Covered With Bolls on Arms, Back and Neck Miss Margaret Hlggins, Drment, pal, writes. j waVeomedwlth boils on my irmi, face &od neck. I used plasters and otter remedies with no results. Mr attention was drawn to Burdock Blood BitUirs, so I de-cidsd to get a bottla. The results "7, 1mrwnoo, In no tin. . th boils hmn ft ..1., .1 ji - uinippcaroa. and raj Ala u clearer and fresher than r er.r.' Tor ' ,u 4r,f "'' atom: ntoof cUr.d. I u . lee n "area, to. .ui pMt 1 jITt U4' Tb" k tm. ealy PARKE DAVIS & CO.'S Special Extract of Vanilla "Makes Good Things Tastp Better" This is a superior product unexcelled as a flavoring in cooking and confectionery. 3-oz. bottle $ .50 (,-oz. bottle U0 lfi-oz. bottle 2.00 Ormes IM. TTfio Pioneer Drug&isLs Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. THREE GRADUATE PIIARMICISTS I THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COM I ANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Tlt.llL liKITI!! tOl.l.MIII.1 Miiiiui.wturera of ELEPHANT Itraml UltUH.U IKHTII.IZMt V' "ihioer- St Refiners of TADANAC lira ml ELECTROLYTIC AMMONIUM 1'llOSl'IIATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-IHSMUTII !xu don't need sca legs on the great fcai i 548.85 k ,-i ,., f'liv- ftaprtt L Sumner Flics Mi to o. is Sff U U y IS." rir TRIANGLE TOUR. Nineteen hundred mile of sightseeing ... 60Omik cruise on mirror-smooth, summer seas ... an exciting nil trip through the Kitwanga country, with its totem poles and its legcmlry . . . jasper National Park, smart society rendezvous, Canada's mountain play ground. Through the majestic scenery of the Rockies ... the picturesque pastoral knds of the Fraser Valley. Such ii Canada's inert -ctmc vacation! Vaoeoawr. I Vine Rupert. Jiaprr' Sort from ny pant m the TruasV ... and sake the trip in either direction. Sk trip to Alaska from Prince Rupert at absbt additional cost. It. F. McNAUGlITON, Fassmucr Ajron' Prim Rimrrt B.r aivei points uuuday, 8:00 p.m. "KIM'l; HI, I'KItT AdKNCY: Hr- unit ,ruue. fbone NATURAL l'UIti: Fresh Milk J'fw from any preservative or trnf :,-nt whatever. Milked id dcitvercfl jlally from our . 0Wa fiw.s Four successive yrar Uovenimeift Gracfe A" tfrtlficate Healtliario8anUav 4 10" K trial solicited. Satls-uc.Uoi guaranteed. QUINCE IIIIIM'IIT IIAIItV B9X 835 p10ne 287 v-as UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED "teamers leae Iflnre ltuert t or Vancouter: tSs,t,VT.U,. KVKKY TlKMll.W. Ull I'.M. . - t. m.ui. Vaiia Thusliv Nmui snnmi i.iitin;. kvi:iiv liiin.w midmuiit Arnvuii; Vancouver blindly iiiuiniiiht arox ' sailings to Port Simpson. Alice Aim. Any"". Stewart and Raaa S. E. Parker Ltd. ' Ford Dealers Cars Trucks Tractors ' TlrerAccSssarflSi - Oas it )11 Fla;t Rate Repairs - Wrecking Service Third Avenue Phone 83 Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results Local Items Dinnerwarc, china, crockery, glassware, Heilbroner's Store. J. A. Hinton left on this mom ing's train for a business trip to Prince Oeorge. Mt. Frank Knott tailed last nigh on the Prince Charles for a trip to Vancouver. Whist, Crib and Dance, aid of Prince iRuoeitBovs' Band. Mooae Hafi, 8?$0 tomorrow night. Ladies 50c- men 75c. Five dollars given for winning ticket. Tom Hanson, for drunkenness, was fined $26, with option of thir ty days' imprisonment by Magi trate McClymont in city police court this morning. W. L. Newell of 8tewa'rt. who was here on jury service at the Supreme Court Assises, sailed on Saturday, afternoon by the Prince Charles on his return north. A. O. McDonald, who has been studying, in Vancouver, was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday afternoon bound for Kincol-1th where he will spend the sum mer vacation with his parents, Dr and M.rl. D. O McDonald. Fank Mantey. pioneer of the Yu kon aountry in the Oold Rush days, who was one of those who made a success of mining there was a passenger aboard the Princess Alice Saturday bound for Skaaway en route to Dawson. A luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club in the Commodor -Cafe today took the form of a farewell to M. H. Blott, one of th popular , members, who is about to leave, for Vancouver to reside. Mr and Mrs. Blott sail for the south on the Catala tomorrow afternoon. SAILINGS FROM PRINOE RUPERT . . .... i ,' i To Ketchikan, IVrangell, Juneau and Skaguny May 10, 30. June 8 To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle May 13. 