THE DAILY NEWS PAGE SIX Presbyterian I othd nnyoriDATinu I (Schedule Changed Tea and Sale 1 oiur uuiioiirnuuii To Take Care of Is Successful THIS PLEASfiHT WAY Picnic Next Week 1 KINDS of POWER for THE PRICE of ONE 1 The POWER in Home Gas that makes it the preference and first choice of thousands of British Columbian motorists The POWER of the B.C. dollar spent in B. C. that builds up B. C. industry. OMEC fyoiuccw, buy tw hcttcx JOIN THE EAGLES EXCURSION To Ketchikan for the American Holiday on July Fourth Prince John sails at 10 p.m. from Prince Rupert on the evening of July 3 reaching Ketchikan the morning of 'the Fourth. After a day and night in Alaska City, the Prince John LEAVES ON MORNING OF JULY 0 FOR PRINCE RUPERT Great celebration at Alaskan City including intercity baseball games, Rupert vs. Ketchikan. Come along and root for the home team. Price For Round Trip, $10.50 Children, Half Fare Meals and Berths Extra Get yo'ir tickets from A. Astoria at Friziell's Market. Further information can be had from committee: A. Astoria, Thos, dough, F. Ferro or Geo. Ilrookcs. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERA flNO (J. T. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, Machinist. Nollei makers, Hlarksmlths, Pattern Makers Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to llandlt All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK ' PHONES 43 AND 385 Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results 13 AS PREPAREDNESS Two men were making their first trip to America. On the first night out the liner pitched like a chip In the big waves. One of the travellers, going to his stateroom to retire, found his friend Just getting -Into bed and was astonished to note that he wore a woman frilly nightgown and had a lace-and-ribbon trimmed boudoir cap on his head. "For Heaven's sake, man," he gasped, "what's the idea?" "Well," said hs frienl. "don't you know the rule: In case of disaster, women and children first?" Have you paia your suoscrlptlon to the Dally News this year? Week-End Specials Swifts Picnic Ilam -per lb Post's Bran Flakes 2 pkgs., Malkln's Beat Tea- 3-lb. tin Malkln's Beat Honey-4-lb, tin .. Malkln's Beat Prunes 2 pkgs jAylmer Strawberry .Urn- New pack, 4-lb. tin Aylmer Peaehea 2s 2 tint Blue Mountain Pineapple- IX 2 tins Dutch Maid Sandwich Spread, per Jar Sunklst Oranges 5 doz Jap Rice No. 1 5 lbs Heinz Pork St Beans- Small, 3 tins ... Heinz Pork & Beans-Medium, per tin Heinz Pork & Beans I iarge, i vins per pkg ?lf Soap Flakes per pkg 22c 25c S1.45 70c 45c 55c 35c 25c 25c 95c 25c 35c 15c 45c I Gold Dust Washing Powd-r QAn 20c Alberta Market P. GAMULA, !' Fifth Street The social parlors of First Presbyterian Church, attractively de-coratad with yellow poppies, violas and panatea, was the scene of a delightful test and sale of home cooking by the Ladies' Aid yesterday afternoon. Mny guests tailed during i the afternoon to lend their patronage to the affiir and were received by Mrs. D. C. Stuart, president of j the Ladles' Aid. and Mrs. W. D.i Orant HoUinp worth, wife of the pastor. The tea room was in charge of Mrs. James Simpson, who was assisted by Mrs C. C. Marshall and Mrs. Thomas McMeefcln. Mrs. H. C. 1 Fraser and Mrs. D. O. Stewart poured. Senriteurs were Mrs D. MeD. Hunter, Mrs. James L. Lee, Mrs. William McLeod. Mrs. W. H. Wllson- j Murray. Mrs. William Millar, Mrs. W. L. Sandison and Miss Beulah , McKinley Acting as cashier was jMra. M. McRobble. ; The home rooking table was In icharge of Mrs W. D. Christisen and Mrs. D. C. McRae. PRESS IS I NECESSARY 'Nay rromlnent Tart In Tubllc Progress, Declares Governor-General of Australia SYDNEY. Aust.. June 26: "The . nress is absolutely necessary to pub- j lie progress." said Sir Isaac Isaacs, Oovernor-Gencral of Australia, in' in address at a recent luncheon here given by the New South Wales George Arllas is a really d 1st In uished comedian. The great drain atlcian of "Desraeli," The Green Goddess" and "Old English" displays delightful talent In the light er sort of' play such as is "The Millionaire," current attraction at the Capital Theatre. "The Million aire" Is indeed an outstanding pic ure and it greatly delighted larv audiences who saw it last night. Arllas had a distinguished sup nortlng cast, all of whom play up well to him Evalyn Knapp. popular comedienne of many shorter pic t u res, Is given this long feature and she does sp'-endkHy. Mrs George Arllss, wife of the star, also plays a niraporUnt part in the picture. Bargain Prices On Old Clothes Nominal Prices in Manchester, Eng. land, For Cast-Off Suits of Police MANCHESTER, June 25: Unem ployed men 6l this city have been given the privilege of buying at a nominal price the cast-off trousers of the police force, and as the material Im of excellent ouallty and the garments usually discarded long before thev can be said to be worn out there Ls usually a rush for them whenever a sale Is announced. Ap-niipnnta mint live In Manchester ; and possess a voucher from one of Jie city's employment exchanges, and outsiders are not given a chance nnrltnr i Ui buv There were only 120 pairs OI numbered more than 200. The trou- rs wore sold at 18 cents a pair. Once veofle thought pills and drugs were the only way to relieve constipation. But the modern, safer method is to include sufficient roughage in the diet. Kellogjr's Aix-Bran, a delicious ready-to-eat cereal, gives you this bulk, and overcomes constipation