rriday, December 12, 1919 1 DAILY NEWS [He TORTURES OF RAEUMATISM < ply Stopped When He att Take “Frult-a-tives” 8 Orrawa Sr., Huis, P. Q. ora year, I suffered with Rhen- m, being forced to stay in bed e months. IL tried all kinds of mocicine without relief and thought I d never be able to walk again. ’ iy while lying in bed, 7 read lvuit-a-tives”’ the great fruit ne; and it seemed just what I » I decided to try it first box helped me, and 1 he tablets regularly until every f the Rheumatism left te.” LORENZO LEDUC. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. \t | dealers or sent postpaid by t-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Why Pay More Than CLEOPATRA WONDERFUL Spectaoular Film Version of Siren of Nile At the Westhoime VANGEOL Theatre Tonight. ca VER BC in the epoch-making film ver Use Royal Crown hee sion of ‘Cleopatra,’ with Theda and Save the Coupons Bara as the Siren of the Nile at . * the Westholme Theatre tonight seines is destroying local amusement seekers will sex creeks very , the most sensational niflcent photo-dramatic ever produced. The passions and greatly reduced, pageants of Kgypt’s vampire f The queen as portrayed by the screen's extended, } beginning foremost interprete: of siren crease of 12 a great rapidly and mag f Ihe spectacle all and should he price of cannery fishing licenses close season should he with an in hours the eoming roles aroused the entire theatre season and picture-going public of New XZ Returned soldiers should York, where Cleopatra enjoyed = fi iven preference in all Cases a phenomenally suecessful wun on h) Legislation should be in Broadway at the Lyric Theatre. troduced enacting drastic penal- No film drama ever offered the ties where licensees are fishing American public has achieved out streams, and these lieenses greater popularity than this stu- , In Waltz. “A Perfeet Day Medley, ! eee Char ete eens’ mupert, end situate at Port Clements, Graham Island TAKE NOTICE that we, the, Graham ! OPEN FISHERIES AND md ruce & Cedar Co., Limfted of Port GAS BOATS |: . ccupation tumbermen, = inti USE oF i ipply for permission to lease tl i a lowing eseribed lands , ; , : ‘ ti Commencing at @ post plant 4 Continued From Page one NW rner of Block 53, townsite of Port | —_——_-——— ——= I ciements; thence N » deg j yr h 33 deg. WwW 455 ft.; thence posals enbereed by the meeting: |" 237.77 fy Menee east 472.05 ft a The right to build and roll Howing ‘the shore Wee ie ae th . y ire operate a salmon cannery should ment and containing 7.1 a mer ‘ibe granted to all white British |< OF less. GLAND SPRUCE & CEDAN LIMITED subjects. 1919 ») Gill net licenses should be ‘granted to all British subjects, ‘but a provision made for geré adual — ily eliminating Oriental fishermen. |rrict oO! ed August 12th, LAND ACT SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DIS QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ‘e Delivery Se Vice Extra Phone 557 hould rAkt NOTH . e. canal A) oe, > ses SHO ‘ ‘ , oceup o retu Purse seine lie 7 - Dritioh + ma vee) to aiteie Tor ermicaion t0 ? P 5 to all white ' ease t fr ‘ilowing deseribed lands po gronted " vie ng at & post planted on the | subjects. , | shore sewell Inlet about 8 miles dis , 1) Drag = seines should be]ee’ and in a westerly direction trom th . ~ g nes i I t vl except Ww het e no other eh the 4 > wen ee YS uenee” 10 qnortans be utilized, hare enee following the shore iine to lmode of fishing can . shore: i neramencement ine Sore ee te ' spies entirely | ere more or less or where canner” , THOMAS B. STRAIN, Ipend on them for their supply W. BF. Green, agent o— drag pated 26th October, 1049. The unserupulous uke of CLASSIFIE[) ADVERTISING Phone 98 This ie the Advertising Col. mn that people read wheo they want anything 't brings results WANTED. WAN TED—Men to fill a automobile | drivers, The positions repairinen ana demand for skill ed men in the automobile busi ness never was as great as it is it the present time. We wili train you in a short time with the latest and most up-to-dal method, to qualify and carn big money in one of the most profit- able and interesting businesse of the present day. We automobile