PAOK TWO TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN MAW'y FOU SKEENA miAM) -Creamery Butter fe Cottage Cheese fresh pasteurized mst.k And cream daily Early Delivery Throughout the City Dizzy Headaches and Fainting Spells Mr. Lloyd Bfcbcock, Hirfinffton, Oat., wiitti: "Same timt jo I wi HI rua down in health. I hid diny beadU'bti, inj luff ere d & great deal Kith fusing fpelli. I wi idrisel to try Burdock Blood Bitten and ;ft! Ukitf two tattle I Jelt like a sew peraoo. "Mjr husband wai troubled with lodigMtioe, after mraJa, and could get nothing t d him any good until he took p.a.H. v UuJ.cturd, for tl it II jn, al Tk 7. Mlfttre.Ojs, U4n ?" 9lV . THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenut H. F. PULL EN i Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance 5 Oo For lesser periods, paid In advance, per month & By mall to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid In advance for yearly period 3.0 By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year $C m By mail to all other countries, per year 9.W. ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word .. . Local readers, per Insertion, per line Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line - Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone ,lut Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member ol Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION 86 98 Kaien Motors Limited r.mrral (2ara and Service Station CHEVROLET find 11UICK Open Day and Night Phone 52 Third Avenue 1.40 .11 Thursday. June 25, 1931 PICNICKERS CARELESS We draw special attention to a letter published today in Y'hich an ultimatum is given that picnickers must use more discretion at Digby Island or the privileges of using it as a picnic ground will be stopped. What is true of Digby Island is true also at other places. Men, women and children when they get away for a holiday are sometimes carried away by the excitement of the occasion and want to do some mischief. Jn city the taking of flowers is another case of thoughtless vandalism. Spoiling'a garden is worse than desecrating a grave. Complaints still come in of this being done in a small way. A good deal of education is required to bring people to a realization of their duties as citizen in protecting what is really public property. j. i. UNEMPLOYMENT IN THE WEST The Nelson News is one of the latest newspapers to take up the cudgels for the west and to demand "a wholesale plan of work which will extend over a long period." It says : "Hon. Gideon Robertson, Dominion minister of labor, is at present in British Columbia, and on Monday discus-seel unemployment conditions at the coast with the mayors ot various provincial municipalities. Mr. Robertson admitted the seriousness of affairs, but Urged the cities and villages to co-operate with the provinces and the Dominion to relieve the pressure. "Several Kootenay centres had delegations present Kaslo and Fernie delegations showed how hard hit then communities had been through the low price of metalr and labor conditions. Mr. Robertson no doubt learned a lot about western conditions at that gathering. "While not officially stated, it is presumed his trip is to look into conditions, after which he might lay down some mm,e ?f fed?ral re,lef- UP0" hIs rePort the government will likely arrive at measures to give financial aid. ."The past year municipalities have shared with the pro-vincial and Dominion governments in relief work. But as eraie and Kaslo authorities stated at Victoria, some municipalities have reached the limit. They have done their best, and cannot further raise money for such relief work. Other municipalities, who possibly could scrape up the money, cannot find any local work t0 do under such a relief scheme. But while municipalities declare the strain is heavy, they will have to do something. The Dominion government must be prepared to do even more. What this western country needs is some kind of work, and in a hurry. A wholesale plan of work which will extend over a bng period would aid greatly. If the minister gets in touch with tho men of the west who know conditions as they really are, and which he seems to be doine; at present, he cannot but recommend to Ottawa that action be taken in this western territory forthwith " LETTER BOX Jiree notices on the property stating "No Tresspassing" and one of these is on the gate at the bridge. This thing has got to stop. If ties coming over here I will bei follows: "Wanted Crew small boat. 1 man cook-deckhand. No returned fighting man. as skipper had conscientious objections! " At this date it Is rather surpris ing to hear of a person who has the time from what has been so bdUv described as cold feet." and that term lets most of them oft rather lightly. It seems obvious to the writer that It is by reason of the efforts of these returned men that he and his kind are now enjoying the rights and privileges that now obtain generally and speaking for myself and the local branch of the Canadian Legion I am safe In saying that no returned man would knowingly be found dead on the same veasel, or elswhere, with such a craven and warped mentality. Yours faithfully, A. J. MATHESON, Secretary. ON A SCOTCHMAN Si ndy I hear ye got $500 mit of the