PAGE SIX Cool! Clean! Certain! A ELECTRICAL COOKING Shortens Kitchen Hours In the first place, you don't have to build and coax a fire. You cook with heat instead of flame . . '. perfect even cooking heat that is yours in an instant at the snap of a switch. and pans cannot blacken. watchful waiting in sweltering kitchen. Electrical cooking is cool, clean, It saves time and ends spoilage and Conserves all the in every food; the cost of every Choose your Electric without delay. Pay concentrated . . . Only Pots No a $Ej.oo certain. worry; Down waste. nourishment reduces Dalance spread meaL over two years Range Northern British Company Columbia Power Limited FREE! Dutch Maid . Sandwich Spread So that the housewives of Prince Itupert will have an inducement to try the "Goodness" of another Dutch Maid line, the following offer is made. To thos who will return the label off a bottle, or the empty Jar of Dutch Maid MAYONNAISE. 16-oz. (Van-couver made to the office of The W. II. Malkln Co. Limited, I'rince Rupert on June 27th. between the hours of eight and twelve o'clock, will be presented, free of charge, an eight-ounce bottle of Dutch Maid SANDWICH SPREAD. Dutch Maid brand is found on the following lines MAYONNAISE SALAD DRESSING SANDWICH SI'HEAD THOUSAND ISLAND DRESSING You may expect a free offering on other lines of Dutch Maid at a later date. The Dutch Maid Products, Ltd. Vancouver, B.C. DISTKIKUTORS: THE W. II. MALKIN CO., LTD. Because it doesn't pay to It does pay to buy advertise poor products, those advertised. 'LONG TRIP ! IS PLANNED Two Seattle Men Will Use Canoe, Pony and Automoble in Traversing" Yukon and Alaska DAWSON. June 24: Lyman Culver and James Cassady of Seattle, will attemnt a 3.000-milc journey this summer by canoe, pony and automobile through the Yukon and Alaska. They have already arrived at Ketrhikan md will shortly begin their long overland trek. A 16-foot canoe, powered with an overboard engine, will take them to Skagway. where they will ship over the famous Chilkoot Pass to the headwaters of the Yukcn. There they will start their main trip, tra-1 veiling nearly 2300 miles by sail.! . paddle an dmotor to Nome, on the west coast of Alaska. ! They will camp at night along thr I ! river banks, but the canoe is arranged so that one can sleep while j . the other steers in case they want I to travel day and night. When the reach the mouth of th? Yukon, they will have to skirt the edge of Norton Sound for 200 miles to Nome. The men plan the trip for plea sure, adventure, and the chance to take pictures' of the wilderness. jThey figure it will take them most of the summer to travel through the Yukon and across Alaska, then they will prowl about In other wal lers along the west coast until the I last boat leaves Nome and Bering Sea for Seattle next November. Since their small canoe cannot carry many provisions, they will depend upon small settlements along the Yukon to replenish their supply, and will. If necessary, live on game which they hope to be able to shoot along the way. LARGE LIST OF TOURISTS ON SS. PRINCE RUPERT With the largest list of t-rarist-for any boat so far this year or board. GKJl- steamer Prince Ru pert. Capt D. Donald, arrived K port at 11 o'clock this mornln-from Vancouver. Powell River ar"i Ocean Falls and sailed at 3 o'clock this alternoon for Skagway am other Alaska points, whence sh- wiil return here southbound next Monday. There were 208 passengers travelling on the Teasel, the large majority being round trir tourists. Farewelled by many well -wishing friends at the boatside, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. McNaughton and daugh ter. Helen, and. son Jack, sailed this morning on the Prince Henrv for San Francisco to which city Mr. McNaughton has been transferred in the passenger department of the Canadian National Railways. They will sail from Victoria Sunday on the Ruth Alexander. DR. HUGH L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat Eyes Tested For Olasses At St. Elmo Hotel Reduced Price Fresh Raw Milk Now! 7 Quarts for $1.00 12 Pints for $1.00 For Cash Only DOMINION DAIRY Phone Red 608 P.O. Box ili S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers Cars Trucks Tractors Tires Accessories Oas It Oil Flat Rate Repairs Wrecking Service Third Avenue Phone 83 COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and