naturally. Read this enthusiaitic leUer: "MIm WML ntram cue of eov ttipattoa. I had almoat vIttii up boprt of vt brine rlivd. "Om d&jr 1 cam kfou your ilrr-timwnL to I thought I wmM try AU 11 UK. It niirved m ibaot bnmcdt-Mjr n4 I ten- had no troubW ce, which wm tbmt thrrc month. . Mm. E. E. LmU. (MreM oe request). Delicious when served with milk or cream. Cook into tasty bran muffins, breads, omelets, etc All-Bran also adds needed iron to the diet. Made by Hello in London, Ontario. The original All Bran. All-Bran Twenty Years Ago In rrincc Rupert June 25, 1911 Capt. D. II. Jarvie. general mana- Institute of Journalists. He did notlKer of the Northwestern Fisheries think that the power of the press CO i nas committed suicide at Seat-! had been more eirecuveiy,aescrtDea than by the poet Byron, when he said, "A drop on ink . . . produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think." Following the traditions of British Journalism, there had never been a design on the part of newspapers In Australia wilfully to mislead, though many people might have been misled by accident. The prosperity and welfare of a country might be endan gered and Justice and morality might be thwarted if the public were purposely misled. Sir Isaac spoke in glowing terms of the pre sent-day Journalist, and said that as a Minister of the Crown of some experience in the past he had never been "let down" or deceived by a Journalist. S FINE COMEDY ieorge Arliw Has Another Distinguished Performance In "The Millionaire" tie. He shot himself. The late Capt. Jarvts was well known In Prln- Rupert through numerous visits here. Misses Cassie Illller and Oraco Lindsay of Portland and Seattle, accomplished young musicians, who have Just graduated from college, arrived here today on the State of California. While here they will give a recital. Quality and Service For Your Convenience Give Us a Trial. We Guar-antee Satisfaction and Our nrices are right Dutch Maid Mayonnaise QOn per 32-oa. Jar Dutch Maid Salad Dressing l fin 23-oa. Jar Malkln's Bast Strawberry C'Qn Jam, 4-lb. tin fJs Malkln's Best Ensign Orange AlZp Helnx Pork & Beans Med. 7 can for Heine Spaghetti Medium 7 cans for Heinz Cucumber Relish per Jar Ueiru Fresh Cucumber per Jar Hall's Chicken Soup 3 cans Beekist Honey 5-lb. can si si 23c 23c 35c 74c Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Canteloupes 3 for Bananas 3 lbs Hot House Tomatoes 2 lbs Lettuce 4 for Cauliflower-large head Sunklst Oranges 5 lbs All Other Varieties at Kcduced Prices Mussallem's Cash and Carry Stores "Where Uollars Have Mure Cents" Phone 3G0 l'hone 18 & 81 ' P'1'" troU8e, f0r dtiJrlbuU0" i ! 319 3rd Ave. -ri.rne IM 9n 20 r,.r,., uhraa the applicants! 40c 40c 35c 25c 20c 95c 417-423 5th Ave. In order that she may fill a next Wednesday for a trip to ' Port Simpson with the Canadian .National Recreation Association's annual picnic, there will be a change next week in the schedule of the steamer Prince Charles on her weekly trip out of here. The vessel will sail, as' usual, Monday evening but will go only to Stewart and Anyox, returning here Tuesday night to be ready to take the picnic out the next day. The steamer Prince John, due Tuesday night or Wednesday morning from Vancouver via "the south end of the Queen Chasjotte Islands, will make the trip from here to Massett Inlet in place of the Prince Charles. China Missionary To Pay Visit Here Miss Louise Foster Will Give Address in United Church Tomorrow Evening M!s Louise Foster, returning missionary from West China, wl'l arrive here tomorrow by train from Thursday. june 25 w Wednesday & Thursday two snows - 7 & 9 PL A Million Dollars Worth of Fua GEORGE AKLISS in The Millionaire' With David Manners. t;vaT Knapp and many other stan You'll laugh with him. liV( with him, love him, in a role different from any he h played. Comedy "PETE AND REPEAT Screen Song "BY THE BEAUTIFUL SEA FOX NEWS Erection of the Naas Ibyer Totem Poles In the Bronx New York City. ADMISSION - ?0e 4 6;c Feature Starts at 7:40 & "Ho THURSDAY MATINEE at : ! 15c St 40c Feature Starts 1 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY "CHARLIE CHAN CARRIES O.N" the east arid will sail Saturday cv- Mrs. W. T. Keriln. Fourm a ening on the Prince Oeorge for 'West. For a time dunni: n: Powell River and Vancouver. To- orders In China four or jmorrow evening. Miss Foster will! ago when missionaries a ' 'give an address in First United called. from China, Miss Ko Church here. During her stay here. I ted as dean of Columbian iMlas Foster will be the guest of at New Westminster. B fro'',1fi IkVggglHgVgflglgVglVgflgV BflgflHgHgflKvHI ALL READY FOR LUNCH vJut hunting or hihing aII morning. Bil' Mvenouslyhunyry. Does ever food tast?' e$ then! And wouldn't J generous p ' fresh, sweet, dairy milk ddd the final tjj perfection to the meal? You can be sure of a plentiful supply of drli wholesome, FULL -CREAM milk any 1 1 m anywhere, by taking along a few tins cf . , . the powdered whole milk that keeps out ice and addi so little to the weight ' ' pack. Economical, because there's no wastt- .'.' It at you need it JudgtKlim for yourself. Send 10 cents for a m! can. CANADIAN MILK PRODUCTS LIMITED 115 Gtorjc Stfttt Toronto COUPON CnJin Mill. Prod! Uwfted, 115 Gtorjet, Toronto ti(4e irnd mc free boeVItt "Camp Cooling" Name Address.. TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Col, Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, H.C. s