Yellow label Salada 60ct a lb Brown label Salada 70 ct. a lb 'Fresh from the gardens' Salada Tea is sold by Mussallcm's Cash & Carry Stores JUST ARRIVED Swim Kaps Season's latest and original designs. Keep the curl in and the water out. ' Price: 15c to $1.25 Ormes ltd. Dlia Pioneer Druggists Phones 81 & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St THREE GRADUATE PHARMICISTS WE ARE OFFERING: DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at the Rate of 50c Per Ton Alberta Lump, $13.50, for cash, $13.00 Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PnONE 580 V "UM,,M Foi SUMMER SAILINGS Fnm Prince Rupert tot Vancouver: Mondays 4.00 p.m. WedneaJays 9.30 a.m. Thursday 2.00 p.m. 'Saturday . 7 00 p.m. 1 .ill. ' (Vein rail KM mwii nrevr. Ketchilun, Juneau and Skagway (CJlling t Wnnpii souinroutw Wednesdays nd Saturdays, 3.00 p.m. For Stewart and Anyox Monday S.(X) p.m Friday 3.00 p.m. Weekly service to Mawett Inlet and fort iiiluly rrvice to South Queen Charlotte Islands, wticuiam on request. H McKvmiii, Divihiui. Freight TDiniTVcraVIPP Prinoc Rupert. B.C. Daily roni Vancouver at 1.45 p.m. and 1.00 a.m for Victoria and Seattle TRAIN SERVICE Patwencer train leave Prince Rupert daily L,. SnmLvO at 12.3C p.m. for Edmonton. Winnipeg m points East UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED . VtMRim lvf Prince Kuirt for T,. ,..,mlvi KVIKV HUII.W MHIXKIHT "th.'r. . "'rv.. -f.Yv r1; "nu a-: .. ".,:,t,!tT-.:..e m i 1.1.1 in i - mmm v-no Local Items Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware, HeL'broner'i Store. John A. Anderson, road superintendent for the provincial department of public works for Atlin district, arrived In the city on the 'ANNOUNCEMENTS "iuvoi; uaiu iitiiu uainc riiujj June 26. Presbyterian Sunday-School Picnic Saturday, June 27, Dlgby Island, - Canadian National Recreation Association to Port. Simpson by ss. Prince Charles leaving Prince Rupert at 9 a.m. Wednesday, July 1. Big Dance in Moose Hall, July 1st, 9:30 p.m. Dominion Day. Sports, Acropolis Hill, ;july 1st.- Eagles' Excursion by steamer Prince John to Ketchikan, July 3 to 5 1 cWjdlan Legion Picnic July 12 DfsbIsland.; Presbyterian Bazaar November 5 154 OH SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway -: June 26, July 3, 6, 10 To .Vancouver, Victoria and 27, July 4, 8 For Butedale, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, Vancouver, Victoria Friday, 10 p.m. Full information from C. Orchard, General Arcnt Cor. 3rd Ave. it 4th St. Phone 31 rmwvj-;Tii:iH Glasses, .lilted .Jb .registered optometrist at Heilbroner'i store. Don't forget 'the Eagles' b excursion to Ketchikan for the U.S. holiday, July 4. (tf) Discount of 50c per ton for cash cash. Alberta Lump now $13 a ton. on Mlnehead and Bulkley Valley Egg Coal $12. Hyde Transfer. (151) Coals. C. C. KetchUm, Phone 771. (148) o. A. Edgecumbe has been ap- pointed customs excise examiner at A. J. Curzon returned to the city Ooose Bay. Rivers Inlet. It Is of- on the Prince Charles this morn-ificlally announced. lng after a brief business trip to A. E. Warren, -vice-president In charge of Western Region, Canadian National Railways, an1 Mrs. Warren disembarked here this morning from the Prince Charles after having made the round trip from Vancouver to Stewart. Anyox Princess Louise yesterday afternoon and Massett Inlet points and Dro following a trip into the Stlklne ceeded by train Tp Winnipeg, Mr River country on official duties and Warren's headquarters. will proceed from here tomorrow ., , afternoon on the Prince George to Nearly 150 teams and freighting his headquarters at Anyox. j'outflts are engaged in haullny I merchandise frorn Ashcrofy over riev. T. H. Wright. wh,q.has been the . Cariboo, oato" Fort George, the incumbent of the' United according to Mr.., W. C. Gladwin, Church at Hazelton for the past chief provincial fire warden, who two or three years and who has returned to Vancouver today from now been granted a year's leave of an Inspection trip. Central- B. C. U absence from the ministry In ordt r 1 being rapidly developed, and has to engage In study and travel, and been practically free . from forest Mrs. Wright arrived In the city fires, he added. Twenty Years Ago from the interior on this after- column, Vancouver, Province, noon's train and sailed on the ' Prince Charles for Vancouver. ! '" SPECIALS for Friday & Saturday Eggs Fresh Extras Scott's In cartons, 2 doz O 1j Macaroni Ready cut or long A Der 16-oz. nkfr. uneese nnest Ontario per lb Shaker Salt Plain or Iodized, per pkg Canned Salmon Yacht Choice Pink, per 1-lb. tin Sweet Gherkins Llbby's per 20-oz. Jar , Fels Naptha Soap 10 bars to the carton, per ctn King Beach Tomatoes- No. 2 tins, 3 tins Red Arrow Sodas Family Pkg. per pkg Tomato Juice Royal City per 16-oz. tin Dried Peaches Australian i 2 lbs Cooking Chocolate Bakers' Premium, li's, per cake Shredded Wheat per pkg T....... Pastry Flour Wild Rose per 10-lb. sack .v Queen Olives Llbby's per 18-oz. Jar New Potatoes 13 lbs Green Peas 3 lbs New Beets , per bunch 22c lie Brand, 10c 21c 77c 29c 19c 13c 31c 27c 11c 44c 28 c 50c 25c 7C Watts Grocery PHONE 55 TIIONE 56 "THE BEST FOR LESS" Suffering from a broken lc Mrs. Smith of Stewart arrived In the city from the north on th: Prince Charles his morning. Sh -was taken from the steamer to the Prince Rupert General Hospital in the ambulance. F. O. Pyle, who has been makirg the round trip to Stewart, Anyot and Massett Inlet, disembarked here . this morning rrom the ss Prince Charles. He will proceed to Vancouver on the Prince George Saturday eveniner. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Five boys. Apply Besner News Stand. 143) LOST Lady's goat-skin glove. ' I Phone Blue 277. 150) Ends Rieht Awav Th. vry flr.t tim. I mtd 'Sooth- Sftlva'lt nrf4 tha lrh!..l . fin riiM .war. 6 top pea .w.lllnf and blndinr.P-Je.nowout." LT Snn. QhtckoM r.M known. All diuuku. Reduced Price Fresh Raw Milk Now! 7 Quarts for $1.00 12 rints for $1.00 For Cash Only DOMINION DAIRY Phone Red 608 P.O. Box 4 . HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Hotel ITlnce Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot jnd cold water In all roorm A. J. nttmilOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser uid Fifth Sts. SAVOY H. McCarthey. Tlell. New Royal Hotel I. 7-trrlll. mp Tllf IIOTF.I. UOKTII WMII.E Hoi A Co4 Wtr: Blenm Host 75c TEIt DAY AND IIP lrihnnr ?HI Royal Wah Soon, city; E. Byers and It J. Wllkins.; D. Redman. Oa tarlo. v Knox Hotel Arc Our MEALS Good? Our Guests Say They Are. 0 REDUCTION On All Suits Till our present stock Is sold. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Prices $30 to $55 LING THE TAILOR 817 Second Ave. Phone 619 PAOB THRE1 - Thursday, June 25, 1931 Nothing can take the place a quality Anyox. H. B. M. Valentin returned to .the For Kent Furnished 3-room cottage, fully modern, centrally loca ted for July, August and Septem ber. Phone Red 168 evenings. Mllo DJurovich arrived in thoclty on the Prince Charles this morning from Anyox and proceeded by train to Pittsburg. Ohio, where he will attend a Serbian national C.N.R. steamer Prince Charles, Capt. Dan McKinnon, arrived In port at 8:15 this morning from Stewart, Anyox and Massett Inlet points and sailed at 2 o'clock this afternoon for Vancouver. Coastwise Steamship It Bargs Co.'s freighter Grlffco arrived In port at 2:50 yesterday afternoon from Vancouver and, after dis charging a carload of canned milk for W. H . Malkln Co. Ltd., sailed at 7 o'clock last evening for Anyox and Stewart. Pilot D. Murphy of the Northern British Airways was the speaker at the weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club In the Commodore Cafe today, his subject being Spitzbergen. Mrs. R. B. Mc-Conon of Victoria sang vocal solos, accompanied by John E. Davey. city on the Prince Charles ttils morning after making the roiind trip to Anyox, Stewart and Mis- sett Inlet points.' Phone 678 Besner News Agency, agents t for Edmonton Dally Bulle tin, delivered to your home dally,; rate 20c. per week. Wanted 10 newsboys. 153 Provincial Cbnstable William Harrison, who has been moved from Telegraph Creek, where he has been stationed for the past year, arrived in the city from the north on the Princess Louise yesterday ' Miss Rose Moran, who has been for the past year In Dawson, arrived in the city from the north on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon, being on her way to Green Island lighthouse where her parents reside. Mrs. Joseph Barrowclough, wife of the purser of the steamer Prince Charles, was a passenger aboard that vessel returning to Vancouver after having made the round trip to Stewart, Anyox and Massett Inlet. , 1 and up un good stores m 6 ft C V R V H A ITI I L T O N I Card party and social. Cathol c School Hall tonlgl)t at 3:30. W, Miss Swana Olofsen returned to thte city on this afernoon's ra i after a brief visit to her home a: Osland. Jul Alluring. . cvch to mascHllHe eyc knitted to wear well in every fashionable color end weight menciRy ns i e rv m ILLS L I ITI I T 6 D O N T A R I O Great Has Been The Daily Response! Which is Overwhelming Evidence NOTHING EQUALS IT! NOTHING EVEN APPROACHES IT! This Colossal Closing Out Sale of Jabour Bros,, Ltd. BANKRUPT STOCK As Fast as One Bargain Goes Another One Takes Its Place. Shoppers Welcome: InM around and examine this fine bij; stock of merchandiseto see the really low prices .that wc have marked these goods at the values and fine quality will amaze you. Here is where your dollar has double buying power, for now you can get more for your money than you expected. Really, folks, this sale is a record-breaking, price-smashing sale that spells monstrous savings. Let nothing keep you away. Come, see for yourself. Join the crowds that throng the store daily. Carry away your share of the bargains that have taken all Prince Rupert by storm. In full charge. W. 0. GRANT Selling stock and fixtures. Our Prices Will Please You Come In and let us show you how little it costs to equip your car with GOODRICH SILVER-TOWNS. A complete Garage Service Distributors Dodce Cars and Trucks RUPERT MOTORS NATURAL PURE Fresh Milk Free from any preservative or treatment whatever. Milked and delivered dally from our own cows. Four successive years Government Grade A certificate Health and Sanitation. A trial solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. ritlNCE RUPERT DAIRY Uox 895 Phone 287 Night Calls: Phone 161 Phone 5C6 COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wtlllnrton In any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Kobln Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 68 AND 558 Recatisc it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised.