T "w d iir .1 DiKby 3 S -Light southeast wind; ba u . 29.90; temperature, 50; C a. o tx) O S3 Vol. XXII., Ni S don the effort to bring about .....1 : ...:n u t mm, iiiski-au, ji, win uc icii, io drride whether or not It U advan- i mucous for them to fish under existing condition. The salmon trol-It'i.s, by a large majority on secret vow yesterday afternoon decided to nd the "strike," also leaving it to the fishermen individually whether or not they wish to fish. Both the h.tlibut fishermen and the salmon trollers have been endeavoring to fnree a "strike" or general tie-up b'ausc of low price conditions. It is reported that the salmon trollers wire -0lJwe4Jjtftt. price Jor coin. by the Ttsh buyers. The halibut boat owners decided to circulate a petition asking the government to close this port to American halibut boats until such time as the United States government has removed the two cents duty against Canadian fish entering that country. BOAT IS SEIZED Customs Refuse to Comment Upon Incident Here Last Mint It was reported this morning that an American boat had been seized lust night by the customs in connec- t ion with faulty entry. Collector of Customs J. "II. McLeod refused to comment UDon the report this morning. Police Chiefs In Convention Illg United States Gathering Opens In Seattle Yesterday SEATTLE. June 24: The Natlon- nl Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs owned 1U annual convention here vesterday with police heads from all parte of the United States in attendance. The latest methods or crime detection and prevention as well its dealing with prisoners arc being discussed. TAKING TKIANGLE TRIP ( Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Leslie of Chll-llwnck and two sons will be hen early in July taking the triangle trip to Jasper. Prince' Rupert and Vancouver. ANOTHER PAIR OF n.vi its CROSSING ATLANTIC TODAY v H ARH OR GRACE, Mid.. Juno $HJtHto HllUg and Ml- w Ilolrlls, Danish flyers, took off this morning on weir trans-Atlantic flight to Copcn- hagen. wind; sea calm. 8 as both halibut boat owners a general tie-up of the fleet ! i me owners lnuiviuuauy 10 ATLANTIC CROSSED Post and Gatty Reach England Safely In Course of Record-Breaking nigh CHESTER, Eng., June Hi-Wiley Post and Harold Gatty landed at the airdrome near here this morning after a 16-hour flight from Harbor Grace, Nfld, and hopped off for Moscow and Berlin. They will cross Russia en route to Nome, Edmonton and New York, planning to complete the round-the-world trip in ten days. NEW YORK, June 21: The steamer Drottingholm picked up a radio message last night from the plane of Wiley Tost and Harold Gatty. who were then 12 hours out of Harbor Grace, Nfld on their flight from Harbor Grace to nerlin. The flyers reported that all was going well then. Vancouver Stocks (Ceurtesj 8. D. JottniVw, Co.) Dig Missouri, 25, 27. Duthle Mines. 4, 4Vi. George Copper, 47, nil. Oeorgla River, 2V, 4. Oolconda, 27. 30. Orandvlew, 5, 5V4. Indian Mines, 1, Us-Mohawk. H. nil. Morton Woolsey, nil, 2 ft. Marmot Metals, nil, ai. National Sliver, nil, Noble Five. 5. 7. Oregon Copper. 5, nil. Pend Oreille.. 88, 1.00. Picmlcr, 68, 72. Porter-Idaho, 4, 5. Reeves Macdonald, 25. 35. Rufus-Argenta, 2. nil. Ruth-Hope, 2Vi 5, Silver Crest, 1H. 2.. Snowflake. 1V&. 2. Topley Richfield, 1, IVi. Woodbine, Vfc. I. OILS Freehold, 4, 5. A. P. Con., 13, 14. Mercury, 12M. 12Vi. Fabynn Pet 1, 2. Home. 58, 60. Royalitc. 7.50, nil. Eastern Stocks Shcrritt-Oordon, 71. nil. Noranda. 20.50, 22.00. C. P. R.. 28.00, 29.00. THE WEATHER Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, fresh southeast wind: barometer, 29 88; temperature, 50; sea choppy. Triple Island Part cloudy; fresh easterly wind, moderate sea. innuarn Clear: light easterly NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1931 FISHERMEN'S STRIKE English Derby When Camejonlan brought victory OTTAWA. June 24: Difficulties that Canadian fish ermen suffer on the Pacific United o Will's lisniiig ueeis ueiu muugia iu iiiu uiix-uuuu of the House of Commons last night on a motion to go into a i. V 1 1 supply. Aitnougn uinauians nay mucn nigner prices