before Game. SITUATION | lite’s wdatial dis ounte : 1, *9 aie ° ae FINANCIAL ish until Christmas in our | Cerner Third Ave. and Fulton St. Following are the members of ‘ OPENING GAME TEAMS +. andrews ‘ Tragic? Yes—but that isn’t aii. The young husband left his wife ff ies : ; --— aiture, rug and drapery depa ; ib He had been so jthe teams that will engage in the - iia —— sed vigorous, be thoustt- Sint eeateh of thé’ either benhket. nternational Agreement Neces=| vents. \N ee lessly put off securing life insurance ; = sary to Rectify Present — . ee ee ecm Suen: ties & sometht es Se ee ee Condition. \ special meeting of the Car- ane" =— =. } to ll | tomorrow night. Some of them i penters’ Union will be held tonight ourself of its advantages and your §/are well known already as strong Special via G. T.P. Telegraph ut 8 o'clock in the Carpenters _ — heart will fill with remorse when ae tee : em i ; — ree realize that you are no Ppeet blayers and it is expected a big LONDON, Dec. ff. Baron |Hall, All carpenters requested to]; ing wife and ie ones unprovidea [Crowd will turn out for the open- swaythling who has just returned jattend, it PPy TARR opr tor. ing game. from the United States says that ae '-.* rer . } i , ec ! ' the. contingemey” ST ycer sudden The players: Drydock—Clem- nothing but an_ international! Albert & MeUCaffery, Ltd., ha r t ' DAN BS WJ L Sucalete ore Mutual Life of Can- entson, Harry Day, Dravis, Ed. agreement among the. Govern-| just received a shipment of | ; ada Protective Policy, so that you ;|Craggs, Sid Hardy, Meiller and ments will rectify the present) iundre d doors and windows et} gy Mt ay its the Jones. inancial situation. He suggest i st and varied stock in North Priday ae q Saturday wisest thing you ever did. | Sons of Canada — Brynildson, ‘he suspension of international » & ( ed ae iti ‘ | Blythe, W. Anderson, Eddie Mann, »ayments among the Allies f a ; MuGatery, Gene & Suge, | Sreithe and Ourrie hree years Bb. Levinson, of the finm of B. fied Kidney Beans 4 Ibs. for 95 j ’ | : Limited, Agents : . ee aod s daeeeettp vinson & Bros fur buyers of Pear! Barley 3 Ibs. for 25 ' i y, 4-0 al #1 3 Five players will be selected — — ’ ire. meth een fee 6 wae te 4 Fong Foes a4 Phone 11 - rd Avenue | from each list. ist. 2nd and 3rd Prizes—Xmas Winnipeg, is in the city hie a.Gine tee i. erica Rroditain ica tines sr) leaves on Sunday night for Van Clark's 1 mato Catsup (the biggest ouurve asim sina satneer rimmanncitgetisnnnditiiitare iy. © , ° yuver, va port tle catsup mh «the sire Pose a om i _ a alg market © Bottles 48¢ | wn 4 sonsthen Ap Xmas jiiuek 257. woe arge oe ae ‘ ey ai ‘ ker Red Cherries, 2%s8; regular Stock Specig i 2 . ; $ ° roods and toys opened up and pine i — _ ae ‘value . 50c, ‘Special 3 tins #1 o lapanese Oranges per t #1 elle i A. W. Edge Co. tf a ke a re ee eee Se eee ee oe Mew Havel Orenges, dos. soc 2 The é a. ‘. 20 per cent discount on all wall-| lay, night, rE | Yak is aeoeaal os rr , i asane iS i y ; . . . siue S0c; Specis is 0 la I ; Notary Public Conveyarcer For the hoine fireside; the com vapers. We have to make ro ‘ , = Sia aie ie ; o> oh ala eg Os ee aan ai ke , Wane 6 Lieut. Alex. Saint, who neturned apes Ewe wwerne Clem ore | Lares ripe Sans ———___— — dfert of an casy chair and rocker. for new stock, A. W, Edge Go. tin; Special os MEBD 1 vias pore) Snuds, t0 83 Tite's store for holiday di- j rom «a tive service yesterday “.B. Pure Apricot Jam 4-Ib tin $1.00 enenish | a ali pan counts. { Notice to Merchants, Contractors, norning, has repor ted for duty M. B. Pure Loganberry Jam 4-Ib im fo ars bs engine 4 ‘ “ | 4 ; 1 { i 4 ' ; g ¥ sy Luncheon 44 a.m. to 2 p.m. joMeiated at the service held (w ; te urlesiy Dinner 6 p.m to 7:30. lthe B.C. U re aa if you spend it wisely Now under New Management MAY. BILLINGS, Prop late C.P.R. Lining Hall, ibroad- view, Sask. ais . Undertakers’ parlors. Bargains: Soup. : > 50c Special Menu 50c Boston Clam Chowder —-———- We have something to st it every one In the Lot 12, Block 38, Section 7. FRIDAY, DEC. 12 Boiled ualbut Cream Sauce | Barrie's Christmas drawing alias ; hing suitable for father, Lot 3, Block 35, Section 8. Luncheon 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bolled Smoked Black Cod, Steamed i\Every two dollars’ worth suns ® fami y --- something, suite oO oe . , as r Lot 4, Block 45, Gection 8. reuse as well as [0 The Three $650.00 Cash Lot 18, Block 23, Seetion 5. $300.00 Cash. Dybhavn & Hanson 315 Thind Avenue A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Dinner 6:90 p.m. to 7:90. mother, sister and brother, Boiled. chased entitles you to a ticket ‘ sweetheart and husband. Piekled Pork with Navy Beans ee ee ' i » “rene free. Starting Wednesday, No sralse Por Spare 8 . pee oS e Rib Brown jsember 19, First prize, Daven Baked Macaroni and Cheese }port bed; second prize, furned oa! Beef Stew Spanish Small Club bteak table; third prize, wicker rocker Asparagus Tips on Toast Roast aioe oH wits Dressing To see Cleopatra cost Mark Anthony his chance of a crown. ns Bs It will cost you SBe on Friday or eke ry tele Pudding Saturday at the Westhoime Thea- Minced Tartlets tre. 289 Soup. ent Fried Salmon, Black Cod, Boiled halibut. Make Jabours Your Purchasing Head- quarters and Save Money led. Pickled Pork and Vegetables Ox Tongue, Horse Radish Entries. Kidney Saute on Toast Breaded Veal Chops, Green Peas Liberty Steak, Spanish Sauce Mashed, Boiled or Baked Potatoes Hoast Beef, brown gravy Hoast Pork, Apple Sauce etables. Boiled Potatoes Jabour Bros., Lt¢. bh Street Tea and Coffee Corner Third Avenue and Sevent Studi A Baked brown _ rotates : a udio 137 Seeond Avenue oteer SHORT ORDERS SERVED AT AL I Apple, Mince Pie, Tapioca t a PHONE 182 or 444 Tea Coles HOURS Skates ground at Akerberg, ey Thomson's Machine Shop on the , | eS en Te ’ RN mm VT ye carapace ce 2 POPE CE OO OPO POODE OP OPO E Oe