i Ps ee we 6 THE DAILY NEWS Si sssaka mt ng ees tne . En Ska ant EEE | GIFTS fer CHRISTMAS Papeteries-- The very latest styles and designs from the Eastern centres. French Ivory-- Mirrors— Picture Frames-- Hair Brushes— Jewel Cases— Manicure Ar- ticles. Chocolates-- Page and Shaw’s and Ganong’s. Kodaks-- ~ Ormes, Limited Two Phones 82 & 200 At Y our Service l .} Lecal News Notes a ea eT | Alien night, ww arrived from Anyox For plate and sheet glass, see A. W, Edge tf | Lo, . . J. L Mullen went to this morning. Vancouver | rickets for purchase, Wallace's prizes every 81.00) tf | Special discount on aluminum. ware until Xmas at Brochu's. 90 | > > . ’ Jas. MeAleenan, of Alice Arm, arrived in the city last night. . > > Pianos correctly tuned. 86.00, G. C, Walker. Phone Blue 389. _ tf | Use “Muresco” the great sani-| tary wall finish. A. W. Edge Uo . . - ; For first class shoe repairing hi. M. Simpson, Fifth and McBride B. M. Stone, of Hyder, came in on the Prince John yesterday af- | ternoon. i. The “Dinector’’ Corset. Manu- facturéd in Prince Rupert. Phone Blue 92. tf . . . STOVES and SKATES at |Thompson Hardware, 255 Third Avenue. 291 J. D. Westenhaver returned to SAE EE 06110 00 the Prince George this =) WEEK END SPECIALS Friday and Saturday Red Kidney Beans 4 Ibs. for 25c Pure Pearl Barley... Dried Green Peas No. 1, per Ib. Split Peas, per Ib., Honey, 2-Ib. tin, Special 85¢ ...3 Ibs. for 25c | Pure Honey, 4-Ib, tins Special 91.65 10e Libby’s Potted Meats, assorted eae eew 10c 4 for 25¢ Clark’s Tomato Catsup (the biggest value in bottle catsup on the FRUITS AND VEGETABLES } No. f Jonathan Apples wrapped Xmas market 2 bottles 45¢ Quaker Red Cherries, 2%s; regular | Stock; Special, per box, $3.26 value 50c, Special 3 tins $1.00 | yj. ,anese Oranges per box . $1.00 Hamsteriey Farm Sliced Peaches las ea . 2148; Special per tin..... 45c | ‘Mons, per dozen 35¢; 3 for $1.00 | : y f es : Happy Vale Pineapple, 2%s, regular | New Navel Oranges, doz. 50c & 75¢ value 50c; Special 3 tins $1.00 | Florida Grapefruit, each*..... 15¢ Cooper's Pure Strawberry Jam > Large ripe Bananas, doz 60c tin; Special ‘. wie 66% . - oo | Vane. Local Spuds, sack $3.50 Pure i » | 4.5. Pure Apricot Jam 4 ee 61.01 Spanish Onions (the first shipment M. B. Pure Loganberry Jam 4-tb. | in four years 2 Ibs. 35c OE weeticaesaces vues Gee = , ‘ e , Sweet Potatoes, per Ib. 10¢ cng. Pooed 7 Som oe The following lines arriving Sat- urday—-California Head Lettuce, To- Empress Pure Red Currant Jam, 4 natoes, Cucumbers, Celery, Cauli- a Se Wee thedsseebee.es $1.00 flower, Brussels Sprouts, etc. The Rupert Table Supply Co. 'Phones 211—212 »| morning. e--@ Keds, Springs anc mattresses } it reaqueed priecs at Barrie's fur- | titure sale, tf ; iy ° “ o i Alice B.”’ for Salt Lakes to norrow, Saturday, at 2 p. m., 2:30 | nd 3 o'clock. | * . * 4 ll. J. Boillot has returned to cean Falls after spending a few | lays in the city. j a - % | We don't cobble shoes at Simp- } son’s—we repair them. Corns | ifth and McBride. t Albert & McCaffery, Ltd., hav: ust received a shipment @f fiv undred doors and windows— thre pital again for an operation to re- lhe received while on active ser- vice on the western front. ; a 2 @ Balloting for the election of Spiteila ty Biack 257. mrseliere, Piss For the brome fireside; the com fort of an easy chair and rocke: “A Baby was born today---its father Tite's store~ for holiday dis di d t d ”? counts. t led yester ay i ery Barrie’s Christmas drawing Tragic? Yes—but that isn’t all. Every tw ars’ or ae ee ee eet y two dollars worth put almost penulless. He chased entitles you to a ticke healthy and vigorous, he € les#ly put off securing life insurance until too late. Men: Life Insurance is something more than a duty. Pail to avail pee of its advaptages and your cart will fill with; remorse when — realize that you are no longer free. Starting Wednesday, No vember 19. First prize, Daven port bed; second prize, fumed*oa table; third prize, wicker rocke: nsurable and are sing on, leay- F lng wife and little’ ages unprovided Skates ground at Akerberg, “, & Thomson’s Machine Sh the Is your estate protected against op on the the deatingoncy a sudden Wharf. death? If not, let us send é | eerie particulars of a Mutna? Lite of Can- ‘ — se — sda Protective Policy, so@that yuu g : SERA EE Wi can ‘ “—- =, — you ; are a Fo0C aith. ou’ say it's Wisest thing you ever did. A Good Place to Eat McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, try the Limited, Agents Phone 11 - 3rd Avenue Now under New Manag. ment MAY. BILLINGS, Prop. late C.P.R. Dining Hall, Broad- view, Sask 50c Special Menu 50c SATURDAY, DEC. 13 Luncheon 11:30 a. m. to 2 p.m. Dinner 6:30 p.m. to 7:30. M.M.Stenhens Notary Public $7,000.00 on easy terms, buys two of the best lots on Third Ave., Lots 19 and 20, Block 18, Section 1. Conveyar cer Sou Vermitelli | Fried or Boiled Salmon Halibut and Black Cod Boiled Boiled Ham with Cabba Boiled Beef and Vegetables Entri es. Fricasse of Lamb with Green Peas Liveg and Onions Roasts. foast Beef, Brown Gravy Roast Veal with Dressing Vegetables, Steamed, Mashed Potatoes Mashed Parsnips Apple and Raisin Pie Do not overlook this snap in business property. Sago Pudding Coffee Tea . : Scenic “i mceetnatinnaiatientiaien: A GRAY M. M. Stephens : oe of ons 9 Stutio 187 Second Avenue ea! Estate insurance Financial Agent PHOYE 182 o 444 i ee ee ee delegates from the Central Labo |\Council to the Winnipeg Conven- tion will be held in the O. B. I Hall on Sunday evening from 6 to 8:30. Members must produce membership cards. 291 |cover shrapnel from his body = | | ‘See eee eee ee eH SE \* TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * rOR SALE—One 32 h. p. N. & 8. gas engine; rebored and thor- oughly overhauled. Complete equipment. Price $1,000 F.O.B. } boat. List of other engines furnished on application. Union Machine Works, Juneau. tf} | WANTED —Woman for hotel work Apply Hotel Central, 291) —_——— Christmas Drawing. tvery $2.00 cash purchase en- titles you free to a ticket. Firs! | prize, brass bed, coil springs fe!. mattress and pair of down pillows. Second .prize .jadies’ desk and chair, mahogany finish. Third prize 24-inch Kewpie Doll. tf St. Regis Cafe Special Menu, 50c. Saturday, Dec. 13 Luncheon 11 a.m. to 2 p. m. Dinner & p.m to 7:30. | Tite’s Soup. Rice Tomato * jrilled asiene irilied Spring Salmon, Siiced Lem Boiled Riaska Salt Cod, Steamed” Potato, Bo iled. Corned Beef with Cabbage Entrees. Lamb Pot Pie, Steamed Dumplings el Monte Pork and Beans in Tomato Sauce, Individual tins, Hot or Cold St. Regis Special Pot Roast Short Ribs of Beef, Brown Potatoes ‘coast. Beet Brown Sauce Mashed, Boilel or Baked Potatwes Mashed, Boiled or Baked Potatoes Nice Custard Pudding Mince Pile Jelly Roll Tea and Coffee SHORT ORDERS GERVED AT ALL HOURS. Hot