ior gasoline, lines and nets, said Olof Hanson, . Liberal member " k. nr. I i NEAR RIOT YESTERDAY Striking Trollers and Indians Re ported to Have Had Run-in on Cow Bay Floats What Is purported to have been a near riot Is reported to have occurred yesterday afternoon on the Cow Bay floats. According to the story, some striking salmon troliers started to shout "scab" to a party of Indians. A couple of the natives made no response but one husky buck Is reported to have objected to the epithet and, to put it collo quially, "socked" one of the strikers and "put him out." The natives hav Ins shown their mettle, the little episode soon died down. The police stated this morning that no report of the Incident had been nude to them. Halibut Landings American Tortlock, 39,000, Pacific Fisheries, 8.3c and 3c. Canadian Helge H., 3,500, Storage, 8.9c and ,4c. Winner Being Led WOmTONSEESBUSimSSREVIvKlNHOOV Halibut and Salmon Operators Decide Not To Insist on Tie-ups Boat Owners Themselves Will Be Left to Decide Upon Action Individually- Closing of Port Is Being Sought "Strike" situations so far and salmon trollers are concerned were terminated yesterday by vote of those concerned in either case. The halibut boat owners, at a meeting last nirrht. decided to aban climax to the Dewar Qolors at Epsom, June 3rd, . it was thfr triumphant , I' it of a longstruggle for tr.e distinction by these famous stables Above Is seerT'J. ATlJewarSs" "t he led Cameronlan to the unsaillng enclosure. With the champion Jockey up, Camcronlan led the field by three-quarters of a length. Olof Hanson For Home Night Takes Up Cudgels Town Fishermen Last In Addressing Commons Tells Parliament of Advantages Americans Have Over Canadians in Using This Port Should Subsidize Fish or Have Duty Removed Coast in competing with the I SeatUe are able to fish on the same banks, bring their catches into Prince Rupert and ship them In ' bond into the United States without paying the United States Import' duty. He suggested that the gov ernment should either subsidize the j Canadian halibut and salmon industry two cents per pound or enter into negotiations, through the Ca-nadlan minister at Washington, to have the duty removed. A. W. Nelll. Independent member 1 for Comox-Albcrnl also referred to the serious condition of the halibut ' fishermen. LOCAL GIRL WON MEDAL Miss Bessie Moore Distinguishes Herself at Normal School Another Prince Rupert girl has distinguished herself. Miss Bessie Moore, sister of Verge Moore of the Kalen Motors, won the gold medal as leading the whole province at the Provincial Normal School at Vancouver where she has just com pleted her course. Miss Moore Is expected back In Prince Rupert within a few days. IS CALLED From Field PENSIONS ARE OFF Bursaries .to Lady McBrlde and Mrs. Smith Rescinded VICTORIA, June 24: Plans for pensioning lady McBrlde and .Mrs. Mary Ellen Smith have been rescinded by the government. A spokesman stated that the Conservative party had decided to undertake the payment of a pension to Lady McBrlde and suggested that the Liberal party might do the same for Mrs. Smith. JUGGLING OF MONEY State Supervision of Savings Tes tifies in Adolph Linden Case SEATTLE, June 24 How hun dreds of thousands of dollars were shuffled from one fund to another ultimately to evaporate altogether, was told by John Wallen, state supervisor of savings, yesterday whll giving evidence In the trial of Ad olph Linden, former president of the Puget Sound Savings & Loan Co., who Is charged with grard larceny in connection with the affairs or the defunct concern. The trial Is proceeding. Rev W. B. Jennings returmd ,o the city on today's train from a trip up the Skeena River on eecles last leal duties. 