THE DAILY NEWS ‘ —_—— : ean a — . . a = ——_ | MCCAFFERY GETS FRANK HEWITT Lost ag aaanonma apes: | oe —— HicT OF QUEEN CHARTS | , YD) RECO . ISLANDS —— (HIET OF QUERY, wlVisl - LIFE AT THEINAAS app sabie a F KE NOTICE that Withan ous art ieee. : SELL MUCH PUBLICITY: wa Ne Mat Witam 2 Loney ot] LAKE NOUTICK hms Wi 4 Phon senen f 1 license to prospect for coal ana : amee weir, o. i... Seltier ; . Re ‘ Biew Off His Own Leg With enet-|' me vee m, md) «under the § following 4. us nee 2, prospect ; ‘pi . he : { 9) ' ; T O V E -_— When He Slipped la mmencing at @ post planted twenty q anime ae es “ : i ‘ p hate ) 0 4 onmbenct “Despatoh Sent Out to Canadian on Rocks. a a aR Ceenee oP Rt, Planted at th a aaa Uh enet ante Papers Tells of His Mission ; outh 80 chains, thence east 80 cuaine sien chains, thence + . thenes ‘ ) a Y ree ence north t haing, 40 point of com- ence east 80 che 8 hain af — ; to Ottawa. Fran Hewitt a fermer em}! ement ; a m ae 2 point Ff commansanen rth 8 Launch ; , G | ployee of the Granby Company at ed tote oer AH J LEARY, Applics ™ WiLLiAn Sine ber, 1044 e iC urneys commenced mak- AC ‘ pany a cee a WILLIAM J, LEARY, Applicant WILLIAM J. LEA! a in stoves in 1843 Still : Canadian Press Association Anyox, was accidentally killed on ENA LAN te eee hn EEeEA ES SKEENA LAN : ‘Ph : _ ‘ . . ‘ ’ = ; , : = despatch sent out from Ottawa the Naas River when his left leg DISTRICT OF WEGGN CHARLOTTE. DISTRICT 1 YUREN CUANLO TE rr Part the same line of business and published in a number of was blown off at the knee. Ac ISLANDS ISLANDS LOTTE Tripe r ao : e ‘ : - arbor 4 1919. Hundreds in use in papers throughout Canada says: cording to the explanation he gave (AKE NOTICE that William J. Leary | pe htt Rosicn that William J. Leary of J. MYHIL! yc : , 5 Shidegate, C., m ends 4 » — , settle a ‘ all iS Prince Rupert. “M. P, McCaffery, president of before he died, Hewitt slipped on) >” a license to prospect. TOF eel ann ' t , dcense to Spanos ter” 6 Apply | Ceerrrroroooo. NES ‘ sieu or - or am vwetrele ov : 0 co < CPooors a the Board of Trade of Prince Ru- & rock, his shotgun falling, with | « Er a et ne rn ee an ee ee oe oWins | $e0esCcccccce _siandeiae ON SALE AT pert, B, C., has arrived in Ottawa, the result that both barrels were ta tee coun grantee: twenty bauer anne eee, OP eee Planted Oeeroossoeeeeceeese ; : s ‘ , Hains north of the south-west corner o a asi corner of — * } > scnnsenen with the question discharged and he received the Di, 266, thence west Pt Thelas “inet : i ~ hains, Genes aor “66 as FOR Fed Starks Fee ei ceo ewitt anda + partner Ut tt) aus, Thence ean 40, aley| ane, "poi sfthmtatest rae bin ' , o *hains, to po ( > et. Sas ww ¢ ceme ; . o jects generally the northern Brit- Hewitt and a-+pantner were » neement point of com-| Dated this Bist 2 mMencement. ; Sever y.! : ‘ . j ' *)Dated this 23rd day of Oct ‘ 0 ILLIAS + ae . ey Hardware ish Columbia salmon _ fisheries. trapping for the winter along the SENEM, LLIAM pT LeARY, Appiicant "9 Siete eeenes,, APyl yet vath ont th } z ms ¥ Y +r iD a : nN ‘ y EN ( ee | ¢ 9 : Phone Black 114 ea by the government, ‘Was while going down the fine] DISTRICT OF Queen CHARLOTTI ISLANDS HARLOTT! Bs us w c — : rie a Ss 2 oa .. 2 obtaining information that the accident happened. Al! ——- _ FAKE NOTICE that William j $ 875.00 7 ie rom the various interests con- though he received first aid al pee RCS St ake tn coe Skidegate, B.C., seuiler, intends t appty | Very | I ! : cer ‘ . ‘. 5 ee cana - er, intends | apply T., Cee Ww prospect ’ : 5 & do —_— most immediately, and was taken |; le om, ond Unler for coal and ty beribed lander Punder ihe follow:g | fa y c » t ¢ ribe , under he followin pate nds : _ ‘— eget 259 nde ln r. McCaffery takes the ground to a shack and made as comfort tbed tends wing _ Commencing at a@ post planted at tt | DOUGLAS Sw Teanna ' NQANQVS 4 &Y vat the fishing ought to be thrown 4ble as the stormy weather would | ¢'ns_ 2B pare, co pene ee ee a oe es” ere’ ee wee 878 | thene ; 523 TI ND Fy ‘ ; : y ane 7 est corner Of bine, , Chains, ence cas = FS 2 open to all British subjects and permit, he passed away after sev i : 6, oo east 80 chains aS hence south a0 = a on s bains, | ee “al y . ? - i 80 che « n ee es aco - ins, to rey 7 » Sheree west & . PPFe OPO s ewes s 6c y to British subjects only. It would eral hours of suffering. The Naa pa cone abate A . s gta ns, by “ ag. ans % am neeinen - - COnbenas i ; ; O, I ieee ‘ : porr com , ets ay of Octobe ‘ SKEENA LAN mrock’ 39 be as easy, he contends, to pre- known to be a treacherous stream, |!" ed "this esra day of 0 a WILLIAM 3,1 iY, A piicen bis } e Ss ven nt overfishing by limiting the was too rough to launch a boat WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION ‘ . a ours and seasons for fishin a and medical ai nes ' SKRENA an ISTRICT OF QUEEN { HARI ey sk ru Q Brand Products <9 by the present Sedamaliun eee a ate a un- ets iD nnconpine. meviaon ISLANDS F fOr a kc i é e to be of 8 i F k ern : oor oes : Sh whereby private nights in what is °"Y assistance KE ON — alin ne eee: Sone ions am 4 ar , le . OTICE that wilt for @ license to pro intends to app anata. te 4 ' &Q amrock Lard 9 ssentially the property of the Frank Hewitt was well known ];, tomate, B.€., settler, nendy ta ant petroleum on and! under the | at and _ 7 ense : = ) iv und “ . east 80 . The finest sold ~~) state have been allowed to grow '" Anyox, and many friends tere]! 5. pects we rom et for coal a ie acribed lands followMmeEetthence west « 8. the a Lae ‘og : fe “ 5». degate, B.C., settle . r e sou 80 chains, to p pe ny LIAM 3. I ; + bie ant — wee on this port. Ji license “io ae cates NOTK hat ’ eum on «and +? . — vi a a 1 ner a a 721 Thi d places to employ young fellows jiu. acement. oe eee oe sh idegate, w z Soiled, antenes e ad + cfribed lands:-- — = . wens Ts . th a . terte y ir Ave. and the men stay with the boats [Dated Ce bia 2 LEARY, Appien 5 oe > eee OT eases aie. a ha oe, eee o.1 ot ome : om Z . AK wwite we ' ar unde the ' . . Curhe v ; 1u5 ‘ nence ‘ Opposi longer and work better. Capt. | Applies |. -cribed lands: aier the following |w- 80, chaise, Whence worth. 80 chalk vated this 23 ; P ite MeG oP KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISIC unmencing at a post pl chance west 60 chalam themes hails us 23 , The E eGregor says. While formerly | DISTRICT OF QUEEN a Sa ‘ost of the north-east Beane avs miles | chains, to point of comme neem a r >= Applica e Empress Hotel one month was about the limit} CAKE NOTICE that Wi aoe See? Se eee oe pee, | ee ee WALLA). MEARS. agpucs SKEENA LA \ L . vat it ; ‘ ence we . , 4 AK 1 . ; by of employment of deck hands FR tt settler, intends reget eS Se sae to point of ackunenes: EENA LAN ene sige ; > al ee cense to prospect for cos 7. eo : " Bb SECORDING DIVIsit \ CIGARS SODA and firemen, men now stick it for)" roleum on and under the pe win, Dated this ‘26th day of October, 1919 wmistHict oF QGLEEN rennet: _ med VOT \ 1 and many months. ; Soueeanion et f einen nS: LAOS HALE NOTI gt : wh .