.a. - . : 1 gj s js& 11 "r. 11 JLasaaaBBaH 'f 4 "I FaOi four THE DAILY NEWS CARDS ARE ma. STILL UP Th MlMhliBMik r-nt few Saia4 If II Leadership kr aew a4la 4vn4 .Maintain National Leag-ue i,iim Cleveland Indians Beaten Again NAVY LOST IN SOCCER Regiment Defeated IIM.CS. Vancouver Team Three to Nil The football game yesterday between the team from the .destroyer Vancouver and the Regiment pro- vlded an interesting match but j there was never'any deubt as to the v outcome, the Regiment winning "5;- three to niL The local team had the advan- tage of the hill and wind in the jjjif first half and had .ill the play. Bap-i tie made a fine centre and got all three goals while Kendall stopped several fine shots. Norrlngton had hard luck with some splendid crosses. K In the second half, though the i Navy had the hill and wind, they Y were unable to make any headway and only fine goal keeping by Kendall prevented the Regiment from '"" scoring. For the Navy, Kendall in goal V ' was the outstanding player. Hope at :i centre half was good as was Whit- house at left half but the players showed lack of practice. Field, at inside left, w r dar.-- ,s forward who worked a ball well but got little support -. Jack was the better back though Howe lack.? J -vel! Watson played a fine game at centre half and Ross was also good. BapUe carried off the honors In the forward line with his effective shooting but was well supported by Wlngham. Norrington and Walters. Bewertng, of the Vancouver, was referee. ( H. M. C. Destroyer Vancouver Kendall: Onslow, Hall; Whitehouae, ; Hope, Reki; Freeman Sherman. Kd- ; wards, Field, McLean. Reglraent La Idler; Howe, Jaek; , Edgecumbe. Watson, Ross; Walters, 1 Doherty, Baptte. Wlngham. Norrington. i NEW COURTS Another Girl Signs Baseball Contract Miss V'aoa f wrbui 19-war Ud oi. ? whi ba' and throws right-handed, and -jkhu has recently been signed by Wcjfcrn Association Baseball Club oi Joplin, Mo Her brother Luke has played la league lor two seasons as ea'cher and outfielder. This makes second woman to Invade baseball game. BASEBALL IHIGH WINS per WORKOUTi IN SOCCER Over Twenty Plaj;ersvTjirned Out ' "For Practice "Yesterday Half a Dozen New .Men a T T1 AnnTt1t ' The first baseball nrartlpe of th I Defeated Booth School Four to One In Junior League Football High School registered a decisive A K ilrrnbn was held at the Acropolis Bthu on, Saturday when rkLXU Jl .vl , til defeatd tne ntary school HU ground8 vegtrd4y over twenty ... .. TT7.. . . of IhP mrnm, fa.. .5 to 1 Jri the Junior Football League. . uwiaf mcneii and James - ,The score flatters the winners. Al-j rarqunarnmnersmiennu 0f course, particular toterert1" d vtv thTTrT , the new players of whosn the re four oaU Yesterday Uie three new tennis . lt&m- half dozen in-11 court. recBU ecsistnd on Ae- "fof orUbur a look ,0k , Klh played uphlU and foHow- ropolls HU1 for the Prince P 8 'tag Rupert an attack by High, the Junior Tennis Club were officially opened mZ "., .,,. school gM away and Cromo had a by the pre Wert of the club. E. E. Gregg. An American tournament was played In two sections Mrs. E. E. Gregg; and W. L. Stamford winning one section and Miss Caroline Mlt-cheH and J. Farquhar, the other. On. the ply-of. Miss Mitchell and Mr. Farquhar were the winners and were nresented with two beautiful souvenir spoons, the president at kNh team offJatln. During the games, tea was served and many complimentary comments were made by the numerous visitors present, on the splendid new4pfls 0 eluo between now and May 34 when the'1 thmt PP th 'nd Ketehlkan-Prlnce Rupert series 111 lt ovtr In Mlkkelson ws pen the playing season here. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE May 13 Booth vs. Borden. Mav li Sorden vs. Hkfh. May 30-Hssb vs. Booth. May 23- Borden vs. Booth. May 27 -High vs. Borden. May 30 Booth vs. High. , vV-'.., 'r?';-''' V- . , . i Mary Quinn, 19-year-old sophomore. University of California. Los Angeles, was fourth "man" on rifle team and was awarded varsity letter, being first woman to rcicivc hr (iistinrtiuu hurt and, soon after, Croaa opened the score. High added another through Cross. Christ ison had hard luck fpr Booth when he beat Sue-hiro but put the ball just the wrong side of the goal. ! i ! e i:AI.B OF niAKflKS ' The following ia.the si-air of charge made for readinv ! notices: 4 ' ST. LOUIS. May 11: The St. Louts Cardinals maintained their leadership of the National League Saturday by defeating the Pittsburg Pirates. The New York Giants consolidated their hold on second place by scoring a close victory over the third place Chicago Cubs. 1 In the American League, the lead of the Cleveland Indians was seriously cut-when they last again to the Boston Red Sox while the New York Yankees were winning from the Chicago White Sox In a heavy scoring bee. ! ' SATURDAY SCORES National League V Brooklyn 8-1. Philadelphia 3-5. ; St. Lout 4. Pittsburg. 3. , New York Chicago 4. Boston 4, Cincinnati 2. 1 American League . New York ! 3. Chicago 9. Boston 5, Cleveland 3. , Philadelphia 6. 8L Louis 4. SUNDAY SCORES National League . . Washington 7, Detroit 4. - . -h '! Boston 9, Cleveland 4. , , Others rain f ' ' ' American League Chicago 0 New York 5. Pittsburg 3 Brooklyn 1. SOFTBALL May 8 Roundhouse vs. Station. May 12 Dry Dock vs. Statlorr. May 15 Station va. Roundhouse. May 19 Roundhouse vs. Drydock. May 22 Station vs. Drydoek... May 26 Roundhouse vs. Station. May'244dock vs. Roundhouse. June 2 Drydock vs. Station. -June 5 Station vs. Roundhouse. June 9 Roundhouse vs. Drydock. June 12 SUUon vs. Drydock. June IS Roundhouse vs. SUUon. June 19 Drydock v. Roundhouse. June 23 Drydock vs. Station. June 26 Station vs. Roundhouse. June 30 Roundhouse v. Drydock. Mother's Day At Salvation Army Special Meeting Was Held at Citadel Last Night to Mark Occasion There was an appropriate Mother's Day service at the Salvation Army Citadel last night The at. tendance was Quite large. Commandant WtlHam Kerr presided and gave the address of the evening. Ted Harraan read a me-i-ge from Commander Evangeline Booth of the United States, There were appropriate solos by Mrs. Kerr. Hgh was always the superior Capt. E. Warren, L. Pitcher ' and team but most-of their success was Sergeant Major Alexcee. due to superior finishing. 8uehlro! kept a good goal. Blake was a ser- j wtlltam King of the Canadian km stumbHng glock. Walters was, National Railways electric depari-ja hard working and fast centre half, -p nt r.rr!v-d In the elty from the j Cross was the pick of the forwards , interior on yesterday afternoon! with Marshall fast on the ball and train, jeentrfjit well. 1 For Booth Allan turned In a fine - I game in gNU. Ferguson was sure 'and. with Gomes, put up a fine game. Cramp was always in the thick of the game and tackled well. 'MiM'eldn is plucky though lack of 'weight and Inches Is a handicap. iChristlaon was a fine raider and i tried to the end. After Mlkkelson ;went off. High School very generously suggested that a player take his place and Ivarson was used, i J. Campbell refereed. Church and Wlngham were linesmen, j On Wednesday evening Booth and I Borden meet. Booth have lost both i their games whu Borden have won j both theirs. The east enders are out to record their firct win and Borden will be equally anxious to maintain their unbeaten record so a fine con-1 , test is assured. U&AR CBN BE OBTAINED FROM SAWDUST o IXTY FIVE POUNDS OF SUGAR CAN BE OBTAINED FROM lOO POUNDS OF Oleasure and enjoyment CAN BOTH BE OBTAINED FROM ONE BUCKINGHAM CIGARETTE Srel iii im rroti in ttani ami ill tuil you complete H ol "l You Know ' curb wity rtrdi of knoWt ud runout fart printed in nil or (iitc iVi'tIV). Or twenty renU will bring you tlx Mtly mrd smimytnird by ui album in wlm-h themrdi can be plactd aa a prrmanriit nJleriion. Alilrru I)rpt. It, Twkrtt TvUfto Co, Ltd, HautiUa. Mnrrfajre and EntrnjMTnent , -liufkiBham Clrarelfi-a tmootb announrementi tZ Dirtli Notice &0c. Ftmeral Notices $1. Cords of Thanks. J2. funeral Flowers 10c name , rrfmtuna UnxJ of rhoKv VoIioitl tun trrated by powrrful ultra violrt rai. There ii no aiara niellowiaf influence than tha tun. llurkingnaiua, tmted itl pant iuo laniM, are remarkably euol and nwDow- an all-plraaur riiraerttA nrytr . ! , . . 1 I wring in quality, patlrd for frrabiMM in tie pattnUd tlod packae; McsLiiiS;liliii Oiiicli9s toiic; u i: - t tlt ii k- The new MtLaugbJin-Buick Eight it rtmirktbly ateady and en; to drire ainly borauie of the Torque Tube DtItc, wbith tranamiu the driving power direr!, and keena the wheel in potilive sliruuenl. lIIlB:ie. The ipariooi rioted ear bodiee of thja new MtLaaghlin-Uoirk Eight are not sly richly npbolttered and charmingly Cued, bat anagly IruulaleJ like fine homea againt hea, cold and neite. They provide luiuriottt coaifart aiwaja, t fatorr ffrm 1290 to 2!(H 'J.L DRIVE VALVE.I.lt'.IICtU STIUICHT EllCUT 1!.CI.VI! Adramed deaign make Ihla power plant exceptionally powerful, iwift end oiooth. Yel tba McLangblin-Bairk engine rrtabu all the tturdlnna and reliability for whkb MLaghlinBaiek bat been wprld-fameoa throaghoot 2) year. IIOUIC9 HY Alt tiol fir CX AC itkrni Urmnt flnmd Iwa km tht (inrttl illiri 09m Jinn MrfMfltfc m mMkiI. GENERAL MOTORS VA KAIEN MOTORS, LTD. P. Q. Box 1601 Telephone 52 cur offer all ikese features, Tk Srcr-Mrb Traumiaaiao Irinp aafcty mj aOeor I icarbiflins. Frm fine to terond, ieend to high, and from high nick to teeond, Ju ikifi slwayt witboot elak . . . Qairk, raty aoihini BTtviJei greater tafrly. W L U K aia-ld TUNE IN -CANADA ON PARADtT EVEIIY IHIDAT KYDTTTIC i L ik'r5ji n I urihj iuo liny de4; ovej pUature and btntfitk CHEWING GUM, WHICH WOULD It RATHER DO? Take rtus a : rougrhsKe t. coitittpatel. do one or ti.o Isn't it e -healthful . . and i ;, eat Kellofr' s i ; j'o., -, reedy -to-t-at as a gtiod fixul a' -teed to fornix reHeve and to pre porary and r- ui g . tion. Try It today V proved tha' H,r g i AtX-IlKAN previ And ft also a.i.i-the diet. Try Kelloye - An Tn fntrts or hunt y ii : .. makingr delii.'' iwiaftoa, orrje'' grrocer'a. in . paexaee. Mni i, Lsa4on. 0r ' All-Bram If You are near a Post Box You are in Touch with the Bank F it suits you better to do so, J' - - 3 jrou may doiyour banking by mail Your money is safer in the bank than at home. Send if. . in any shape most 'convenient for you, to a Branch of the Bank of Montreal. , Cash should be sent by registered rrutL Write to ny Branch for our booklet "Banking by Mail." . It may save you many a trip to town. BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 . TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF fSO0,pO0,0OQ " rti.j.'.i '. ..j.. Lei the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you. M -' "a ml " ' i ri ;a i