24, June 3 PRINCBSS .MARY For : Iiuledalc. Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Hay, Campbell River, Vancouver. Victoria Friday, at 10 p.m. Full information from W. C. Orchard. General Agent Cor. 3rd Ave. & 4th St. Phone 31 u sssi ar 1 - mm i m 4 told iirlfxr uith purple rinji . . . knows everything from the latest turbine to the smallest pump on board your ship. He it probably a Scot, and taciturn, but If you meet him you will be Infected with hit cnthii slaim for hit cherished tnjinei. Sallinjl wttkly from Montreal Cabin utti Iron .... SI 30 Towiit TMrd Cabin . . . St OS Third CUu Round Tiip St 3 J Spatial Saaiontl Third Clan ,Rnd Trip EiCMtilon Rata SI 19. Information from 622 Hailingi Straal W. (fhona Seymour 3648) yanceuvtr or any iKartuhip agent THE DAIL7 HW8 How Women Lose Fat In England How would you like Ut low unhealthy fat that you don't- need and don't wont, and at the same time feel better than you have for years Y How would you like to lose your double chin and your too prominent abdomen, and at the same time make your kkin so clean and clear that it will cornel admiration Y How would, you like to get your weight down -to normal, and at the same time develop Uiat urge for activity tlat makes .work a pleasure and also gain in ambition and keenness of mind?, ' ' Oct on the scales to-tiay and see, how much you weigH 'then get a bottle of Kruschen Salt. Take one-half teaspoonful every morning in a glas of hot. water, and when you have finished Die first battle; weigh yourself again. Now you will knowjlie pleasant way to lose unsightly fat, and you'll also know that the six vitalizing salts of Kruschen have presented you with glorious health. That's the way Englishwomen keep slim why not you? Phone 32 Taxi for special rates, day and night, for large parties. Experienced drivers. tf Mrs- W. D. Grant Hollingworth will receive Thursday, May . 14 from 3 to 6 at the Manse. U0&112 W. Broeklesby arrived In theclly on the Catala tvestetdav afternoon . i ' . irom Vancouver; pejiuj nere topay a visit with "his sW. a nd, daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. II- N. Brock lesby. r' Rev. Alfred Wilson, pastor of First United Church, sailed lart night on the Prince1 Charles for Vancouver where he will attend the annual British, Columbia Con ference. Provincial Constables Tait ann Oland of Burns Lake, who were witnesses at the .(Supreme Com-, Assizes here last jiweek, left by this morning's train on their re turn to the interior, Capt. L. Sheppard, Frank Warnc. W. Mclvor and "W. Strachan. local Dominion Fisheries officers, returned to the city on the Catala yesterday aftemoofl'Trom, Vaocou ver where they attended an official conference--" "' " .. ..: ' :ji ; .' Ptroy Andrews arid Rfly Mooto wore excutW frdm further service on the petit jury at' the present session of the Suprepe Court As sises tnis morning wnen t. w Brown explained to Mr. Justice W . Macdonald that they wre anxious to return to their farms at Kltwaaga where seeding operations ire now in progress. . J. J. Illlllard. United States cus toms officer at Basle, Alaska, was a passenger aboard the Princes Alice Saturday bound for Juneau whence he will proceed later to hi) oost In the Interior. During th-nast winter he has been, as usual ittached to the staff of the United States customs comptroller in San Francisco. Thp City Council. Chamber ol "ommrrce and Japanese Aw ,rc lolntly tendering a Reception Qanquet to Mr. Scljl Yoshlhara. who Is on a OoodwlU Flight across 'he North Pacific from Japan, In he Commodore Cafe at 6:30 p.m he day of his arrival, (probably Vtween the 16th and 2011.) It 1-very desirous that there be a re-nnjsiTiiatlts and enthuslastl'1 attendance. Please get your ticket arly at Orm's Drug Store. Yokohama Barber 8hop. Htllbron-ncr's Jewelry Store or Sacretary Chamber of Commerce. Slio each ANNOUNCEMENTS Eagles' Whist Drive and Dancv May 13. S.O.N. Vlnland No. 28 Indcpen-lence Day Dance, Mooso Hall. Mav IS. Canadian National Recreation Association Monte (Jarlo - nlRht, Glasses fitted "bf registered -optometrist at Heilbroner's store. " , - .".