PAJE 1-WO Heart and Serves So Bsd Was Unable To Sleep For Hours v Viu TWa Ji. Batxtj, GaUiagertown, Out, write: "1 iru troubled, for abton ft ytar, with b.j heart and mitm, Mpttiallr oa retiring at tikt tn I would be uabl to Hetp for Hours. I wftf Mill fatigued, and Waine Try cxeitebl ud Irritable. A friend reeotanaeaded Milfiom'i Heart nd Xtrr PilU and aftr taiing tlem for Price 50c a box f i uu njoy ,-01 jkr rest, and rapidl rf lined my former ttate of health. " 114 at B art aa frtl tttra, tt mtOU Unci m rcl4 t ftk Ij Ti T. kvtC U4, ferula, OtX THE DAILY NEWS. PKIXCE KUPEBT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published ivery Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenu' H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone Mi DAILY EDITION Member ol Audit Bureau pf Circulations Wednesday, June 24, 1931 DEVELOP OWN FARM COUNTRY It's very satisfactory to know that with the failure of the crops on the prairies and the low price of wheat, a good many of those looking for land are turning their attention to the farm lands of Central British Columbia. The development of this country is the hope of Prince Rupert and as this city grows the market for the products of the interior farms will increase. The prosperity of the two are so closely allied that they cannot be separated. EMPLOYMENT FOR EVERYBODY The announcement yesterday that the federal government had recognized the seriousness of the present labor situation and was preparing to meet it and that in the meantime they will pay a goodly share of the relief of actual destitution came as welcome news to a good many. There have been hundreds of men and women who have been fearful for the coming winter but now there should be no such fear. The government has awakened to the fact that a crisis has arisen and they are preparing to meet it. We shall all await with interest the announcement of what it ia intended shall be done. The countrv could raise all the mohejf it wanted to help kill Germans. There should now be no difficulty raising a little money to handle the present situation in a manner which would give honest employment. This would save lives, save men's self-respect, save the country from reproach and the statesmen from oblivion. "la. lfc !, m CONTRACT PROPOSED Many people who are familiar with the local situation and with the amount of work done on the highway, both on the Kaien Island and mainland sections, strongly advise that either the whole or a large section of it be let in one bjg contract or a. series of good sized contracts. This would insure that within a reasonable time the highway would be of use tp the neflpje of Jhe province, whereas the present method is not bringing very good results. In this we are not criticizing the conduct of the work being done today. The method under which it is being carried on makes it impossible to produce results. All we suggest is that sufficient progress be made so that, even if we do npt get a chance to use the highway ourselves, our children at least may do so. JOIN THE EAGLES EXCURSION To Ketchikan for e American Holiday on July Fourth Prince John sails at 10 p.m. from Prince Rupert on the evening of July 3 reaching Ketchikan the morning of the Fourth. After a day und night in Alaska City, the Prince John LEAVES ON MORNING OF JULY 5 FOR PRINCE RUPERT Great cejebration at Alaskan City including intercity baseball games, Rupevt vs. Ketchikan. Come along and root for the home team. Price For Round Trip, $10.50 Children, Half Fare Menls and Berths Extra (let your ticket from A. Astoria at Frizell' Market. Further information can be had from committee: A. A$tora, Thng. Clough, F. Ferro or peo. Hrookes. IGAS PRICE ! TOO HIGH M. P. Claims Canada Mulcted .of $34,000,000 By Oil Companies i OTTAWA. June 24:--Contending that the Canadian people were paying over four cents a gallon more for their gasoline than they should, O. E. Bothwell. Liberal member for Swift Current, speaking m the House of Commons, put the blame for this on the tariff. Canada used 600,000.000 gallons of gasoline a year, and if it was costing four cents a gallon too much. It meant the oil companies were taking $24,- QQ0.OOO from the people of the Do- i minion, i Mr. Bothwell went extensively! fpto the dlTidends paid by the prln-' cipal companies selling gasoline, and dwelt on the undertaking not to . increase prices because of the in- reases in the tariff made at the; emergency session, i Duty Increased At the last seaaton the duty was ncreased to 2 cents a gallon. The , lighest gasoline brought Into Can-: ida by the oil-producing companies : was the only kind that .came into , competition with that of Turner j Valley. Mr. Bothwell turned to the writ ten assurance given by the Cana lian OH Company, British Ameri can OIL McColl Frontenac Oil Co,' and Imperial Oil Co., not to raise i Jie price to the consumer as a con sequence of the tariff protection riven at the September session of Parliament. He intended to examine the fin-' mcial strueture of these four com-: Mnies "to