railway company when yere wife was injured In that accident. THE DAILY NEWS Thursday. jun(1' LOCAL ITEMS VANDALISM AT DIGBY ISLAND Baseball tonight S.O.C. vs. Elks.; Editor, Dally News: Pae Tayjor came In from W Would vou be kind enousch to nub- Skeena River off this afternoon's j lish the following in your valuable train. ' i paper for the benefit of the people , ; ., who prize Digby as a picnic ground. a. pmim, Massett canneymar, On Sunday, the day of the Moose was an arrival n the city on the picnic the Isolation Hospital on Prince Charles this morning frour Hospital Island was broken into the Queen Charlotte Islands. j twice in the coyrse of two hours, In ; one instance by pulling the boards Mrs. Fred Scadden sailed thUi off the windows and breaking the afternoon on the Prince Ovaries glass, and again by forcing the for a vacation trip to Vancouver basement doors. On the occasion of and elsewhere In the south, the High School picnic a few days previous a window was forced that Mrs. E. H. Simpson of New Mas-was not boarded, and today entry sett Is paying a visit to the city was gained by scaling the roof and having arrived rpm the Islands creasing me giass out oi an atue on Uie prince Charles this morn window and by forcing the base- ;ng. ment doors which .had been barred - - . . by a two-by-four. 1 Mrs. BN Smith anu tamllv. vl as you may Know, mere is a iu- aave been spending some time In foot fence across the approach from lhe c)ty left Dy "today's train on tne onage, ana on ounaay i saw a tnelr retum to thelr nome m Ed woman get Jammed on that fence montori. trying to get ovr It. There are Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Tueker re lumed to the city on the Prince Charles this morning after, havlpg made the round trip to Stewart, An ted In me and bar boats from land- h" trto Uie tog at Dlby float. This Is not a pub-'J1 , lie float and a notice nailed there Qtt5n Calotte Islands on official states this fact. Apart from the the on tLe above, the visitors seem to think '"' ' """"g- that the gardens ahd houses of the t , . . operators and the office building "a Mra- K0De" wsKine o-itseif are nin to and niindrv to D,8by Island, who have been on a take the flowers or anything they WP 10 Stewart, returned to ean lav their hands on. Last Sun- " ne norm on me day owing to the people running in 'Prince Charles this morning. and out of the office the operator ; n duty was forced to lock the doori Miss Roode. who has been teach-md was treated to a shower of ilng school at Massett, arrived in gravel through the window for his the city on the Prince Charles this trouble. I would like to point out to morning from the Islands, beln the public thai the wireless station ,on her way to the Interior. is every bit as private as any tele- ; . ?raph office in town and that they, ..... AKuHmc,, .,... " rl8hl 10 aS t Anyox, was a passenger aboard rnnce unarres today Dound Last t,.ns,. Sunday the ihi,..(,t,uie recording sheet, tnr .v sPend the smmer V!lUon ;aken ay and names and initials carved all over the place. The police are being notified and arrange ments will be made to meet boats at Rupert returning from Digby whose occupants are found trespas sing or defacing property over here. I do not wish to spoil anybody's fun, but there is no fun attached to the facts stated above. Thank you. Yours truly, R. G. EMMERSON, Chief Operator Digby Radio and Guardian for Isolation Hospital and Properties. CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTIONS A. C. Beatty. who his been In the Telegraph Creek district as census enumerator," returned to the city from the 'north 'on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon. MLs Mary Conroy who has been attending St. Joseph's conven here, sailed yesterday afternoon pn the Prince tfupeft for Skagway enroute to her home In Atlln. Harry Scott, well known hand logger of this district, will b leaving next week tor a motot trp as far south as Mexico City. He has purchased Cart Zarelll's coups. There were 88 passengers aboard Editor. Daily News: ine ieanr princess Louise wnen Under the heading Too Late to'M,c a""ra nere yesteraay aiter- ClaMlfy In yesterday's vdltlon J00" ,rom asagway en route to there appears an ad. which reads as Vancouver. Five disembarked here from the vessel. Presbyterian Young People's Society plenie, Digby Island. Friday. June 26. Boats leave Yacht Club 7:15 p.m. In case of unfavorable fortitude to boast of the fact thatl wither, soelal evening wlU b held he was a conscientious objector I was going to say object. Judging from the expressions used In talking over this advertisement among returned men they are of the opinion that the advertiser and others In Church Hall. Oamet Watt, well known Insurance man and brother of Norman A. Watt of this city, sailed yester day afternoon on the Prince Ru of his Ilk were suffering during war Pert for the Yukon after a Visit of a few days here. Mrs. Ruby Scott, whb has been for the past year at Kerto Hill, Yukon Territory, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon bound for Vancouver en route to her home In Montreal. C. M. Cornfield, who has been spending the past few weeks In the city in connection with buslnesi Interests here, sailed yesterday at-ternoon by the Princess Louise on his return to Vancouver. Mrs. Winifred Peterson arrived In the city on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon torn Ketchikan, being on her way to Green Island lighthouse where she will pay a visit with her sister, Mrs. Drowii. L. A. Outherle. signal supervisor! Anaus-Not so loud moni Titof e Cabadlan National Rall- nae accident. When th' crash came. 1' ar.r,Ved in ne city on I had me wits aboot me. an' cracked I !7d?jr al'!