~ “a ligen “a . a & post planted twent é' beens eT athens : CR. thal Wiillam J. Leary o: |petrolcum 01 a aad Two per cent. Beer Capt. McGregor has instituted sin east of the north-east corner a KEENA LAND RECORDING DIV outs Kale, B.U., settler, intends ti iE powre cum —, wag h ; ae Si, thence east 80 chains, th DISTRICT OF QUE ISION, a license .t0 prospect for Sottiiateie the practice of hiring young High |” th 80 chains, thence west 80 pan aor ' A ee CHARLOTTE petroleum Gn and Under the following |® aoe we mie re 2 . oe Gee south 80 — ! . UO. escribed lend , Wing |! » of tv School boys and training them |» acement. Waaeae, 65 point of com See : setth + a J. Leary Cate ti ing at &@ post planted at io tence oe a a . , ‘ . " , &e er » am - > > chains ! w until they get their mates or mas- vated this 23rd day of October, 1919 for @ Heense to sremeehnaer to apply | beg west corner of DL 495, the eee north $q a ooo | ters’ certificat 1, : WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. |* roleum on and under a soot ane . . chains, thenee south 80 chains, | men . . ul At Chri tlth 8. aking the KEENA LAND RECORDIN =|u -ertbed lands:— ollowing {ON ins = neoes chains, thence north 80] Vated this 3 . j istmas Time i|three years required at sea be- Sekt Se ten CHARLOTTE It COMMENCING 8 post planted five miles Dated this S8nd day of Uewner 4018 came r, Appuiea F Solve your gift problems fore they can go up for their pa- rake nasece thn Wi a tl nee raat 80 chains, a nhng LB ae WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant bis rhut ; o wok a teed . iiliam J. Leary « - . hence west on . S . - 3 with Phot graphs. p< boys on the tugs learn ee | - intends to apply - > 80 chains, to point yy KRENA LAND ABCORDING DIVISION — 1e British C ia ¢ , , se to prospect for coal bet _— , QUEEN CHARLOTTE 1 rick n Make the appointment to- 7 h Columbia coastal wa-!b«:roleum on and” under Ww coal 400) )) ied this 25th day of October, 1919 ane nomena en - anes im), Leary © day. It’s none too ourly. ers we better than they would ‘eetenee — iat lend sail WILLIAM 3. LEARY. Applicant | >) wate, a E po A ee Leary ‘ w a ‘| and P , xty* eens . ; ds t apply |petroieum PHONE Red 328 _ the larger ‘boats. An@ they |i "Sec tance aeet OO coe of “KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION Ml BRA — oe lGescribed ta ” j r rave proved good workers, too, ith 80 chains +t A aan peace OF tabs CHARLOTTE deseribed. lands :— under the following) eee. t Yo , c , 5, ‘ . Co . orth t ‘ t Di : erless tudio Capt. MeGregor _ states. The i: 80 chaing to point of com haeee tedence aol’ wr aan "theeen oh tk planted at the | 593, ‘thence ea port policy. of hirin - 9 Doted this 23rd Sh dean NOTICE that William J. Leery Weot 80 chai a of DL 495, thence | 50 chains, ‘ sins, thende g » young fel- $7! day of October, 1919. degate, B. C., settler, intends t acento ains, thence north 80 chains, ;seuth SU cha mimence . lows, he says, has helped his VILLIAM J. LEAKY, Applicant. |p. ¢roleum on lo Prospect for coal ana | “his ts pein of comumacsmene sips ; om ee 0 al » P ‘ mmencement, Date