find out If they need jthe ! irotection given' and also If the; lumping provisions should be ap plied respecting gasoline. As a mater of fact, he believed the result of he tariff changes had been to in-rease the price of gasoline in this country. "I think." said Mr. Bothwell. "that t will surprise hon. members of this louse to find we are being mulcted in Canada to the extent of from1 lour to seven cents per gallon." "The people of this country have I een mulcted by the higher gaso-j ine tariffs and they should be re moved." declared Mr. Bothwell. The farmers In 1930 used 130,000.000 gallons of gasoline and the four cents difference In price represen-ed $5,000,000 In exhorbitant taxes." Canada as a whole used 600,000,000 gallons of gasoline, which meant, "the oil companies are taking $24.-000,000 from the people of this country if they are charging the four cents extra " PETTINESS IS DECRIED Courts No riace to Settle Neighborly Quarrels, Declares Chief Justice VANCOUVER. June 24 The law courts are not the place for settling neighbors' petty quarrels, according to Chief Justice Aulay Morrison it the British Columbia Supreme Court. "There seems to be a growing ten dency amongst cranky neighbors to avail themselves of the service of magistrate and at the. public expense to set the law in motion," commented the chief justice when awarding Steve Koverchuk, lumberman of Langley Prairie, with dam ages against Thomas Magden, a rancher of Sperling, for malicious persecution. "De minimus non curat lex," quoted the chief Justice, and his translation of the maxim is that the law looks with disfavor upon the expenditure of public money on matters of trivial Importance. The cae in question belonged to that category, in his opinion. 1 Some time ago Madgen, an elderly J bachelor living alone, charged Kov-i erchuk with the theft of a partially aecayea ourni log irom nis prem ises. The charge was dismissed by; the magistrate. Although Madgen valued the log at a few dollars, the chief Justice observed that any value seemed chimerical. The land from which the log was taken is in an Inacccs- I sable portion of the district of I Watm1ncir Yir vlntprl nut onri had been sold by Madgen to Kovcr- j chuk. Scattered neighbors of the parses took sides and were called as ' witnesses, he said. They would have been better employed In attempt-, lng to gain some result from their . own uncongenial soli, he added. ' The evidence established that Koverchuk had nothing to do with the log. ' "A prosecutor must not Ad upon (mere tattle or rumor,' warned the Judge. THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, June 24, ! Oil the Finest Cars Dominion Royals are Standard Equipment A HY are Dominion Royals standard equipment on tho . r world's finest cars. ' Why are Dominions endorsed by the manufacturers of a jiost of famous cars? Two words tell the story Strength and Beauty, 1 - .The Dominion Royaj is 1 8 stronger than any other. Stronger to match the stamina, power and increased speed of multi-cylinder cars. Stronger to ensure safety with speed ... to give greater, trouble-free mileage. More. beautiful tool Car manufacturers realize that the rugged beauty of Dominion Tires lends an air of smart distinction to the finest cars. Buy Dominion quality I Another Reason Whu THE BIG SWING IS TO DOMINION TIRES Seal of KTl STRENGTH -gTObTl Man in the Moon Jake says there's one pest he dislikes worse than a politician and that is a slug. He says he's ready to offer a reward of a Job on the high way to anybody who can tell him how to kill them. I hate a politician; I hate a dirty bug; I hate all mean and slimy ways, That's why I hate a atug. There's a certain editor in town who gives lessors in gardening. He's not edllcr of a d illy paper so that lets my bous out This pseudo editor whatever that may meani says he I gives the slugs iwo chances for their lives before condemning them to the bottomless brine pit. He grabs them , by the nape of the neck, brands the j figure "1" on Its cuticle and then' with a snort of glte chucks Jt over ' the fence to annoy his next door neighbor. If it returns he brands a figure "2" on its cutis and with; words of condemnation shies it at the small boys In the road. For the third offence nothing but capital punishment is effective, so he takes i a cauldron fills it with a saline solution and immerses the slimy brute, holding him down until he yells for! mercy and then cracks him over the Jowl and leaves him to welter or flwtle or whatever the proper word Is la the pot of perdition. Have you pala your suDscriptton lo the Dally News this year? Strencjlh 0T. arHnnrRWTTrara mm m m m mm m aim mm mm m DLJB WE ARE OFFERING: ' DISCOUNT ON COAL For Cash at the Rate of 50c Per Ton Alberta Lump, $13,50, for cash, $13.00 Alberta Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 Pembina Egg, $12.50, for cash, $12.00 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 30 PHONE 580 !ct the habit of reading the advertisements in this nanor and taking: advantage of the help they bring you.