-1 wan' train frgm WJr. the wife over th' head wl' UV start-' nd 841,011 3 Jjlternooh op lng crank. I wie rwooe vnarie ror yaeouyer -, Mn the fovrse of un Official tour. A tea and sale pf home cooking Mn. Ashmoce, who Jias been Is being held tills afternoon at the teaching In the Indian school si home of Mrs. F JA. Oood. Graham Old Massett. was a passenger c,n avt-uue. wesiview. oy .yueen Mary , ooard the Prince Charles today Chapter. Imperial Order. Daughters bound for Victoria where she will me Empire. , spend the summir vactlon. VITA- WEAT VITA-WrCAT is 100 Whple Wheat nude inVo delicious thin crlspbread with the full natural flavour of the finest wheat. Delicious with cheese. Jam of butter. Serve VITA-M'EAT as your daily bread B. E. Valde ot the CJJJt. enc-heetlng department returned to the city on this afternoon's train rom one of his periodleal trips td the Interior on official business. Canadian National Recreation annual picnic to Port Simpson by ss. Prince Charles leaving 9 ain. July 1 and returning before 10 pjn. same! day. In time for the big dance ln! Moose Hall. The .net proceeds of this ; picnic will be donated to the Gym j and Boys' Band Funds. 152 1 A. B. Smith, superintendent of tourist publications for the Canadian National Railways. Montreil ! arrived In the city from the Bat) on yesterday afternoon's train anH jailed on the Prince Rupert c make the round trip to Skagwav and thence to Vancouver. t The Dally News can be pur- chased at Post Office News Stand. 325 Granville St, Vancouver. t Karl Anderson, Prince A. nn & R. W. RUey, Terrace. B.C. General Store: Anyox. f- Smlthera Drug Btnre. Smith- era, B.C. . TTT vv VITA-WEAT keens yw SLIM ami FIT. and aids Digestion. Vila-Weat is guaranteed entirely free from chemicals or preservative Being easily digested, Vila-West tthp. bread Insures the correct functioning of he hotly, thereby promoting perfect health. 25 im. Ask Your Grocer For Vita-Weat Manufactured Only By Representative in Prince Rupert- Peek Frean & Co. Ltd., London, England W. II. Malkin Co. Ltd, R. G. Cunhrhgham arrived In town on tills afternoon's tra'n lrom Port JEsslngton. Oscar Fulton ana Kenwood! Cretn left yesterday afternoon's ' rain for Lakelse where they will ptnd their summer holidays. j Don Matheson. son of City Treasurer and Mrs. D. J. Matheson. re-' turned to the city from Stawart on u A niMMA rSv i iui. i juic f iih jiiaiica mils illuming District News TERRACE Mrs. Marsh, widow of ' the late CanM T. J. Marsh, was a vtsllor Mrs. E. M. Smith and daughter went down to Prince Rupert on Wednesday. Further detail to hand show that E. Hamer lost about 130 chickens In the flood last week-end from his ranch on Ferry Island. Strong effort, on the part of Ter race tesldents had to be made to feicue the younger member of hi small family. The box making Industry recently Introduced at the Vanarsdol Lumber Co.'s mill U proving a atL factory business. frs. WWUpw of Usk paid a vfialt to Terrace on Monday. Mrs. Percy Skinner was a visitor from Usk on Wednesday. , C. Jacobsen of Shames, came Into town on a buslnem visit on Tuesday and returned on Vednday' trajn. P. McNlchol, Usk. spent the weekp wid in town. Ed. Kenbey has had a motor .boat brought In for use on Lakelse Lake. The local commissioners are erecting a pumphouse at the hut weil ENDING MALL UMS AFELY sunk In the recreation park t j Kirkpatrlck Is in charge of the work. At the meeting of the nn V. A.. Mn. McCarthy presented a flrpoit of the recent eotivemion held in Prince Rupert. A sale of work nromoted hv o. and neiti Roman CatheHc adherents with Mrs. A. Y. Wllaon at Remo on ua.ino"? n" wnhv i ww Bwn .u netted wo J. .A. McConnell returned on ttfortday from a business to Prince Rupert. Mrs. L. O. Skinner of Copper city went down on Sunday to the cout Hand clearing operations .nt-more In evidence Just now than f ir some tbws past. V. Souete has ( -U.i-ed one ot two acre at the north-weat corner of hi ranch; w Ws Is busy on ten acres on the bemh F. (kKtrgommeaux is havmu .n exteniive clearing on bis ranch and various smaller tract are being prepared tor the plough. Capt. WUlman of Usk arrived In I c- L- M- a'tgey bm brought m a town on Monday's train, .planer for use in his lumber null f HENEVER you wish to remit small sums of money, use a BANK OF MONTREAL Money Order. There is no cheaper, safer, or more convenient way. Payable without charge at any chartered bank in Canada (except the Yukon). Money Orders are sold at every branch of the Bank. BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 A. MucCALLUM, Manager Prince Rupert Hranch: l SCAI.K OK CIIAKfiBS T)ie following Is the mmIc of tbargea made for readmit JiM'ses: ' Malrloe and Hngayeuicitt Niiririuocemenu 12. Ulrth Notice 60c. Funeral NoUcva $1. 'lard of Thanks. 12 Funeral Floors lOc per Utwt?.