-..-- Furs remodelled, cleaned anil repaired. An experienced cutter doldbloom's Fur Shop. tf Oeorge Rorle returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a business trip to Terrace. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Brlstowe of Victoria are round trip passengers aboard the steamer Catala on It) present trip north. ; Local people - for whom radio station. KJR of Seattle played Selections Saturday night were Miss Josephine Rousseau and Mrs. Camilla Weir. G. W. Dunn, .who is in charge of the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co.'s assay plant here, salle l last night on the Prince Charles for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Jack Wood (Annette Stone t who has been on a three-weeks' trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Catala yesterday afternoon. Be iSure to attend thf Free Cook ing School conducted by Miss Frances Thompson at the I.OJJJB. Hall, 2:30 to 4:30 and 8 to 10 pji on Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday of this week. 110 Mr. Justice W. A. Macdonald and M. S. Bryan, official reporter who are here In connection with the holding of Supreme Court Assizes will leave on Wednesday morning's train for Prince George In which city Assizes will open on Thursday. With a .good -Sized list of pas sengers. Union steamer Catala. Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived in port at 5 o'clock Yesterday afternoon from the south, sailing at 8 pm for 'Anyox. Stewart and other northern points whence she will re turn here tomorrow morning southbound. "BUILD II. C. PAYROLLS" A Patron For 12 Years i8 May 18 and 19. CJ..BadmlntonlverneM. 0u8 carin. Stewart, courts 21 Moose picnic, DUiby 'IijSltd',' June Moose Whist Drive and Dance May 22 I)It. HUGH L, DICKEY SPECIALIST Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat Eys Tested For Glasses At St. Elmo Hotel "Pacific Milk has been used in our home for 12 years." writes- Mrs. William Edmonds of Kamloops. "It was tire first milk we bought when we eame to British Columbia, and though I had used evaporated milk before no milk seemed quite like this. I got better results in cooking right away." This is but a portion of Mrs. Ed-mond's letter. PACIFIC MILK Factory at Ahl.otsford. H.C. 100 U.C. Owned and Controlled HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel Prince Unpen' leading family hotel. lint and cold water In all roorru A. J. rUtHIIIOM.MI Prop. Cor. of Fraser wnd Fifth SU. Savoy W. A. Breen, Usk; A. Gregory. Bkeena: L. Wester and R. Hansen. CNR. New Royal Hotel I. Tarrlll. IToi TIIK IIOIIX UOIITII Hot A' Cold Water: Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone 1X1 Royal A. March, tity: Wah Soon, In- Boston Grill Phone 457 Prince Rupert Large Cabaret SPKCIAL DINNERS ' Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night. 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Parties Here is the picture of a Life Income plan that combines protection, savings' and income for retirement. ( provides for You ... a definite monthly income commencing at a certain age, ifd continuing for life, with a euaranteed minimum number of monthly income cheques. Or, if you so desire, you may withdraw a substantial amount in cash when the plan matures. ( provides for You ... a definite monthly income if you become totally disabled by sickness or accident. All de posits are waived during such disability, Anglican Church clergyman. Miss Phyllis Lamb, after having spent the week-end at Casslar with James Stewart arrived in the city on the Catala yesterday after noon from his studies at the Uni verslty of Vancouver in Brltlsn I Columbia to spend the summer va cation with his parents. Mr. and I Mrs. D. G. Stewart, Fourth Avenue I East. tIoiiIcI flat Monday, May II, 1931 An Income for Life Guaranteed! and the plan remains in full force. provides for Yours ... a substantial estate if you die before the plan matures. An income for life may be substituted if desired. It provides for Yours . . . twice the amount of the estate, or twice the income, if death results from accidental causes. This plan combines a life income for retirement with complete family protection. TOD A Y, while It is fresh in your mind . . . fill in and mail the coupon for full information. Confederation Life Association Toronto, Canada Without obligation, send me full information regarding "An Income, for Life Guaranteed." Name- Address- WALTER PUttKIS, Representative I50X 414, ritlNCE RUPERT Mr. and Mrs. George Mcllmoylel of.Hazelton are visitors in the city having arrived from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train. Mrs. E. R. Cox, who acted as interpreter at the Supreme Court Assizes here last week, left by this morning's train on her return to her home in Hazelton. Rev. Klnley was a passenger on toward the Catala yesterday afternoon going through from Vancou A. E. Parlow, district forester, returned to the city on yesterday after noon's train from a trip to the interior on official business. , Mrs. George Casey, Jr., who ha been on a visit to Smlthers. returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the II. V. Moorehouse, manager of the B. C. Packers canning operations in the Namu area, arrived ver to the Naas River. He is an there from Vancouver on the sa, Catala at the week-end. D. C. Stuart returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon her mother and father, Mr. and from a brief trip to Ocean Falls on ' Mrs. James Lamb, returned to tht business in .connection with the city on yesterday afternoon's train.; taking of the forthcoming census. Mrs. D. L. Mclntomlney of An- ,yox, who has been visiting fir some time In Vancouver, was a passenger aboard the Oatala last evening returning to the smelter town. Gordon Sloan, who is appearing for the plaintiff in the case of Halverson vs. Brown and White at the session of the Supreme Court Assizes here, will-sail by the Catala tomorrow afternoon on her return to Vancouver. A. M. Johnson, K.C., who acted as crown prosecutor in the criminal .cases, at- the Supreme Court Assizes here last week, left on this morning's train for Prince Oeorge where he will act In a similar capacity at the Assizes there. Skin Covered With Eczema-How Clear and Healthy Marvellous Healing by Well Known Remedy There is nothing so simple in its origin and afterwards so difficult to get rid of aa skin disease. On the first sign of irritation, roughness, or eruption, anoint the place with Zan-Uuk. This herbal ointment will speedily banish all trouble. When the sltin ia already aflame with eczema, or poisoned or ulcerated, Zam-Huk ia the one external applieatroff powerful enouffh to get to the root of the disease. It quickly replaces unhealthy tissue by new clear skin. You will be astcuaded at the quiek soothing and healing of Zam-UuV. MEDICAL TREATMENT BRINOS NO RELIEF "Mr dauthter's faca and ne4t were covvrsd with a mass of sores, wbleh our doctor diagnosed as ecaema. It. prascrlbed treatment which wa tried tnr two months without relltf. Th. poor child's (are had to be swathed In bandages and she waa conflaed to the hou. I was about to call In a skin specialist, when t hoard how Zam-lluk had haaled many sufferers from thl. dread dlsaaa. so f purchased a box of ointment and tablet of soap. After 4 few days treatment there waa a srreat ImproTtment; day by day the sores disappeared and within a. month my dauahter'a face was entirely cleared of any atca of the terrible disease, without a Staple sear I can't say too much of the wonderful heallna power of Zam-Buk." Mra. 1L A., Toronto. Ont IF YOU hare a sore Inflamed or blotchy skin, or suffer from salt rheum, scalp troubles, poisoned wounds, or piles, yon win &ad Zatn-Uuk quickly soothing and healing. It is also a marvelloua first-aid for cuts, Imras, etc Zam-Buk Oiataaest SOe. box, Zam-Buk Meditiaal Soap 25c. rake. t-jti . I V STsrajSHLlui J 7Y. iiKonsisfetf as thisr 9 ScragKly, unshaven hrartls are like dull, utiiKilishnl shoes , . . hath are entirely out of keeping uith your pride of porno mil appearance ... so kcrp onr shoes at all time smart with "Nugget" which Of a Mim waterproofs the shoe as it iMiiishes. W NUGGET SHOE POLISH Ohe NUGGET TIN cpm lltfi a lntil U sijW TrLa. t ' J'-JJ Li 2