CasMdy-Welllngton In any quantities, Also Bulkier Valley Hay, Grain and Kobln Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND S58 mil THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday Jt 153? Competing for Beauty Title Beauty qnieens of Germany and Austria, Miss Daisy d'Ora! .on K. )..g and s.iss IntsMoulosa (right" just beTore leaving Zoo on at Berlin, Germany- to p.ut in in;?ma-tlonal pageai . or pulchritude a- r-alveston. Trou. They will vie for title of "Miss Universe." SOILS ARE DISCUSSED Prince Rupert flower Sneiety Heads Addrees By Dr. Bedford About two dozen garden enthus- tasu of the Prince Ropert Hower Society met m the City Hall last evening to hear Dr. R. II. Bedford of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Ex- ,rimenUl BUt.on leeture or, soUs. their content and their relation to plant growth. The discourse was given to an uuiuauiji otKipie auuuicr. wuuc the remarks applied to soils in gen-"-al. particular attention was Riven to local muskeg .soils By the e of lantern slides, the life of soil bac teria was. graphically portrayed. 8oll contents and soil deficiencies or needs were dicsossed with refer-'nce to olant growth. Various fer tilizers were also dealt with. By the use of slides the effects of fertilizers were shown. i f .B,H!k- ?' ; society, invited questions at the, close of the lecture, some of those present takirln advantage of the opportunity The president also expressed the appreciation of all present to the .speaker for his interesting address and extended an invitation to non members present to attend such lectures whether they were in a position to Join or not, horticultural work being 'of more than passing importance. Moving Office-Uptown Today Harold McEwen, Division Freight andPassenger Agent, to Re Located on Third Avenue Harold McBwen. who has been appointed division passenger agent for the Canadian National Railways here following the transfer of R. F. McNaughton. district passenger agent to San Francisco, In addition to his other duties as division freight agent, was busy this morning moving his office and staff from the general office building near the. station to the city ticket office on' Third Avenue. The move will centralize passen- J ger. i reign t, staamsnips and tele graph departments In the one toca tlon uptown. In some ways, this Empress Tea Si Coffee-will prove of greater convenience. I 2 lbs. j (Xns g g good buy), Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert June 23, 1911 Aid. 8. D. Newton has resigned from the city council, having accepted a challenge from Aid. J. II. Hll-ditch to resign and run against him. Aid. irildlich states that he will hand In him rMlonatlnn nn Monday. The challenge came in the course of a heated controversy In the city council over the engineer- lng department. . A public liollday was observed in Prince Ruport as well as elsewhere in the BrltLsh I&uptr on coronation ouy. ine w earner oemg line, most Prince Rupert people spent the holiday pit-nicking. The Dapi ;st Brothcrhod has been organized .11 Prince Rupert by Rev. !V. II. M I . od. nastor of the loeul Baptist Church. A Dilv News Ting results. want-ad will Baptist Tea Is Successful Enjoyable Affair Held .Yesterday Afterneen By Ladies' Aid in I Church Parlors B.nUt im- am h-w o nntoy,ble tea and sale of home cxAmg m cnurcn rday afernoon ,r m a ?uccess ih socially and finan- ,;aUy The were for with vm as the predominating color note. Mrs a 1Ilbbardi president the Ladies' Aid. received and welcomed the guests. Mrs. James Hampton was general convener and the home cooking table was in charge of Mm. Frank Morris and Mrs. Bert Morgan. In "harge of the tea tables were Mrs. A. Ivtirson. Mrs. J. Armstrong and Mrs. Narman Watt. Looking after the kitchen were Mrs. W. W Wra'h-all. Mrs. Sam Currle. Miss D. Hogan and Mrs. Vic- Hnu&tnn Un I , ...... Hampton acted as cashier, M. M. Stephen, who has be : n on a trip to Vancuover and else where In thr south, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this; rnoring. I ECONOMY FIRST Economy is the Foundation of Wealth and Prosperity Economy Store give you . more for your money We endeavor to keep prices as Jow as possible Creamery Butter 25c per lb. Eggs Fresh Extras 88c S doz Sggs Fresh 65c 3 doz. Canadian Cheese 39c 2 lbs 85c Maikin's Best Jelly Powders 58c per doz Maikin's Best Raisins 50c 4-lb. pkg Maikin's Best Clams-S tins 50c Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Large Bing Cherries 25c per lb Okanagan Plums 50c 3 lbs Ne Potatoe- ' 50c New Carrots, Beets and 25c Turnips. 4 bunches .. Fresh Spinach 25c , ' 4 lbs Head Lettuce 20c , 3 for Mussallems Cash and Cany Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents' , Phone 3G0 p10ne 18 & 81 319 3rd Ave. 117-423 5th Ave x TOTEM POLE FILMS HERE Ke-Ercction of Naas River Poles In New York Depicted A reel of particular interest de-' pictintr the recent mounting in New Y"rk of Naaf River totem poles will be shown on the program at the ':"4to! Theatre tonight and tomor-: row. ihe totems were purchased onj ' ;ho Naas River last year by Dr. C. Marius Barbeau for the Museum of he American Indian Heye Founda-: ii m. New York, and were recently .t.uveuated and re-erected in the ir'inx. New York, under the supcr-vi .nn of T. B. Campbell, totem pole engineer for the Canadian National Railways. . Mr. Campbell is at present in the city. John Walker Is Winner of Boat Drawing Las! Night For V. W. Chandler's Gasboat John Walker was holder of the lucky tlcket-307 in the raffle for F. W. Chandler's gasboat. The drawing was made last night Faced Burglary Charges Before Grand Jury Faint Print One nicht but Orloher a vming mn hmke iuu jewellery More id N'orwirh, Cnon. He IumI broken into othrr Iotos and ewMml the polk. He wore stoves to Wre no trure. He would itnak a ftindowpaDe. then turn tbs cntrh and nbe the windoir. This tin be received a slight cut Prints on Food Danger! Your finger prints are dangerous to you too. sot lKe)tue of enmr of coum you do not commit any. But hnrainw of the Wue germt your fineni 1mv on fol m you eat It. There is the laner. Throe itfrma yoi barn pieknl up from thinga that other eorl hare touched with hands that irtMpa checked a cough or tncoM. Colda snd flu germs are trana-mitted moat commonly thta way life Extrnmon Inatitute lisU 27 diaeaae which aaay be tranamitted through tbe hand. That is tbe war your prints are dntKTooa to vou. Throuch xmns. They enter your mouth on a chocolate, a biseuit, a fruit and if you are run down you may become seriously ill. Safe With Lifebuoy Genua are everywhere hut a way to safety i by killing or making dormant the Krrm un your hands. Frequent w Katun -always before a meal -with the one soap made for this punuM will do it. That one ,v .. n is lifebuoy. It contains a germicklt Laboratory tents pn.nd that the germicide in lifebuoy kills virulent Stops Body Odour Wednesday &Thur d two snows , 4, GEORGE AULIssia The Millionaire' iih navld Manners Knapp and manv Other v.,.n i . "n wu5n wim him liti with him. love him. in w. """"hi irom anv hr Played. Comedy -PETE AND REPAr Screen Song "BY THE BEAI TIHT srA FOX NEWs Erection of the Nias Hit,, Totem Poles in the Brum New York ( it v. au.iiiiun iSrfcfc Feature Starts at Mo i u THURSDAY MATINEE at 15c & 40c Feature Staru ; l FRIDAY AND SATIKDAI "CHARLIE C H W CARRIES OX" Traced Him from the gUas snd took ow h t ( examine it. Then b- in-ir -in m11 crimiosls do. He forgot n i hfJ Ihn itUwi willi the cut hu- Tl Police fouixl the fint rim ' i tnerd him. Soon be WU 00 In trul lfr the grand Jury. His pnuu l:rmvei him. 1 HiMe grrms where oifwr wr fi Yet this rrmarkahle tie 1 proN 'i'n m nniY one of the tool quaJitira It ia matle from two mli have wonderful value a -km turn' and brautifier. No op ini" anv-where tan do more for your romilf uoo than Lifebuo. Skin Health Too Imrteal of a perfume in t if' 1 i"wi note a clean hamlth arcnt V" n th workl over aa the in f mI 'v it vaniaheH quvklv after V', with lifffHwy a rich. pcnctMtmc I "f deatroya lxl.v odour, niakim: -'i " from onending for man lmn Faety from ayrnw i'l h'',h fnf your akin, with IJfclnii. yet m-no more for it than for an o-lin" toilet aoap. Keen a rake of l.if ' on the waah l-in ami fur V ,' Kncourae )-our whole fainHv In -A cHHilly to toeht by it i;r', "a"T rleanainfc and by iU womierfi.. f km on the complexion. Your dealer ha Ijfcl.11.1y f.T 'J Cet a aupply today. Lcer Brotbrri Unmlel, T .t-m- Lifebuoy Health Soap A Luxury Soap Plus a Gcrmicido OurPricesWillPIeaseYou Come In and let uj show you how little it cost to equip your car with qpODRlCH SILVF.B-TOWNS. A complete Oarate Service Distributors Dodfe Cars and Trucks RUPERT MOTORS T Nlfiht Calls: Phone 1CI