his 2 : 7 1919 Suite 22, Alder Block business and helped them. The KEEKA LARD GRCORMING DIVIMOR. d-seribed lands: nd “under” the following |Pated tis Trin Aad Getober, 1919 ee a Y Applicant All busses stop at our door pay and the life are good, and eds i ieee Dp nt oS 0 poet planted one mile onneerenmeten Lnok:tAi),, Sppicnes a we oo at the same time : oy ae AKE NOTICE that William J. Leary 593, theuce west 80 — corner ef DI “KEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION SKEENA LAN ' Vis N ; ne mow an be- 7 ih B.C, settler, intends to apply}. |,c°ains. thence =e ’ oe soul DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE _ ni Rio r @ leens > . : t ol © 7 8 nee i , : ing trained for Canadian ships. |» rede yicense to, Peuapect’ for coal and north 86 ‘chains, to point bg om mosece tea Gn TAKE NOTICE , During the. war the various | “Cammencing e followins! Dated this 25th day of Octot gee Os es A ee iin sto apply i , c . _, “ommencing at a ost ian | = oO etober, 1910 fr a license to DI i ends to apply ,r a hice s| and ? TORE a owners on the British Co- aims east of | the eee Snes A) —eneente WILLIAM J. LEARY, Applicant. |} !roleum on and i a meg rey — um . nce - : b2, thence eas : od | <<. 2 described tands allowin, Pdescribed | hia coast commenced train- |e rth 80 chains, ae thence | 't is just as cheap tu get your Comune acing at @ post pls Commencits puane 4 . BATHS ing young felllows in.view of the uenee south 80 chains, 40 point D peains, printing done wel’ and d north-west cornet of pleased at te miles mort ‘ ‘ ; oe sment. , oom on erst 80 che oi ° , hence | v 59 ' ‘ and _ it shortage of experienced seamen,' #4 tis 23rd day of October, 1919 | jome as it is to send it away -O0 penee west a0 eine hune * nse te Nyy yoy WILLIAM J. LEAL App Z ; . ‘y jelains, to peo , : mee north S0jihence south pois ant a 4 . ZARY, Applicant The News point of egynmencement MOF arium Print Shop. Dated this 22nd jay of October, 1919 commencement, — " : —_——_—— _ —_ J. LEARY, Applicant WILLIAM BA Me “ = a — — — —— — —————$—$[—[_ $_ [_ —————————— Turkish, Medical, Steam Shower and Tub Baths. ' h _ Gene Byrnes Says:—"It's 3a Great Life lf You | Don’ t Weaken.” Open Day and Night PHONE 309 722 FULION ST. | FELLOW 4S JOST CRAZY ‘e ¢ ATL WONT SAX & Reasons YAR DON ; ; r cian = e Loves ME = IMG SRN eo ME FoR Just ee ee re Ce ls oS we Ota A MOoMENT— HARRY WoW Age yous | LA THIS EVENING poe THE TELEPHON NO iM SORRY | CANT A. 4 yA IT Ler me he ue — ene. NIGHT wo (G | PALKING ILL EASE DONT SEN WA ASF : MUCH OBLIGED i. Y a ech THE MOTOR hy nae i PLUMBING AND HEATING © eaten ¢ ‘ Tog »” Y A FoR ME abt y kad ) (¥ EXGIKEERS ‘ we WY Vi gf Y4 Estimates furnished ino LV inn * . ZA 0 YA erie in’ SA. UNV 4 » 4 AM ea? " Address, 3rd Avenue, head = ‘ 4 1ZF.: { 4, AA of Second Street. q r : Sn HO 7 Phone 174 -— P.O. Box 274 VA Aan YES HARRY IS ONE OF MY DEAREST FRIENDS AND HE HAS BARRELS OF MOMEN BLT tiow a LD | ENJOY MYSELF WiTe HiM WHEN | Love. i PE D Be VERY Arend YOUR SISTERS LCA | FOR SALE oe Fishing Schooner ““aysport No 1” (SNOT PEELING ee As she lays on Rose Spit, er 1 Graham Island. Tenders will be received up to Wednesday, December You KNOW | CARE MORE FOR YOU THA ANN GIRL 1. KNOW TOO a” f 10, 1919, by HE. MoCoskrie, g ‘ agent for Insurance Com- > 4 pany of North America, P. oe Z O, box 249, Prince Rupert, Lp B, ©. 288 h EZ oo AGE - “ig Zz