repairing ing, Oxy acelelyne stanage battery repairing anc rebuilding, Vuleanizing and re treading on the and best equipment. Thousands of oui graduate holdin splendid posilious and neve regret the time spent ing themselves under tem, If you are any of the teact! and ariy welding lalest now in train our sys interested it courses, above writs for literature and catalogue. Dept. 57. HEMPHILE TRADE SCHOOLS Blanchard & Fisgard Sts Victoria, B.C, istablished over vith branches at Victoria Edmonton Regina fifteen years Vancouver Tacoma, Wn Winnipeg { Portland, Ore ilgary Saskat \ ANTED Acvounting or clerical rk by capable experienced inan, ‘Temporary or perman- ent. Phone Red 415, or box 27 Daily News oflice for appoint- ment, 294 iwo YOU: NG L ADLES — VYUIRED for ban Apply P. O. box 171 Prince Rupert, . ti > EE WANTED Diainond, one carat or above, Apply box 25, Daily News Otlice. tt PIAMOND Ww AN'TED—Half carat or over. Apply box 26, Daily News ollice. tf WANTED, Small furnished apart- ment or house. Apply P. O. box 788. 2914 WANTED TO RENT — 5-roomed tlat or house, modern. Phone 540, > 293 WANTLD- Girl for light house- work, Apply 337 2nd Ave., Ww. BOY WANTED FOR OF FICK,— Apply Drydock. 289 FOR SALE FOR SALE—Cream enamel bed- stead and springs; tapestry rocking chair; Monarch range; Congoleum rug; china dinner service, and kitchen utensils— also shotgun, Owner leaving town. Phone Blue 318. 290 FOR SALE—Eighteen-foot ‘clinker boat; half cabin. In good con- dition. Cheap for cash. Also Evinrude, P. O. box 309, Prince Rupert. 288 FOR SALE— 5. passenger + Hudson Car, in good running condition. Price reasonable. Apply A. Videk 287 Third Avenue. FOR SALE—Cow, fresh in thirty days; also pure bred Holstein heifey yearling. Apply 646 Taylor Street. 294 FOR RENT rO LET — Seven-roomed apart- ment. All modern conveniences 210 Ninth Avenue West. tf MISCELLANEOUS “SONGS UNBIDDEN,” by the Prospector, will make a nice gift book for your eastern friends. Poems of Love, Nature, Religion and Sociology. It is fragrant with the breath of balsams and pines. Leatherette covers, $41.50; velvet sheep, $2.00, post paid, Published by Victoria Printing & Publishing Go., 524 Yates St. Victoria, _ B. G, FARMS FOR SALE c. P. Rh. FARM LAND Choies farms in well settled districts in Western Canada; low prices twenty years to pay; irrigated lands in Sunny Southern Al berta, with loan of $2,000 in improvements to assist new settlers, Aet now they are ‘ome fast. For free booklet rnd full information write I! G. Loughran, General Land agent, 744 Hastings St, West, Vancouver, B, C, Se CET WEDDING BREAKFAST COFFEE ---there nothing cold mornings. like it these ---The morning cup is just the mild bracer you need for the day’s work --- gives you the ‘‘vim and pep” that enable you to get a good start. This coffee is superior because of the carefully graded beiries used and the delicious blend obtained as the result of years of expericnce. Comes ready for use--ground Just right— in | 1b. air tight containers. Packed by the Pioneer Coffee & Spice fills, Ltd., Vancouver & Victoria SASH & DOORS LUMBER Dimension, Shiplap,J|Double Dressed Fir ® Finishing LIME CEMENT PLASTER BRICK LATH SHINGLES Complete Line of Building Material ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. PHONE 116 or 564 R. W. Cameron & Co. Beg to announce that not being able to obtain their old corner on Second Ayemue, at the head of what The used to be Centre Street, they have opened on ld Third Avenue, No. 626, with « carefully selected Fi ‘irm Come stock of Back Jewellery, Watches and Clocks, Toilet Re- quisites, Cutlery, Cuf®Glass, etc. All fresh from the factories, and are now ready to welcome their new and eld time patrons in their new store at No 626 Third Avenue Opposite Dominion Telegraph Office Georgetown Lumber Co. PHONES 130 Bf 423. — P. 0. BCX 1632 Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. ©. FISH BOXES “% SPECIALTY SPRUCE FIR CEDAR Consult Us. wentitekas #5 THEO COLLART, Notary Public FOR GALE—Lots 1@ and 20, Block 18, Section 1, Third Avenue hear MecBride— $3,500 Each aie. A REAL ONAP. MARINE INSURANOE REAL ESTATE Phone Biue 69 Westholme Theatre Block ee