with ical and and results, Powder. LI SE SEE. Magic Way” c yeas: 2ST oe i oF THE REAL TEST | of home baked food co be second helping is offer oF when the ance, texture and taste of MAGIC BAKING is bound to be pleasing in every sense. because of its uniform’ty ii. strength tation of being Canada’s Perfect Baking Send mame‘and address for free copy of “The of which are illustrated in cclors. E. W. Gillett Company Limited. Toronto, Canada -aewere———eeeeeweccemen SCT, Gee 2 meee a = SS = < Tord Le a A. x SEE MATa Oa = — a preeee iia tiie The appear. food raised PEEL Li ELeie eet cees SGeseees and satisfactory iS aN econom.- Isavener, and Magic healthful has justly earned its reny). ontaining seloctea recipes, many Sse SSS ee Sedo wae | Tite's large stock of fancy J. E. Stark, of Alice Arm, was ist, 2nd and i |} X mag svods and toys opened up and at'a passenger for Vancouver this) Drawing—Wallace's tf your service, tf morning. (ee ’ * . > . * Mrs. and Miss Knightall left for Carpet squares goleum = " Vancouver on the Prince George}, ve, floor civerings at special] a Omin Loal his moming. prices Barrie’s Furniture Store j . . , papers. We have to make room ssh nti! Christmes ta our fu for new stock. A. W. Edge Co. OF nitury sm and drapery depart-| $12.50 $13.75 a | ae | Ton, Loose I Dealing Special discount on Aluminum | "¢nts. TRO oa tr) : ware until Xmas at Brochu’'s i : Furniture Store, 309 Third Ave.| %USt fecetved word by this Consumers C02! Company ee . mormming’s mail of a further in Phones--Black 51, Black 293 New styles just arrived. There /|erease in the price of pianos, But s still time to have that photo there will be no increase in the SeereeseCeOoooCbCOCCCee ‘ taken for the eastern mail. Ben- shipment I have in now. Compare |§ sie son Studio. 201 ‘hese prices Small model DENTISTRY . . . e ned oak, Toronto price 8440 Hon. T. D. Pattullo and J. DeB. My price, $400 Ful} size in ’ nt earece Th Farris are bookgsd to return to fumed oak, Toronto price $455 — oe pout a Vancouver on, the Prince George My price, 8415 Mahogany See “i ee hich left here this morning valnut case, Toronto price # Notice to Merchants, Contractors, 20 per cent discount on all wall- Ray No wait. Full weight lite’s special discounts fo My price, #8425. And the large DR. BAYNE veautiful p o the s oO " 4 ws ost and varied stock in Norther sutiful plan that wa on th Office Hours--Mor ) to 12 ! Transfermen and Others. tage of the Westholme Theatre Afternoon, 1.30 t Satur % sacha ct t is now in the store is sold in ; day, 9 ah 0 Lvenings, . . . ‘ “ a > ednes 1 Fri. E. R. Ault left for the south on} YU are requested to render all Toronto’ for 8500. My price is ley, tse t : mR ¢ ‘ ‘ y e 5 : >) ‘ opposite ti : : 1e Prince George laat nigh ecount wing to y he by th 0, W ‘a tman pt it { } ihn” wtnde v — here he will receive medic ity, up to date on Dec. 15th to the P.O. Open Friday and Saturday 10 t va) * OFPY PURCHASING AGENT ning a a treatment for injuries sustained a aero? w — is tiie al hile on service overseas, | — * * * pau Don Yelf is in the local hos-| (@ —— ee ‘) TONIGHT Westholme Theatre TONIGHT Empress Theatre THE BARA —IN “Cleopatra” ; Eight Reel Super-feature. Thirty Thousand People used in making this picture, Ancient Egypt with the River Nile brought to you. > Louise Huff np Johnny Hines | IN “HEART of GOLD” iT | . ° Fifth Episode of ‘ ”? “The Carter Case FORD Educational ————