1 dmorrow s Tides High Low Canadian National Head Thinks Moratorium May Bring About Prosperity Railway Budget Presented to Parliamentary Committee; Requirements Total 3101,208,000 OTTAWA, June 24: The war debt moratorium of a year proposed by President Hoover of the United States might be the one factor that would stabilize business and start it on the road back to prosperity, Sir Henry Thornr ton, president of the Canadian National Railways, told a special parliamentary committee dealing with finances of the Canadian National yesterday. Personally, I think it is," Slri-, Henry said. San hranriCPA Tnilf The 1931 budget of the Canadian National presented to the commit-! tee showed total net requirements of $104,208,000 which would be either j voted by Parliament or raised through securities authorized by Parliament. Italy in Favor ROME, June 24: Premier Mussolini and his financial and foreign advisers yesterday endorsed the plan.-of Presidents Hoover.ofc- the UnitecTState's' for aearTWp'e'n sion or intergovernmental war debts. Certain reservations were made, these btlng In - connection with the proposed Oerman-Austrlan customs treaty. BRUSSELS. June 24: Belgium is hesitant about making a decision as to President Hoover's debt moratorium. This country would like to continue collecting its reparations from Germany regularly. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER. June 24: Wheat was quoted at 60 Vic on the local exchange today. Is Here to Conduct Research Work in Connection With Use Medicinally of Halibut Oil That he was here to conduct research work at first hand on halibut liver oil, which had been found by scientists to contain a much larger proportion of a certain health giving vitamin than did cod liver oil, the old cure-all, was revealed by C. F. Lanwermeyer, chemist of the Abbott medicinal laboratories, Chicago, in an interesting talk before the Prince Rupert .. Oyro Club ... at 1. I. -u A I - W I meyer left the suggestion that it whs quite pussiuie uiai 1113 cuiniAuiy might before long be in 1 ; -e market in a large way for halibut livers from Prince Rupert. Already experiments along this line had been conducted with halibut from Prince Rupert but it had been considered more advantageous for him to come to Prince Rupert and conduct his research work right upon the ground, Mr Lanwermeyer stated. The speaker gave his audience some Interesting details of chemical research on a large scale such as was conducted In his own laboratories where there were forty men engaged exclusively in research work. Mr. Lanwermeyer also dlsgressed long enough to compare conditions In the present depression here with those In Chicago. The people In Prince Rupert had no Idea of what hardship In the large cities really 1 meant. Mr. Lanwermeyer also al-! luded to the notorious gangster ac- tlvltles of Chicago. It was not such 1 a bad city, however, on the surface as might be bellved. Any person could walk along the streets In the Continued on Page 3.) Thursday, June 25, 1931 9:36 a.m. 16:5 tt. 21:40 psa. 20:0 ft. 3:14 ajn. 5:4 ft. 15:07 p.m. 7:4 ft. PRICE FIVE CENTS OFF KJ X S 14.11 VIOV IT A UUl Party Is In City j 75 Excursionists Under Auspices of Young Men's Institute Is In Prince Rupert Today A tour party numbering 75 persons, under the auspices of the MJplIMtltSan Fran-fclsco. Is going north on the steamer Princ Rupert today to make tha round trip to Skagway, the Itinerary Including a side-trip from Skagway into West Taku Arm. The party Is in charge of J. E. Col-thurst and Val Molkcnbuhr and includes a number of prominent San Franciscans among them being Lieut. Fltzhenry of the San Fran cisco police department, J. P. Mur phy, foreman of the grand Jury and head of the Independent Order of Foresters, James Leary of the board of supervisors and Gerald Murphy of the sheriff's office. It is reported to be the largest (Ingle tour party that has come out of San Francisco so far this season'. .eattle JaUOrS Are Dismissed SEATTLE, June 24: Sheriff Brannlck announced yesterday that two Jailors had been dismissed as a result of the prison break from the new county Jail at the end of the week when prisoners sawed theli way out. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY HONORS ANDREW MELLON V LONDON, June 24: The ! honorary degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred yesterday by Cambridge University upon Andrew W. Mellon, United States secretary of the treas- ury. Mr. Mellon came to Eng 4 land to attend the graduation of his son, Paul, from Cam 4 bridge. I I: